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A novel road dynamic simulation approach for vehicle driveline experiments

  • * Corresponding author: Wen-Li Li

    * Corresponding author: Wen-Li Li 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(19) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • A dynamic simulation approach for performing emulation experiments on vehicle driveline test bench is discussed in this paper. In order to reduce costs and shorten new vehicle development cycle time, vehicle simulation on the driveline test bench is an attractive alternative at the development phase to reduce the quantity of proto vehicles. This test method moves the test site from the road to the bench without the need for real chassis parts. Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads is a Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) procedure, which can be used as a supplement of the conventional simulations in testing of the operation of algorithms without the need for the prototypes. The combustion engine is replaced by a electric drive motor, which replicates the torque and speed signature of an actual engine, The road load resistance of the vehicle on a real test road is accurately simulated on load dynamometer motor. On the basis of analyzing and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the inverse dynamics model and the forward model based on speed closed loop control method, in view of the high order, nonlinear and multi variable characteristics of test bench system, a load simulation method based on speed adaptive predictive control is presented. It avoids the complex algorithm of closed loop speed compensation, and reduces the influence of inaccurate model parameters on the control precision of the simulation system. The vehicle start and dynamic shift process were simulated on the test bench.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Mechanical Load Dynamic Emulation Control System

    Figure 2.  Inverse Dynamic Model

    Figure 3.  Speed Closed Loop Control Algorithm

    Figure 4.  Speed closed loop control with feed-forward compensation

    Figure 5.  Speed Closed-loop Control with Feed-forward Compensation

    Figure 6.  Speed adaptive predictive control

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of vehicle acceleration resistance

    Figure 8.  Control model of speed adaptive predictive control

    Figure 9.  The characteristic curves of drive motor and engine

    Figure 10.  The characteristic curves of load motor

    Figure 11.  Simulation range of electrical inertia on the platform system

    Figure 12.  Acceleration inertia simulation curve

    Figure 13.  The setup of vehicle driveline test bench

    Figure 14.  The clutch control unit of the test bench

    Figure 15.  The starting characteristics curves of simulated vehicle

    Figure 16.  The shift control unit of the test bench

    Figure 17.  Dynamic simulation curves of upshift

    Figure 18.  Dynamic simulation curves of downshift

    Figure 19.  Dynamic simulation curves of continuous shifting process

    Table 1.  The technical data of drive motor

    $N\cdot m$
    Moment of inertia
    (kg$\cdot$ m$^2$)
    235.6 250 360 5000 0.042
     | Show Table
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    Table 2.  The technical data of load motor

    ($N\cdot m$)
    Moment of inertia
    (kg$\cdot$ m$^2$)
    310 27.2 3701 800 6.3
     | Show Table
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