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Interstellar Nitrogen Isotope Ratios: New NH3 Data from the Galactic Center out to the Perseus Arm

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Published 2021 November 24 © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation J. L. Chen et al 2021 ApJS 257 39 DOI 10.3847/1538-4365/ac205a

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Our aim is to measure the interstellar 14N/15N ratio across the Galaxy, to establish a standard data set on interstellar ammonia isotope ratios, and to provide new constraints on the Galactic chemical evolution. The (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) lines of 14NH3 and 15NH3 were observed with the Shanghai Tianma 65 m radio telescope (TMRT) and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope toward a large sample of 210 sources. One hundred fourty-one of these sources were detected by the TMRT in 14NH3. Eight of them were also detected in 15NH3. For 10 of the 36 sources with strong NH3 emission, the Effelsberg 100 m telescope successfully detected their 15NH3(1, 1) lines, including 3 sources (G081.7522, W51D, and Orion-KL) with detections by the TMRT telescope. Thus, a total of 15 sources are detected in both the 14NH3 and 15NH3 lines. Line and physical parameters for these 15 sources are derived, including optical depths, rotation and kinetic temperatures, and total column densities. 14N/15N isotope ratios were determined from the 14NH3/15NH3 abundance ratios. The isotope ratios obtained from both telescopes agree for a given source within the uncertainties, and no dependence on heliocentric distance and kinetic temperature is seen. 14N/15N ratios tend to increase with galactocentric distance, confirming a radial nitrogen isotope gradient. This is consistent with results from recent Galactic chemical model calculations, including the impact of superasymptotic giant branch stars and novae.

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1. Introduction

Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) is a powerful tool for studying the stellar evolution history in the Milky Way (Milam et al. 2005). By determining isotopic ratios as a function of distance to the Galactic center (DGC), it is possible to trace back the star formation history and/or initial mass function (IMF) along the Galactic plane with different DGC (Wilson & Rood 1994; Zhang et al. 2018). Nitrogen is the fifth most common element in the universe (Colzi et al. 2018b). The abundance ratio of its two stable isotopes, 14N and 15N, is critical to our understanding of the GCE and the origin of the solar system. 14N/15N ratios are believed to be a good indicator of stellar nucleosynthesis and the mixing that subsequently occurs because the two isotopes are not synthesized in the same way (e.g., Audouze et al. 1975; Wilson 1999).

Both 14N and 15N can be produced in the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen (CNO) cycle, which is one of the major reaction sequences of stellar hydrogen burning (Wiescher et al. 2010). 15N is believed to enrich the interstellar medium (ISM) mainly during nova outbursts, being synthesized by the hot CNO cycle (Clayton 2003; Romano et al. 2017; Colzi et al. 2018b). 14N can be created from 13C or 17O in the cold CNO cycle and should mostly be a secondary product. However, a primary component of 14N can also be formed in the so-called hot bottom burning of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars (e.g., Izzard et al. 2004). Thus 14N may be a more primary product with respect to 15N. Different origins of the two nitrogen isotopes should lead to an increase in 14N/15N ratios with galactocentric distance (Dahmen et al. 1995; Adande & Ziurys 2012), as predicted by models of Galactic chemical evolution (Romano & Matteucci 2003; Romano et al. 2017).

Previous measurements of 14N/15N ratios in the interstellar medium are based on spectral radio lines of different molecular tracers. The study of HCN from the Galactic disk by Dahmen et al. (1995) revealed ratios that slightly increase with increasing galactocentric distance, with values of ∼400 in the local ISM. Subsequently, observations of CN, C15N, HN13C, and H15NC lines reported by Adande & Ziurys (2012) led to 14N/15N ratios with increasing DGC (290 ± 40 near the solar circle). For the most recent study, Colzi et al. (2018b) derived 14N/15N ratios from HN13C, H15NC, H13CN, and HC15N that also show a trend with increasing values at larger DGC (375 ± 50 in the local ISM). However, the slope of the increasing 14N/15N ratio with DGC is still a matter of debate. For the Galactic center region, there are only a few direct observations. Based on H13CN and HC15N observations, Wannier et al. (1981) obtained a 14N/15N ratio > 510 toward Sgr A. An even higher value of ∼1000, this time from 14NH3/15NH3 data, was reported by Güsten & Ungerechts (1985) toward Galactic center clouds, leading to a ratio surpassing that from the solar system by a factor of 4. Toward yet another source in the Galactic center region, Sgr B(N), Mills et al. (2018) measured a much lower 14N/15N ratio (∼200) in the N2 hot core through VLA observations of 14NH3 and 15NH3. This is consistent with extrapolated values in the Galactic center region of 123 ± 37 (Adande & Ziurys 2012) and 250 ± 67 (Colzi et al. 2018b), from their proposed radial Galactic trends, respectively. However, systematic errors in the results from Mills et al. (2018) (e.g., optically thick transitions) could not be excluded. Moreover, galactocentric distances smaller than 4 kpc are excluded in Galactic chemical evolution models due to the peculiarity and complexity of this region (e.g., Romano et al. 2017, 2019).

From a theoretical point of view, chemical isotopic fractionation might be significant in star-forming regions. This is still not well understood. Current models predict different degrees of fractionation depending on the N-bearing molecular species. However, these models have faced difficulties explaining discrepant 14N/15N ratios with large variations toward different astrophysically relevant interstellar sources (e.g., Charnley & Rodgers 2002; Roueff et al. 2015; Furuya & Aikawa 2018; Colzi et al. 2019). Thus more observations from as many molecular species as possible and more modeling work, including the Galactic center region, are required.

Many observations used a double isotope ratio also including 12C/13C, which may enhance uncertainties related to the abundance of 14N/15N (e.g., CN, HCN, or HNC; Colzi et al. 2018b; Loison et al. 2020). With nitrogen isotope ratios usually surpassing 100, any analysis using HCN, HNC, or N2H+ may be hampered by the fact that either the main species is optically thick, that the rare species remains undetectable, or that double isotope ratios have to be implemented. Hyperfine (HF) splitting, even if present, is in most cases not wide enough to allow for the determination of opacities in the potentially optically thick lines of the main species. In this context, CN and NH3 are the notable exceptions, providing a direct evaluation of line opacities in the critical 14N-bearing main species. In the following, we focus on ammonia (NH3). Allowing for the observation of many lines in a limited frequency interval, permitting the determination of optical depths, rotational temperatures, and total column densities, it is one of the best tools to directly determine 14N/15N isotope ratios. Moreover, so far proposed abundance gradients established across the body of the Milky Way may have been greatly affected by the uncertain distances of the targets (e.g., Adande & Ziurys 2012; Colzi et al. 2018b). Now, however, NH3 can be measured in a large number of sources with well-determined distances (see Section 2.1).

Therefore we performed observations of the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) inversion lines of NH3 and 15NH3 toward a large sample of star formation regions with the Tianma 65m (TMRT) and Effelsberg 100m telescopes, covering DGC distance bins from the Galactic center out to ∼10 kpc. Based on comparisons of nitrogen isotope ratios obtained from different molecular species, i.e., NH3, HCN, and HNC (for the latter, see Colzi et al. 2018b), systematic discrepancies could be related to the choice of molecular species to quantify for the first time also chemical aspects that are caused by potential fractionation (Roueff et al. 2015; Viti et al. 2019) on a Galaxy-wide scale. In Section 2, the sample and observations are introduced. An analysis of the observational data and main results is presented in Section 3. In Section 4, these results are discussed in the light of possible physical and chemical effects and are compared with previous studies. A brief summary is provided in Section 5.

2. Targets, Observations, and Data Reduction

2.1. Sample Selection and Distance

A total of 210 sources was chosen from previously studied strong NH3 sources (e.g., Wyrowski & Walmsley 1996; Longmore et al. 2007; Rosolowsky et al. 2009; Lis et al. 2010; Cyganowski et al. 2013; Reid et al. 2014). Sources have accurate distance values, including 113 sources from trigonometric parallax measurements and 97 from the parallax-based distance calculator (Reid et al. 2014, 2019). Using a Bayesian approach, sources are assigned to arms based on their (l, b, v) coordinates with respect to arm signatures seen in CO and H i surveys. The most reasonable distance (near or far) can be derived through a full distance probability density function from the parallax-based distance calculator, considering a source's kinematic distance, displacement from the plane, and proximity to individual parallax sources. We believe that it is an important improvement to reveal radial variations of 14N/15N in an unbiased way. The heliocentric distance was used to calculate the galacocentric distance of targets (Roman-Duval et al. 2009),

Equation (1)

l is the Galactic longitude, and R0 and d are the distance of the Sun from the Galactic center (8.122 ± 0.031 kpc, from Gravity Collaboration et al. 2018) and of the targeted source from the Sun (Reid et al. 2014), respectively. The error in the distance to the Galactic center is so small that it is neglected in the following.

The sample includes star-forming regions at different evolutionary stages, including sources associated with infrared dark clouds (IRDCs), massive young stellar objects (YSOs), and H ii regions, 9 which are used to better constrain the radial trends of the Galactic 14N/15N isotope ratio. The source list is presented in the Appendix.

2.2. Observations

2.2.1. Tianma 65 m Observations

For our sample of 210 sources, we made observations of the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) lines of 14NH3 and 15NH3 (see Table 1), first with the Shanghai Tianma 65 m radio telescope (TMRT) in 2019 April, May, November, and December, with a beam size of ∼50''. A cryogenically cooled K-band (17.9–26.2 GHz) receiver was employed, and the digital backend system, DIBAS, was used for recording (see Li et al. 2016). The DIBAS mode 22 was adopted for observations, with eight spectral windows, to cover the 14NH3 and 15NH3 lines simultaneously, each with a bandwidth of 23.4 MHz (16384 channels), supplying a spectral resolution of 1.43 kHz (∼0.02 km s−1). The active surface system of the primary dish and a subreflector were used to improve the aperture efficiency. Observations were performed in position-switching mode. The system temperature was 100–200 K on an antenna temperature scale (${T}_{{\rm{A}}}^{* }$). The main-beam brightness temperature (Tmb) can be obtained from the antenna temperature scale by Tmb = ${T}_{{\rm{A}}}^{* }$/ηb , where ηb is the main-beam efficiency correction factor, with a mean value of ∼0.6 (Mei et al. 2020). The on-source integration time was about 0.1–3.0 hr for each of our sources.

Table 1. The Parameters of the 14NH3 and 15NH3 Transition Lines

LineFrequency ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}({A}_{{ij}})$ a Eu /kb gu c
 (MHz) (K) 
14NH3(1, 1)23694.5−6.7665024.356
14NH3(2, 2)23722.6−6.3112565.3410
14NH3(3, 3)23870.1−6.25203124.7328
15NH3(1, 1)22624.9−6.8368023.826
15NH3(2, 2)22649.8−6.7106264.9310
15NH3(3, 3)22789.4−6.65097123.9128

Notes. The parameters are from the JPL Molecular Spectroscopy Catalog (Pickett et al. 1998).

a Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission. b Energy of the upper level above the ground state. c Upper state degeneracy.

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2.2.2. Effelsberg 100 m Observations

We used the Effelsberg 100 m telescope 10 to observe the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) lines of 14NH3 and 15NH3 (see Table 1) toward 36 selected sources with strong 14NH3 signals from previous TMRT observations in 2019 December and 2020 January. The newly installed Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometer was used as backend. Initially, observations were carried out in the high-resolution mode, with two spectral windows covering the 14NH3 and 15NH3 lines simultaneously, each with a bandwidth of 300 MHz (65536 channels), resulting in a spectral resolution of 4.6 kHz (∼0.066 km s−1). The low-resolution mode was adopted for later observations, with four spectral windows, each with a bandwidth of 2 GHz (65536 channels), supplying a spectral resolution of 38.1 kHz (∼0.6 km s−1). The system temperature was 90–250 K on an antenna temperature scale. The beam size is close to 40'' near 23 GHz. Strong continuum sources (e.g., NGC 7027 and 3C 286) were used to calibrate spectral line flux densities. Standard 23 GHz flux densities of 5.6 Jy and 2.5 Jy were adopted for NGC 7027 and 3C 286, respectively (Ott et al. 1994). The main-beam brightness temperature Tmb (K) scale can be determined from the observed flux density (Jy) by a conversion factor, which is 1.7 K Jy−1 at 18.5 GHz, 1.5 K Jy−1 at 22 GHz, and 1.4 K Jy−1 at 23.7 GHz (Gong et al. 2015). The spectra were obtained in position-switching mode. The on-source integration time depending on line strength was 0.3–2 hr for each source. The focus was checked every few hours. Pointing was obtained every two hours toward nearby pointing sources (e.g., 3C 123 or NGC 7027).

2.3. Data Reduction

The continuum and line analysis single-dish software (CLASS) of the Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software packages 11 (GILDAS, e.g., Guilloteau & Lucas 2000) was used to reduce the spectral line data. After subtracting baselines and applying Hanning smoothing, the line parameters are obtained from Gaussian fits for detected lines (signal-to-noise ratio, S/N > 3σ), with a spectral resolution of ∼0.78 km s−1 for TMRT and 0.70 km s−1 for Effelsberg observations, respectively.

3. Results

3.1. Detections and Nondetections

Toward the TMRT 65 m 210 targets, 141 sources were detected in at least one of the 14NH3 lines. Of these, eight sources were also successfully detected in the 15NH3(1, 1) line. The 15NH3(2, 2) and (3, 3) lines are also detected in three sources (NGC 6334 I, W51D, and Orion-KL, see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1. TMRT spectra of the eight sources with detected 15NH3 lines after subtracting baselines and applying Hanning smoothing, leading to 0.78 km s−1 wide channels. Green lines show Gaussian fits.

Standard image High-resolution image

Of the 36 targets with strong 14NH3 emission (Tianma flux density >1.5 Jy), the Effelsberg 100 m telescope successfully detected the 15NH3(1, 1) lines toward 10 sources. The 15NH3(2, 2) and (3, 3) lines are also detected in three of them (W51D, Orion-KL, and G10.47, see Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Effelsberg spectra of the 10 sources with detected 15NH3 lines after subtracting baselines and applying Hanning smoothing, leading to 0.7 km s−1 wide channels. Green lines show Gaussian fits.

Standard image High-resolution image

Combinations of the TMRT and Effelsberg observations lead to 15 sources with detections of 15NH3 lines, including 3 sources (G081.7522, W51D, and Orion-KL) with detections by both telescopes. The spectral line parameters of these 15 sources are listed in Table 2. For G30.70 with an FWHM of 15NH3(1, 1), which is much smaller than that of 14NH3(1, 1), the integrated line intensity of 15NH3(1, 1) was taken assuming that the ratio of integrated line intensities equals the ratio of the peak values of the main-beam brightness temperature. For the sources without a detection of 15NH3, the upper limit of the line was estimated from the rms value, which was used for the subsequent analysis (see Section 3.3).

Table 2. Observational Parameters of the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) Inversion Lines of 14NH3 and 15NH3 Obtained from Gaussian Fits

ObjectTelescope α(2000) δ(2000)Total TimeMoleculeRmsTmb dv VLSR ΔV Tmb
  (h m s) (° ' '')(minutes) (mK)(K km s−1)(km s−1)(km s−1)(K)
G032.04T18:49:36.3 –00:45:37.111 14NH3(1,1)46.934.9 ± 0.394.7 ± 0.83.2 ± 0.83.93
     14NH3(2,2)65.66.10 ± 0.1894.19 ± 0.063.16 ± 0.141.80
     14NH3(3,3)62.03.90 ± 0.1994.17 ± 0.124.7 ± 0.30.77
     15NH3(1,1)77.70.8 ± 0.295.6 ± 0.32.5 ± 0.60.37
G053.23T19:29:33.2 +18:01:00.665 14NH3(1,1)25.614.33 ± 0.1324.3 ± 0.81.2 ± 0.84.02
     14NH3(2,2)28.71.19 ± 0.0423.7 ± 0.21.09 ± 0.041.04
     15NH3(1,1)72.80.09 ± 0.0323.8 ± 0.21.0 ± 0.50.08
G081.75T20:39:02.0 +42:24:58.6360 14NH3(1,1)19.535.8 ± 1.0−3.8 ± 0.82.2 ± 0.86.04
     14NH3(2,2)18.99.70 ± 0.03−4.29 ± 0.062.23 ± 0.013.09
     14NH3(3,3)14.42.98 ± 0.03−4.07 ± 0.012.75 ± 0.041.02
     15NH3(1,1)26.30.14 ± 0.02−4.39 ± 0.162.3 ± 0.40.06
 E20:39:02.0 +42:24:58.6235 14NH3(1,1)27.327.4 ± 0.5−3.9 ± 0.72.0 ± 0.74.81
     14NH3(2,2)83.37.7 ± 0.2−4.38 ± 0.011.94 ± 0.012.75
     14NH3(3,3)13.42.14 ± 0.03−4.17 ± 0.022.40 ± 0.040.84
     15NH3(1,1)49.30.09 ± 0.02−4.4 ± 0.32.2 ± 0.80.06
G121.29T00:36:47.3 +63:29:02.2331 14NH3(1,1)14.727.02 ± 0.13−17.6 ± 0.42.2 ± 0.44.74
     14NH3(2,2)16.26.45 ± 0.05−18.1 ± 0.42.4 ± 0.41.85
     14NH3(3,3)12.61.74 ± 0.03−18.01 ± 0.033.05 ± 0.070.53
     15NH3(1,1)36.70.3 ± 0.1−19.5 ± 0.31.7 ± 0.70.30
G30.70T18:47:36.1 –02:00:58.215 14NH3(1,1)69.990.9 ± 1.491.2 ± 0.44.9 ± 0.46.12
     14NH3(2,2)73.634.8 ± 0.790.6 ± 0.45.2 ± 0.44.06
     14NH3(3,3)67.621.6 ± 0.390.7 ± 0.45.0 ± 0.43.99
     15NH3(1,1)56.70.89 ± 0.0889.5 ± 0.21.0 ± 0.40.18
NGC 6334 IT17:20:53.3 –35:47:01.233 14NH3(1,1)114.0245 ± 4-6.9 ± 0.55.2 ± 0.515.34
     14NH3(2,2)49.468.7 ± 1.1−7.5 ± 0.65.9 ± 0.65.68
     14NH3(3,3)35.980.7 ± 1.4−7.2 ± 0.65.8 ± 0.67.72
     15NH3(1,1)46.61.70 ± 0.19−6.7 ± 0.34.5 ± 1.10.42
     15NH3(2,2)46.90.82 ± 0.11−6.9 ± 0.34.5 ± 0.60.31
     15NH3(3,3)42.32.41 ± 0.15−6.81 ± 0.134.4 ± 0.40.48
Orion-KLT05:35:14.4 –05:22:29.694 14NH3(1,1)36.8152.2 ± 1.17.7 ± 0.45.5 ± 0.48.06
     14NH3(2,2)42.3146.4 ± 1.27.1 ± 0.410.2 ± 0.48.26
     14NH3(3,3)33.1173.2 ± 1.47.0 ± 0.413.0 ± 0.49.78
     15NH3(1,1)54.52.02 ± 0.107.3 ± 0.410.7 ± 1.20.30
     15NH3(2,2)29.11.58 ± 0.087.4 ± 0.46.8 ± 0.90.29
     15NH3(3,3)26.53.11 ± 0.117.24 ± 0.168.3 ± 0.40.38
 E05:35:14.4 –05:22:29.640 14NH3(1,1)66.5168.2 ± 1.37.2 ± 0.67.7 ± 0.67.46
     14NH3(2,2)51.1160.2 ± 1.47.0 ± 0.611.8 ± 0.68.12
     14NH3(3,3)49.3170.5 ± 1.76.8 ± 0.612.4 ± 0.68.45
     15NH3(1,1)16.12.06 ± 0.106.7 ± 0.29.6 ± 0.60.29
     15NH3(2,2)31.81.84 ± 0.136.8 ± 3.96.6 ± 9.30.26
     15NH3(3,3)23.62.49 ± 0.096.87 ± 0.127.8 ± 0.30.34
W51DT19:23:40.1 14:31:07.172 14NH3(1,1)93.084.9 ± 1.460.1 ± 0.65.8 ± 0.64.68
     14NH3(2,2)24.237.1 ± 0.360.3 ± 0.66.5 ± 0.62.26
     14NH3(3,3)29.752.3 ± 0.460.5 ± 0.67.6 ± 0.63.05
     15NH3(1,1)15.60.70 ± 0.1359.1 ± 0.65.5 ± 1.50.17
     15NH3(2,2)16.90.42 ± 0.0258.6 ± 0.26.2 ± 0.50.06
     15NH3(3,3)10.70.76 ± 0.0759.1 ± 0.46.8 ± 1.20.09
 E19:23:39.8 14:31:10.1153 14NH3(1,1)13.034.0 ± 0.359.4 ± 0.67.7 ± 0.61.74
     14NH3(2,2)8.5424.1 ± 0.159.91 ± 0.107.11 ± 0.041.57
     14NH3(3,3)12.525.4 ± 0.159.8 ± 0.610.4 ± 0.61.44
     15NH3(1,1)18.40.49 ± 0.2060.3 ± 0.97.5 ± 1.40.16
     15NH3(2,2)18.10.34 ± 0.0459.0 ± 0.88.8 ± 1.70.05
     15NH3(3,3)15.81.51 ± 0.1359.8 ± 0.47.4 ± 1.00.10
G016.92E18:18:08.5 –13:45:05.760 14NH3(1,1)19.610.2 ± 0.121.0 ± 0.62.7 ± 0.61.43
     14NH3(2,2)15.62.17 ± 0.0720.6 ± 0.12.93 ± 0.110.70
     14NH3(3,3)40.40.88 ± 0.0520.34 ± 0.124.4 ± 0.30.19
     15NH3(1,1)17.00.51 ± 0.1320.6 ± 0.22.4 ± 1.00.22
G10.47E18:08:38.2 –19:51:49.660 14NH3(1,1)29.954.32 ± 0.1367.55 ± 0.1312.93 ± 0.172.32
     14NH3(2,2)34.438.2 ± 0.366.9 ± 0.58.8 ± 0.41.96
     14NH3(3,3)39.241.0 ± 0.367.1 ± 0.510.0 ± 0.52.20
     15NH3(1,1)35.80.68 ± 0.0864.9 ± 0.22.8 ± 0.40.23
     15NH3(2,2)61.22.3 ± 0.266.1 ± 2.29.1 ± 0.90.28
     15NH3(3,3)34.12.04 ± 0.0765.2 ± 0.211.4 ± 0.80.27
G188.79E06:09:06.9 +21:50:41.4180 14NH3(1,1)6.384.40 ± 0.02−0.51 ± 0.583.2 ± 0.60.61
     14NH3(2,2)8.461.06 ± 0.03−0.85 ± 0.043.07 ± 0.090.33
     14NH3(3,3)7.090.60 ± 0.02−0.59 ± 0.063.28 ± 0.130.17
     15NH3(1,1)7.850.15 ± 0.04−0.53 ± 0.233.5 ± 1.10.09
G35.14E18:58:07.0 01:37:11.924 14NH3(1,1)62.945.8 ± 0.533.9 ± 0.54.4 ± 0.53.98
     14NH3(2,2)52.29.35 ± 0.0333.5 ± 0.14.45 ± 0.061.55
     14NH3(3,3)66.84.69 ± 0.1033.83 ± 0.144.65 ± 0.130.91
     15NH3(1,1)59.70.54 ± 0.1434.7 ± 0.21.9 ± 0.80.33
NGC 1333E03:29:11.6 31:13:26.0176 14NH3(1,1)10.511.0 ± 0.27.49 ± 0.041.57 ± 0.012.76
     14NH3(2,2)11.91.37 ± 0.026.94 ± 0.011.69 ± 0.030.57
     14NH3(3,3)12.00.67 ± 0.066.69 ± 0.183.8 ± 0.60.10
     15NH3(1,1)11.50.09 ± 0.037.0 ± 0.42.4 ± 0.80.03
SGR AE17:47:52.7 –28:59:59.960 14NH3(1,1)30.98.71 ± 0.0917.7 ± 0.12.54 ± 0.081.39
     14NH3(2,2)30.01.21 ± 0.1117.34 ± 0.132.4 ± 0.30.41
     14NH3(3,3)24.50.66 ± 0.0917.8 ± 0.33.2 ± 0.50.20
     15NH3(1,1)41.60.37 ± 0.1417.9 ± 0.22.5 ± 0.50.15
Barnard-1bE03:33:20.8 +31:07:34.0184 14NH3(1,1)17.618.4 ± 0.16.68 ± 0.061.23 ± 0.064.78
     14NH3(2,2)16.81.46 ± 0.016.16 ± 0.011.04 ± 0.011.00
     14NH3(3,3)10.00.11 ± 0.026.1 ± 0.33.1 ± 0.70.03
     15NH3(1,1)11.10.25 ± 0.066.15 ± 0.101.2 ± 0.20.20

Note. Column (1) source name; column (2) T: TMRT—65 m; E: Effelsberg 100 m; column (3) R.A. (J2000) and decl. (J2000); column (4) total integration time; column (5) molecular line; column (6) the rms noise value for channel widths of 0.78 km s−1 (TMRT) or 0.70 km s−1 (Effelsberg); column (7) the integrated line intensity covering all groups of HF components from Gaussian fitting. For three sources with blended components in the 14NH3 spectra, their spectrum cannot be fitted well by Gaussian fitting. Thus we determined their integrated intensities by summing line intensities over the entire velocity interval needed to cover the main and the satellite features (Orion-KL: −45 to 51 km s−1; W51D: 13 to 105 km s−1, and G10.47: 20 to 113 km s−1) using the first moment by the "Print" command in CLASS; column (8) LSR velocity; column (9) line width (FWHM); column (10) main-beam brightness peak temperature.

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3.2. Line and Physical Parameters of Sources with Detections of 14NH3 and 15NH3

For the 15 sources with both 14NH3 and 15NH3 line detections, we determine the line and physical parameters here, including the optical depth, the total column density, and the rotation and kinetic temperatures.

3.2.1. Optical Depth

In view of the expected high nitrogen isotope ratios, there is reason to expect that in clouds with detected 15NH3 emission, the 14NH3 lines may be optically thick, leading to a nonlinear correlation between integrated intensity and molecular column density. We therefore determined the optical depth of the 14NH3 inversion lines using two methods, the so-called intensity ratio method and the HF structure line fits. Spectroscpic information about the 14NH3(1, 1) HF components is listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Spectroscopic Information Related to the 14NH3(1, 1) HF Components

HyperfineHFC ${F}^{{\prime} }\to F$ ${F}_{1}^{{\prime} }\to {F}_{1}$ Frequency b RelativeVelocity
Group a Number  (kHz)Intensities c (km s−1)
osg.111/2, 1/2(0,1)−1568.491/27−19.84
 21/2, 3/2(0,1)−1526.962/37−19.32
isg.133/2, 1/2(2,1)−623.315/108−7.89
 45/2, 3/2(2,1)−590.921/12−7.47
 53/2, 3/2(2,1)−580.921/108−7.35
mg61/2, 1/2(1,1)−36.541/54−0.46
 73/2, 1/2(1,1)−25.541/108−0.32
 85/2, 3/2(2,2)−24.391/60−0.31
 93/2, 3/2(2,2)−14.983/20−0.19
 101/2, 3/2(1,1)5.851/1080.07
 115/2, 5/2(2,2)10.527/300.13
 123/2, 3/2(1,1)16.855/1080.21
 133/2, 5/2(2,2)19.931/600.25
isg.2141/2, 3/2(1,2)571.795/1087.23
 153/2, 3/2(1,2)582.791/1087.37
 163/2, 5/2(1,2)617.701/127.81
osg.2171/2, 1/2(1,0)1534.051/2719.41
 183/2, 1/2(1,0)1545.052/2719.55


a mg = main group of HF components, isg = group of inner satellite HF components, osg = group of outer satellite HF components. b The frequencies in column (5) are given relative to 23,694.5 MHz. c The HF intensities are taken from Mangum & Shirley (2015) and Wang et al. (2020). The sum of these intensities is 1.0.

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Intensity ratio method: Assuming the same excitation temperature and beam filling factor for all transitions under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), the optical depth of the 14NH3(1, 1) line can be estimated from the measured intensity ratio between its main and the satellite components (e.g., Ho & Townes 1983; Mangum et al. 1992),

Equation (2)

,where Tmb is the peak value of the main-beam brightness temperature, m and s refer to the main and satellite group components, respectively, τ(J, K, m) is the optical depth of the main group of HF components, a represents the expected intensity ratios of the satellite to the main group of HF components, and 0.278 and 0.222 for the inner and outer groups of HF features under conditions of LTE and optically thin line emission (see Ho & Townes 1983; Mangum & Shirley 2015; Zhou et al. 2020). For our sample, we used formula (2) to calculate the 14NH3(1, 1) optical depth, according to the Tmb peak values of the main component and the inner and outer satellite components. The mean value of the four inner and outer calculated NH3(1, 1) optical depths was taken for each source (Table 4).

Table 4. Observational Parameters of NH3 Measured with the TMRT and the Efelsberg 100 m Telescope

ObjectTelescopeIntensity Ratio MethodHF Fitting Trot ir Trot rd Trot hf Tk
   τ(1, 1) τ(2, 2) τ(3, 3) τ(1, 1) τ(2, 2) τ(3, 3)(K)(K)(K)(K)
G032.04TMRT1.73(0.06)0.54(0.02)0.21(0.01)1.83(0.16)0.2(0.4)0.1(0.3)22(10)11 (6)19(3)21(4)
G053.23TMRT1.44(0.04)0.21(0.01)...1.05(0.06)0.11 (0.04)16(8)9 (3)11(5)12(4)
G081.75TMRT1.35(0.01)0.54(0.01)0.12(0.01)1.56(0.15)0.47(0.06)0.13(0.04)27(9)13 (5)19(2)22(3)
 Effelsberg1.47(0.01)0.53(0.01)0.12(0.01)1.65(0.12)0.42(0.08)0.15(0.04)29(10)13 (7)19(3)22(3)
G121.29TMRT1.02(0.01)0.33(0.01)0.16(0.01)1.1(30.01)0.48(0.03)0.12(0.12)20(9)13 (6)17(3)20(4)
G30.70TMRT2.23(0.03)1.38(0.02)0.43(0.01)3.27(0.06)2.23(0.11)0.12(0.04)26(8)14 (5)20(2)25(2)
NGC 6334 ITMRT1.75(0.02)0.42(0.01)0.42(0.01)2.06(0.03)4.72(0.19)4.3(0.4)25(11)12 (6)14(1)17(1)
Orion-KLTMRT2.4(0.4)4.8(0.8)7.4(1.0)36(17)42 (11)27(3)40(4)
 Effelsberg2.56(0.01)5.52(0.02)8.56(0.02)35(14)46 (10)26(3)37(4)
W51DTMRT2.15(0.05)0.51(0.01)0.86(0.01)21(12)14 (10)18(4)22(4)
 Effelsberg2.1(0.2)1.56(0.02)1.61(0.02)30(22)20 (16)24(4)34(5)
G016.92Effelsberg1.14(0.03)0.41(0.01)0.12(0.01)1.27(0.07)1.0(0.3)0.1(0.3)27(13)12 (6)19(8)23(9)
G10.47Effelsberg2.21(0.05)1.35(0.03)1.80(0.03)29(8)18 (6)24(5)32(6)
G188.79Effelsberg0.22(0.01)0.16(0.01)0.13(0.01)0.23(0.05)0.1(0.5)0.10(0.03)21(10)14 (6)21(17)28(22)
G35.14Effelsberg1.16(0.02)0.51(0.01)0.26(0.01)1.42(0.02)1.12(0.19)0.2(0.8)29(19)12 (4)20(2)24(2)
NGC 1333Effelsberg1.01(0.02)0.12(0.01)0.15(0.01)1.1(0.2)0.7(0.2)0.13(0.11)19(7)10 (4)12(5)14(5)
G000.19Effelsberg1.12(0.10)0.25(0.02)0.11(0.02)1.22(0.16)2.6(1.1)0.1(0.5)17(5)11 (3)16(8)18(9)
Barnard-1bEffelsberg2.25(0.02)0.22(0.01)0.11(0.02)2.82(0.02)0.33(0.10)1.16(0.10)14(4)8 (3)10(3)11(3)

Note. Column (1) source name; column (2) telescope; columns (3)–(5) the peak optical depths of the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) main group of HF components of 14NH3 from the intensity ratio method; columns (6)–(8) peak optical depths from the HF fitting procedure provided by CLASS; column (9) the rotational temperature Trot ir from the intensity ratio method; column (10) Trot rd from the rotation diagram method; column (11) Trot hf from the improved HF fitting method (see Section 3.2.2) for 11 sources, that of NGC 6334 I from the RADEX calculation, and that of the remaining three sources with blended spectral features (G10.47, Orion-KL, and W51D) from the HFGR method (see details in Section 3.2.2); column (12) the kinetic temperature calculated from the empirical formula displayed in Appendix B of Tafalla et al. (2004).

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For the 14NH3(2, 2) and (3, 3) transitions, there are only two sources with clearly separated satellite components (NGC 6334 I and G30.70). Here we also used the measured intensity ratio of the main and satellite components to determine their optical depth. For other sources, we could not use this method because the HF satellite components were too weak to be detected. However, the optical depth can be estimated from the intensity ratio of the main group of (2, 2) HF components to that of the (1, 1) transition, assuming equal excitation temperatures and beam filling factors (Mangum et al. 1992),

Equation (3)

HF fit method: The optical depth of the main HF component can also be determined by the HF fit method in CLASS ("method" command). Here, the excitation temperature and Gaussian opacity profiles are assumed to be the same for all HF components. τtot (the opacity summed over all the HF components) can also be retrieved from CLASS. The relation between τtot and τ(J, K, m) can be found in Equation (A8) by Mangum et al. (1992). Through adjusting parameters to fit the observed spectra, we derived the optical depths of the 14NH3(1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) transitions for 12 sources with 15NH3 detections (see Table 4). For the other 3 sources in the sample (G10.47, Orion-KL, and W51D), the (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) optical depths could not be determined by the "method" fits in CLASS because the satellite HF components overlap their main group of HF components (see Table 4).

Comparisons of the opacities derived from the two different methods, the intensity ratio and HF fit methods, reveal consistency with those from the HF fits in CLASS. Therefore we chose to take the optical depth from the intensity ratio method, where results could be obtained from all sources with detected 15NH3 emission for our analysis.

3.2.2. Temperature

Rotational temperature: NH3 inversion lines have been widely used as tracers of the temperature in molecular clouds (Li et al. 2003; Tafalla et al. 2004; Mangum & Shirley 2015; Wang et al. 2020). Three main methods, either starting from observed or modeled spectra, are used to estimate the rotational temperature. These are the intensity ratio method, the rotation diagram method, and the improved HF fitting method. They are outlined below.

(a) Intensity ratio method: This method was described in Section 3.2.1 to determine the optical depth according to the intensity ratio of the main and satellite components from the observed spectra. According to the determined opacities and the measured brightness temperatures of the (1, 1) and (2, 2) main groups of HF components, the rotational temperature ${T}_{\mathrm{rot}}^{21}$ can be derived (Ho & Townes 1983; Mangum et al. 1992; Ragan et al. 2011) by

Equation (4)

The Trot results for the 15 sources with 15NH3 detections are listed in column 9 of Table 4.

(b) Rotation diagram method: For optically thin lines in LTE, the relation of the column density and energy above the ground state in the upper inversion doublet (the two states of a given inversion doublet are only about 1 K apart) with the corresponding values for the lower inversion doublet can be determined on the basis of the measured line temperatures. The rotation diagram, i.e., a plot of the upper level column density per statistical weight of a number of molecular energy levels, as a function of their energy above the ground state is frequently used to estimate the temperature and the total column density (e.g., Mangum et al. 1992; Goldsmith & Langer 1999). For the (J, K) = (1, 1) and (2, 2) transitions of 14NH3, the column density in the upper state Nu for both transitions assuming optically thin emission can be written as

Equation (5)

Equation (6)

where Nu (1, 1) and Nu (2, 2) are the column density in the upper state for (J, K) = (1, 1) and (2, 2), respectively; k is the Boltzmann constant, c is the speed of light, and h is the Planck constant. Aul is the Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission, which was obtained from the JPL Molecular Spectroscopy Catalog (Pickett et al. 1998) and is listed in Table 1.

The optical depths of the 14NH3 transition lines of our sources are mostly large (≥1 for 14 out of 15 sources in NH3(1, 1), see Table 4), so that the assumption of optically thin emission only provides lower limits to the 14NH3 abundances and may underestimate the real abundance ratio 14NH3/15NH3. Thus an optical depth correction should be considered for the upper state column density (Goldsmith & Langer 1999; Mei et al. 2020), yielding ${N}_{u}^{{\prime} }$=${N}_{u}\tau (J,K,m)/(1-\exp (-\tau (J,K,m)))$. For the (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines, the relation between the opacity-corrected total column density Nt and ${N}_{u}^{{\prime} }$ in a Boltzmann distribution should be

Equation (7)


Equation (8)

,where gu and Eu are the degeneracy and the energy of the upper state, respectively (see Table 1). Q(Trot) is the partition function from the JPL Molecular Spectroscopy Catalog (Pickett et al. 1998).


Equation (9)

For the measured (1, 1) and (2, 2) line intensities of our sample, we plotted the rotation diagram, i.e., $\mathrm{ln}({N}_{u}^{{\prime} }/{g}_{u})$ against Eu /k. The rotational temperature Trot depends on the reciprocal value of the slope (see Figure 3 and Equation (9)). The Trot results from this method for our sample are listed in column 10 of Table 4. The uncertainties on the rotational temperatures were derived applying error propagation based on Equation (9).

Figure 3.

Figure 3.  14NH3 LTE rotation diagrams for our sample with detected 15NH3 features (see Section 3.2.2), accounting for opacity effects. This includes all 8 sources with TMRT-15NH3 and the 10 sources with Effelsberg 15NH3 detections. The two additional panels in the lower right provide 15NH3 rotation diagrams of Orion-KL from Effelsberg 100 m and TMRT 65 m data. Three sources (G081.7522, W51D, and Orion-KL) have 14NH3 detections from both telescopes and are therefore shown twice. Trot(14NH3), and in case of the two panels in the lower right, also Trot(15NH3), can be determined through fits to the data points from the (1, 1) and (2, 2) transitions.

Standard image High-resolution image

(c) Improved HF fitting method: This is the updated version of Method in CLASS (Section 3.2.1), which can fit (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines simultaneously. It is included in the Python package Pyspeckit (Ginsburg & Mirocha 2011). Based on the model spectra produced by the radiative transfer function (Tmb(v) = ηf [J(Tex) − J(Tbg)][1 − eτ(v)]), we can adjust the model parameters (the excitation temperature, the line width, etc.) to fit the observed spectra and determine the rotational temperature (Rodgers & Charnley 2008; Keown et al. 2017; Camacho et al. 2020). ηf is the beam filling factor assumed to be unity, J(Tex) and J(Tbg) represent the radiation field corresponding to the excitation temperature and the cosmic microwave background temperature of 2.73 K, and τ(v) is the optical depth as a function of frequency. The following assumptions are adopted for the HF fitting (Ginsburg & Mirocha 2011):

(1) Gaussian profiles for the opacity as a function of frequency;

(2) the same excitation temperature for the 14NH3(1, 1) and (2, 2) transitions;

(3) the lines all have the same width;

(4) the multiplet components do not overlap;

(5) LTE is prevailing.

Fixed values for the relative opacities and the frequency shift of each HF component were taken (Mangum & Shirley 2015). We used the package Pyspeckit to fit the spectra of sources, excluding the three sources with overlapping HF components (G10.47, W51D, and Orion-KL, see Section 3.2.1). With the exception of NGC 6334 I, the 14NH3(1, 1) and (2, 2) groups of the spectra can be fitted well simultaneously (see Figure 4). For NGC 6334 I, the two groups of spectra could not be fitted simultaneously with the same value of the excitation temperature. To check possible non-LTE effects, we made RADEX 12 calculations for this source and derived a Trot value of ∼14.3 K with excitation temperatures of 17.1 and 7.3 K for the (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines. The rotation temperature is consistent with the Trot result of 12.2 ± 6.1 K by the rotation diagram method (LTE), which is used in our analysis below.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Profiles on the left side of each spectrum represent 14NH3(1, 1), and those on the right side show 14NH3(2, 2) lines of 11 targets and their fitting lines (red) through the improved HF fitting method. Trot values are indicated in the top right corner of each panel. For three sources with blended HF components in the spectra (G10.47, Orion-KL, and W51D), we performed the fit by the HFGR method.

Standard image High-resolution image

For the three sources with blended HF components in the spectra (G10.47, Orion-KL, and W51D), an improved method, the hyperfine group ratio (HFGR) method, was used to calculate the rotational temperature. This was developed recently by Wang et al. (2020), and it can effectively reduce the uncertainties related to spectral profiles because only the integrated intensity ratios of groups of HF components are used without spectral fitting. The Trot results for these three sources by the HFGR method, NGC 6334 I by RADEX, and others by the HF fitting are listed in column 11 of Table 4.

Comparing the Trot results from the three different methods mentioned above, we find that Trot results from the rotation diagram method are systematically lower than those from the other two methods. The Trot results from the intensity ratio method have systematically larger uncertainties, which may mainly be caused by uncertainties of the optical depth, estimated from the ratio of the peak of the main group of HF components and the HF groups giving rise to the inner and outer satellites. Based on the good fitting of the observed spectra in Figure 4, we therefore took the Trot values that arise from the improved HF fitting method for the subsequent analysis. For the three sources with blended components, their Trot values were taken from the HFGR recipe (see Table 4).

The kinetic temperature: The conversion of the rotational temperature (Trot) into the gas kinetic temperature (Tk ) is a critical part of the NH3 inversion line analysis. Tafalla et al. (2004) provided a detailed Tk analysis in their Monte Carlo models using the collision coefficients of Danby et al. (1988) and Trot results from an NH3 line analysis and derived an expression for accurate gas temperature estimates,

Equation (10)

Using this relation between Tk Trot and the Trot results derived from the above analysis, we calculated the kinetic temperature values for the sample, which are given in column 12 of Table 4.

3.2.3. Column Density

As shown in the rotation diagram analysis in Section 3.2.2, with the assumption of LTE, the Trot values were obtained from the 14NH3(1, 1) and (2, 2) line intensities and corresponding optical depths for our sample. According to the derived Trot values and Equations (7) or (8), we can further use the (1, 1) or (2, 2) line intensities and corresponding parameters of gu , Q(Trot) and Eu to determine opacity-corrected total column densities of 14NH3.

For 15NH3, we can carry out a similar analysis to determine the total column density for our sample, but in this case, with 14N/15N commonly in excess of 100, we can realistically assume that all lines are optically thin. We calculated the total column density of 15NH3 from Equations (7) or (8), assuming the same Trot value for 15NH3 as for 14NH3 and adopting the spectroscopic parameters of the 15NH3 molecular species (see Table 1). For the two sources (NGC 6334 I and G10.47) with detections in both 15NH3(1, 1) and 15NH3(2, 2), we took the 15NH3 total column density results from the 15NH3(2, 2) line for the subsequent analysis because the quality of the 15NH3(2, 2) spectra is better than those of the (1, 1) lines. For Orion-KL, with high-quality spectra in both transitions, we also used the rotation diagram method to determine Trot (see Figure 3) and further determined its total column density. The results of the total column density without opacity corrections and the opacity-corrected values of both 14NH3 and 15NH3 of the 15 sources are listed in Table 5.

Table 5. Total 14NH3 and 15NH3 Column Densities with and without Opacity Corrections and Their Ratios

ObjectTelescope Nt (14NH3) Nt (15NH3) ${N}_{t}^{\mathrm{Corr}}$(14NH3) ${N}_{t}^{\mathrm{Corr}}$(15NH3) $\tfrac{{}^{14}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}{{}^{15}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}$ ${\tfrac{{}^{14}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}{{}^{15}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}}^{\mathrm{Corr}}$ DSun DGC Classi-ReferencesNotes
  (cm−2)(cm−2)(cm−2)(cm−2)  (kpc)(kpc)fication 
G000.19Effelsberg5.3E+142.2E+139.9E+142.5E+1324 (10)40 (13)8.4(0.2)0.31(0.15)YSOPar181
G10.47Effelsberg2.5E+153.2E+146.1E+154.5E+148 (5)13 (6)8.25(0.11)1.53(0.15)UCH IIWyr962
G30.70TMRT4.3E+154.2E+131.1E+164.4E+13102 (29)253 (60)5.0(0.7)4.6(0.4)YSOUrq181
G032.04TMRT2.0E+154.3E+134.8E+155.0E+1346 (21)97 (31)5.2(0.5)4.8(0.3)YSOCoo131
W51DTMRT3.9E+153.2E+131.1E+163.6E+13121 (46)295 (81)5.5(0.4)6.2(0.3)YSOGod151
   9.5E+13 2.0E+1441 (25)54 (27)    2
 Effelsberg1.5E+152.2E+133.7E+152.2E+1369 (42)166 (62)    1
   4.7E+13 5.7E+1333 (56)64 (62)    2
G016.92Effelsberg5.4E+142.5E+139.8E+142.7E+1321 (10)35 (13)1.81(0.13)6.44(0.11)H ii Urq111
G35.14Effelsberg2.5E+152.9E+134.4E+153.1E+1386 (39)143 (50)2.2(0.2)6.5(0.3)IRDCDen841
NGC 6334 ITMRT1.2E+168.4E+132.5E+168.2E+13145 (45)301 (78)1.34(0.11)6.9(0.4)IRDCWil131
   3.1E+14 6.0E+1439 (9)48 (11)    2
G053.23TMRT1.0E+156.2E+122.3E+157.5E+12167 (143)314 (172)8.3(0.6)7.3(0.5)YSOUrq181
G081.75TMRT1.8E+156.9E+123.5E+157.5E+12259 (171)467 (213)2.35(0.12)8.13(0.14)YSOMau151
 Effelsberg1.4E+154.2E+122.8E+154.6E+12321 (157)603 (213)    1
NGC 1333Effelsberg6.9E+144.8E+121.4E+155.7E+12142 (75)247 (96)0.21(0.17)8.3(0.4)YSOLis101
Barnard-1bEffelsberg1.3E+151.7E+135.8E+152.5E+1377 (32)229 (62)0.33(0.15)8.4(0.5)IRDCLis101
Orion-KLTMRT5.9E+155.6E+132.1E+167.7E+13105 (39)270 (72)0.45(0.12)8.5(0.6)H ii Kim081
   1.5E+14 1.5E+1439 (10)136 (45)     15NH3
 Effelsberg7.9E+159.8E+133.1E+161.4E+1480 (20)212 (46)    1
   1.4E+14 1.4E+1455 (12)215 (47)     15NH3
G121.29TMRT1.4E+151.4E+132.4E+151.5E+13100 (60)159 (72)1.7(1.3)9(2)IRDCRyg101
G188.79Effelsberg2.3E+147.6E+122.5E+147.7E+1230 (17)33 (17)2.14(0.12)10.3(1.2)YSOCut031

Note. Column (1) source name; column (2) telescope; columns (3)–(4) 14NH3 and 15NH3 column densities neglecting opacity corrections; column (5) column densities ${N}_{t}^{\mathrm{Corr}}$(14NH3) accounting for opacity effects; column (6) the corrected column density ${N}_{t}^{\mathrm{Corr}}$(15NH3) was obtained with the assumption of the same Trot as Trot(14NH3), which can be derived taking into account the optical depth correction on 14NH3 in the rotation diagram method; and column (7) the ratios of the column densities neglecting opacity corrections. Errors (in parentheses) include standard deviations from the line fitting procedure; column (8) opacity-corrected values of 14NH3/15NH3; column (9) heliocentric distance with error, from the parallax-based distance calculator; column (10) galactocentric distance with error from the heliocentric distance; column (11) source classification. IRDC and YSO, H ii: associated with an H ii region; UCH II: associated with an ultracompact H ii region; column (12) references for the classification from the literature. Par18: Parsons et al. (2018); Wyr96: Wyrowski & Walmsley (1996); Urq18: Urquhart et al. (2018); Coo13: Cooper et al. (2013); God15: Goddi et al. (2015); Urq11: Urquhart et al. (2011); Wil13: Willis et al. (2013); Mau15: Maud et al. (2015); Lis10: Lis et al. (2010); Kim08: Kim et al. (2008); Ryg10: Rygl et al. (2010); Cut03: Cutri et al. (2003); and Den84: Dent et al. (1984). Note 1: the total column densities of 15NH3 were obtained from the 15NH3(1, 1) line intensity, assuming the same Trot value for 15NH3 as for 14NH3. Note 2: the total column densities of 15NH3 were obtained from the 15NH3(2, 2) line intensity, assuming the same Trot value for 15NH3 as for 14NH3. Note on 15NH3: the total column densities of 15NH3 were obtained using the Trot of 15NH3 from its 15NH3(1, 1) and (2, 2) line intensities.

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3.3. Measured Abundance Ratios

As shown in Section 3.2.3, we obtained the column densities of 14NH3 and 15NH3 of 15 sources. Based on these results, we estimate the 14N/15N isotope ratios (see Table 5). For the 2 sources (NGC 6334 I and G10.47) with a 15NH3 (2, 2) detection, the results from their NH3(2, 2) lines (with higher quality than their (1, 1) lines, see Section 3.1) are used for later analysis because the S/Ns are higher. For the sources that were measured by both the Effelsberg and TMRT telescope (G081.75, W51 D, and Orion-KL), the mean value of their 14NH3/15NH3 ratios was taken. For the sources without a detection of 15NH3, we estimate the lower limit of 14NH3/15NH3, according to the peak temperature of 14NH3 and the 3 rms value of the 15NH3 line (shown as gray points with arrows in Figure 5(a)). The lower limit is mostly around 11, with a mean value of 13, which is lower than all ratios derived from our 15 detections. A comparison with previous studies is presented in Section 4.1, and possible contaminating effects affecting the abundance ratios are discussed in Sections 4.2 and 4.3.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. The 14NH3/15NH3 isotope ratio is plotted as a function of galactocentric distance for our measurements. Our ratios of the opacity-corrected total column densities from NH3 are reproduced by filled inverted triangles. Green, red, and black inverted triangles represent sources at different stages of evolution, i.e., IRDCs, YSOs, and regions associated with H ii regions, respectively. The solid red line presents the linear fit (no weighting), $\tfrac{{}^{14}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}{{}^{15}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}=(17.50\pm 13.14){D}_{\mathrm{GC}}+(53.91\pm 91.74)$. Small gray points with arrows denote lower 3σ limits of 14NH3/15NH3 for our sources that are not detected in 15NH3 (Figure 5(a)). The dash–dotted yellow and magenta line predictions were taken from the most recent Galactic chemical evolution model, that of Romano et al. (2017, 2019). The previous results from HNC (Colzi et al. 2018b) and CN and the HCN measurements (Dahmen et al. 1995; Adande & Ziurys 2012) are shown as gray diamonds and the gray-black empty circles, respectively. The linear fit is presented by the dashed and dotted line (Figure 5(a)). Taking the most recent 12C/13C ratios (Yan et al. 2019) and updating the distances with more recent trigonometric parallax measurements (Reid et al. 2014, 2019), their modified results with the linear fit are plotted together with our results in Figure 5(b). Compared with Figure 5(a), the difference between our results and the modified ratios from other studies become smaller, but does not vanish.

Standard image High-resolution image

4. Discussion

4.1. Comparisons with Previous Studies

Of the 15 sources with measured 14N/15N ratio, 5 (Orion-KL, Barnard-1b, NGC 1333, W51 D, and G000.19 in the Galactic center region) were also measured in previous studies, which therefore provide 14N/15N abundance ratios from a variety of molecular species, namely CN, HNC, HCN, NH2D, and N2H+. Comparisons show that the measured ratios considering opacity effects are basically consistent with the previous results within the uncertainties (see details in Table 6).

Table 6. Comparisons with 14N/15N Ratios from the Literature

ObjectSpecies α(2000) δ(2000) $\tfrac{{}^{14}N}{{}^{15}N}$ Beam SizeReferences
Orion-KLNH3 05:35:14−05:22:29241 ± 7140''2, This paper
 NH3 05:35:14−05:22:29100 ± 5140''25, Gong et al. (2015)
 NH3 05:35:14−05:22:46170${}_{-80}^{+140}$ 40''5, Hermsen et al. (1985)
 HNC05:32:46−05:24:23159 ± 4063''Adande & Ziurys (2012)
 CN05:32:46−05:24:23234 ± 4763''Adande & Ziurys (2012)
Barnard-1bNH3 03:33:20+31:07:34229 ± 6240''2, This paper
 NH3 03:33:20+31:07:34334 ± 5033''2, Lis et al. (2010)
 NH3 03:33:20+31:07:34300 ± 5033''2, Daniel et al. (2013)
 NH2D03:33:20+31:07:34230${}_{-55}^{+105}$ 29''Daniel et al. (2013)
 CN03:33:20+31:07:34290${}_{-80}^{+160}$ 21''Daniel et al. (2013)
 HCN03:33:20+31:07:34330${}_{-50}^{+60}$ 29''Daniel et al. (2013)
 N2H+ 03:33:20+31:07:34400${}_{-60}^{+100}$ 27''Daniel et al. (2013)
 HNC03:33:20+31:07:34225${}_{-45}^{+75}$ 28''Daniel et al. (2013)
 NH2D03:33:20+31:07:34470${}_{-100}^{+170}$ 29''Gerin et al. (2009)
NGC 1333NH3 03:29:11+31:13:26247 ± 9540''2, This paper
 NH3 03:29:11+31:13:26344 ± 17333''2, Lis et al. (2010)
 NH2D03:29:12+31:13:25360${}_{-110}^{+260}$ 240''Gerin et al. (2009)
W51 DNH3 19:23:39+14:31:07230 ± 10240''2, This paper
 NH3 19:23:39+14:31:10660 ± 300 a 40''6, Mauersberger et al. (1987)
 NH3 19:23:39+14:31:10400 ± 200 b 40''13, Mauersberger et al. (1987)
G000.19NH3 17:47:52-28:59:5940 ± 1340''2, This paper
Sgr ANH3 17:45:52-28:59:59∼100040''2, Güsten & Ungerechts (1985)
 HCN17:45:52−28:59:59∼510124''Wannier et al. (1981)
Sgr B2NH3 17:47:19−28:22.08210 ± 9033''12, Mills et al. (2018)

Note. Column (1) source name; column (2) species; column (3) R.A. (J2000); column (4) decl. (J2000); column (5) resulting nitrogen isotope abundance ratio; column (6) applied beam size of the telescope; column (7) references and the number of transitions (in case NH3 has been used) that were considered for the determination of the column density.

a The 14N/15N ratio from the rotation diagram method with the populations of nonmetastable levels. b The 14N/15N ratio from the rotation diagram method without the populations of nonmetastable levels.

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Orion-KL: This source has been observed in different species to measure the isotope ratio 14N/15N. Assuming LTE conditions, Hermsen et al. (1985) derived a 14NH3/15NH3 ratio of ${170}_{-80}^{+140}$. Subsequently, Adande & Ziurys (2012) performed observations of HN13C, H15NC, CN, and C15N toward this source. They obtained a 14N/15N ratio of 234 ± 47 from the ratio of the brightness temperatures of the strongest HF components of CN and C15N, weighted by the HF relative intensities. From their observations of HN13C and H15NC using the double isotope method, they derived a reasonably consistent ratio of 159 ± 40. Recently, a relatively lower value of 100 ± 51 was reported from NH3 observations, but without considering optical depth corrections (Gong et al. 2015). The measurements of this source are within the uncertainties consistent with our result of 241 ± 71.

Barnard-1b, NGC 1333: The 14N/15N of Barnard-1b, NGC 1333 was measured by Gerin et al. (2009) and Lis et al. (2010) from observations of NH2D and NH3, respectively. The results from these two tracers are consistent within the uncertainties, with 14N/15N = 334 ± 50 and 344 ± 173 (from NH3, Lis et al. 2010) and ${470}_{-100}^{+170}$ and ${360}_{-110}^{+260}$ (from NH2D, Gerin et al. 2009) for Barnard-1b and NGC 1333. For Barnard-1b, the isotope ratio from NH2D in Gerin et al. (2009) appears to be higher than that from NH3 in Lis et al. (2010). Daniel et al. (2013) performed observations of multitracers (NH3, NH2D, CN, HCN, and N2H+) to investigate its 15N fractionation. Assuming non-LTE conditions, they derived similar 14N/15N abundance ratios for all the tracers, independent of the chemical family. And they found a strong dependence of the column density of 15NH2D on the excitation temperature. Using the same observational data for NH2D as Gerin et al. (2009), they made a model analysis to obtain the excitation temperature of 15NH2D instead of assuming the same excitation temperature for 15NH2D and 14NH2D (Gerin et al. 2009). Therefore they obtained a relative accurate 14N/15N value of ${230}_{-55}^{+105}$ for this source with respect to ${470}_{-100}^{+170}$ in Gerin et al. (2009). This is consistent with our ratio of 229 ± 62 from the rotation diagram method (LTE), which should reflect unsignificant non-LTE effects in our analysis.

W51D: Using Effelsberg data of 13 emission lines of NH3 for a rotation diagram analysis (LTE), Mauersberger et al. (1987) derived a 14N/15N result of 660 ± 300 toward W51D, which is larger than our result of 230 ± 102 from both Effelsberg and TMRT data using the rotation diagram method. This large difference is probably caused by the fact that many NH3 lines from levels with high energy above the ground levels were used in their analysis, instead of only the metastable (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines of NH3 as in our analysis. Using only the metastable (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines of NH3 and 15NH3 in Mauersberger et al. (1987), we performed a consistent analysis and and obtained lower Trot and 14NH3/15NH3 values of 24 ± 4.1 and 95 ± 36, which are consistent with our new results. In addition, the 14NH3/15NH3 ratio also critically depends on the population of the NH3 nonmetastable ammonia levels (Mauersberger et al. 1987). The transition lines from high levels with different excitation conditions should trace denser regions (Goddi et al. 2015). As for our other sources, the measurements from the (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines, presumably representing the bulk of the gas due to their low excitation, are taken for our subsequent analysis.

Galactic center region: As mentioned before (see Section 1), the only direct measurements toward the Galactic center region obtained a very high value of 14N/15N of ∼1000 (Güsten & Ungerechts 1985), while extrapolations of the trend with galactocentric distances, extrapolated from the disk, indicate much lower values (Adande & Ziurys 2012; Colzi et al. 2018b). Recently, Mills et al. (2018) performed VLA mapping of 14NH3 and 15NH3 toward Sgr B2 (N) and measured 14N/15N ratios of ∼450 and a lower value of ∼200 for the resolved two hot cores N1 and N2, respectively. Our observations toward G000.19, about 30' away from Sgr A, provide a 14N/15N value of ∼40, which is much lower than previous results toward the Galactic center. Actually, nonuniform ratios for other isotopes were reported toward the Galactic center region. Zhang et al. (2015) mapped typical molecular clouds (six sources, including Sgr A, Sgr B2, Sgr C, and Sgr D) in the J = 1 − 0 lines of C18O and C17O and obtained different ratios of 18O/17O toward these sources, while all their ratios are lower relative to the molecular clouds in the Galactic disk. This indicates a chemical differentiation of the region, either due to a different origin of the gas, due to different degrees of nuclear processing inside the central molecular zone, or due to fractionation effects (Zhang et al. 2015; Loison et al. 2019). In addition, low isotope ratio values of 12C/13C (∼13) have recently been reported toward Orion-KL and other star formation regions from mid-IR observation data, which are believed to be not biased by chemical effects. As previously mentioned, the Galactic center region is not covered in current Galactic chemical evolution models (e.g., Romano et al. 2017, 2019). Unlike other isotope ratios that all report low (but nonuniform) ratios in the Galactic center region, both high and low 14N/15N ratios may be found in this region. This makes nitrogen "special" in this sense: it could imply strong effects due to both nucleosynthesis and chemical fractionation, in spite of the rather high kinetic temperatures in the Galactic center region (e.g., Ginsburg et al. 2016), which needs more measurements and modeling work.

4.2. Observational Effects

Our observations may be biased emphasizing bright sources, with possibly systematically higher 14NH3 opacities, which could lead to uncertain opacity corrections when trying to determine 14NH3/15NH3 ratios. In addition, sources at different distance imply that different linear beam sizes are covered by the telescope. A larger linear size of sources at larger distances may include more relatively diffuse low-density gas of different kinetic temperature, which could affect the isotope ratio results. In order to assess possible observational effects on the abundance ratios, we plot the abundance ratio against the heliocentric distance in Figure 6. The plot shows no systematic dependence on the ratio and the distance, which indicates that observational bias related to beam dilution is not significant. This is supported by the comparison of the abundance ratios for the three sources (Orion-KL, W51D, and G081.75) detected by both telescopes, which gives consistent ratio values within the uncertainties (see Table 5).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Our 14N/15N isotope ratios from 14NH3 and 15NH3 are plotted against the heliocentric distance (different colors for sources at different evolutionary stages, as in Figure 5).

Standard image High-resolution image

4.3. Nitrogen Fractionation

To determine accurate isotopic abundance ratios from observed 14NH3/15NH3 line intensities, the possibility of chemical nitrogen fractionation should also be briefly discussed. Although there is a number of dedicated papers (Rodgers & Charnley 2008; Lis et al. 2010; Roueff et al. 2015; Colzi et al. 2018a; Wirström & Charnley 2018; Loison et al. 2019; Viti et al. 2019), the N fractionation is still a matter of debate.

The main mechanisms assumed to cause nitrogen fractionation are isotope-exchange reactions. N isotope-exchange reactions normally occur at low temperatures, with 15N enhancement in CO-depleted dense gas at low temperatures of <10 K (Adams 1981; Terzieva & Herbst 2000; Charnley & Rodgers 2002; Rodgers & Charnley 2008; Fontani et al. 2015; Colzi et al. 2018a; Loison et al. 2019). However, these reactions at low temperature should be inhibited by an entrance barrier, and thus the 14N/15N ratios do not change with time (Roueff et al. 2015; Wirström & Charnley 2018), which has also been demonstrated observationally by Fontani et al. (2015) and Colzi et al. (2018a).

Another possible mechanism for the N fractionation, isotope-selective photodissociation, was proposed by Heays et al. (2014), Visser et al. (2018), and Furuya & Aikawa (2018). 14N/15N fractionation is believed to be predominantly caused by isotope-selective photodissociation of N2 rather than isotope-exchange reactions (Furuya & Aikawa 2018).

All our sources have known kinetic temperatures higher than 10 K, which may imply that the 14NH3/15NH3 ratios are not seriously affected by the N-fractionation effect. The plot of 14NH3/15NH3 against the kinetic temperature of sources (Figure 7) shows no significant correlation, which may indicate that fractionation effects are not a decisive factor affecting measurements. However, the nitrogen fractionation may be scale dependent, possibly representing a local effect, and observations with highly different beam sizes might provide different 14N/15N values (Colzi et al. 2019). Our measurements from single-dish telescopes with a relatively larger beam size may include more relatively diffuse low-density gas, which could be affected by the interstellar radiation field. Observations with high resolution should be helpful to probe the N-fractionation effect in both the molecular cores and outskirts and to determine accurate ratio values of 14N/15N.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. The 14NH3/15NH3 ratio is plotted against the gas kinetic temperature of our sample (different colors for sources at different evolutionary stages, as in Figures 5 and 6).

Standard image High-resolution image

4.4. A Galactic Interstellar 14N/15N Gradient?

Figure 5 plots the measured 14N/15N isotope ratios from 14NH3/15NH3 (inverted triangles) against galactocentric distance. Our measurement suggests that the isotope ratio increases with galactocentric distance. Our sources belong to different stages of massive star formation, including four sources in IRDCs (green inverted triangles), eight sources associated with YSOs (red inverted triangles), and three sources next to H ii regions (black inverted triangles). Comparisons show that both measured ratios and the 14N/15N gradient with galactocentric radius are independent of the evolutionary stage. An unweighted linear fit was used to fit data (solid red line) in order to avoid biasing the results toward low values with small error bars. Our data provide a weak radial gradient of $\tfrac{{}^{14}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}{{}^{15}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}=(17.50\pm 13.14){D}_{\mathrm{GC}}+(53.91\pm 91.74)$, with a Pearson rank correlation coefficient of R = 0.35. 13

For comparison, previous measurements from HCN and/or HNC in Adande & Ziurys (2012) and Colzi et al. (2018b) are added as empty gray circles and diamonds, respectively. Fits to both data sets are shown as dashed and dotted lines in Figure 5, respectively . We find that our ratios tend to be slightly lower than the previous results, although a similar trend can be found. However, these results may suffer from uncertainties, using relatively early measurements of 12C/13C (Milam et al. 2005). The most recent results related to carbon isotope ratios, the only ones leading to a self-consistent interpretation of sulfur isotope ratios through the use of double isotope ratios involving 12C/13C (Yu et al. 2020), are reported by Yan et al. (2019). The authors presented observations of the K-doublet lines of H2CO and ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}^{13}$ CO at the C (∼5 GHz) and Ku (∼15 GHz) bands toward a large sample of Galactic molecular clouds. Thus we modify these previous results (Adande & Ziurys 2012; Colzi et al. 2018b), taking the most recent 12C/13C ratios (Yan et al. 2019) and distance values from trigonometric parallax measurements into account (Reid et al. 2014, 2019). The modified previous results are plotted together with our results shown in Figure 5(b). We find that their ratios decrease by about 12%–15%, and the difference between their results and ours becomes smaller. This is visualized by the smaller gap between the two fitted (solid red and dashed blue) lines. However, the difference does not vanish. This may suggest that (1) our approach using exclusively the lowest metastable inversion lines of ammonia leads to too low ratios, (2) that fractionation plays a role, and/or (3) that the use of double isotope ratios adds uncertainties in the determination of nitrogen isotope ratios.

Theoretical models for GCE are important tools for understanding the isotopic ratio evolution in the Galaxy. Recently, new GCE models were developed to track the cosmic evolution of the CNO isotopes in the ISM of galaxies, yielding powerful constraints on their stellar IMF (Romano et al. 2017, 2019; Zhang et al. 2018). The theoretical 14N/15N gradient across the Milky Way disk is shown in the dash–dotted magenta curves (Model-5 in Figure 5 in Romano et al. 2017) and the dash–dotted yellow curves (Model-11 in Figure 6 in Romano et al. 2019) in Figure 5. Nucleosynthesis prescriptions in Model 5 (Romano et al. 2017) adopted the yields for low- and intermediate-mass stars, massive stars, super-AGB stars, and nova, while different initial rotation velocities for low-metallicity massive stars were also considered in Model-11 (Romano et al. 2019). The trend that the measured 14N/15N isotope ratios increase with galactocentric distance is consistent with the predictions of both models. And it is interesting that measurements show a "tentative indication" of the trend to decrease from 8 up to 10 kpc (but based on only three sources), which is similar to the predictions from both models. More data from the Galactic center and the sources at a large distance (>8 kpc) as well as more Galactic disk values with smaller uncertainty would still be highly desirable to better constrain this gradient.

5. Summary

To investigate the nitrogen abundance ratio varying across the Galaxy, we performed systematic observations of the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) transitions of 14NH3 and 15NH3 toward a large sample of 210 sources in the Galactic disk with the TMRT 65 m and Effelsberg 100 m telescopes. Through TMRT observations, a total of 141 objects were detected in the 14NH3 lines. Eight of these were detected in 15NH3. In order to detect 15NH3 lines in more sources, 36 sources with strong 14NH3 signals were selected to be observed by the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. The 15NH3(1, 1) line was detected in 10 sources, including 3 sources (NGC 6334 I, Orion-KL, and W51D) that were also detected by the TMRT. Thus, 15 sources were detected in the 15NH3(1, 1) line, and 4 of these were also detected in 15NH3(2, 2) and 15NH3(3, 3). Our results are listed below.

(1) The physical parameters of the gas-emitting ammonia lines for these 15 sources with detections of NH3 and 15NH3 are determined from their spectral data, including optical depths, rotation and kinetic temperatures, and total column densities. The opacity-corrected total column densities of 14NH3 and 15NH3 are used to estimate their 14N/15N ratio.

(2) An observational bias due to bright sources and/or effects related to different linear beam sizes is not found for our measured ratios of 14N/15N. This is supported by the fact that no systematic variations appear between the isotopic ratios and heliocentric distances and consistent ratios of the three sources detected by both the TMRT 65 m and the Effelsberg 100 m telescopes. Fractionation remains insignificant for isotope ratios, as indicated by the correlation between abundance ratios and the kinetic temperature Tk . This indicates that fractionation as a temperature-dependent effect does not play a dominant role for our results. Other chemical processes could include the presence of a notable UV-field and related isotope-selective fractionation (e.g., Weiß et al. 2001).

(3) Our measured 14N/15N isotope ratios increase with galactocentric distance, which confirms the Galactic radial gradient proposed by previous studies. An unweighted linear fit gives $\tfrac{{}^{14}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}{{}^{15}{\mathrm{NH}}_{3}}=(17.50\pm 13.14){D}_{\mathrm{GC}}+(53.91\pm 91.74)$, with a Pearson rank correlation coefficient of R = 0.35, which matches the trend predicted by Galactic chemical evolution models. More data from the Galactic center and the sources at a large galactocentric distance (>8 kpc) as well as more Galactic disk values with smaller uncertainty would still be desirable to better confirm and quantify this gradient.

We wish to thank the anonymous referee for a careful reading and detailed comments that helped us to improve the manuscript. We also thank the operators and staff at both the TMRT and Effelsberg stations for their assistance during our observations, and Dr. X. Chen for his TMRT data of NGC 6334 I and nice comments. This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12041302, 11590782). C.H. acknowledges support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences President's International Fellowship Initiative under grant No. 2021VMA0009. Y.T.Y. is a member of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne. Y.T.Y. would like to thank the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for support. J.J.Q. thanks the NSFC (No. 12003080), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (No. 2019M653144), the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No. 2019A1515110588), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Sun Yat-sen University (No. 19lgpy284) for support. X.D.T. acknowledges support from the Heaven Lake Hundred-Talent Program of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous 432 Region of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants 11903070 and 11433008.


The appendix comprises coordinates and total exposure time for our 210 sources, listed in Table 7.

Table 7. Our Source List for 14NH3 and 15NH3 Observations

ObjectTelescope α(2000) δ(2000)TimeMoleculeRmsObjectTelescope α(2000) δ(2000)TimeMoleculeRms
  (h m s) (° ' '')(minutes) (mK)  (h m s) (° ' '')(minutes) (mK)
G032.04TMRT18:49:36-00:45:37.111 14 NH3(1,1)47G192.60TMRT06:12:54.02 +17:59:23.330 14NH3(1,1) 85
     14NH3(2,2) 66     14NH3(2,2) 68
     14NH3(3,3) 62     14NH3(3,3) 75
     15NH3(1,1) 78     15NH3(1,1)95
     15NH3(2,2)77     15NH3(2,2)85
     15NH3(3,3)78     15NH3(3,3)71
G053.23TMRT19:29:33 +18:01:00.665 14NH3(1,1) 26G192.60TMRT06:12:53.99 17:59:23.709 14NH3(1,1) 71
     14NH3(2,2) 29     14NH3(2,2) 74
     14NH3(3,3)29     14NH3(3,3) 70
     15NH3(1,1) 73     15NH3(1,1)78
     15NH3(2,2)38     15NH3(2,2)78
     15NH3(3,3)135     15NH3(3,3)71

Note. Column (1) source name; column (2) telescope; column (3) R.A. (J2000) and decl. (J2000); column (4) total integration time; column (5) molecular line detections in boldface; column (6) the rms noise value.

Only a portion of this table is shown here to demonstrate its form and content. A machine-readable version of the full table is available.

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