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The Konus-Wind Catalog of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Known Redshifts. I. Bursts Detected in the Triggered Mode

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Published 2017 November 28 © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation A. Tsvetkova et al 2017 ApJ 850 161 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/aa96af

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In this catalog, we present the results of a systematic study of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with reliable redshift estimates detected in the triggered mode of the Konus-Wind (KW) experiment during the period from 1997 February to 2016 June. The sample consists of 150 GRBs (including 12 short/hard bursts) and represents the largest set of cosmological GRBs studied to date over a broad energy band. From the temporal and spectral analyses of the sample, we provide the burst durations, the spectral lags, the results of spectral fits with two model functions, the total energy fluences, and the peak energy fluxes. Based on the GRB redshifts, which span the range $0.1\leqslant z\leqslant 5$, we estimate the rest-frame, isotropic-equivalent energy, and peak luminosity. For 32 GRBs with reasonably constrained jet breaks, we provide the collimation-corrected values of the energetics. We consider the behavior of the rest-frame GRB parameters in the hardness–duration and hardness–intensity planes, and confirm the "Amati" and "Yonetoku" relations for Type II GRBs. The correction for the jet collimation does not improve these correlations for the KW sample. We discuss the influence of instrumental selection effects on the GRB parameter distributions and estimate the KW GRB detection horizon, which extends to $z\sim 16.6$, stressing the importance of GRBs as probes of the early universe. Accounting for the instrumental bias, we estimate the KW GRB luminosity evolution, luminosity and isotropic-energy functions, and the evolution of the GRB formation rate, which are in general agreement with those obtained in previous studies.

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1. Introduction

Although decades have passed since the discovery of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), many aspects of this astrophysical phenomenon remain unknown. The major breakthrough was achieved 20 years ago, when the first redshift was measured for the GRB 970508 (Metzger et al. 1997) and the cosmological nature of GRB sources was firmly established.

GRB redshifts are usually measured from the emission lines, the absorption features of the host galaxies imposed on the afterglow continuum, or photometrically. However, there are other approaches to estimate redshifts, e.g., the "pseudo-redshift" (pseudo-z) technique based on the spectral properties of GRB prompt high energy emission (Atteia 2003) or searching for a minimum on the intrinsic hydrogen column density versus redshift plane (see, e.g., Ghisellini et al. 1999). Considering only spectroscopic and photometric redshifts there were ∼450 GRBs with reliably measured redshifts by the middle of 2016. As of 2016, the GRB redshifts fill a range from spectroscopic $z=0.0087$ (GRB 980425; Foley et al. 2006) to photometric $z=9.4$ (GRB 090429B; Cucchiara et al. 2011) or NIR spectroscopic $z=8.1$ (GRB 090423; Salvaterra et al. 2009); however, they are expected to occur and be detectable out to redshifts greater than $z\approx 10$ and possibly up to z ≈ 15–20 (Lamb & Reichart 2001).

The explosion energetics is one of the key parameters for understanding the GRB progenitors and the GRB central engine physics. Knowing a GRB redshift one can estimate the isotropic equivalent gamma-ray energy (${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$) as a substitute for the energy released by the central engine. Huge isotropic energy releases up to ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}\lesssim {10}^{55}$ erg (e.g., GRB 080916C has ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}=8.8\times {10}^{54}$ erg at $z=4.35;$ Abdo et al. 2009; Greiner et al. 2009) were first explained for the GRB 970508 (Waxman et al. 1998) by taking into account jet beaming: correction for the jet collimation decreases the energy release and peak luminosity of GRBs by orders of magnitude. The hypothesis that GRBs are non-spherical explosions implies that, when the tightly collimated relativistic fireball is decelerated by the circumburst medium (CBM) down to the Lorentz factor ${\rm{\Gamma }}\sim 1/{\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}$ (where ${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}$ is the jet opening angle), an achromatic break (jet break) should appear, in the form of a sudden steepening in the GRB afterglow light curve, at a characteristic time ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$. Knowing ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$, the jet opening angle can be estimated (Rhoads 1997; Sari et al. 1999) and the collimation-corrected GRB energy calculated. With typical collimation angles of a few degrees, the true energy release from most GRBs is $\sim {10}^{51}$ erg, on par with that of a supernova (Frail et al. 2001).

The Konus-Wind (hereafter KW; Aptekar et al. 1995) experiment has operated since 1994 November and plays an important role in the GRB studies thanks to its unique set of characteristics: the spacecraft orbits in interplanetary space that provides an exceptionally stable background and continuous coverage of the full sky by two omnidirectional NaI detectors, high temporal resolution, and the wide energy range of the detectors (∼10 keV–10 MeV, nominally). KW has triggered ∼4350 times on a variety of transient events, including ∼2700 GRBs, up to 2016 June; thus KW has been detecting GRBs at a rate of $\approx 120$ events per year. Being a part of the Interplanetary Network (IPN), KW is enabling GRB localizations to be constrained by triangulation (see, e.g., Pal'shin et al. 2013 and Hurley et al. 2013 for details).

Thanks to the wide energy range, the GRB spectral cutoff energy (parameterized as ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}$, the maximum of ${{EF}}_{E}$ spectrum) can be derived directly from the KW data and the GRB energetics can be estimated using fewer extrapolations. Coupled with well-measured redshifts, the accurate estimates of these parameters provide an excellent testing ground for widely discussed correlations between rest-frame spectral hardness and energetics, e.g., the "Amati" (Amati et al. 2002), "Yonetoku" (Yonetoku et al. 2004) or "Ghirlanda" (Ghirlanda et al. 2004) relations. This could facilitate using GRBs as standard candles (see, e.g., Atteia 1997 or Friedman & Bloom 2005) and probing cosmological parameters with GRBs (see, e.g., Cohen & Piran 1997 or Diaferio et al. 2011).

Here, we present a complete sample of GRBs with reliably measured redshifts that triggered KW from 1997 February to 2016 June. The sample consists of 150 bursts and represents the largest set of GRBs with known redshifts detected by a single instrument over a wide energy range. The KW bursts observed in the waiting mode will be presented in a forthcoming catalog (A. Tsvetkova et al. 2017, in preparation) We start this catalog with a brief description of the KW instrument in Section 2. The burst sample is described in Section 3. In Section 4 we present the temporal and spectral analyses of the sample, and the derived observer- and rest-frame energetics. In Section 5 we discuss the derived prompt emission parameters, the KW-specific instrumental biases, and the rest-frame properties of the KW GRBs.

All the errors quoted in this catalog are at the 68% confidence level (CL) and are of a statistical nature only. Throughout the paper, we assume the standard ΛCDM model: ${H}_{0}=67.3$ km s−1 Mpc−1, ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{{\rm{\Lambda }}}=0.685$, and ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{M}=0.315$ (Planck Collaboration et al. 2014). We also adopt the conventional notation ${Q}_{k}=Q/{10}^{k}$.

2. Instrumentation

KW is a gamma-ray spectrometer designed to study temporal and spectral characteristics of GRBs, solar flares, soft gamma repeater bursts, and other transient phenomena over a wide energy range from 13 keV to 10 MeV, nominally (i.e., at launch; see the end of this section). It consists of two identical omnidirectional NaI(Tl) detectors, mounted on opposite faces of the rotationally stabilized Wind spacecraft. One detector (S1) points toward the south ecliptic pole, thereby observing the south ecliptic hemisphere; the other (S2) observes the north ecliptic hemisphere. Each detector has an effective area of ∼80–160 ${\mathrm{cm}}^{2}$, depending on the photon energy and incident angle.

In interplanetary space far outside the Earth's magnetosphere, KW has the advantages over Earth-orbiting GRB monitors of continuous coverage, uninterrupted by Earth occultation, and a steady background, undistorted by passages through Earth's trapped radiation, and subject only to occasional solar particle events. The Wind distance from Earth as a function of time is presented in Pal'shin et al. (2013); it ranges up to 5.5 lt-s.

The instrument has two operational modes: waiting and triggered. While in the waiting mode, the count rates are recorded in three energy windows G1 (13–50 keV), G2 (50–200 keV), and G3 (200–760 keV) with 2.944 s time resolution. When the count rate in the G2 window exceeds a $\approx 9\sigma $ threshold above the background on one of two fixed timescales ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}}$, 1 s or 140 ms, the instrument switches into the triggered mode, for which the waiting-mode data are also available up to T0+250 s. In the triggered mode, the count rates in the three energy windows are recorded with time resolutions varying from 2 ms up to 256 ms. These time histories, with a total duration of ∼230 s, also include 0.512 s of pre-trigger history. Spectral measurements are carried out, starting from the trigger time T0, in two overlapping energy intervals, PHA1 (13–760 keV) and PHA2 (160 keV–10 MeV), with 64 spectra being recorded for each interval over a 63-channel, pseudo-logarithmic, energy scale. The first four spectra are measured with a fixed accumulation time of 64 ms in order to study short bursts. For the subsequent 52 spectra, an adaptive system determines the accumulation times, which may vary from 0.256 to 8.192 s depending on the current count rate in the G2 window. The last 8 spectra are obtained for 8.192 s each. As a result the minimum duration of spectral measurements is 79.104 s, and the maximum is 491.776 s (which is ∼260 s longer than the time history duration). After the triggered-mode measurements are finished, KW switches into the data-readout mode for ∼1 hr and no measurements are available for this time interval.

For all the bursts, we used a standard KW dead time (DT) correction procedure for light curves (with a DT of a few μs) and spectra (with a DT of ∼42 μs). The detector response matrix (DRM), which is a function only of the burst angle relative to the instrument axis, was computed using the GEANT4 package (Agostinelli et al. 2003). The detailed description of the instrument response calculation is presented in Terekhov et al. (1998). The latest version of the DRM contains responses calculated for 264 photon energies between 5 keV and 30 MeV on a quasi-logarithmic scale for incident angles from $0^\circ $ to $100^\circ $ with a step of $5^\circ $. The energy scale is calibrated in flight using the 1460 keV line of 40K and the 511 keV e+e annihilation line. The gain of the detectors has slowly decreased during the long period of operation. The instrumental control of the gain became non-functional in 1997 and the spectral range changed to 25 keV–18 MeV for the S1 detector and to 20 keV–15 MeV for the S2 detector, from the original 13 keV–10 MeV; the G1, G2, G3, PHA1, and PHA2 energy bounds shifted accordingly.

The consistency of the KW spectral parameters and those obtained in other GRB experiments was verified by a cross-calibration with Swift-BAT and Suzaku-WAM (Sakamoto et al. 2011b), and in joint spectral fits with Fermi-GBM (e.g., Lipunov et al. 2016). It was shown that the difference in the spectrum normalization between KW and these instruments is $\lesssim 20$% in joint fits. A more detailed discussion of the KW instrumental issues can be found in Svinkin et al. (2016b), hereafter S16.

3. The Burst Sample

The sample contains 150 GRBs with reliable redshift estimates detected by KW in the triggered mode from the beginning of the afterglow era in 1997 to the middle of 2016. The general information about these bursts is presented in Table 1. The first three columns contain the GRB name as provided in the Gamma-ray Burst Coordinates Network circulars,6 the KW trigger time T0, and the KW trigger time corrected for the burst front propagation from Wind to the Earth center (the geocenter time).

Table 1.  General Information

Burst Trigger Geocenter Type Local. Local. Otherc Det. Inc. angle z z typed z
Name Time Time   instr. References obs.   (deg)     References
GRB 970228 02:58:01.317 02:58:01.263 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S1 79.1 0.695 s (2)
GRB 970828 17:44:42.357 17:44:42.157 II RXTEASM (3) S2 7.1 0.9578a s (4)
GRB 971214 23:20:52.214 23:20:51.043 II BeppoSAX (1) 1 3 S2 33.9 3.418 s (5)
GRB 990123 09:47:14.151 09:47:15.040 II BeppoSAX (1) 1 3 S2 29.9 1.6004 s (6)
GRB 990506 11:23:30.813 11:23:31.274 II BeppoSAX (1) 1 3 S1 65.1 1.30658a s (7)
GRB 990510 08:49:10.059 08:49:10.052 II BeppoSAX (1) 1 3 S1 28.7 1.6187 s (8)
GRB 990705 16:01:26.864 16:01:26.352 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S1 7.1 0.8424 s (9)
GRB 990712 16:43:06.123 16:43:03.763 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S1 33.2 0.4331 s (8)
GRB 991208 04:36:53.263 04:36:53.224 II IPN (10) S2 23.0 0.7055 s (11)
GRB 991216 16:07:18.085 16:07:18.535 II BeppoSAX (1) 1 3 S1 78.1 1.02 s (12)
GRB 000131 14:59:15.102 14:59:14.388 II IPN (13) S1 14.7 4.5 s (14)
GRB 000210 08:44:05.712 08:44:06.695 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S1 41.6 0.8463a s (15)
GRB 000301C 09:51:38.569 09:51:37.589 II IPN+ASM (16) S2 40.1 2.0335 s (17)
GRB 000418 09:53:09.906 09:53:08.258 II IPN (18) S2 69.1 1.1181 s (7)
GRB 000911 07:15:25.914 07:15:28.816 II IPN (19) S1 84.3 1.0585 s (20)
GRB 000926 23:49:33.661 23:49:32.447 II IPN (21) S2 16.3 2.0369 s (22)
GRB 010222 07:23:11.652 07:23:12.337 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S2 34.5 1.4768 s (23)
GRB 010921 05:15:57.151 05:15:56.112 II BeppoSAX (1) 2 3 S2 44.6 0.45 s (24)
GRB 011121 18:47:13.457 18:47:13.448 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S1 25.7 0.36 s (25)
GRB 020405 00:41:39.501 00:41:37.640 II BeppoSAX (1) 3 S1 71.9 0.6898 s (26)
GRB 020813 02:44:40.651 02:44:40.139 II HETE-2 (27) 2 S1 91.6 1.254 s (28)
GRB 020819Be 14:57:39.766 14:57:38.125 II HETE-2 (27) 2 S2 81.0 0.411a s (29)
GRB 021211 11:18:35.206 11:18:34.494 II HETE-2 (30) 2 S1 76.9 1.004 s (31)
GRB 030329 11:37:29.254 11:37:26.378 II HETE-2 (27) 2 S2 77.5 0.16854 s (32)
GRB 040924 11:52:15.280 11:52:12.600 II HETE-2 (33) 2 S2 87.0 0.859 s (34)
GRB 041006 12:18:43.030 12:18:39.061 II HETE-2 (35) 2 S2 94.3 0.716 s (36)
GRB 050401 14:20:11.344 14:20:09.710 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 66.2 2.8992b s (38)
GRB 050525A 00:02:56.704 00:02:53.543 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 40.5 0.606 s (39)
GRB 050603 06:29:00.767 06:29:02.176 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 51.6 2.821 s (40)
GRB 050820Af 06:39:14.512 06:39:10.966 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 63.2 2.6147 s (41)
GRB 050922C 19:55:54.480 19:55:50.299 II SwiftBAT (37) 2 4 S2 82.7 2.198 s (42)
GRB 051008 16:33:20.762 16:33:23.339 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 43.1 2.77a g p (43)
GRB 051022 13:08:25.298 13:08:21.749 II HETE-2 (27) 2 S2 71.7 0.8 s (44)
GRB 051109A 01:12:22.541 01:12:21.735 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 41.5 2.346 s (45)
GRB 051221A 01:51:12.976 01:51:15.938 I SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 62.3 0.5465 s (46)
GRB 060121 22:25:00.890 22:24:56.407 IIh HETE-2 (47) 2 S2 62.1 4.6i p (48)
GRB 060124 16:04:13.894 16:04:10.869 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 43.4 2.3000 s (49)
GRB 060502A 03:03:33.119 03:03:32.793 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 11.4 1.5026 s (49)
GRB 060614 12:43:51.590 12:43:47.332 IIj SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 54.4 0.1254 s (50)
GRB 060814 23:02:34.447 23:02:34.295 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 55.3 1.9229a s (51)
GRB 060912A 13:55:57.788 13:55:54.482 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 72.9 0.937 s (52)
GRB 061006 16:45:26.896 16:45:27.817 Ik SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 13.9 0.4377 s (53)
GRB 061007 10:08:09.344 10:08:07.767 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 27.0 1.2622 s (49)
GRB 061021 15:39:08.304 15:39:09.770 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 56.4 0.3453 s (54)
GRB 061121 15:23:32.445 15:23:30.905 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 65.2 1.3145 s (49)
GRB 061201 15:58:34.558 15:58:36.886 I SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 33.4 0.111 s (55)
GRB 061222A 03:30:14.682 03:30:13.937 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 47.6 2.088a s (56)
GRB 070125 07:20:50.853 07:20:45.664 II IPN+BAT (57) S2 80.0 1.547 s (58)
GRB 070328 03:53:49.993 03:53:52.064 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 35.6 2.0627 s (54)
GRB 070508 04:18:22.779 04:18:20.346 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 32.9 0.82b s (59)
GRB 070521 06:51:31.587 06:51:28.779 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 39.9 1.7a l p (60)
GRB 070714B 04:59:25.178 04:59:29.705 I SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 97.9 0.923 s (61)
GRB 071003 07:40:55.120 07:40:53.830 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 59.6 1.60435 s (62)
GRB 071010B 20:45:48.490 20:45:49.125 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 58.6 0.947 s (63)
GRB 071020 07:02:26.637 07:02:24.778 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 78.0 2.1462 s (49)
GRB 071112C 18:33:02.583 18:32:58.044 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 102.4 0.8227 s (49)
GRB 071117 14:50:04.535 14:50:06.512 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 41.8 1.3308 s (49)
GRB 071227 20:13:48.722 20:13:47.668 I SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 18.3 0.384 s (65)
GRB 080319B 06:12:50.339 06:12:47.321 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 42.3 0.9382 s (49)
GRB 080319C 12:25:57.938 12:25:57.035 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 12.3 1.9492b s (49)
GRB 080411 21:15:32.496 21:15:32.853 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 18.6 1.0301 s (49)
GRB 080413A 02:54:23.605 02:54:21.182 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 95.1 2.433 s (49)
GRB 080413B 08:51:11.831 08:51:12.288 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 96.0 1.1014 s (49)
GRB 080514B 09:55:58.672 09:55:57.137 II SuperAGILE/IPN (66) 4 S2 75.4 1.8 p (67)
GRB 080602 01:31:26.229 01:31:28.289 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 74.0 1.8204 s (54)
GRB 080603B 19:38:12.383 19:38:14.633 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 32.6 2.6892 s (49)
GRB 080605 23:48:02.336 23:47:57.581 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 62.8 1.6403b s (49)
GRB 080607 06:07:23.336 06:07:22.085 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 69.5 3.0363b s (68)
GRB 080721 10:25:10.927 10:25:07.575 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 85.0 2.591 s (69)
GRB 080916C 00:12:44.632 00:12:46.223 II FermiLAT (70) 5 6 S1 17.1 4.35m p (71)
GRB 080916A 09:45:21.715 09:45:19.813 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S1 47.0 0.6887 s (49)
GRB 081121 20:35:31.435 20:35:30.430 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S1 5.9 2.512 s (72)
GRB 081203A 13:51:30.368 13:51:31.069 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 15.6 2.05 s (73)
GRB 081221 16:21:14.915 16:21:13.479 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S1 61.3 2.26 s (74)
GRB 081222 04:54:02.534 04:54:01.179 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S1 50.1 2.77 s (75)
GRB 090102 02:55:36.283 02:55:32.211 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S2 76.2 1.547 s (76)
GRB 090201 17:47:00.275 17:46:58.787 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 20.0 2.1000 s (54)
GRB 090323 00:02:54.632 00:02:50.491 II FermiLAT (70) 5 6 S2 70.1 3.6 s (77)
GRB 090328 09:36:49.486 09:36:50.556 II FermiLAT (70) 5 6 S1 24.6 0.736 s (78)
GRB 090424 14:12:11.725 14:12:08.925 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S2 70.8 0.544 s (79)
GRB 090510 00:23:01.547 00:23:00.536 I SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 6 S1 75.4 0.903 s (80)
GRB 090618 08:28:24.974 08:28:26.755 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 5 S2 13.6 0.54 s (81)
GRB 090709A 07:38:34.965 07:38:34.873 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 10.5 1.8a n p (60)
GRB 090715B 21:03:19.008 21:03:18.138 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S2 23.9 3.00 s (82)
GRB 090812 06:02:38.942 06:02:35.958 II SwiftBAT (37) 4 S1 83.0 2.452 s (83)
GRB 090926A 04:20:28.683 04:20:27.945 II FermiLAT (70) 5 6 S1 36.0 2.1062 s (84)
GRB 091003 04:35:43.801 04:35:45.946 II FermiLAT (70) 5 6 S2 31.3 0.8969 s (85)
GRB 091020 21:36:44.860 21:36:45.632 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 46.1 1.71 s (86)
GRB 091117A 17:44:29.513 17:44:25.673 I SwiftBAT (87) 4 S1 62.4 0.096 s (88)
GRB 091127 23:25:49.449 23:25:45.602 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 58.5 0.49034 s (89)
GRB 100206A 13:30:06.775 13:30:05.433 I SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 85.7 0.41 s (90)
GRB 100414A 02:20:27.289 02:20:23.328 II FermiLAT (70) 4 5 6 S2 77.2 1.368 s (91)
GRB 100606A 19:12:43.712 19:12:42.046 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 35.6 1.5545 s (54)
GRB 100621A 03:03:33.352 03:03:30.209 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 57.4 0.542 s (92)
GRB 100728A 02:18:20.008 02:18:24.502 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S1 51.3 1.567 s (93)
GRB 100814A 03:50:11.288 03:50:09.556 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 64.7 1.44 s (94)
GRB 100816A 00:37:53.983 00:37:51.215 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 62.5 0.8049 s (95)
GRB 100906A 13:49:30.732 13:49:28.387 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 49.5 1.727 s (96)
GRB 101213A 10:49:18.472 10:49:22.676 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 48.2 0.414 s (97)
GRB 101219A 02:31:34.716 02:31:29.786 I SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 64.9 0.718 s (98)
GRB 110213A 05:17:28.893 05:17:28.492 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 58.8 1.46 s (99)
GRB 110422A 15:41:42.948 15:41:45.300 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 37.7 1.77 s (100)
GRB 110503A 17:35:41.862 17:35:43.747 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 56.9 1.613 s (101)
GRB 110715A 13:13:55.304 13:13:51.418 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 64.5 0.82 s (102)
GRB 110731A 11:09:34.604 11:09:30.409 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S1 84.6 2.83 s (103)
GRB 110918A 21:27:02.856 21:26:58.937 II IPN (104) S1 52.3 0.984 s (105)
GRB 111008A 22:13:01.676 22:12:58.248 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 38.1 5.0 s (106)
GRB 111228A 15:45:36.171 15:45:34.790 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 84.3 0.7156 s (107)
GRB 120119A 04:04:34.872 04:04:31.459 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 61.0 1.728 s (108)
GRB 120624B 22:20:06.904 22:20:06.153 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S2 85.4 2.1974 s (109)
GRB 120711A 02:45:55.810 02:45:55.657 II INTEGRAL (110) 5 6 S1 4.8 1.405 s (111)
GRB 120716A 17:05:07.357 17:05:04.087 II IPN (112) 5 S2 64.0 2.486 s (113)
GRB 120804A 00:54:15.749 00:54:14.794 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 99.2 1.3 p (114)
GRB 121128A 05:05:53.703 05:05:53.474 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 19.1 2.2 s (115)
GRB 130408A 21:51:41.194 21:51:38.956 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 43.0 3.758 s (116)
GRB 130427A 07:47:09.501 07:47:06.468 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S2 67.4 0.3399 s (117)
GRB 130505A 08:22:27.038 08:22:26.527 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 91.0 2.27 s (118)
GRB 130518A 13:54:57.501 13:55:01.478 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S2 45.9 2.488 s (119)
GRB 130603B 15:49:16.448 15:49:14.164 I SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 77.4 0.3565 s (120)
GRB 130701A 04:17:42.161 04:17:43.592 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 56.2 1.155 s (121)
GRB 130831A 13:04:22.044 13:04:17.913 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 62.7 0.4791 s (122)
GRB 130907A 21:39:15.997 21:39:19.051 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 35.0 1.238 s (123)
GRB 131030A 20:56:17.811 20:56:13.932 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 90.9 1.293 s (124)
GRB 131105A 02:05:27.233 02:05:26.001 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 8.8 1.686 s (125)
GRB 131108A 20:41:52.947 20:41:55.851 II FermiLAT (126) 5 6 S2 89.9 2.40 s (127)
GRB 131231A 04:45:32.361 04:45:31.276 II FermiLAT (128) 5 6 S1 84.1 0.6439 s (129)
GRB 140213A 19:21:33.011 19:21:33.067 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 8.4 1.2076 s (130)
GRB 140419A 04:06:51.110 04:06:50.972 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 63.7 3.956 s (131)
GRB 140506A 21:07:39.098 21:07:37.801 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 57.8 0.889 s (132)
GRB 140508A 03:03:58.423 03:03:57.067 II SwiftBAT (64) 5 S2 24.6 1.027 s (133)
GRB 140512A 19:31:50.769 19:31:49.555 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 82.9 0.725 s (134)
GRB 140606B 03:11:50.769 03:11:52.293 II SwiftBAT (64) 5 S2 46.8 0.384 s (135)
GRB 140801A 18:59:54.769 18:59:54.138 II FermiGBM (136) 5 S2 81.2 1.320 s (136)
GRB 140808A 00:53:59.264 00:54:01.038 II FermiGBM (137) 5 S2 31.6 3.293 s (138)
GRB 141220A 06:02:51.666 06:02:52.662 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 54.8 1.3195 s (139)
GRB 150206A 14:31:20.265 14:31:22.868 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 31.8 2.087 s (140)
GRB 150314A 04:54:51.727 04:54:50.924 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S2 46.9 1.758 s (141)
GRB 150323A 02:51:22.369 02:51:20.908 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S2 64.3 0.593 s (142)
GRB 150403A 21:54:12.693 21:54:13.255 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 6 S1 47.3 2.06 s (143)
GRB 150424A 07:43:01.073 07:42:57.738 I SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 54.8 0.30o s (144)
GRB 150514A 18:35:05.130 18:35:05.725 II FermiLAT (145) 5 6 S1 8.7 0.807 s (146)
GRB 150821A 09:44:34.166 09:44:31.096 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S1 44.7 0.755 s (147)
GRB 151021A 01:28:56.535 01:28:52.888 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 67.9 2.330 s (148)
GRB 151027A 03:58:24.154 03:58:24.488 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 5 S2 5.3 0.81 s (149)
GRB 160131A 08:20:44.577 08:20:43.817 II SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 60.1 0.972 s (150)
GRB 160410A 05:09:52.644 05:09:48.172 Ip SwiftBAT (64) 4 S1 82.0 1.717 s (151)
GRB 160509A 08:58:46.696 08:58:48.075 II FermiLAT (152) 5 6 S2 15.8 1.17 s (153)
GRB 160623A 04:59:37.594 04:59:36.336 II FermiLAT (154) 5 6 S2 34.5 0.367 s (155)
GRB 160625B 22:40:19.875 22:40:18.938 II FermiLAT (156) 4 5 6 S2 65.1 1.406 s (157)
GRB 160629A 22:19:45.314 22:19:46.474 II INTEGRAL (158) 5 S2 27.6 3.332 s (159)


a"Dark" burst according to the classification presented in the redshift reference paper. b"Dark" burst according to Fynbo et al. (2009). cPrompt emission observation(s): 1, CGRO-BATSE; 2, HETE-2; 3, BeppoSAX-GRBM; 4, Swift-BAT; 5, 6, Fermi-LAT. dRedshift types are s, spectroscopic and p, photometric. eAlthough this burst is referred to as GRB 020819 in all related GCN circulars and in some other publications, this is the second GRB observed by KW on 2002 August 19. fThis burst was initially referred to as GRB 050820, but, after the detection of GRB 050820B on the same day, it was renamed to GRB 050820A. gThe redshift at 95% confidence level is $z={2.77}_{-0.20}^{+0.15}$. hAlthough GRB 060121 is a short-duration burst, it was classified as the Type II (see, e.g., Zhang et al. 2009 or S16 for details). iThe redshift study of GRB 060121 (de Ugarte Postigo et al. 2006) revealed two probability peaks. The main one (with a 63% likelihood) places the burst at $z=4.6\pm 0.5$. A secondary peak (with a 35% likelihood) would imply that the afterglow lies at a $z=1.7\pm 0.4$. jThe type of GRB 060614 is uncertain: an SN-less, long-duration burst (Della Valle et al. 2006; Gal-Yam et al. 2006; Gehrels et al. 2006; Fynbo et al. 2006) is suggested to be a Type I burst based on its host galaxy low specific star-forming rate (Zhang et al. 2009), while in the KW data this GRB was classified as a Type II burst based on duration and hardness only (see S16 for details). kThis burst is a short burst with extended emission (EE) according to Sakamoto et al. (2011a) and S16. lThe 95% confidence redshift range is $1.37\lt z\lt 2.20$. mThe redshift at the $2\sigma $ confidence level is $z=4.35\pm 0.15$. nA rather wide 95% confidence range $1.14\lt z\lt 2.34$ is reported for this estimate. oSince there is an ambiguity with the host galaxy identification, this redshift may not correspond to the burst. See the text (Section 3) for details. pAlthough this GRB cannot be unambiguously assigned into the Type I population, we classify it as Type I. See the text (Section 3) for details.

References. (1) Frontera et al. (2009), (2) Bloom et al. (2001a), (3) Remillard et al. (1997), (4) Djorgovski et al. (2001), (5) Kulkarni et al. (1998), (6) Kulkarni et al. (1999), (7) Bloom et al. (2003a), (8) Vreeswijk et al. (2001), (9) Le Floch et al. (2002), (10) Hurley (1999), (11) Djorgovski et al. (1999), (12) Vreeswijk et al. (2006), (13) Kippen (2000), (14) Andersen et al. (2000), (15) Piro et al. (2002), (16) Smith et al. (2000), (17) Castro et al. (2000a), (18) Hurley et al. (2000a), (19) Hurley et al. (2000b), (20) Price et al. (2002a), (21) Hurley et al. (2000c), (22) Castro et al. (2000b), (23) Castro et al. (2001), (24) Price et al. (2002b), (25) Infante et al. (2001), (26) Masetti et al. (2002), (27) Table of HETE Burst Data (2006), (28) Barth et al. (2003), (29) Levesque et al. (2010), (30) Crew et al. (2002), (31) Della Valle et al. (2003), (32) Bloom et al. (2003b), (33) Fenimore et al. (2004), (34) Wiersema et al. (2004), (35) Galassi et al. (2004), (36) Price et al. (2004), (37) Sakamoto et al. (2011a), (38) Watson et al. (2006), (39) Foley et al. (2005), (40) Berger & Becker (2005), (41) Fox et al. (2008), (42) Jakobsson et al. (2006), (43) Volnova et al. (2014), (44) Gal-Yam et al. (2005), (45) Quimby et al. (2005), (46) Soderberg et al. (2006), (47) Prigozhin et al. (2006), (48) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2006), (49) Fynbo et al. (2009), (50) Della Valle et al. (2006), (51) Krühler et al. (2012), (52) Levan et al. (2007), (53) Berger et al. (2007a), (54) Krühler et al. (2015), (55) Stratta et al. (2007), (56) Perley et al. (2009), (57) Hurley & Cline (2007), (58) Cenko et al. (2008), (59) Jakobsson et al. (2007), (60) Perley et al. (2013), (61) Graham et al. (2009), (62) Perley et al. (2008), (63) Stern et al. (2007), (64) Swift GRB Table (2016), (65) Berger et al. (2007b), (66) Rapisarda et al. (2008), (67) Rossi et al. (2008), (68) Prochaska et al. (2009), (69) Starling et al. (2009), (70) Fermi-LAT Collaboration (2013), (71) Greiner et al. (2009), (72) Berger & Rauch (2008), (73) Kuin et al. (2009), (74) Salvaterra et al. (2012), (75) Cucchiara et al. (2008), (76) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2009b), (77) Chornock et al. (2009a), (78) Cenko et al. (2009a), (79) Chornock et al. (2009b), (80) Rau et al. (2009), (81) Cenko et al. (2009b), (82) Wiersema et al. (2009), (83) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2009a), (84) Malesani et al. (2009), (85) Cucchiara et al. (2009), (86) Xu et al. (2009), (87) Sakamoto et al. (2009), (88) Chornock & Berger (2009), (89) Thoene et al. (2009), (90) Cenko et al. (2010), (91) Cucchiara & Fox (2010), (92) Milvang-Jensen et al. (2010), (93) Kruehler et al. (2013), (94) O'Meara et al. (2010), (95) Tanvir et al. (2010b), (96) Tanvir et al. (2010c), (97) Chornock & Berger (2011a), (98) Chornock & Berger (2011b), (99) Milne & Cenko (2011), (100) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2011a), (101) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2011b), (102) Piranomonte et al. (2011), (103) Tanvir et al. (2011), (104) Hurley et al. (2011), (105) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2011c), (106) Sparre et al. (2014), (107) Palazzi et al. (2011), (108) Cucchiara & Prochaska (2012), (109) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2013a), (110) IBAS: Results (2012), (111) Tanvir et al. (2012b), (112) Hurley et al. (2012), (113) D'Elia et al. (2012), (114) Berger et al. (2013), (115) Tanvir et al. (2012a), (116) Hjorth et al. (2013), (117) Flores et al. (2013), (118) Tanvir et al. (2013), (119) Cucchiara & Cenko (2013), (120) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2014c), (121) Xu et al. (2013a), (122) Cucchiara & Perley (2013), (123) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2013c), (124) Xu et al. (2013b), (125) Xu et al. (2013c), (126) Racusin et al. (2013), (127) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2013b), (128) Sonbas et al. (2013), (129) Cucchiara (2014), (130) Schulze et al. (2014), (131) Tanvir et al. (2014), (132) Fynbo et al. (2014), (133) Wiersema et al. (2014), (134) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2014a), (135) Perley et al. (2014), (136) Lipunov et al. (2016), (137) FERMIGBRST—Fermi-GBM Burst Catalog (von Kienlin et al. 2014; Gruber et al. 2014; Narayana Bhat et al. 2016), (138) Singer et al. (2015), (139) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2014b), (140) Kruehler et al. (2015), (141) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2015a), (142) Perley & Cenko (2015), (143) Pugliese et al. (2015), (144) Castro-Tirado et al. (2015), (145) Kocevski & Arimoto (2015), (146) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2015c), (147) D'Elia et al. (2015), (148) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2015b), (149) Perley et al. (2015), (150) de Ugarte Postigo et al. (2016), (151) Selsing et al. (2016), (152) Longo et al. (2016), (153) Tanvir et al. (2016), (154) Vianello et al. (2016), (155) Malesani et al. (2016), (156) Dirirsa et al. (2016), (157) Xu et al. (2016), (158) Gotz et al. (2016), (159) Castro-Tirado et al. (2016).

A machine-readable version of the table is available.

Download table as:  DataTypeset images: 1 2 3

The "Type" column specifies the burst "physical" classification: Type I, the merger origin (Blinnikov et al. 1984; Paczynski 1986; Eichler et al. 1989; Paczynski 1991; Narayan et al. 1992), typically short/hard bursts, and Type II, the collapsar origin (Woosley 1993; Paczyński 1998; MacFadyen & Woosley 1999; Woosley & Bloom 2006), typically long/soft GRBs; see, e.g., Zhang et al. (2009) for more information on this classification scheme. According to the KW Type I/II criteria (S16), 11 GRBs from the sample can be confidently classified as Type I and 137 GRBs as Type II. Although ${T}_{50}\approx 1.0\,{\rm{s}}$ for GRB 160410A exceeds 0.6 s, a threshold used by S16 to distinguish between "short" and "long" KW GRBs, this burst may be classified as Type I based on its position in the hardness–duration distribution of a large sample of KW bright GRBs (Figure 1), and also on its short ${T}_{90}\approx 1.6\,{\rm{s}}$ (see Section 4.1 for definitions of T50 and T90). The physical classification of GRB 060614 is unclear: an SN-less, long-duration burst (Della Valle et al. 2006; Fynbo et al. 2006; Gal-Yam et al. 2006; Gehrels et al. 2006) was suggested to be Type I based on a low specific star-forming rate of its host galaxy (Zhang et al. 2009); conversely, from the KW prompt-emission analysis this GRB was classified by S16 as Type II, that we will use in this paper. Thus, of 150 GRBs in the sample, we designate 138 GRBs as Type II and 12 (or 8% of the sample) as Type I.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Hardness-duration distribution of GRBs with known redshifts detected by KW in the triggered mode (Type I: red triangles; Type II: blue circles; GRB 160410A: green diamond; GRB 060614: green star, initial pulse, and green square, the whole burst). The distribution of 1143 KW bright GRBs (S16) is shown in the background. This distribution is fitted by a sum of two Gaussian distributions and the contours denote 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ confidence regions for each Gaussian distribution.

Standard image High-resolution image

The next column indicates the mission/instrument that provided the most accurate GRB localization from prompt emission observations, thus enabling further identification of the source. Among 150 bursts in this catalog, 103 (or ∼2/3) are Swift-BAT GRBs, 13 were localized by BeppoSAX, 14 by Fermi (LAT and/or GBM), 8 by HETE-2, 2 by INTEGRAL-IBIS/ISGRI, and 2 by RXTE-ASM; for 10 GRBs, the best "prompt" localization was obtained with the help of triangulation by the IPN (Hurley et al. EAS Pub Ser., 61, 459, 2013). The "Other obs." column provides the information on the burst prompt emission detections by other missions with spectrometric capabilities in hard X-ray and γ-ray domains. The statistics of these detections are as follows: CGRO-BATSE—5, HETE-2—10, BeppoSAX-GRBM—13, Swift-BAT—102, Fermi-GBM—52, and Fermi-LAT—21. The "Det." and "Inc. angle" columns specify the KW triggered detector and the angle between the GRB direction and the detector axis (the incident angle).

The rightmost three columns of Table 1 contain the redshift data. For a number of GRBs there are several independent redshift estimates available, of which we gave a preference to spectroscopic over photometric redshifts, if available; also, results from refereed papers, which presented a detailed spectral analysis, were given higher priority over earlier GCN circulars. The redshift study of GRB 060121 (de Ugarte Postigo et al. 2006) revealed two probability peaks. The main one (which we chose for this catalog, with a 63% likelihood) places the burst at $z=4.6\pm 0.5$. A secondary peak (with a 35% likelihood) would imply that the source lies at $z=1.7\pm 0.4$. The redshift estimate we use for GRB 150424A ($z=0.3$, Castro-Tirado et al. 2015) is based on the observation of a galaxy 5'' (22.5 kpc at this z) away from the afterglow position reported by Perley & McConnell (2015). We note, however, that Tanvir et al. (2015) found a fainter potential host galaxy with a likely redshift of $z\gt 0.7$ underlying the GRB position.

Figure 2 shows KW GRB redshift distributions along with those for the pre-Swift-era GRBs and all GRB redshifts measured to mid-2016. The KW GRB redshifts span the range $0.1\leqslant z\leqslant 5$ and have mean and median values of ∼1.5 and ∼1.3, respectively. These statistics are comparable with those for the pre-Swift era GRBs, whose distribution peaks at $z\sim 1$ (Berger et al. 2005), but they are significantly lower than the Swift-era values ($\bar{z}\sim 2.3$; Coward et al. 2013). The fraction of the KW-detected GRBs is ∼0.4–0.5 at $z\lt 1$ and it gradually decreases with z; for short/hard (Type I) bursts the fraction is ∼0.5. The absence of high-redshift bursts ($z\gt 5$) in the KW sample results from several instrument-specific biases discussed further in this paper.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Redshift distributions for GRBs detected up to 2016 June.

Standard image High-resolution image

4. Data Analysis and Results

4.1. Burst Durations and Spectral Lags

4.1.1. Analysis

The total burst duration T100, and the T90 and T50 durations (the time intervals that contain 5% to 95% and 25% to 75% of the total burst count fluence, respectively; see, e.g., Kouveliotou et al. 1993), were determined, in this work, using the counts in G2+G3 energy band (∼80–1200 keV at present). The soft energy band G1 was excluded from the analysis for a number of reasons, i.e., (1) the major fraction of the GRB spectra have the peak energy of the ${{EF}}_{E}$ spectrum ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}\gt 100\,\mathrm{keV}$ and hence photons responsible for the burst energy are detected mostly in the G2 and G3 bands; (2) the KW background in G2 and G3 is very stable (in contrast to background in the soft energy range G1 (∼20–80 keV), which can exhibit significant variations due to solar activity and hard X-ray transients); (3) for some bursts, an emerging X-ray afterglow may be confused with the prompt emission in G1.

To compute the durations, a concatenation of waiting-mode and triggered-mode light curves was used. The burst's start and end times were determined at 5σ excess above background on timescales from 2 ms to 2.944 s in the interval from ${T}_{0}-200\,{\rm{s}}$ to ${T}_{0}+240\,{\rm{s}}$ (the end of the KW triggered mode record). In some cases, e.g., for GRB 020813, which partly overlaps in time with a solar flare, the search interval was narrowed to exclude the non-GRB event. The background was approximated by a constant, using, typically, the interval from ${T}_{0}-1200\,{\rm{s}}$ to ${T}_{0}-200\,{\rm{s}}$.

The spectral lag (${\tau }_{\mathrm{lag}}$) is a quantitative measure of spectral evolution often seen in long GRBs, when the emission in a soft detector band peaks later or has a longer decay relative to a hard band; a positive ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lag}}$ corresponds to the delay of the softer emission. To derive spectral lags we used a cross-correlation method similar to that described in Band (1997) and Norris et al. (2000). The cross-correlation function (CCF) was computed between three pairs of KW energy channels: G2–G1, G3–G1, and G2–G3. For each pair of channels (Gi,Gj) the peak of fourth-degree polynomial fit for the CCF was taken as ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagGiGj}}$. The ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lag}}$ error was estimated via the bootstrap approach. To ensure the robustness of the analysis, only bursts featuring a single emission episode, with start and end times being within the triggered mode record, were selected for the spectral lag calculations.

4.1.2. Results

Table 2 summarizes the results of our temporal and lag analyses. The first column contains the GRB name (see Table 1). Next, the values of T100, T90, and T50 are listed along with the corresponding start times t0, t5, and t25 given relative to the trigger time T0. For GRB 081203A, which was detected during the data output of GRB 081203B, no high-resolution light curves are available and, thus, only a rough estimate of T100 is provided. While for weak KW GRBs, T100 and T90 are nearly similar measures of duration (Figure 3), for brighter bursts, T100 becomes more sensitive to the existence of weak precursors or extended tails. This behavior is particularly apparent for such remarkable events as the "naked-eye" GRB 080319B (Racusin et al. 2008); the ultra-luminous GRB 110918A (Frederiks et al. 2013); the nearby, ultra-bright GRB 130427A (Maselli et al. 2014); and two recent highly energetic events, GRB 160623A (Frederiks et al. 2016) and GRB 160625B (Svinkin et al. 2016a; Zhang et al. 2016). The latter burst features a precursor separated from the main episode by a long interval of quiescence and the four former bursts are characterized by slowly decaying tails of hard X-ray emission that were bright enough to be detected in the KW G2 band for hundreds of seconds.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.  ${T}_{90}$ to T100 ratio plotted vs. T100. Type I and Type II GRBs are shown with triangles and circles, respectively. The color of each data point represents the log of the burst's trigger significance (σ).

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 2.  Durations and Spectral Lags

Burst t0 T100 t5 T90 t25 T50 ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}2{\rm{G}}1}$ ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}1}$ ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}2}$
Name (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s)
GRB 970228 −0.456 56.584 −0.002 ± 0.024 53.442 ± 2.891 0.592 ± 0.048 39.280 ± 2.556
GRB 970828 −4.248 94.936 0.864 ± 0.112 66.208 ± 2.781 7.680 ± 0.161 17.792 ± 0.310
GRB 971214 −9.060 16.564 −9.060 ± 2.082 15.892 ± 2.133 −3.172 ± 2.951 6.724 ± 2.970
GRB 990123 −17.312 111.200 1.600 ± 0.161 62.016 ± 1.179 7.904 ± 0.072 26.336 ± 0.757 0.681 ± 0.091 0.619 ± 0.099 0.165 ± 0.050
GRB 990506 −0.390 164.742 1.952 ± 0.041 128.608 ± 0.654 12.032 ± 0.088 83.392 ± 2.565
GRB 990510 −0.320 69.568 0.688 ± 0.186 55.888 ± 8.108 38.976 ± 1.735 5.760 ± 1.745
GRB 990705 −1.698 67.746 1.648 ± 0.066 33.232 ± 1.120 7.488 ± 0.096 14.720 ± 0.211 0.053 ± 0.016 0.103 ± 0.063 0.016 ± 0.014
GRB 990712 −1.637 18.821 −1.637 ± 0.862 16.629 ± 1.777 0.784 ± 0.173 10.784 ± 0.470
GRB 991208 −0.148 76.436 0.688 ± 0.016 63.056 ± 0.481 5.136 ± 1.562 53.680 ± 1.567
GRB 991216 −17.477 44.629 0.672 ± 0.032 14.528 ± 0.140 3.264 ± 0.025 4.704 ± 0.154
GRB 000131 −77.719 105.735 −74.775 ± 2.944 96.471 ± 3.125 −18.839 ± 12.138 27.719 ± 12.280

Note. A positive value of the spectral lag ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lag}}$ corresponds to a delay of the soft photons.

Only a portion of this table is shown here to demonstrate its form and content. A machine-readable version of the full table is available.

Download table as:  DataTypeset image

The last three columns of Table 2 present the spectral lags ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}2{\rm{G}}1}$, ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}1}$, and ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}2}$. For the 58 GRBs selected for the spectral lag analysis, the numbers of lags calculated are as follows: ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}2{\rm{G}}1}$ (G2–G1)—55, ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}1}$ (G3–G1)—32, and ${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}2}$ (G3–G2)—38. The missing lag values are not constrained; this may be due to a weak detection in one or both analyzed channels, or to a significant difference in a pulse shape between them.

Figure 4 presents the T50, T90, and T100 observer- and rest-frame distributions. The rest-frame quantities are the corresponding observer-frame values scaled by the time dilation factor 1/($1+z$).We note that the observer-frame energy band G2+G3, in which the durations are calculated, corresponds to multiple energy bands in the source-frame thus introducing a variable energy-dependant factor which must be accounted for when analyzing the rest-frame durations. The same considerations apply to the spectral lags.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Distributions of T100 (top), T90 (middle), and T50 (bottom) in the observer- and cosmological rest frames (black solid and red dashed lines, respectively).

Standard image High-resolution image

4.2. Energy Spectra

4.2.1. Analysis

For each burst from our sample, two time intervals were selected for spectral analysis: time-averaged fits were performed over the interval closest to T100 (hereafter the TI spectrum); the peak spectrum corresponds to the time when the peak count rate (PCR) is reached. The peak spectrum accumulation time may vary from burst to burst depending on the GRB intensity and the presence of significant spectral evolution. For 38 bursts with poor count statistics, the TI and the peak spectra are measured over the same interval.

More than a dozen bursts from the sample show two or more emission episodes separated by periods of quiescence. In the majority of cases, all emission episodes were included to the TI spectrum. KW triggered on weak precursors of GRB 120716A and GRB 160625B. To maintain a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio, only the main episodes of these bursts contributed to the spectral analysis presented in this paper.

The spectral analysis was performed using XSPEC version 12.9.0 (Arnaud 1996). The raw count rate spectra were rebinned to have a minimum of 20 counts per channel to ensure Gaussian-distributed count statistics and fitted using the ${\chi }^{2}$ statistic. Each spectrum was fitted by two spectral models. The first model is the Band function (hereafter BAND; Band et al. 1993):

Equation (1)

where α is the low-energy photon index and β is the high-energy photon index. The second spectral model is an exponentially cutoff power-law (CPL), parameterized as Ep:

Equation (2)

In the only case where both "curved" models result in ill-constrained fits (GRB 080413B), a simple power-law (PL) function was used: $f(E)\propto {E}^{\alpha }$. All the spectral models were normalized to the energy flux (F) in the 10 keV–10 MeV range (observer frame). The fits were performed in the energy range from ∼20 keV to the upper limit of 0.5–15 MeV, depending on the presence of statistically significant GRB emission in the MeV band and, also, on the stability of the background in the upper spectral channels, which are affected, for some GRBs, by solar particles. The parameter errors were estimated using the XSPEC command ERROR based on the change in fit statistic (${\rm{\Delta }}{\chi }^{2}=1$) which corresponds to the 68% CL.

For each spectrum, we present the results for the models whose parameters are constrained (hereafter, GOOD models). The best-fit spectral model (the BEST model) was chosen based on the difference in ${\chi }^{2}$ between the CPL and the BAND fits. The criterion for accepting a model with a single additional parameter is a change in ${\chi }^{2}$ of at least 6 (${\rm{\Delta }}{\chi }^{2}\equiv {\chi }_{\mathrm{CPL}}^{2}-{\chi }_{\mathrm{BAND}}^{2}\gt 6$). This criterion is widely accepted for choosing between nested spectral models in GRB studies (see, e.g., Sakamoto et al. 2008; Krimm et al. 2009; Goldstein et al. 2012) and corresponds to an F test chance improvement probability of ∼0.015 for a reasonably good quality of fit (the reduced chi-squared, i.e., the chi-squared per degree of freedom (d.o.f.), ${\chi }_{{\rm{r}}}^{2}\sim 1$). It should be noted that in the KW GCN circulars a different approach is used for the best-fit model selection: BAND is preferred over CPL in the case of the constrained fit, and not dependent on ${\rm{\Delta }}{\chi }^{2}$.

4.2.2. Results

The 10 columns in Table 3 contain the following information: (1) the GRB name (see Table 1); (2) the spectrum type, where "i" indicates that the spectrum is TI, "p" means that the spectrum is peak; (3) and (4) contain the spectrum start time ${t}_{\mathrm{start}}$ (relative to T0) and its accumulation time ${\rm{\Delta }}T;$ (5) GOOD models for each spectrum ($\dagger $ indicates the BEST model); (6)–(8) α, β, and ${E}_{{\rm{p}}};$ (9) F (normalization); (10) ${\chi }^{2}/{\rm{d}}.{\rm{o}}.{\rm{f}}.$ along with the null hypothesis probability given in brackets. In cases where the lower limit for β is not constrained, the value of (${\beta }_{\min }-\beta $) is provided instead, where ${\beta }_{\min }=-10$ is the lower limit for the fits. For the best-fit values of $\beta \lt -4$, only the upper limits on β are given.

Table 3.  Spectral Parameters

Burst Spec. ${t}_{\mathrm{start}}$ ${\rm{\Delta }}T$ Model α β ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}$ F ${\chi }^{2}/{\rm{d}}.{\rm{o}}.{\rm{f}}.$
Name Type (s) (s)       (keV) (${10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1) (Prob.)
GRB 970228 i 0.000 8.448 CPLa $-{1.27}_{-0.22}^{+0.24}$ ${165}_{-25}^{+39}$ ${0.53}_{-0.05}^{+0.06}$ 44.9/56 (0.86)
  i     Band $-{1.24}_{-0.22}^{+0.31}$ $-{2.82}_{-7.18}^{+0.60}$ ${159}_{-36}^{+38}$ ${0.60}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}$ 44.5/55 (0.84)
  p 0.000 0.256 CPLa $-{0.81}_{-0.27}^{+0.32}$ ${309}_{-60}^{+102}$ ${3.38}_{-0.40}^{+0.42}$ 13.3/24 (0.96)
  p     Band $-{0.76}_{-0.29}^{+0.49}$ $-{2.64}_{-7.36}^{+0.70}$ ${286}_{-105}^{+102}$ ${4.14}_{-0.47}^{+0.47}$ 13.0/23 (0.95)
GRB 970828 i 0.000 70.656 CPL $-{0.86}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$ ${346}_{-17}^{+19}$ ${0.89}_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$ 72.6/66 (0.27)
  i     Banda $-{0.73}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}$ $-{2.18}_{-0.15}^{+0.11}$ ${271}_{-22}^{+24}$ ${1.33}_{-0.05}^{+0.05}$ 63.5/65 (0.53)
  p 17.920 5.120 CPL $-{0.91}_{-0.05}^{+0.05}$ ${355}_{-25}^{+29}$ ${2.20}_{-0.10}^{+0.10}$ 68.6/79 (0.79)
  p     Banda $-{0.78}_{-0.07}^{+0.08}$ $-{2.18}_{-0.15}^{+0.12}$ ${271}_{-28}^{+31}$ ${3.23}_{-0.26}^{+0.27}$ 57.6/78 (0.96)
GRB 971214 i 0.000 8.448 CPLa $-{0.50}_{-0.17}^{+0.19}$ ${179}_{-16}^{+20}$ ${0.39}_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$ 72.2/78 (0.66)
  i     Band $-{0.32}_{-0.22}^{+0.26}$ $-{2.39}_{-0.35}^{+0.23}$ ${154}_{-19}^{+20}$ ${0.58}_{-0.09}^{+0.11}$ 67.8/77 (0.77)


aIndicates the BEST model for the spectrum.

Only a portion of this table is shown here to demonstrate its form and content. A machine-readable version of the full table is available.

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Although KW high-resolution spectra do not cover the pre-trigger emission, for about two-thirds of GRBs in our sample the TI spectra include $\geqslant 90 \% $ of the burst counts (and only for six bursts this fraction is $\lt 50 \% $). A major fraction of the GRB 090812 counts, about one-half of the short GRB 100206A counts, and a significant fraction of the short GRB 070714B counts were accumulated before the trigger. For these bursts, we performed the spectral analysis using both multichannel spectra and the three-channel spectra constructed from light-curve data. Together, these spectra cover the burst T100 interval.

Figure 5 shows the distributions of spectral parameters. The CPL model's α for both TI and peak spectra are distributed around $\alpha \approx -1$. For the BAND model, α for the TI and peak spectra are distributed around ≈−1 and ≈−0.85, respectively. The high-energy photon indices β for the TI and peak spectra are distributed around ≈−2.5 and ≈−2.35, respectively. We found BAND to be the BEST model for 54 TI and 51 peak spectra. The remaining spectra (with the exception of GRB 080413B) were best fitted by CPL. Ep for the BEST model varies from $\approx 40\,\mathrm{keV}$ to $\approx 3.5\,\mathrm{MeV}$ (GRB 090510). The TI spectrum ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}$ (${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$) distributions for both spectral models peak around 250 keV, while the peak spectrum ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}$ (${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$) distributions peak around 300 keV. The corresponding rest-frame peak energies, ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}=(1+z){E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}\,=(1+z){E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$, vary from $\approx 50\,\mathrm{keV}$ to $\approx 6.7\,\mathrm{MeV}$ (GRB 090510).

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Distributions of spectral parameters α, β, Ep, and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},z}=(1+z){E}_{{\rm{p}}}$ for GOOD models. All the panels display the comparison between the TI spectral parameters (solid black lines) and the peak spectral parameters (dashed red lines). Panels (a), (d), and (e) also display the comparison between CPL and BAND spectral parameters.

Standard image High-resolution image

4.3. Burst Energetics

4.3.1. Fluences and Peak Fluxes

The energy fluences (S) and the peak energy fluxes (${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$) were derived using the 10 keV–10 MeV energy fluxes of the BEST models for TI and peak spectra, respectively (Section 4.2). Since the TI spectrum accumulation interval typically differs from the T100 interval, a correction that accounts for the emission outside the TI spectrum was introduced when calculating S. Three timescales ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ were used when calculating ${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$: together with two commonly utilized ones (1024 and 64 ms), we introduce the "rest-frame 64 ms" scale ($(1+z)\cdot 64$ ms); the latter were used to estimate the rest-frame peak luminosity ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$. To obtain ${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$, the model energy flux of the peak spectrum was multiplied by the ratio of the PCR on the ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ scale to the average count rate in the spectral accumulation interval. Typically, the corrections were made using counts in the G2+G3 light curve; the G1+G2, G2 only, and G1+G2+G3 combinations were also considered depending on the emission hardness and intensity.

4.3.2. k-correction and Rest-frame Energetics

The cosmological rest-frame energetics, the isotropic-equivalent energy release ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and the isotropic-equivalent peak luminosity ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$, can be calculated, with the proper k-correction, as ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}=\tfrac{4\pi {D}_{L}^{2}}{1+z}\times S\times k$ and ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}=4\pi {D}_{L}^{2}\times {F}_{\mathrm{peak}}\times k;$ where ${D}_{L}$ is the luminosity distance. The k-correction to the rest-frame (see, e.g., Bloom et al. 2001b or Kovács et al. 2011 for details) is formulated in terms of spectral model energy flux F as

where $[{e}_{1}=10\,\mathrm{keV}$, ${e}_{2}=10$ MeV] is our flux calculation band in the observer frame, and [E1, E2] is the rest-frame "bolometric" energy band. For E1, we accept 1 keV and for E2, we calculate $(1+z)\cdot {e}_{2}=(1+z)\cdot 10\,\mathrm{MeV}$. The latter value is higher than the widely used rest-frame limit of 10 MeV, since the upper boundary of the KW energy range is rather high ($\gt 10$ MeV) and choosing ${E}_{2}=10\,\mathrm{MeV}$ would narrow the energy band of our observations.

4.3.3. Collimation-corrected Energetics

Knowing ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$, one can estimate the collimation-corrected energy released in gamma-rays ${E}_{\gamma }={E}_{\mathrm{iso}}(1-\cos {\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}})$ and the collimation-corrected peak luminosity ${L}_{\gamma }={L}_{\mathrm{iso}}(1-\cos {\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}})$, where ${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}$ is the jet opening angle and $(1-\cos {\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}})$ is the collimation factor.

In the case of a CBM with constant number density n, hereafter HM, ${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}$ is given by Sari et al. (1999):

Equation (3)

where ${\eta }_{\gamma }$ is the radiative efficiency of the prompt phase, ${E}_{\mathrm{iso},52}$ is the prompt emitted energy in units of 1052 erg, and ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ is measured in days. For calculations, we adopted canonical values ${\eta }_{\gamma }=0.2$ and n = 1 cm−3 (Frail et al. 2001).

In the case of a stellar-wind-like CBM with $n(r)\propto {r}^{-2}$, hereafter WM, the jet opening angle according to Li & Chevalier (2003) is

Equation (4)

where ${A}_{* }=({\dot{M}}_{{\rm{w}}}/(4\pi {v}_{{\rm{w}}})$/($5\times {10}^{11}$ g cm−1) is the wind parameter, ${\dot{M}}_{{\rm{w}}}$ is the mass-loss rate due to the wind, and ${v}_{{\rm{w}}}$ is the wind velocity; ${A}_{* }\sim 1$ is typical for a Wolf–Rayet star. Following Ghirlanda et al. (2007), we assume ${A}_{* }=1$ for all bursts with WM neglecting the unknown uncertainty of this parameter.

In this work, we only consider jet breaks that were detected either in optical/IR afterglow light curves or in two spectral bands simultaneously (e.g., in X-ray and in radio). Among ∼60 jet breaks reported for KW GRBs in the literature, 32 meet this criterion (including two for Type I bursts, GRB 051221A and GRB 030603B), and 23 of those GRBs have reasonable constraints on the CBM density profile (14 HM and 9 WM).

4.3.4. Results

Table 4 summarizes observer-frame and non-collimated rest-frame energetics. The first two columns are the GRB name and z. The next seven columns present the observer-frame energetics: S; peak fluxes on the three timescales (${F}_{\mathrm{peak},1024}$ (1024 ms), ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64}$ (64 ms), and ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64,{\rm{r}}}$ ($(1+z)\cdot 64$ ms)), together with start times of the intervals when the PCR is reached (${T}_{\mathrm{peak},1024}$, ${T}_{\mathrm{peak},64}$, and ${T}_{\mathrm{peak},64,{\rm{r}}}$). The next two columns contain ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and the peak isotropic luminosity, ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$, calculated from ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64,{\rm{r}}}$. The provided ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ values may be adjusted to a different timescale ${\rm{\Delta }}T$ (64 or 1024 ms) as:

Table 4.  Burst Energetics

Burst Name z Sb ${T}_{\mathrm{peak},1024}$ c ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},1024}$ d ${T}_{\mathrm{peak},64}$ c ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64}$ d ${T}_{\mathrm{peak},64,{\rm{r}}}$ c ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64,{\rm{r}}}$ d ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ e ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ f ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ d ${z}_{\max }$
GRB 970228 0.69 ${8.07}_{-0.41}^{+0.49}$ −0.512a ${2.24}_{-0.34}^{+0.43}$ 0.106 ${4.59}_{-0.78}^{+0.80}$ 0.118 ${4.12}_{-0.64}^{+0.66}$ 12.01 ± 0.93 9.6 ± 1.5 0.92 1.32
GRB 970828 0.96 ${101.8}_{-3.6}^{+3.5}$ 20.256 ${4.30}_{-0.44}^{+0.46}$ 20.416 ${6.16}_{-0.87}^{+0.88}$ 20.416 ${6.11}_{-0.71}^{+0.71}$ 262.2 ± 9.1 30.9 ± 3.6 1.1 1.85
GRB 971214 3.42 ${5.72}_{-0.22}^{+0.24}$ 2.752 ${0.604}_{-0.068}^{+0.071}$ 5.664 ${0.99}_{-0.25}^{+0.25}$ −0.280 ${0.69}_{-0.11}^{+0.12}$ 146.3 ± 6.1 78 ± 13 0.44 4.05
GRB 990123 1.60 ${310.6}_{-7.8}^{+8.0}$ 5.872 ${25.6}_{-1.1}^{+1.1}$ 6.048 ${29.1}_{-2.3}^{+2.3}$ 5.984 ${27.7}_{-1.6}^{+1.6}$ 2133 ± 54 490 ± 29 3.1 5.04
GRB 990506 1.31 ${261.0}_{-8.8}^{+8.8}$ 87.040 ${9.32}_{-0.46}^{+0.47}$ 90.048 ${13.8}_{-1.1}^{+1.1}$ 87.360 ${12.13}_{-0.68}^{+0.69}$ 1255 ± 43 134.2 ± 7.6 0.92 3.80
GRB 990510 1.62 ${21.72}_{-0.82}^{+0.89}$ 44.160 ${3.56}_{-0.33}^{+0.35}$ 44.224 ${5.57}_{-0.78}^{+0.80}$ 44.544 ${4.35}_{-0.50}^{+0.52}$ 174.2 ± 8.1 81.0 ± 9.6 0.76 3.37
GRB 990705 0.84 ${109.0}_{-3.8}^{+3.8}$ 14.000 ${4.80}_{-0.42}^{+0.44}$ 15.856 ${8.92}_{-0.96}^{+0.96}$ 15.824 ${8.36}_{-0.76}^{+0.76}$ 218.1 ± 7.7 30.7 ± 2.8 0.84 2.02
GRB 990712 0.43 ${6.25}_{-0.33}^{+0.38}$ 10.880 ${0.802}_{-0.087}^{+0.118}$ 11.456 ${1.10}_{-0.17}^{+0.17}$ 11.504 ${1.05}_{-0.14}^{+0.14}$ 3.86 ± 0.28 1.20 ± 0.18 1.1 0.50
GRB 991208 0.71 ${154.9}_{-3.0}^{+2.9}$ 56.256 ${18.59}_{-0.53}^{+0.55}$ 56.960 ${22.0}_{-1.1}^{+1.1}$ 56.960 ${21.88}_{-0.86}^{+0.87}$ 233.4 ± 4.6 53.2 ± 2.1 0.61 3.30
GRB 991216 1.02 ${297.0}_{-3.7}^{+3.8}$ 3.840 ${47.6}_{-3.1}^{+3.2}$ 4.032 ${99.4}_{-4.7}^{+4.7}$ 3.952 ${86.9}_{-3.6}^{+3.6}$ 886 ± 11 510 ± 21 1.6 5.73
GRB 000131 4.50 ${45.3}_{-1.3}^{+1.3}$ 2.144 ${3.09}_{-0.26}^{+0.27}$ 2.880 ${5.68}_{-0.63}^{+0.63}$ 2.672 ${3.99}_{-0.28}^{+0.28}$ 1817 ± 56 859 ± 60 0.67 8.48


aSince the trigger mode light curve begins at ${T}_{0}-0.512\,{\rm{s}}$, the corresponding peak energy flux may be underestimated due to the absence of high-res data before ${T}_{0}-0.512\,{\rm{s}}$. bIn units of ${10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2. cThe start time of the time interval when the peak count rate is reached, s. dIn units of ${10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1. eIn units of 1051 erg. fIn units of 1051 erg s−1.

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The rightmost columns provide two additional characteristics useful when the sample selection effects are considered: the bolometric energy flux corresponding to the GRB detection threshold, ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ (Section 5.3); and ${z}_{\max }$, the GRB detection horizon described in Section 5.4.

In Figure 6, the distributions of S, ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64}$, ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$, and ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ are shown. The most fluent burst in this catalog is GRB 130427A ($S=2.86\times {10}^{-3}$ erg cm−2). The brightest burst based on the peak energy flux is GRB 110918A (${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64}=9.02\,\times {10}^{-4}$ erg cm−2 s−1). The most energetic burst in terms of the isotropic energy is GRB 090323 (${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}=5.81\times {10}^{54}$ erg). The most luminous burst contained in this catalog is GRB 110918A (${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}=4.65\times {10}^{54}$ erg s−1).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Distributions of GRB energetics: S (top left panel); ${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ (top right panel); isotropic and collimation-corrected energy releases ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and Eγ (bottom left panel), and peak luminosities ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and Lγ (bottom right panel).

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 5 summarizes the collimation-corrected energetics for 32 bursts with "reliable" jet break times. The first column is the burst name. The next three columns specify ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$, the CBM environment implied (HM or WM), and references to them. The next two columns contain the derived ${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}$ and the corresponding collimation factor, and the last two columns present Eγ and Lγ. For bursts with no reasonable constraint on the CBM profile the results are given for both HM and WM.

Table 5.  Collimation-corrected Parameters

Burst ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ CBM Referencesa ${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}$ Collimation ${E}_{\gamma }$ ${L}_{\gamma }$
Name (days)     (deg) factor ($\times {10}^{-3}$) (1049 erg) (1049 erg s−1)
GRB 990123 ${2.06}_{-0.83}^{+0.83}$ WM (1) 1.91 ± 0.19 0.55 ± 0.12 118.10 ± 24.10 27.16 ± 5.74
GRB 990510 ${1.31}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$ HM (1) 4.21 ± 0.09 2.70 ± 0.11 47.07 ± 3.20 21.90 ± 0.95
GRB 990705 1b HMc (2) 4.23 ± 0.32 2.72 ± 0.42 59.31 ± 9.13 8.36 ± 1.26
    WM   3.07 ± 0.16 1.43 ± 0.15 31.28 ± 3.21 4.41 ± 0.41
GRB 990712 ${1.61}_{-0.19}^{+0.19}$ HMc (3) 9.20 ± 0.42 12.90 ± 1.19 4.96 ± 0.68 1.54 ± 0.28
    WM   10.10 ± 0.35 15.50 ± 1.09 5.98 ± 0.60 1.85 ± 0.34
GRB 991216 ${1.1}_{-0.13}^{+0.13}$ WM (1) 2.16 ± 0.06 0.71 ± 0.04 63.13 ± 3.88 36.32 ± 2.68
GRB 000301C ${7.3}_{-0.5}^{+0.5}$ HM (4) 9.33 ± 0.30 13.20 ± 0.85 44.56 ± 7.20 74.95 ± 8.08
GRB 000418 ${7.85}_{-2.71}^{+2.71}$ HMc (1) 9.62 ± 1.25 14.10 ± 3.87 134.50 ± 44.78 53.39 ± 16.34
    WM   6.09 ± 0.53 5.65 ± 1.03 54.04 ± 12.13 21.44 ± 4.70
GRB 000926 ${2.1}_{-0.15}^{+0.15}$ WM (1) 3.07 ± 0.06 1.43 ± 0.06 39.83 ± 2.46 16.24 ± 2.05
GRB 010222 ${0.93}_{-0.06}^{+0.15}$ WM (5), (1) 1.88 ± 0.06 0.54 ± 0.03 57.63 ± 3.81 12.56 ± 1.17
GRB 010921 ${35}_{-5}^{+5}$ HM (6) 25.51 ± 1.37 97.50 ± 10.60 105.70 ± 16.10 16.98 ± 2.43
GRB 011121 ${1.54}_{-0.22}^{+0.22}$ WM (1) 4.49 ± 0.16 3.07 ± 0.23 30.39 ± 2.26 4.09 ± 0.42
GRB 020405 ${2.4}_{-0.45}^{+0.45}$ WM (1) 4.56 ± 0.21 3.16 ± 0.30 37.07 ± 3.65 5.45 ± 0.74
GRB 020813 ${0.77}_{-0.25}^{+0.25}$ HM (1) 3.04 ± 0.37 1.41 ± 0.36 106.70 ± 27.01 22.22 ± 5.49
GRB 030329 ${0.69}_{-0.06}^{+0.08}$ HM (7) 6.02 ± 0.23 5.51 ± 0.43 9.11 ± 0.87 1.23 ± 0.10
GRB 041006 ${0.23}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$ WM (1) 5.13 ± 0.23 4.00 ± 0.37 2.75 ± 0.26 2.15 ± 0.42
GRB 050401 ${1.5}_{-0.5}^{+0.5}$ HMc (8) 3.38 ± 0.42 1.74 ± 0.46 80.59 ± 21.26 36.98 ± 10.05
    WM   2.33 ± 0.20 0.83 ± 0.14 38.38 ± 6.78 17.61 ± 3.45
GRB 050525A ${0.152}_{-0.008}^{+0.008}$ HMc (9) 2.83 ± 0.06 1.22 ± 0.05 3.43 ± 0.17 2.33 ± 0.10
    WM   3.31 ± 0.05 1.67 ± 0.05 4.68 ± 0.16 3.18 ± 0.19
GRB 050820A ${18}_{-2}^{+2}$ HM (10) 7.99 ± 0.33 9.70 ± 0.83 1005.00 ± 95.19 133.80 ± 12.13
GRB 051221A 5b HM (11) 14.04 ± 1.06 29.90 ± 4.66 9.20 ± 1.51 67.56 ± 10.47
GRB 060614 ${1.31}_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$ HM (12) 9.72 ± 0.11 14.30 ± 0.32 3.89 ± 0.31 0.42 ± 0.02
GRB 061121 1.16b HM (13) 3.94 ± 0.30 2.36 ± 0.37 71.67 ± 11.46 53.35 ± 8.32
GRB 070125 3.78b HM (14) 4.94 ± 0.37 3.71 ± 0.58 474.00 ± 74.85 108.20 ± 16.58
GRB 071010B ${3.44}_{-0.39}^{+0.39}$ HMc (15) 9.22 ± 0.41 12.90 ± 1.16 18.72 ± 2.71 8.55 ± 1.06
    WM   8.12 ± 0.30 10.00 ± 0.74 14.50 ± 1.61 6.62 ± 1.22
GRB 080319B ${11.6}_{-1}^{+1}$ WM (16), (12) 3.41 ± 0.07 1.77 ± 0.08 278.10 ± 12.20 21.00 ± 1.30
GRB 090328 ${9}_{-6}^{+11.6}$ HM (17), (12) 10.73 ± 4.13 17.50 ± 16.00 190.20 ± 149.00 59.56 ± 46.09
GRB 090618 ${0.5}_{-0.11}^{+0.11}$ HM (18) 3.42 ± 0.28 1.78 ± 0.31 45.04 ± 8.08 4.74 ± 0.79
GRB 090926A ${10}_{-2}^{+2}$ HM (17), (12) 6.20 ± 0.47 5.85 ± 0.91 1234.00 ± 188.70 549.80 ± 82.86
GRB 091127 ${0.39}_{-0.02}^{+0.02}$ HMc (19) 4.46 ± 0.09 3.02 ± 0.13 4.82 ± 0.63 3.45 ± 0.29
    WM   4.92 ± 0.10 3.68 ± 0.15 5.87 ± 0.63 4.20 ± 0.74
GRB 110503A ${1.06}_{-0.14}^{+0.14}$ HMc (20) 3.80 ± 0.19 2.20 ± 0.23 46.80 ± 5.07 42.85 ± 4.31
    WM   2.87 ± 0.10 1.26 ± 0.09 26.71 ± 1.93 24.46 ± 2.28
GRB 130427A ${0.43}_{-0.05}^{+0.05}$ HM (21) 2.91 ± 0.13 1.29 ± 0.12 114.80 ± 10.09 35.64 ± 3.11
GRB 130603B ${0.47}_{-0.06}^{+0.02}$ HMc (22) 6.43 ± 0.23 6.29 ± 0.46 1.23 ± 0.10 18.79 ± 1.37
    WM   8.90 ± 0.24 12.00 ± 0.66 2.36 ± 0.13 36.00 ± 3.00
GRB 151027A 2.3b WM (23) 6.08 ± 0.36 5.63 ± 0.68 18.60 ± 2.74 4.41 ± 0.73


aIn cases where two references are given, the first one corresponds to the ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ estimate and the second one corresponds to the preferred CBM. bWhen no ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ uncertainty is available from the literature, we take the sample-mean $\sim 0.2\cdot {t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ as a 68% ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ error for the calculations. cIn cases where no preferred CBM density profile is available from the literature, we provide the estimates for both HM and WM.

References. (1) Zeh et al. (2006), (2) Masetti et al. (2000), (3) Björnsson et al. (2001), (4) Berger et al. (2000), (5) Galama et al. (2003), (6) Price et al. (2003), (7) Resmi et al. (2005), (8) Ghirlanda et al. (2007), (9) Blustin et al. (2006), (10) Cenko et al. (2006), (11) Soderberg et al. (2006), (12) Schulze et al. (2011), (13) Page et al. (2007), (14) Chandra et al. (2008), (15) Kann et al. (2007), (16) Tanvir et al. (2010a), (17) Cenko et al. (2011), (18) Cano et al. (2011), (19) Filgas et al. (2011), (20) Kann et al. (2011), (21) Maselli et al. (2014), (22) Fong et al. (2014), (23) Nappo et al. (2017).

Only a portion of this table is shown here to demonstrate its form and content. A machine-readable version of the full table is available.

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Table 6.  Parameter Statistics

Parameter Min Max Mean Median
Name Value Value Value Value
Redshift 0.096 5 1.50 1.32
T100 (s) 0.124 484.858 67.689 37.312
T90 (s) 0.070 440.826 46.557 21.664
T50 (s) 0.034 167.290 16.959 7.616
${T}_{100,z}$ (s) 0.088 170.884 29.476 13.974
${T}_{90,z}$ (s) 0.052 121.954 19.447 9.677
${T}_{50,z}$ (s) 0.025 49.733 7.220 3.002
${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}2{\rm{G}}1}$ (ms) 0.6 2495 292 150
${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}1}$ (ms) 4.8 5106 543 343
${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}2}$ (ms) 2.1 765 176 132
${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}2{\rm{G}}1,z}$ (ms) 0.4 1290 143 68
${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}1,z}$ (ms) 3.7 2630 257 133
${\tau }_{\mathrm{lagG}3{\rm{G}}2,z}$ (ms) 1.4 388 85 68
${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ (keV), Type I GRBs 468 3516 953 640
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$ (keV) Type I GRBs 468 3386 966 671
${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$ (keV) Type I GRBs 658 6691 1637 988
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ (keV) Type I GRBs 658 6444 1647 991
${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ (keV) Type II GRBs 37 1083 298 238
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$ (keV) Type II GRBs 37 1511 360 271
${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$ (keV) Type II GRBs 54 2703 775 661
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ (keV) Type II GRBs 53 5137 931 752
S (erg cm−2) 1.13 × 10−6 2.86 × 10−3 1.07 × 10−4 2.51 × 10−5
Fpeak,1024 (erg cm−2 s−1) 5.56 × 10−7 5.08 × 10−4 1.42 × 10−5 3.45 × 10−6
${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64}$ (erg cm−2 s−1) 9.51 × 10−7 9.02 × 10−4 2.55 × 10−5 6.19 × 10−6
${F}_{\mathrm{peak},64,{\rm{r}}}$ (erg cm−2 s−1) 6.89 × 10−7 8.71 × 10−4 2.33 × 10−5 5.41 × 10−6
${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ (erg) 4.18 × 1049 5.81 × 1054 5.55 × 1053 1.93 × 1053
${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ (erg s−1) 2.94 × 1050 4.65 × 1054 2.55 × 1053 8.32 × 1052
Collimation factor 5.4 × 10−4 3.0 × 10−2 6.5 × 10−3 3.2 × 10−3
${E}_{\gamma }$ (erg) 1.70 × 1049 1.23 × 1052 1.04 × 1051 3.98 × 1050
${L}_{\gamma }$ (erg s−1) 4.22 × 1048 5.50 × 1051 4.39 × 1050 1.62 × 1050

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The jet opening angles vary from 1fdg9 to 25fdg5 and the corresponding collimation factors from $5.5\times {10}^{-4}$ to 0.098. The brightest KW GRB in terms of both ${E}_{\gamma }$ and ${L}_{\gamma }$ is GRB 090926A (${E}_{\gamma }\simeq 1.23\times {10}^{52}$ erg, ${L}_{\gamma }\simeq 5.50\times {10}^{51}$ erg s−1, ${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}\,\simeq 6\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 20$). The distributions of ${E}_{\gamma }$ and ${L}_{\gamma }$ are shown in Figure 6 and Table 6 provides descriptive statistics of the GRB parameters estimated in Section 4.

5. Discussion

5.1. This Catalog versus Previously Reported KW Results

Preliminary results on the KW detections of bursts with known redshifts have been reported in more than 100 GCN circulars and the more detailed KW GRB analyses were presented in multiple refereed publications. Although the latter results are, with a few exceptions, statistically consistent with those reported here, the main advantage of this catalog, in comparison to the previous work, is in the use of the unified, systematic approach to re-analyse all 150 bursts in the sample. Particularly, GRB durations were calculated in the G2+G3 band that is less affected by the hard X-ray background variations; this also allows one to separate the hard GRB prompt emission from the emerging X-ray afterglow. The spectral analysis presented here gains an advantage from the most recent and accurate KW DRM; it also relies on a standard procedure for the TI spectrum interval selection based on T100. The burst energetics, S and ${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ are estimated, in this work, based on the BEST spectral models for TI and peak spectra, which also improves the flux calculation uncertainties. Finally, the reported rest-frame energetics rely on the k-correction procedure that utilizes the full spectral band of the instrument, and they are estimated using a common set of cosmology parameters. To summarize, the results presented in this catalog form a consistent set of observer- and rest-frame GRB parameters useful for further systematic studies.

5.2. Observer-frame Spectral Parameters

5.2.1. The Sample Statistics and Comparison of KW with BATSE and GBM Bursts

Although this catalog covers only a limited subset of the KW-detected GRBs (≈7.5% for the time span covered), a discussion of the derived spectral parameter distributions may be useful for the sample characterization.

Among 138 TI spectra of long (Type II) GRBs, 83 are best fit with the CPL model, 54 with the BAND function, and for one GRB both "curved" models failed. Similar fractions of the BEST models were obtained for the peak spectra: 86 CPL, 51 BAND, and one PL. We found the peak spectra to be harder, in terms of Ep, as compared to the TI spectra for >80% of the Type II GRBs, consistent with the well-known GRB hardness–intensity correlation (or "Golenetskii" relation; Golenetskii et al. 1983). Median values for the BEST model Ep are 297 keV and 357 keV for the TI and the peak spectra, respectively. The corresponding median α values are −1.00 and −0.87, and the median β values are −2.45 and −2.33.

The case where both "curved" models result in ill-constrained fits is the relatively weak GRB 080413B. For this burst, the KW PL slope is −2.00 ± 0.1 (${\chi }^{2}=49/61$ d.o.f.), suggesting a low Ep value. This PL slope is consistent with that derived with Swift-BAT/Suzaku-WAM joint fit (−1.92 ± 0.06; Krimm et al. 2009). The best spectral model for this GRB reported by Krimm et al. (2009) is the Band function with $\alpha \simeq -1.24$, $\beta \simeq -2.77$, and ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}\simeq 67$ (and this model is also compatible with the KW data, ${\chi }^{2}=53/62$ d.o.f.7 ), that yields ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}=(2.09\pm 0.28)\times {10}^{52}$ erg. Thus, the KW ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}=(3.33\pm 0.61)\times {10}^{52}$ erg derived for GRB 080413B from the PL fit is overestimated by a factor of ∼1.6 as compared to the more precise result of the joint BAT/WAM analysis.

Of 150 GRBs in the sample, 12 (or 8%) are classified as short/hard (Type I) bursts. This fraction is one-half that for all KW GRBs (S16), thus reflecting the complexity of their optical identifications and redshift measurements. All spectra of the Type I GRBs from this catalog are fitted best by the CPL function, with median α = −0.53 and median Ep = 640 keV. These results are consistent with the BEST model and the spectral parameter statistics for 293 KW short GRBs given in S16.

We compared the BEST spectral parameter statistics for the whole sample with those for the BATSE 5B (Goldstein et al. 2013) and Fermi-GBM (Gruber et al. 2014) catalogs. We found the KW mean and median parameter values, for both spectral models and for both TI and peak spectra, consistent, within 68% confidence intervals, with the statistics given in these catalogs. Meanwhile, we noticed some systematic differences between the instruments, e.g., the KW spectra are typically harder, in terms of Ep, than BATSE and GBM ones. The same is true when comparing the low-energy spectral indices: the KW α are, on average, shallower than those reported for BATSE and GBM. Finally, the typical KW β are shallower than the BATSE β, but they are steeper when compared to the typical GBM indices. These systematic differences may be explained by the different spectral ranges of the instruments: the KW upper spectral limit (∼10–15 MeV) is higher than that of BATSE (∼2 MeV), thus allowing for high Ep to be constrained better. In turn, the broad range of the GBM BGO detectors (up to ∼30 MeV) may result, for the BAND spectra, in better constrained β and, simultaneously, smaller Ep, when compared to the typical KW parameters. The KW-GBM spectral cross-calibration over a large sample of simultaneously observed GRBs is currently underway that will provide a more detailed analysis of the instrumental effects that could be affecting the scientific results from the GRB prompt emission data.

It also should be noted that the mean Ep for the KW sample is beyond the Swift-BAT energy range (15–150 keV), thus emphasizing the importance of the KW detections of Swift GRBs.

5.2.2. Spectral Indices

The difference between low- and high-energy photon indices, $(\alpha \mbox{--}\beta )$, may be helpful when investigating GRB emission processes in the framework of the synchrotron shock model (SSM) through comparing the observational and theoretical values of $(\alpha \mbox{--}\beta )$ to constrain the synchrotron cooling regime and infer the electron power-law index (Preece et al. 2002). The $(\alpha \mbox{--}\beta )$ distribution for TI and peak spectra fitted with the BAND model is shown in Figure 5 (panel c). The fact that no obvious peak in the distributions is seen may imply a diversity of electron power-law indices and/or different SSM cases at the burst sources. The median values of $(\alpha \mbox{--}\beta )$ are 1.5 and 1.6 for the TI and the peak spectra, respectively. The peak spectrum distribution is slightly shifted toward the higher values in comparison with the TI spectrum one.

Additionally, we estimated the fraction of the bursts which violate the $-2/3$ synchrotron "line-of-death" (see Preece et al. 1998 for details) and the $-3/2$ synchrotron cooling limit. We found that the 68% confidence intervals (CIs) for the BEST model alpha lie completely above the $-2/3$ synchrotron "line-of-death" for about 8% of the TI and 21% of the peak spectra; also, the 68% CIs lie completely below the $-3/2$ synchrotron cooling limit for the 5% of the TI and 2% of the peak spectra.

5.3. Selection Effects

Selection effects are distortions or biases that usually occur when the observational sample is not representative of the true, underlying population. They play a crucial role for GRBs (Turpin et al. 2016; Dainotti & Del Vecchio 2017), which are particularly affected by the Malmquist bias effect that favors the brightest objects against faint objects at large distances, and these biases have to be taken into account when using GRBs as distance estimators, cosmological probes, and model discriminators.

For the sample of the KW triggered-mode GRBs with known redshifts, the selection effects fall into two categories: the KW-specific effects, caused by its trigger sensitivity to the burst prompt emission parameters; and the "external" biases arising in the process of localization and securing GRB redshifts, which are outside of the scope of this paper.

The KW triggered mode is activated when the count rate in the G2 window exceeds a $\approx 9\sigma $ threshold above the background on one of two fixed timescales ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}}$, 1 s (applicable, with a few exceptions, to Type II bursts in our sample) or 140 ms (the Type I bursts). Thus, the burst's detection significance may be characterized by a PCR to background statistical uncertainty ratio (over the corresponding ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}}$). Although the KW trigger criterion cannot be easily translated into the GRB prompt emission characteristics (e.g., duration, rise-time, spectral shape, or energy flux), an investigation into how their combination may affect the trigger sensitivity to a specific burst may be done indirectly.

We estimated the energy flux sensitivity of the KW detectors following the methodology described in Band (2003). Figure 7 presents the limiting energy flux (10 keV–10 MeV) as a function of ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}$ for ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}}=1$ s, for a burst incident angle $60^\circ $, and the S1 detector calibration as of mid-2015. As can be seen, the energy flux threshold under these assumptions is $\approx 1\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 and there is a bias against the detection of soft-spectrum bursts with ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}\lesssim 70\mbox{--}80\,\mathrm{keV}$, especially with CPL spectra, due to the instrumental selection. Meanwhile, the F − Ep diagram stresses the lack of bright ($F\gtrsim 5\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1) and soft (${E}_{{\rm{p}}}\lesssim 100$ keV) GRBs, that should be easily detectable with KW. Since the lower boundary of this region is defined by GRBs with moderate-to-high detection significance, the instrumental biases do not affect the sample from this edge of the distribution. Thus, the apparent lack of soft/bright burst observations in the KW sample is likely due to an intrinsic GRB property (see Section 5.7 for more discussion).

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Dependence of the limiting KW energy flux (10 keV–10 MeV) on ${E}_{{\rm{p}}}$. Calculated trigger sensitivities for CPL ($\alpha =-1$) and Band ($\alpha =-1$, $\beta =-2.5$) spectra are plotted with solid red and dashed blue lines, respectively. ${F}_{\mathrm{peak},1024}$ (10 keV–10 MeV) vs. ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$ for Type II bursts from the sample is shown by circles. The color of each data point represents the log of the burst's trigger significance (σ).

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In a similar way, we calculated a limiting observer-frame energy flux for each GRB from the sample using its BEST-model spectral parameters, incident angle, and detector calibration. In order to make the results more helpful for the rest-frame energy calculations, we applied k-corrections (Section 4.3) to these values using the burst redshift. The resulting bolometric limiting fluxes, ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$, are given in Table 4; the sample mean value of ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ for the Type II GRBs is $1.08\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1. We note that ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ are calculated using the 1 s scale; when compared to peak fluxes determined on a different ${\rm{\Delta }}T$ they should be adjusted as:

Figure 8 shows the KW GRB distributions in the ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$z, ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$z, and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},z}$z diagrams. The region in the ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$z plane above the limit corresponding to ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}\sim 1\,\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 may be considered free from the selection bias. In the ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$z plane, the selection-free region lies above the limit, corresponding to the bolometric fluence ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}\sim 3\,\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2. As mentioned above, the KW detector sensitivity drops rapidly as Ep approaches the lower boundary of the instrument's band (∼20–25 keV as of 2015), and this results in a lack of bursts below ${E}_{{\rm{p}},z,\mathrm{lim}}\approx {(1+z)}^{2}\cdot 25\,\mathrm{keV}$ in the ${E}_{{\rm{p}},z}$z plane; the additional factor $(1+z)$ here is due to cosmological time dilation.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. KW GRB ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$, ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$, and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$ vs. redshift. The color of each data point (Type I: triangles, Type II: circles) represents the log of the burst's trigger significance (σ). The observer-frame limits (Section 5.3) are shown with dashed lines.

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Finally, our sample does not exhibit any direct selection effects due to GRB duration. However, some bursts with very gradual rising slopes may not trigger the instrument despite being bright enough to do it in other circumstances. We estimate the number of such GRBs with known redshifts to be $\lesssim 5$ (as of mid-2016); these bursts will be considered, along with other KW background-mode GRBs with known redshifts, in the second part of the catalog.

5.4. KW GRB Detection Horizon

Knowing the maximum distance at which a particular GRB can be detected by the instrument (the GRB "horizon," ${z}_{\max }$) may be useful in a number of applications, e.g., for deriving the $V/{V}_{\max }$ statistic (Schmidt et al. 1988) or for accounting for the instrumental bias when studying the "true" GRB energy distribution (Atteia et al. 2017).

A common approach to estimate the GRB horizon is to find a redshift ${z}_{\max ,{\rm{L}}}$, at which the limiting isotropic luminosity ${L}_{\mathrm{iso},\mathrm{lim}}=4\pi \ {D}_{L}^{2}\times {F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$, defined by the limiting energy flux estimated for the whole sample (the "monolithic" ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$), starts to exceed the GRB ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$. The KW trigger, however, is based on a simple photon-counting algorithm and not directly sensitive to the incident energy flux. Thus, the correctness of the described approach (hereafter the monolithic ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ method), which doesn't account for the burst-specific instrumental issues, such as trigger sensitivity to the GRB incident angle, its light-curve shape, and the shape of the energy spectrum, needs an additional confirmation.

When evaluating how GRB detectability by KW changes when the burst source is shifted from its redshift z to a more distant $z^{\prime} $, at least three effects have to be accounted for. First, the solid angle factor, which reduces (assuming identical beaming) an incident bolometric photon flux P by ${({D}_{M}(z)/{D}_{M}(z^{\prime} ))}^{2}$, where DM is the transverse comoving distance. Second, the cosmological time dilation, which results in the light curve broadening and an additional decrease in P by a factor of (1 + $z^{\prime} $)/(1 + z). Finally, the spectral cutoff, which is inherent to GRB spectra, is redshifted by the same factor, thus decreasing the fraction of P within the instrument trigger band (G2). We estimate the KW detection horizon as a redshift $z^{\prime} ={z}_{\max }$, at which the PCR in the G2 light curve drops below the trigger threshold ($9\sigma $) on both KW trigger scales ${\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}}$ (140 ms and 1 s). ${\mathrm{PCR}}_{z^{\prime} }({\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}})$ is calculated as

Equation (5)

where $a=(1+z)/(1+z^{\prime} );$ ${\mathrm{PCR}}_{z}(a\cdot {\rm{\Delta }}{T}_{\mathrm{trig}})$ is the PCR reached in the observed G2 light curve on the modified timescale; ${N}_{{\rm{G}}2}(\alpha ,\beta ,{E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}})$ is the BEST spectral model count flux in G2 calculated using the DRM; and ${N}_{{\rm{G}}2}(\alpha ,\beta ,a\cdot {E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}})$ is the corresponding flux in the redshifted spectrum. The resulting values of ${z}_{\max }$ are given in Table 4 and shown in Figure 9. We found that for both Type I and Type II GRBs, ${z}_{\max }$ are distributed narrowly around the corresponding ${z}_{\max ,{\rm{L}}}$ values calculated assuming the bolometric ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}=1\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 with the mean and σ of the $(1+{z}_{\max })/(1+{z}_{\max ,{\rm{L}}})$ distribution of 1.01 and 0.12, respectively. Although in some cases ${z}_{\max ,{\rm{L}}}$ calculated with the simple monolithic ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ method may differ from the more precisely evaluated ${z}_{\max }$ by a factor of ∼1.5, our calculations support the general correctness of the former approach.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. KW GRB detection horizons plotted in the ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}\mbox{--}z$ plane. The solid lines connect GRBs from the sample (Type I: open triangles, Type II: open circles) and their detection horizons ${z}_{\max }$ (filled symbols) assuming identical beaming. The limiting redshift ${z}_{\max ,{\rm{L}}}$ defined by ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}=1\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 is shown by the dashed line.

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The most distant GRB horizon for the KW sample (${z}_{\max }\approx 16.6$) is reached for the ultra-luminous GRB 110918A8 at $z=0.981$ and the second-highest (${z}_{\max }\approx 12.5$) is for GRB 050603 ($z=2.82$). At $z\approx 16.6$, the age of the universe amounts to only ∼230 Myr, i.e., a burst that occurred close to the end of the cosmic Dark Ages could still trigger the KW detectors, and a thorough temporal and spectral analysis in a wide observer-frame energy range could be performed. Among the KW Type I GRBs, the highest ${z}_{\max }\approx 5.3$ is for GRB 160410A ($z=1.72$).

5.5. GRB Luminosity and Isotropic-energy Functions, GRB Formation Rate

Among various statistical parameters, the luminosity function as well as the cosmic formation rate of GRBs are particularly interesting. The luminosity function (LF) is a measure of the number of bursts per unit luminosity, that provides information on the energy release and emission mechanism of GRBs. The cosmic GRB formation rate (GRBFR) is a measure of the number of events per comoving volume and time, which can help us to understand the production of GRBs at various stages of the universe. While LF was originally used to study long-lasting and relatively stable astrophysical phenomena, such as stars and galaxies, the isotropic energy release function (EF, the number of bursts per unit ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$) can be more representative for transient phenomena, e.g., for GRBs. The GRB EF was constructed for the first time by Wu et al. (2012) using a sample of 95 bursts with measured redshifts. The KW sample presented in this catalog provides an excellent opportunity to test GRB LF, EF, and GRBFR on an independent data set.

Without loss of generality, the total LF ${\rm{\Phi }}({L}_{\mathrm{iso}},z)$ 9 can be rewritten as ${\rm{\Phi }}({L}_{\mathrm{iso}},z)=\rho (z)\phi ({L}_{\mathrm{iso}}/g(z),{\alpha }_{s})/g(z),$ where $\rho (z)$ is the GRB formation rate (GRBFR), $\phi ({L}_{\mathrm{iso}}/g(z))$ is the local LF, $g(z)$ is the luminosity evolution that parameterizes the correlation between L and z, and ${\alpha }_{s}$ is the shape of the LF, whose effect is commonly ignored as the shape of the LF does not change significantly with z (e.g., Yonetoku et al. 2004). Following Lloyd-Ronning et al. (2002), Yonetoku et al. (2004), Wu et al. (2012), and Yu et al. (2015) we chose the functional form of $g{(z)=(1+z)}^{\delta }$ for the luminosity evolution. It should be noted that the isotropic luminosity evolution can be determined by either the evolution of the amount of energy per unit time emitted by the GRB progenitor or by the jet opening angle evolution (see, e.g., Lloyd-Ronning et al. (2002) for the discussion); we tested the KW sample for a correlation between the collimation factor and z and found the correlation negligible (the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient ${\rho }_{S}=-0.26$ (the corresponding p value ${P}_{{\rho }_{S}}=0.17$) for the subsample of 30 Type II bursts with known collimation factors).

The KW z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ samples suffer from selection effects due to the detection limit of the instrument (see Section 5.3 for details) that results in data truncation seen in Figure 8. To estimate LF, EF, and GRBFR for the sample of 137 KW Type II bursts we used the non-parametric Lynden-Bell ${C}^{-}$ technique (Lynden-Bell 1971) further advanced by Efron & Petrosian (1992) (the EP method); the details of our calculations are described in the Appendix. The EP method is specifically designed to reconstruct the intrinsic distributions from the observed distributions, which accounts for the data truncations introduced by observational bias and includes the effects of the possible correlation between the two variables.

Applying the EP technique based on the individual (i.e., calculated for each burst independently) truncation limits to the z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ plane, we found that the independence of the variables is rejected at ${\tau }_{0}\equiv \tau (\delta =0)\sim 1.7$ (where τ is a modified version of the Kendall statistic, see the Appendix), and the best luminosity evolution index is ${\delta }_{L}={1.7}_{-0.9}^{+0.9}$ ($1\sigma $ CL). Similar results were obtained using the "monolithic" truncation limit ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}=2\,\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1: ${\tau }_{0}\sim 1.2$ and ${\delta }_{L}={1.7}_{-1.1}^{+0.9}$.

Applying the same method to the z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ plane and using the monolithic truncating fluence ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}=4.3\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 (see the Appendix for the details of ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ and ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ selection), we found that the independence of the variables is rejected at $\sim 1.6\sigma $, and the best isotropic energy evolution index is ${\delta }_{E}={1.1}_{-0.7}^{+1.5}$. Thus, the estimated ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ evolutions are comparable. The evolution PL indices ${\delta }_{L}$ and ${\delta }_{E}$ derived here are shallower than those reported in the previous studies: ${\delta }_{L}={2.60}_{-0.20}^{+0.15}$ (Yonetoku et al. 2004), ${\delta }_{L}={2.30}_{-0.51}^{+0.56}$ (Wu et al. 2012), ${\delta }_{L}={2.43}_{-0.38}^{+0.41}$ (Yu et al. 2015), and ${\delta }_{E}={1.80}_{-0.63}^{+0.36}$ (Wu et al. 2012), albeit within errors.

After eliminating the luminosity and energy release evolution, we, following Lynden-Bell (1971), obtained the local cumulative LF and EF, $\psi (L^{\prime} )$ and $\psi (E^{\prime} )$, where $L^{\prime} ={L}_{\mathrm{iso}}/{(1+z)}^{{\delta }_{L}}$ and $E^{\prime} ={E}_{\mathrm{iso}}/{(1+z)}^{{\delta }_{E}}$. We approximated the variance of $\psi (L^{\prime} )$ and $\psi (E^{\prime} )$ by bootstrapping the initial sample and fitted the distributions with a broken power-law (BPL) function:

where ${\alpha }_{1}$ and ${\alpha }_{2}$ are the PL indices at the dim and bright distribution segments and xb is the breakpoint of the distribution, and with the CPL function10 : $\psi (x)\propto {x}^{\alpha }\ \exp (-x/{x}_{\mathrm{cut}})$, where ${x}_{\mathrm{cut}}$ is the cutoff luminosity (or energy).

The fits were performed in $\mathrm{log}-\mathrm{log}$ space using ${\chi }^{2}$ minimization, the results are given in Table 7 and shown in Figure 10 (right panel). The derived BPL slopes of LF and EF are close to each other, both for the dim and bright segments, thus the shape of EF is similar to that of LF; also, these indices are roughly consistent with the LF and EF slopes obtained in Yonetoku et al. (2004) and Wu et al. (2012). The small reduced ${\chi }^{2}$ obtained for both models do not allow us to reject any of them; however, when compared to BPL, the CPL fit to $\psi (L^{\prime} )$ results in a considerably worse quality (${\chi }_{\mathrm{CPL}}^{2}-{\chi }_{\mathrm{BPL}}^{2}\gt 16$); with the PL slope $\alpha \sim -0.6$ and the cutoff luminosity $L{{\prime} }_{\mathrm{cut}}\sim 2.3\times {10}^{54}$ erg s−1. Conversely, the cutoff PL fits $\psi (E^{\prime} )$ better when compared to BPL (${\chi }_{\mathrm{CPL}}^{2}-{\chi }_{\mathrm{BPL}}^{2}\sim -5.5$); with $\alpha \sim -0.35$ and the cutoff energy $E{{\prime} }_{\mathrm{cut}}\sim 2.3\times {10}^{54}$ erg. The existence of a sharp cutoff of the isotropic energy distribution distribution of KW and Fermi-GBM GRBs around $\sim (1\mbox{--}3)\times {10}^{54}$ erg was suggested recently by Atteia et al. (2017).

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Cumulative GRB isotropic-luminosity and isotropic-energy functions. Left panel: LF (red stepped graph) and EF (green stepped graph) estimated under the assumption of no evolution of ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ with z; the solid and dashed lines show the best BPL and CPL fits, respectively. Right panel: present-time LF and EF estimated accounting for the luminosity and energy evolutions: $L^{\prime} ={L}_{\mathrm{iso}}/{(1+z)}^{1.7}$, $E^{\prime} ={E}_{\mathrm{iso}}/{(1+z)}^{1.1}$. The distributions are normalized to unity at the dimmest points and a typical error bar is shown for each distribution.

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Table 7.  LF and EF Fits with BPL and Cutoff PL

Data Evolution Model ${\chi }^{2}({\rm{d}}.{\rm{o}}.{\rm{f}}.)$ ${\alpha }_{1}$ ${\alpha }_{2}$ $\mathrm{log}$ xb,52
  (PL Index)         ($\mathrm{log}$ ${x}_{\mathrm{cut},52}$)
$\psi (L^{\prime} )$ ${\delta }_{L}=1.7$ BPL 2.05 (133) −0.47 ± 0.06 −1.05 ± 0.11 0.27 ± 0.12
$\psi (L^{\prime} )$ ${\delta }_{L}=1.7$ CPL 18.5 (134) −0.60 ± 0.04 2.10 ± 0.15
$\psi (E^{\prime} )$ ${\delta }_{E}=1.1$ BPL 19.2 (126) −0.36 ± 0.01 −1.28 ± 0.11 1.30 ± 0.04
$\psi (E^{\prime} )$ ${\delta }_{E}=1.1$ CPL 12.7 (127) −0.31 ± 0.02 2.09 ± 0.04
$\psi ({L}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ no evolution BPL 2.32 (133) −0.48 ± 0.06 −1.00 ± 0.10 0.96 ± 0.15
$\psi ({L}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ no evolution CPL 8.90 (134) −0.54 ± 0.04 2.58 ± 0.11
$\psi ({E}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ no evolution BPL 17.2 (126) −0.35 ± 0.01 −1.29 ± 0.12 1.80 ± 0.05
$\psi ({E}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ no evolution CPL 15.4 (127) −0.32 ± 0.01 2.63 ± 0.04

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The derived $\psi ({L}^{{\prime} })$ and $\psi ({E}^{{\prime} })$ correspond to the present-time GRB luminosity and energy distributions (at z = 0) and hence the local LF and EF in the comoving frame are roughly estimated as $\psi {({L}^{{\prime} })(1+z)}^{{\delta }_{L}}$ and $\psi {({E}^{{\prime} })(1+z)}^{{\delta }_{{\rm{E}}}}$, correspondingly. Taking into account that the z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ evolutions are established at $\lt 2\sigma $, the LF and EF calculated without accounting for the evolution, $\psi ({L}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ and $\psi ({E}_{\mathrm{iso}})$, may be of interest. We estimated these functions by setting ${\delta }_{L}$ and ${\delta }_{E}$ to zero, and found them very similar in shape to the present-time LF and EF (Figure 10). The results of the BPL and CPL fits to $\psi ({L}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ and $\psi ({E}_{\mathrm{iso}})$ are given in the last four lines of Table 7.

Finally, using the EP method, we estimated the cumulative GRB number distribution $\psi (z)$ and the derived GRBFR per unit time per unit comoving volume $\rho (z)$ (see the Appendix for the details). In Figure 11, we compare the star formation rate (SFR) data from the literature (Hopkins 2004; Hanish et al. 2006; Thompson et al. 2006; Li 2008; Bouwens et al. 2011) with GRBFRs derived from different zL and zE distributions. The GRBFR estimated from the evolution-corrected z$L^{\prime} $ distribution exceeds the SFR at $z\lt 1$ and nearly traces the SFR at higher redshifts; the same behavior is noted for the GRBFRs estimated using both the evolution-corrected z$E^{\prime} $ and the non-corrected z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ distributions. The low-z GRBFR excess over SFR is in agreement with the results reported in Yu et al. (2015) and Petrosian et al. (2015). Meanwhile, the only GRBFR that traces the SFR in the whole KW GRB redshift range is the $\rho (z)$ derived from the z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ distribution (i.e., not accounting for the luminosity evolution). Such behavior is known, e.g., from Wu et al. (2012), albeit for the GRBFR estimated from the z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ distribution.

Figure 11.

Figure 11. Comparison of the derived GRBFR and the SFR data from the literature. The GRBFR was calculated using four data sets: z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ (no luminosity evolution, red open circles), z$L^{\prime} $ (${\delta }_{L}=1.7$, red filled circles), z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ (no energy evolution, green open squares), and z$E^{\prime} $ (${\delta }_{E}=1.1$, green filled squares). The gray points show the SFR data from Hopkins (2004), Bouwens et al. (2011), Hanish et al. (2006), and Thompson et al. (2006). The black solid line denotes the SFR approximation from Li (2008). The GRBFR points have been shifted arbitrarily to match the SFR at $(1+z)\sim 3.5$.

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5.6. Hardness-duration Distribution in the Observer and Rest Frames

Figure 12 shows ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ as a function of the burst durations T90 in the observer and rest frames. In the observer frame the KW Type I GRBs are typically harder and shorter than Type II bursts, which is consistent with the classification obtained from the hardness–duration distribution (Figure 1), and this tendency shows no dependence on the burst redshift.

Figure 12.

Figure 12.  ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$T90 diagram in the observer (left panel) and rest (right panel) frames. The color of each data point (Type I: triangles, Type II: circles) represents the burst redshift.

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In the cosmological rest frame, this pattern remains practically unchanged for GRBs at $z\lesssim 1.7$ but it appears to be less distinct when the whole sample is considered. Although in the rest frame Type I GRBs are still shorter than Type II GRBs, their rest-frame Ep, clustered around 1 MeV, are superseded by those of a significant fraction of the Type II population. The notable exceptions here are GRB 090510 and GRB 160410A, whose rest-frame peak energies exceed those of even the highest-z Type II GRBs. We note, however, that the derived rest-frame durations are affected by a variable energy-dependant factor (Section 4.1) and the KW rest-frame Ep are subject to the observational bias (Section 5.3) thus an interpretation of the rest-frame hardness–duration distribution should be done with care.

5.7. Hardness–Intensity Correlations

Using the data described in the previous sections, we tested KW GRB characteristics against ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$S and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ correlations in the observer frame, and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ ("Amati") and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ ("Yonetoku") correlations in the rest frame, along with their collimated versions ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$Eγ and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$Lγ.

To probe the existence of correlations, we calculated the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficients (${\rho }_{S}$) and the associated null-hypothesis (chance) probabilities or p values (${P}_{{\rho }_{S}};$ Press et al. 1992). The null hypothesis is that no correlation exists; therefore, a small p value indicates a significant correlation. It was shown that the Nukers' estimate is an unbiased slope estimator for the linear regression (Tremaine et al. 2002). The Nukers' estimate is based on minimizing:

where ${\sigma }_{{xi}}^{2}$ and ${\sigma }_{{yi}}^{2}$ are the measurement errors; thus both variables are treated symmetrically in terms of their errors and there is no need to choose dependent and independent variables. Although a correlation may be highly significant, the reduced statistic, ${\chi }_{r}^{2}$, may be $\gg 1$ indicating that either the uncertainties are underestimated or there is an intrinsic dispersion in the correlation. To account for the intrinsic dispersion, an additional term, ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}^{2}$, is added to the denominator and, in this case, ${\chi }_{r}^{2}$ is adjusted to ensure ${\chi }_{r}^{2}=1$. Therefore, we approximated a linear regression between $\mathrm{log}$-energy and $\mathrm{log}$ Ep using two methods, without ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}$ and with the intrinsic scatter.

Table 8 summarizes the correlation parameters we obtained for subsamples of Type I GRBs, Type II GRBs, and Type II GRBs with ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ estimates. The first column presents the correlation. The next three columns provide the number of bursts in the fit sample, ${\rho }_{S}$, and ${P}_{{\rho }_{S}}$. The next columns specify the slopes (a), the intercepts (b), and ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}$. Since zeroing the intrinsic scatter yields ${\chi }_{r}^{2}\gg 1$ for all the subsamples (and that confirms the relevance of accounting for ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}$), their values are of little interest and we do not present the fit statistics in the table.

Table 8.  Hardness–Intensity Correlations

Correlation N ${\rho }_{S}$ ${P}_{{\rho }_{S}}$ a b ${a}_{{\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}}$ ${b}_{{\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}}$ ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}$
Type I GRBs
${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ versus S 12 0.74 5.8 × 10−3 0.408 ± 0.043 4.98 ± 0.22 0.496 ± 0.117 5.52 ± 0.62 0.135
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{i}},z}$ versus ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ 12 0.83 9.5 × 10−4 0.364 ± 0.030 −15.70 ± 1.53 0.266 ± 0.068 −10.61 ± 3.47 0.181
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$ versus ${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ 12 0.54 7.1 × 10−2 0.340 ± 0.045 4.39 ± 0.19 0.349 ± 0.161 4.52 ± 0.74 0.188
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ versus ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ 12 0.67 1.7 × 10−2 0.396 ± 0.034 −17.68 ± 1.78 0.243 ± 0.078 −9.61 ± 4.07 0.200
Type II GRBs
${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ versus S 137 0.59 3.7 × 10−14 0.418 ± 0.002 4.06 ± 0.01 0.295 ± 0.031 3.66 ± 0.14 0.227
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{i}},z}$ versus ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ 137 0.70 1.4 × 10−21 0.469 ± 0.003 −22.35 ± 0.14 0.338 ± 0.026 −15.27 ± 1.37 0.229
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}}}$ versus ${F}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ 136 0.58 2.2 × 10−13 0.453 ± 0.004 4.68 ± 0.02 0.363 ± 0.041 4.31 ± 0.21 0.253
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ versus ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ 136 0.73 1.6 × 10−23 0.494 ± 0.005 −23.32 ± 0.26 0.347 ± 0.029 −15.52 ± 1.51 0.251
Type II GRBs with ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ estimates
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{i}},z}$ versus ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ 30 0.82 4.1 × 10−08 0.536 ± 0.004 −27.34 ± 0.21 0.418 ± 0.053 −19.62 ± 2.82 0.233
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{i}},z}$ versus ${E}_{\gamma }$ 30 0.76 1.1 × 10−06 0.604 ± 0.008 −27.93 ± 0.42 0.499 ± 0.077 −22.69 ± 3.90 0.266
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ versus ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ 30 0.75 1.5 × 10−06 0.529 ± 0.008 −25.12 ± 0.43 0.373 ± 0.063 −16.91 ± 3.30 0.282
${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ versus ${L}_{\gamma }$ 30 0.61 3.1 × 10−04 0.731 ± 0.016 −33.87 ± 0.78 0.376 ± 0.097 −16.14 ± 4.86 0.343

Note. N is the number of bursts in the fit sample, ${\rho }_{S}$ is the Spearman correlation coefficient, ${P}_{{\rho }_{S}}$ is the corresponding chance probability, a (${a}_{{\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}}$) and b (${b}_{{\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}}$) are the slope and the intercept for the fits without (with) intrinsic scatter ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}$.

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For the subsamples of Type I and Type II KW GRBs, both the Amati and Yonetoku correlations improve considerably when moving from the observer frame to the GRB rest frame (${\rm{\Delta }}{\rho }_{S}\geqslant 0.1$), with only marginal changes in the slopes. We found the rest-frame correlations for Type II bursts to be the most significant, with ${P}_{{\rho }_{S}}\lt 2\times {10}^{-21}$. The derived slopes of the Amati and Yonetoku relations for those GRBs are very close to each other, 0.469 (${\rho }_{S}=0.70$, 138 GRBs) and 0.494 (${\rho }_{S}=0.73$, 137 GRBs), respectively. These values are in agreement with the original results of Amati et al. (2002) and Yonetoku et al. 2004 and their further improvements (e.g., Nava et al. 2012). When accounting for the intrinsic scatter, these slopes change to a more gentle ∼0.35 (with ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{int}}\sim 0.24$).

As one can see in Figure 13, the lower boundaries of both the Amati and Yonetoku relations are defined by GRBs with moderate-to-high detection significance, so the instrumental biases do not affect the correlations from this edge of the distributions. Meanwhile, all outliers in the relations lie above the upper boundaries of the 90% prediction intervals (PIs) of the relations. Since these bursts were detected at lower significance, with the increased number of GRB redshift observations, one could expect a "smear" of the hardness–intensity correlations due to more hard-spectrum/less-energetic GRB detections. Thus, using the KW sample, we confirm a finding of Heussaff et al. (2013) that the lower right boundary of the Amati correlation (the lack of luminous soft GRBs) is an intrinsic GRB property, while the top left boundary may be due to selection effects. This conclusion may also be extended to the Yonetoku correlation.

Figure 13.

Figure 13. Rest-frame energetics in the ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}-{E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$ (left) and ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}-{E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$ (right) planes. The color of each data point (Type I: triangles, Type II: circles) represents the log of the burst's trigger significance (upper panels) and the GRB redshift (middle panels). The "Amati" and "Yonetoku" relations calculated without internal scattering for Type II GRBs are plotted with dotted lines; the solid and dashed lines show their 68% and 90% PI's, respectively. The lower panels present these relations for collimation-corrected energetics where the ultraluminous GRB 110918A is shown with the star.

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The collimated versions of these relations were tested on the subsample of 30 Type II GRBs with reliable ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ (last four lines of Table 8). We found that accounting for the jet collimation for the KW sample neither improves the significance of the correlations nor reduces the dispersion of the points around the best-fit relations. The slopes we obtained for the collimated Amati and Yonetoku relations are steeper compared to those of the non-collimated versions.

The ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ correlations for 12 Type I bursts are less significant when compared to those for Type II GRBs, and they are characterized by less steep slopes (0.364 and 0.396 for ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}$${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$, respectively). It should be noted, however, that the rest-frame ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i}$ of Type I GRBs shows only a weak (if any) dependence on the burst energy below ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}\sim {10}^{52}$ erg (Figure 13), and the same is true for the ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ relation at ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}\lesssim 5\times {10}^{52}$ erg s−1. Above these limits the slopes of both relations for Type I GRBs are similar to those for Type II GRBs. As one can see from the figure, all KW Type I bursts are hard-spectrum/low-isotropic-energy outliers in the Amati relation for Type II GRBs. In the ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ plane, this pattern is less distinct; at luminosities above ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}\sim {10}^{52}$ erg s−1 the Type I bursts nearly follow the upper boundary of the Type II GRB Yonetoku relation. Finally, the two KW Type I GRBs with available collimation data lie above 90% PI for the Type II GRB ${E}_{{\rm{p}},i,z}-{E}_{\gamma }$ relation and, simultaneously, within the 68% PI for the ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{p}},z}$Lγ relation (Figure 13, lower panels).

We also calculated the collimation-corrected energetics for the ultraluminous KW GRB 110918A using ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}=0.2\pm 0.13$ days estimated by Frederiks et al. (2013) from an extrapolation of early γ-ray/late X-ray afterglow data. As can be seen in Figure 13, the implied ${E}_{\gamma }\approx 1.1\times {10}^{51}$ erg and ${L}_{\gamma }\approx 1.9\times {10}^{51}$ erg s−1 nicely agree with both hardness–intensity relations for our "reliable ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$" GRB sample. This supports the correctness of the ${t}_{\mathrm{jet}}$ estimate and favors the conclusion of Frederiks et al. (2013) that a tight collimation of the jet (${\theta }_{\mathrm{jet}}\sim 1\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 6$) must have been a key ingredient to produce this unusually bright burst.

6. Summary and Conclusions

We have presented the results of a systematic study of 150 GRBs with reliable redshift estimates detected in the triggered mode of the Konus-Wind experiment. The sample covers the period from 1997 February to 2016 June and represents the largest set of cosmological GRBs to date over a broad energy band. Among these GRBs, 12 bursts (or 8%) belong to the Type I (merger origin, short/hard) GRB population and the others are Type II (collapsar origin, long/soft) bursts.

From the temporal and spectral analyses of the sample, we provide the burst durations T100, T90, and T50, the spectral lags, and spectral fits with CPL and Band model functions. From the BEST spectral models, we calculated the 10 keV–10 MeV energy fluences and the peak energy fluxes on three timescales, including the GRB rest-frame 64 ms scale. Based on the GRB redshifts, which span the range $0.1\leqslant z\leqslant 5$, we estimated the rest-frame, isotropic-equivalent energies (${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$) and peak luminosities (${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$). For 32 GRBs with reasonably constrained jet breaks we provide the collimation-corrected values of the energetics.

We analyzed the influence of instrumental selection effects on the GRB parameter distributions and found that the regions above the limits, corresponding to the bolometric fluence ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}\sim 3\mbox{--}4\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 (in the ${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$z plane) and bolometric peak energy flux ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}\sim 1\mbox{--}2\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 (in the ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$z plane) may be considered free from selection biases. For the bursts in our sample we calculated the KW GRB detection horizon, ${z}_{\max }$, which extends to $z\sim 16.6$, stressing the importance of GRBs as probes of the early universe. Among the KW short/hard GRBs the highest ${z}_{\max }$ is $\approx 5.3$.

Accounting for the instrumental biases and using the non-parametric methods of Lynden-Bell (1971) and EP, we estimated the GRB luminosity evolution, luminosity and isotropic-energy functions, and the evolution of the GRB formation rate. The derived luminosity evolution and isotropic energy evolution indices ${\delta }_{L}\sim 1.7$ and ${\delta }_{E}\sim 1.1$ are more shallow than those reported in previous studies, albeit within errors. The shape of the derived LF is best described by the broken PL function with low- and high-luminosity slopes $\sim -0.5$ and $\sim -1$, respectively. The EF is better described by the exponentially cutoff PL with the PL index $\sim -0.3$ and a cutoff isotropic energy of $\sim (2\mbox{--}4)\times {10}^{54}$ erg. The derived GRBFR features an excess over the SFR at $z\lt 1$ and nearly traces the SFR at higher redshifts.

We considered the behavior of the rest-frame GRB parameters in the hardness–duration and hardness–intensity planes, and confirmed the "Amati" and "Yonetoku" relations for Type II GRBs. We found that the correction for the jet collimation does not improve these correlations for the KW sample. Using the KW sample, we confirm a finding of Heussaff et al. (2013) that the lower right boundary of the Amati correlation (the lack of luminous soft GRBs) is an intrinsic GRB property, while the top left boundary may be due to selection effects. This conclusion may also be extended to the Yonetoku correlation.

Plots of the GRB light curves and spectral fits can be found at the Ioffe Web site.11 We hope this catalog will encourage further investigations of GRB physical properties and will contribute to other related studies.

The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for careful reading and constructive comments that improved the manuscript. We thank Maria Giovanna Dainotti for a stimulating discussion and Vahé Petrosian for helpful comments. This work was supported by RSF (grant 17-12-01378). We acknowledge the use of the public data from the Swift data archive12 and the use of the data from the Gamma-Ray Burst Online Index ("GRBOX").13

Facility: Wind(Konus). -

Appendix: Non-parametric Statistical Techniques for a Truncated Data Sample

Here, we describe the details of the the non-parametric statistical techniques used to obtain the unbiased parameter distributions for a sample subject to selection effects in the z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ plane implying that the same methodology can be applied to the z${E}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ plane.

The z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ sample suffers from a selection effect due to the detection limit of the instrument (see Section 5.3 for details), which results in the data truncation seen in Figure 8. Although it is a common practice to estimate the trigger sensitivity as a "characteristic" energy flux that could trigger a detector, the trigger threshold flux can actually depend on some parameters, e.g., the burst spectral shape, the background count rate, the incident angle, and the calibration; the k-corrected flux also depends on the redshift. Therefore, while deriving LF and GRBFR from the KW data we used the individual k-corrected trigger threshold fluxes ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ (see Section 5.3) as a proxy for the instrumental selection effect. The results obtained using a "monolithic" truncation curve, however, are very similar to those obtained with the first method.

The parent distributions can be obtained from the biased z${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ sample using the non-parametric Lynden-Bell ${C}^{-}$ techniques (Lynden-Bell 1971) further advanced by Efron & Petrosian (1992). Moreover, as shown by Petrosian (1992), all non-parametric methods for determining the underlying distributions reduce to the Lynden-Bell (1971) method in case of a one-sided truncation. Initially developed for a truncated QSO sample, this procedure was first applied to the truncated GRB data by Lloyd-Ronning et al. (2002).

Since the Lynden-Bell ${C}^{-}$ approach is applicable only if the luminosity and redshift distributions are independent, the dependence of L on z should be tested and rejected (if present). For this purpose one can use the methodology developed by Efron & Petrosian (1992). The EP method uses a modified version of the Kendall rank correlation coefficient (the Kendall τ statistic) to test the independence of variables in truncated data. Instead of calculating the ranks of each data points among all observed objects, which is normally done for untruncated data, the rank of each data point is determined among its "associated set" which include all objects that could have been observed given the observational limits.

Consider a set of observables Li and zi, where i is the burst index. For each burst from the sample we construct an associated set of

where Li is the ith GRB luminosity, and ${L}_{\mathrm{lim},j}$ is the minimum observable luminosity at zj. Another commonly used definition of the associated set is

where ${z}_{\mathrm{lim},i}$ is the maximum redshift at which a GRB with luminosity Li can be observed, and produces the same subsample of bursts as the foregoing definition if the truncation effect is a monotonic function. An example of the associated set for the ith burst is shown in Figure 15.

Let Ni be the number of bursts in the ith associated set (that is the same as ${C}^{-}$ in Lynden-Bell 1971) and Ri the number of events that have redshift zj less than zi (that is an analog of the ith burst rank in the associated set):

Then the degree of correlation between L and z can be estimated via the test statistic τ parametrized as

where ${E}_{i}=({N}_{i}+1)/2$ is the expected mean, and ${V}_{i}=({N}_{i}^{2}-1)/12$ is the variance of the uniform distribution. In the non-truncated case, this τ statistic is equivalent to the Kendall's non-parametric correlation coefficient. If zi and Li are independent of each other, then Ri is uniformly distributed between 1 and Ni, therefore the samples ${R}_{i}\leqslant {E}_{i}$ and ${R}_{i}\geqslant {E}_{i}$ should be nearly equal, and the τ statistic will be close to 0. Since the τ statistic is normalized by the square root of variance, the correlation coefficient between z and L is measured in units of the standard deviation.

Next, the index of the luminosity evolution δ should be varied to adjust the test statistic to $\tau (\delta )=0$ for the luminosity ${L}^{{\prime} }=L/{(1+z)}^{\delta }$ and thus removing the effect of luminosity evolution. The $1\sigma $ confidence interval on δ is obtained when $\tau =\pm 1$ (Figure 14, left panel) and the luminosity evolution is rejected at the ${\tau }_{0}\equiv \tau (\delta =0)$ level. In case the "monolithic" truncation curve is used, the resulting evolution index δ is strongly dependent on the limiting flux (or fluence). We investigated the dependency of the luminosity and energy evolution indices ${\delta }_{L}$ and ${\delta }_{E}$ on the corresponding truncation limits ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ and ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ for the KW sample (Figure 14, right panel) and determined the limits ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}\gtrsim 2\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 and ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}\gtrsim 4.3\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 above which ${\delta }_{L}$ and ${\delta }_{E}$ do not vary much with the truncation limit change and fluctuate around the "settled" values ${\delta }_{L}\sim 1.7$ and ${\delta }_{E}\sim 1.1$. Interestingly, a similar value of ${\delta }_{L}$ (∼1.7) is obtained when the individual truncation limits are used for each burst.

Figure 14.

Figure 14. Left: modified Kendall statistic τ vs. luminosity and isotropic-energy evolution indices ${\delta }_{L}$ (per-burst truncation flux ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$, red open circles; monolithic ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}=2\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1, red filled circles) and ${\delta }_{E}$ (green squares, monolithic ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}=4.3\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2). The values of δ for which $\tau =0$ and $\tau =\pm 1$ give the best value and one sigma range for independence. Right: dependency of the best values of ${\delta }_{L}$ and ${\delta }_{E}$ (red circles and green squares, respectively) on the monolithic truncation limits ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ and ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}$. The dashed and dotted lines denote the "settled" values of ${\delta }_{L}$ and ${\delta }_{E}$, which correspond to ${F}_{\mathrm{lim}}\gtrsim 2\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2 s−1 and ${S}_{\mathrm{lim}}\gtrsim 4.3\times {10}^{-6}$ erg cm−2, respectively.

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Once obtained, the luminosity evolution index ${\delta }_{L}$, the observed luminosity ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ can be converted into the local (non-evolving) luminosity space ${L}^{{\prime} }={L}_{\mathrm{iso}}/{(1+z)}^{{\delta }_{L}}$. Then, following Lynden-Bell (1971), the local cumulative LF $\psi ({L}^{{\prime} })$ can be non-parametrically derived as a function of univariate ${L}^{{\prime} }$:

where ${N}_{j}^{{\prime} }$ is the number of points in the ith associated set for the local luminosities.

To estimate the cosmic GRBFR from the z${L}^{{\prime} }$ sample, we produce a cumulative number distribution $\psi (z)$. First, we generate an associated set

with Mi points in each associated set (see Figure 15 for an example of an associated set obtained for a truncation curve). The condition ${L}_{j}\gt {L}_{\mathrm{lim},i}$ can be expressed as ${z}_{\mathrm{lim},j}\gt {z}_{i}$, but the ${z}_{\mathrm{lim}}$ estimation is complicated in case of a non-analytic truncation boundary. In the case where we used a set of threshold luminosities instead of a monotonic truncation curve, we applied an additional criterion of ${L}_{i}\gt {L}_{\mathrm{lim},j}$ to ensure that all the bursts of the associated set are not being subject to selection effect. Then we calculate the cumulative function

Since the differential form of the GRBFR is more useful for comparison with the SFR, we convert $\psi ({z}_{i})$ into a differential form:

where the additional factor $(1+z)$ comes from the cosmological time dilation, required when measuring a rate, and ${dV}(z)/{dz}$ is the differential comoving volume:

where ${D}_{{\rm{M}}}$ is the transverse comoving distance, ${D}_{{\rm{H}}}=c/{H}_{0}$ is the Hubble distance, and $E(z)=\sqrt{{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{{\rm{M}}}{(1+z)}^{3}+{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{{\rm{\Lambda }}}}$ is the normalized Hubble parameter.

Figure 15.

Figure 15. Example of the associated set for the non-evolving luminosity sample. The line represents the truncation limit corrected for the ${L}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ evolution. The"Ni" and "Mi" denote the LF and GRBFR associated sets for the ith burst, correspondingly. See the text for details.

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