Parameterization in the Analysis of Changes in the Rural Landscape on the Example of Agritourism Farms in Kłodzko District (Poland)
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. The Agritourism Farm in the Context of the Multi-Functionality of Rural Areas
- Specific open landscape;
- Low population density;
- Predominance of people involved in farming, forestry and tourism;
- Traditional lifestyle (close to nature) and cultivation of customs;
- Agricultural and forestry use of land;
- Sparse buildings and dispersed settlement;
- Inhabitants’ feeling of living in the countryside.
2.2. Methods of Valuating the Rural Landscape
- Assessment of the natural value of individual elements;
- Aesthetic and visual assessment of valuable landscapes;
- Valuation of landscape for a specific purpose.
- Natural valorization;
- Cultural valorization;
- Agricultural production space valorization;
- Landscape aesthetic assessment;
- Valorization for different forms of recreation;
- Assessment of the degree of anthropogenic transformation of the environment;
- Assessment of conflicts and conflict areas.
3. Study Area
4. Methodological Approach
4.1. Research Trial
4.2. Field Research
4.3. The Extent of Changes in the Farm When Changing Its Function from an Agricultural to Agritourism
4.4. Assessment Categories for Agritourism Farms
4.5. Assessment Data Interpretation Method
4.6. Cluster Analysis Furthest Neighbour (Complete Linkage), the Maximum Distance
4.7. Methodology for Analysing Characteristic Data of Agritourism Farms
- The farm (pn) assessed for the characteristics (Zmnx) of the I-VI category;
- A distance matrix was created from each feature (Zmnx) and added to the distance matrix of the respective category (I–VI);
- The distance matrix, for categories I–VI, is colored accordingly:
- (a)
- Green—the nearest neighbor
- (b)
- Red—the furthest neighbor
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions
- I, II and VI categories referring to the research sample in terms of their influence on the visual perception of the rural landscape in the region of Kłodzko, show the greatest variation;
- III, IV and V category do not make a significant difference to the characteristics of the test subjects in terms of the visual perception of the unit in the rural landscape; but they are important in terms of further development and environmental impact minimization;
- The owners of agritourism farms comply with the law, as they receive positive ratings in category IV;
- The study has indicated a correlation between the I and VI category, which confirms the differentiation of parametric values for these categories.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Category | Feature Group | Feature (Rating) |
Category I The homogeneity of the regional style | 1.Roof angle: | 55° ≥ x ≥ 45° (+2)FAR; 55° ≥ x ≥ 45°, dormer windows (+1)FAR; 55° ≥ x ≥ 45°, roof windows (0); 30° ≥ x or flat roof (−1); 30° ≥ x or flat roof, dormer windows (−2). |
2. Roof material: | shingle/slate (+2)FAR; ceramic, concrete, metal roofing tiles, roofing felt (imitating shingle/slate) (+1)FAR; ceramic, concrete, metal roofing tiles, roofing felt (not imitating shingle or slate) (0); papa / thatch (−1); eternite (−2). | |
3. Roof color: | dark brown, graphite (+2)FAR; brown (+1); light brown/black (0); red/orange (−1); blue/green/other (−2). | |
4. Roof shape: | pitched 2/3 of the height of the building (+2)FAR; pitched higher than the walls (+1); pitched symmetrical (0); pitched, broken (asymmetrical) (−1); multi-hipped/flat (−2). | |
5. Building material: | first floor-wooden, ground floor-brick (+2)FAR; first floor painted, ground floor plastered (+1); white plastered (0); plaster other than white or panels (−1); other materials glass/slate/mosaic (−2). | |
6. Shape residential building: | permissible dimensions: h = approx. 10m (h farmhouse = 8, h garage = 6) (+2)FAR; dimensions in the ratio 1 wall: 2 roof (+1)FAR; dimensions in the ratio length: width 2:1 (0); dimensions in unacceptable proportions (−1); exceeding the permissible dimensions (−2). | |
7.Residential building construction: | wooden (residential function)-brick (livestock f.) (+2)FAR; brick (residential function)—wood (livestock function) (+1); mixed (function does not depend on construction) (0); brick built as a whole (−1); entirely wooden (residential and utilitarian) (−2). | |
8.Building details: | eaves-wooden carved(+2)FAR; arcades, balcony galleries/boarded gables (+1)FAR; white window and door bands(0);window bands other than white (−1); windows without bands, various shapes (−2). | |
9. Types of buildings in the yard: | combined building with residential and livestock functions (+2)FAR; composite building with a residential function (+1); non-segregated buildings (0); a residential building and a non-agricultural building (e.g., garage, shed) (−1); only residential building (−2). | |
Category II The quality of the panoramas | 1. Transparency of space: | multiplanarity of the view (+2); no infrastructure (open view) (+1); vertical point infrastructure (0); overhead linear infrastructure (−1); infrastructure obstructing the view (−2). |
2. Landscape elements of the interior: | background, walls, floor, partitions—visible, (more than 4 plans) (+2); background, walls, floor—visible, partitions on walls (+1); background, walls, floor—visible (0); floor—visible, background—visible (−1); floor—visible, background—covered (−2). | |
3. The ratio of greenery to buildings: | greenery higher than buildings(+2); greenery and buildings of equal height (+1); buildings higher than greenery (0); high buildings, low greenery (−1); high buildings, no greenery (−2). | |
4. Accompanying greenery characteristic of a traditional village: | solitary/large trees/shrine/cross (+2); avenue/row (+1); low vegetation, e.g., crops, meadow (0); low grassy vegetation (−1); no greenery (−2). | |
5. Location of agritourism in relation to other buildings in the village: | compact—objects on one side (+2); compact—buildings situated on both sides (+1); solitary (0); loosely built-up area (−1); in the second line of development (−2). | |
6. Landscape values: | on a viewing axis or vantage point (+2); the exposition foreground (+1); panorama components present (0); no panorama components (−1); no exposure (−2). | |
Category III Environmental impact | 1. Source of energy: | heat pump, solar collectors (+2); co-generation furnace (+1); mains heating (0); solid fuel cooker (−1); fireplace (as the only one for heating) (−2). |
2. Eco-friendliness of the materials used: | environmental protection materials (e.g., insulation, joinery) (+2); filtering materials car park with protected floor (+1); lack of environmental protection materials (car park with substrate, no insulation, standard window joinery) (0); lack of environmental protection materials (e.g., car park surface, poor quality window joinery, slurry boards, cavities in plaster “thermal bridges”) (−1); harmful material, e.g., asbestos (−2). | |
3. Waste management: | compost, segregation, rainwater harvesting (+2); infiltration plant (+1); sewage treatment plant, waste separation (0); septic tank, no waste separation (−1); no sealed tank/landfill (−2). | |
4. Farm status: | certified organic (+2); organic without certification (e.g., transitional period) (+1); conventional farm (0); intensive or monoculture holding (−1); large-scale enterprise (−2). | |
5. Land infrastructure: | lack of visible elements. technical infrastructure (+2); concealed infrastructure elements (+1); wells (0); poles, wells (−1); trafostacja (−2). | |
Category IV Local law | 1.Use of the area.: | as intended and for an additional purpose (development of activities) (+2); as intended and used for additional purpose (+1); as intended (0); compatible with the local plan, but location of incompatible functions (−1); inconsistent with the local plan (−2). |
2. Building conditions (administrative decision, guidelines: | massing and floors in accordance with the guidelines (+2); development with a number of floors according to the guidelines (+1); development consistent with the function (0); development not in line with guidelines (solid) (−1); buildings with inconsistent number of floors, poor distribution of window surfaces, façade materials with guidelines (−2). | |
3. Land cover (degree of development of biologically active land): | additional biologically active surface (e.g., on a wall or roof) (+2); less than 30% of the plot area built up or permeable surfaces (+1); built-up area of approx. 30% of the plot area (0); developed area in more than 30% or impermeable area (−1); built-up area of more than 50% of the plot (−2). | |
4. Recreational suitability by way of use: | recreation on landscaped grounds (linked to the surroundings) (+2); services related to recreation (cultural, sports, tourism—ruins) (+1); elements supporting recreation (garden, small architecture, forest) (0); objects indifferent to recreation (housing, wasteland, agricultural land, shop) (–1); objects interfering with recreation (industry, warehouses, transport, railway) (−2). | |
5. Recreational suitability by way of use in accordance with the local land development plan: | permanent (investment in agro-tourism) (+2); residential, amenity greenery (barbecue, playground) (+1); temporary or mixed (including those not in conformity with the plan) (0); incompatible with the function (−1); undeveloped (no purpose) (−2). | |
Category V Technical condition | 1. Technical condition of the roof: | very good (new/renovated) (+2); good (+1); average (requires refurbishment/maintenance) (0); sufficient (requires renovation) (−1); bad (likely to collapse) (−2). |
2. Technical condition of the facade: | very good (new/renovated) (+2); good (+1); average (requires refurbishment/maintenance) (0); sufficient (requires renovation) (−1); bad (likely to collapse) (−2). | |
3. Technical condition of the farm building and another: | very good (new/renovated) (+2); good (+1); average (requires refurbishment/maintenance) (0); sufficient (requires renovation) (−1); bad (likely to collapse) (−2). | |
4. Technical condition of the infrastructure: | very good (new/renovated) (+2); good (+1); average (requires refurbishment/maintenance) (0); sufficient (requires renovation) (−1); bad (likely to collapse) (−2). | |
Category VI Agritourism space: greenery and details | 1. Functional zones: | residential, manufacturing, recreational, accessory (e.g., educational, therapeutic) (+2); residential, production, recreational (+1); residential, production (0); residential, utilitarian (−1); residential (−2). |
2. The presence of greenery: | ornamental, recreational, amenity garden (+2); ornamental, amenity garden (+1); ornamental garden (0); no garden (only green areas) (−1); no garden and other greenery (−2). | |
3. Garden style—vegetation: | in keeping with the region and style, rural (+2); in keeping with the region or style (+1) rural; not compatible with the style but local (rural) (0); not compatible with the style but region (−1); not compatible with the region and not rural (−2). | |
4. Garden style—small architecture and details: | regional materials (+2); materials imitating regional character (+1); neutral materials (wood/stone) (0); material not found in the region (−1); distinctive material (plastic/metal) (−2). | |
5. Garden style -nature of coverage: | preserved old composition (numerous plantings) (+2); retained old planting (single) (+1); species compatible with the former layout (0); species incompatible with the former layout (−1); layout incompatible with former layout (modern style, urban development) (−2). | |
6. Garden style -coverage variety: | unique natural values (+2); vertical diversity (+1); horizontal diversity (0); no vertical diversity (−1); no horizontal diversity (−2). | |
7.Visible cultural heritage: | numerous items of cultural heritage (machinery and former agricultural equipment) (+2); isolated items of cultural heritage (pots and pans, barrels, etc.) (+1); modern agricultural equipment(0);non-agricultural equipment (−1); scrap—non-agricultural items (−2). | |
8. Accompanying buildings in the farm: | cultural heritage sites (windmills, watermills, chapels, etc.) (+2); traditional agricultural sites (barns, stables, etc.) (+1); modern agricultural buildings (silos, garages, sheds, shelters, etc.) (0); large-scale buildings (−1); other objects not related to agriculture (wind turbine, mast, chimney, etc.) (−2). | |
9. Advertising and informational objects in the farm: | billboards and decoration made of natural materials (+2); advertising from natural materials (+1); no advertising or information elements (0); lettering, graffiti, neon signs, city-like information signs (−1); large advertising, billboards, etc. (−2). |
Deviation Range | Color | Evaluation |
from (+20) to (+10) high | green | plus rating |
from (+9) to (+1) average | yellow | average rating |
0 lack of | orange | 0 |
from (−1) to (−x) low | red | minus rating |
Parameter | Category I | Category II | Category III | Category IV | Category V | Category VI | Sum Categories |
X (arithmetic average) | 1.025 | 3.075 | 0.775 | 3.35 | 3.65 | 1.975 | 13.85 |
Q² (median) | 0.5 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 7.5 |
Dx (dominant) | none | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | none | 2 |
Sx (standard deviation) | 5.53 | 2.88 | 2.06 | 2.19 | 1.61 | 6.72 | 16.29 |
V(x) (coefficient of variation of collective | 539% | 94% | 266% | 65% | 44% | 340% | 118% |
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Bocheńska-Skałecka, A.; Ostrowska-Dudys, M.; Hutnik, E.; Jakubowski, W. Parameterization in the Analysis of Changes in the Rural Landscape on the Example of Agritourism Farms in Kłodzko District (Poland). Sustainability 2022, 14, 8026.
Bocheńska-Skałecka A, Ostrowska-Dudys M, Hutnik E, Jakubowski W. Parameterization in the Analysis of Changes in the Rural Landscape on the Example of Agritourism Farms in Kłodzko District (Poland). Sustainability. 2022; 14(13):8026.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBocheńska-Skałecka, Anna, Maria Ostrowska-Dudys, Edward Hutnik, and Wojciech Jakubowski. 2022. "Parameterization in the Analysis of Changes in the Rural Landscape on the Example of Agritourism Farms in Kłodzko District (Poland)" Sustainability 14, no. 13: 8026.
APA StyleBocheńska-Skałecka, A., Ostrowska-Dudys, M., Hutnik, E., & Jakubowski, W. (2022). Parameterization in the Analysis of Changes in the Rural Landscape on the Example of Agritourism Farms in Kłodzko District (Poland). Sustainability, 14(13), 8026.