How Resilient is Growth? Resilience Assessment of Austrian Municipalities on the Basis of Census Data from 1971 to 2011
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Spatial Inequalities and Resilience in Theories and Models of Regional Development
2.2. Concept for the Assessment
2.2.1. Data Basis
2.2.2. Selection of Indicators
2.2.3. GIS-Model and Calculations
2.3. Interpretation Method
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Comparison of Calculation Methods
3.2. Structural Strength and Structural Weakness in Austria’s Spatial Development
4. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Principles of Resilience | Indicator | Basis of Calculation (W) Municipality of Place of Work, (R) Municipality of Place of Residence |
Ability to learn | Innovation potential, willingness to change | Percentage of the population with higher education (the larger the percentage, the higher the rating) |
Social strength | Migration balance | Migration balance per inhabitant (whole of Austria as reference) |
Willingness to do voluntary work | Percentage of the population with higher education (the larger the percentage, the higher the rating) | |
Efficiency | Proximity of places of residence and work, principle of short distances, mixed uses | Internal work commuters/employed persons (R) and internal work commuters/employed persons (W) (the greater the proportion of internal commuters, the higher the rating) |
Employment rate (use of existing forces) | Employed persons (R)/total population at working age (ages 15–64) (the higher the share of employed persons the higher the rating) | |
Exposition | Proximity of places of residence and work, principle of short distances, mixed uses | Internal work commuters/employed persons (R) and internal work commuters/employed persons (W) (the greater the proportion of internal commuters, the higher the rating) |
Available school places | School internal commuters (R)/pupils and students (R) and internal school commuters (R)/pupils and students (W) | |
Distribution of unemployed persons among the age groups | Distribution of unemployed persons in the following age groups: ages 15–29, 30–49, 50–64 (whole of Austria as a reference) | |
Diversity | Balanced age structure of the population | Distribution of the population in the following age groups: under 15, 15–29, 30–49, 50–64, 65+ (whole of Austria as reference) |
Potential work force women / men | Number of women/number of men of working age (ages 15–64) (R) (whole of Austria as reference) | |
Differentiation of the economy | Distribution of employees by economic sector (W) (total Austria as reference) | |
Redundancy | Participation of women and men in the labour market | Difference between the labour force participation rate of women and the labour force participation rate of men (whole of Austria as reference) |
Employment rate (better distribution of resources among the population) | Employed persons (R)/total population of working age (ages 15–64) (the higher the share of the employed the higher the rating) | |
Potential work force women/men | Number of women/number of men of working age (ages 15–64) (R) (whole of Austria as reference) |
Evidence of Structural Strength | Indicator | Calculation (W) Municipality of Place of Work, (R) Municipality of Place of Residence |
Attractiveness of a municipality as centre of life | Population development in % | Total population (R) at census date/total population (R) at previous census date |
Labour market situation | Employment rate | Employed persons (R)/total population at working age * 100 (R) |
Economic opportunities and perspectives for the local population | Unemployment rate | Unemployed persons (R)/labour force (employed persons + registered unemployed persons) (R) * 100 |
Attractiveness of the municipality for tourism | Persons employed in the accommodation and hospitality sector | Persons employed in the accommodation and hospitality sector (W)/employed persons (W) |
High developmental level of the economy | Proportion of persons employed in the service sector | Employed persons in the service sector (W)/employed persons (W) |
Accessibility, dependence on (other) centres | Proportion of daily commuters with commuting distances >60 min and non-daily commuters to employed persons | Commuting distance >60 Min + non-daily commuters (employed commuters/employed persons in the municipality) (R) |
Z-Value (Standard Deviation) | p-Value (Probability) | Confidence Level | Hot-Spot Class | Cold-Spot Class |
< −1.65 or > +1.65 | <0.10 | 90% | 1 | −1 |
< −1.96 or > +1.96 | <0.05 | 95% | 2 | −2 |
< −2.58 or > +2.58 | <0.01 | 99% | 3 | −3 |
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Hat, K.; Stöglehner, G. How Resilient is Growth? Resilience Assessment of Austrian Municipalities on the Basis of Census Data from 1971 to 2011. Sustainability 2019, 11, 1818.
Hat K, Stöglehner G. How Resilient is Growth? Resilience Assessment of Austrian Municipalities on the Basis of Census Data from 1971 to 2011. Sustainability. 2019; 11(6):1818.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHat, Kinga, and Gernot Stöglehner. 2019. "How Resilient is Growth? Resilience Assessment of Austrian Municipalities on the Basis of Census Data from 1971 to 2011" Sustainability 11, no. 6: 1818.
APA StyleHat, K., & Stöglehner, G. (2019). How Resilient is Growth? Resilience Assessment of Austrian Municipalities on the Basis of Census Data from 1971 to 2011. Sustainability, 11(6), 1818.