A Novel CNN Model for Classification of Chinese Historical Calligraphy Styles in Regular Script Font
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. A CNN Model for the Classification of Chinese Calligraphy Images
4. Experiments and Analysis
4.1. Dataset Construction
4.2. Numerical Experiments, Results, and Discussion
5. Conclusions and Future Works
- Development of a comprehensive image dataset for Chinese calligraphy (regular script) classification, comprising over 8000 images, serving as a valuable resource for future scholarly endeavors.
- Pioneering the application of CNN in the classification of personal styles in Chinese calligraphy.
- Achieving elevated performance metrics with the CNN model, as evidenced by test accuracy rates ranging from 89.5% to 96.2%.
- Effective fine tuning of both architectural and algorithmic parameters within the classical CNN framework, resulting in the identification of optimal parameters associated with outstanding performance accuracy.
- Preliminary investigation into the challenge of an imbalanced distribution within the training data, laying the groundwork for addressing this issue in subsequent studies.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Seal (zhuan): | |
Clerical (li): | |
Cursive (cao): | |
Semi-cursive (xing): | |
Regular (kai): |
Parameters | Values |
Input image size | 64 × 64 × 1 |
Filter size (F × F) | 3 × 3, 5 × 5, 7 × 7 |
Number of filters (K) | 16, 24, 32, 48 |
Pooling size (Max Pooling) | 2 × 2 stride = 2 |
Configuration type (Cn) | C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 |
Neuron numbers of FC Layer (N) | 512, 256, 128 |
(1) Filter size 3 × 3 (K = 32) | |||
Block | Layer | Layer Type | Description (Feature Map Size) |
Block 1 | L1 | Conv + ReLU | 32@62 × 62 |
L2 | Max Pooling | 32@31 × 31 | |
Block 2 | L3 | Conv + ReLU | 64@29 × 29 |
L4 | Max Pooling | 64@14 × 14 | |
Block 3 | L5 | Conv + ReLU | 128@12 × 12 |
L6 | Max Pooling | 128@6 × 6 | |
Block 4 | L7 | Conv + ReLU | 256@4 × 4 |
L8 | Max Pooling | 256@2 × 2 | |
Block 5 (FC layers) | L9 | FC1 | 512 neurons |
L10 | FC2 | 256 neurons | |
L11 | FC3 (softmax) | 4 neurons | |
(2) Filter size 5 × 5 (K = 32) | |||
Block | Layer | Layer Type | Description (Feature Map Size) |
Block 1 | L1 | Conv + ReLU | 32@60 × 60 |
L2 | Max Pooling | 32@30 × 30 | |
Block 2 | L3 | Conv + ReLU | 64@26 × 26 |
L4 | Max Pooling | 64@13 × 13 | |
Block 3 | L5 | Conv + ReLU | 128@9 × 9 |
L6 | Max Pooling | 128@4 × 4 | |
Block 4 (FC layers) | L7 | FC1 | 512 neurons |
L8 | FC2 | 256 neurons | |
L9 | FC3 (softmax) | 4 neurons | |
(3) Filter sizes, 5 × 5, 3 × 3 (K = 32) | |||
Block | Layer | Layer Type | Description (Feature Map Size) |
Block 1 | L1 | Conv + ReLU | 32@60 × 60 |
L2 | Max Pooling | 32@30 × 30 | |
Block 2 | L3 | Conv + ReLU | 64@28 × 28 |
L4 | Max Pooling | 64@14 × 14 | |
Block 3 | L5 | Conv + ReLU | 128@12 × 12 |
L6 | Max Pooling | 128@6 × 6 | |
Block 4 | L7 | Conv + ReLU | 256@4 × 4 |
L8 | Max Pooling | 256@2 × 2 | |
Block 5 (FC layers) | L9 | FC1 | 512 neurons |
L10 | FC2 | 256 neurons | |
L11 | FC3 (softmax) | 4 neurons | |
(4) Filter size 7 × 7 (K = 32) | |||
Block | Layer | Layer Type | Description (Feature Map Size) |
Block 1 | L1 | Conv + ReLU | 32@58 × 58 |
L2 | Max Pooling | 32@29 × 29 | |
Block 2 | L3 | Conv + ReLU | 64@23 × 23 |
L4 | Max Pooling | 64@11 × 11 | |
Block 3 | L5 | Conv + ReLU | 128@5 × 5 |
L6 | Max Pooling | 128@2 × 2 | |
Block 5 (FC layers) | L7 | FC1 | 512 neurons |
L8 | FC2 | 256 neurons | |
L9 | FC3 (softmax) | 4 neurons | |
(5) VGG-like style (filter size 3 × 3, K = 32) | |||
Block | Layer | Layer Type | Description (Feature Map Size) |
Block 1 | L1 | Conv + ReLU | 32@62 × 62 |
L2 | Conv + ReLU | 32@60 × 60 | |
L3 | Max Pooling | 32@30 × 30 | |
Block 2 | L4 | Conv + ReLU | 64@28 × 28 |
L5 | Conv + ReLU | 64@26 × 26 | |
L6 | Conv + ReLU | 64@24 × 24 | |
L7 | Max Pooling | 64@12 × 12 | |
Block 3 | L8 | Conv + ReLU | 128@10 × 10 |
L9 | Conv + ReLU | 128@8 × 8 | |
L10 | Conv + ReLU | 128@6 × 6 | |
L11 | Max Pooling | 128@3 × 3 | |
Block 4 | L12 | Conv + ReLU | 256@1 × 1 |
Block 5 (FC layers) | L13 | FC1 | 256 neurons |
L14 | FC2 | 128 neurons | |
L15 | FC3 (softmax) | 4 neurons |
Optimizer | Adam |
Learning rate | 1.0 × 10−4 |
Batch size | 32, 64 |
Dropout rate | 0.25, 0.5 |
Architecture | Accuracy | ||
K | Configuration | Training | Testing |
16 | C1 | 98.6% | 94.3% |
C2 | 96.3% | 92.2% | |
C3 | 98.7% | 95.5% | |
C4 | 93.7% | 89.5% | |
C5 | 96.6% | 93.7% | |
24 | C1 | 99.2% | 95.2% |
C2 | 98.9% | 94.0% | |
C3 | 99.0% | 95.7% | |
C4 | 95.7% | 90.4% | |
C5 | 98.1% | 93.8% | |
32 | C1 | 99.5% | 96.2% |
C2 | 98.2% | 94.1% | |
C3 | 98.9% | 94.9% | |
C4 | 95.2% | 92.2% | |
C5 | 98.7% | 95.1% | |
48 | C1 | 99.1% | 95.8% |
C2 | 97.7% | 93.5% | |
C3 | 98.3% | 94.5% | |
C4 | 96.8% | 91.5% | |
C5 | 98.2% | 93.9% |
Class | Type 1 (C1) | Type 2 (C2) |
O | 93.8% | 92.1% |
C | 98.3% | 96.2% |
L | 97.0% | 95.2% |
Y | 95.7% | 93.0% |
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Share and Cite
Huang, Q.; Li, M.; Agustin, D.; Li, L.; Jha, M. A Novel CNN Model for Classification of Chinese Historical Calligraphy Styles in Regular Script Font. Sensors 2024, 24, 197. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24010197
Huang Q, Li M, Agustin D, Li L, Jha M. A Novel CNN Model for Classification of Chinese Historical Calligraphy Styles in Regular Script Font. Sensors. 2024; 24(1):197. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24010197
Chicago/Turabian StyleHuang, Qing, Michael Li, Dan Agustin, Lily Li, and Meena Jha. 2024. "A Novel CNN Model for Classification of Chinese Historical Calligraphy Styles in Regular Script Font" Sensors 24, no. 1: 197. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24010197
APA StyleHuang, Q., Li, M., Agustin, D., Li, L., & Jha, M. (2024). A Novel CNN Model for Classification of Chinese Historical Calligraphy Styles in Regular Script Font. Sensors, 24(1), 197. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24010197