A Review of Functional Encryption in IoT Applications
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Related Works
1.3. Methodology, Contribution and Organization
1.3.1. Research Methodology
1.3.2. Contribution
- We present a comprehensive review of the use of FE and encompassed fine-grain access control mechanisms in IoT applications.
- We provide a detailed overview of the different application areas where fine-grain access schemes were applied.
- We provide an in-depth survey of how these schemes are used in a multitude of applications related to IoT. The aim was to provide the reader with a potential vision of fine-grained security and integrity in IoT.
- We identify some research trends and state some open challenges that current developments face for a secure IoT realization.
1.3.3. Paper Organization
2. Review of Functional Encryption and Encompassed Cryptographic Primitives
2.1. Attribute-Based Encryption
- = Setup()—this primitive initializes the cryptographic scheme, where taking as the input security parameter, a master key and an encryption key are generated.
- = Encrypt(M, , )—This primitive encrypts the message/plaintext M under the policy using the encryption key , generating the ciphertext .
- = KeyGen(, )—This primitive generates the decryption key taking into account the user attributes contained in and the master key .
- M = Decrypt—This primitive outputs the message M taking as input the ciphertext and decryption key if the decryption is successful. In the case of failure, it outputs ⊥ (the symbol ⊥ is commonly used in the literature to denote a failure to decrypt).
2.1.1. Cihpertext-Policy ABE
2.1.2. Key-Policy ABE
2.2. Identity-Based Encryption
- —Upon the input of security parameter , it outputs public system parameters , and master key . The are released to the public while is kept secret.
- —Upon the input of , and user’s identity string , this generates the user’s corresponding private key .
- —Upon the input of , and message M, this outputs the ciphertext .
- —This outputs the message M taking as input the ciphertext alongwith and . In the case of decryption failure, it outputs ⊥.
2.3. Searchable Encryption
2.4. Predicate Encryption
- —It takes as input the security parameter and outputs a public key , and master key .
- —It takes as input the , and a predicate and outputs secret key .
- —It takes as input a public key , an attribute and a message M, and outputs a ciphertext .
- —It takes as input the ciphertext and a secret key , and outputs either a message M, or ⊥ in case of failure.
2.5. Functional Encryption
3. Areas of Application
4. Attribute-Based Encryption
4.1. ABE for Constrained IoT Sensor Devices
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[135] | 2022 | M. Rasori et al. | ABE Survey for IoT | IEEE |
[136] | 2022 | R. Imam et al. | ABE Review for Health Services | ScienceDirect |
[137] | 2021 | Y. Zhang et al. | Combination of Blockchain and ABE for Access Control | MDPI |
[138] | 2019 | S-Y Tan et al. | ABE Enhancement for IoT | IEEE |
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[69] | 2017 | A. Alrawais et al. | ABE for Fog Security | IEEE |
4.2. ABE for IoT Applications
4.3. ABE for Fog and Cloud Applications
4.4. ABE for Data Searching and Sharing
4.5. ABE for e-Health Applications
4.6. ABE for Smart Cities
5. Identity-Based Encryption
5.1. IBE for IoT Applications
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[147] | 2020 | X. Jia et al. | IBE-Based Authentication for IoT | MDPI |
[148] | 2020 | N. Farjana et al. | IBE for Security in Fog | Springer |
[84] | 2017 | A. Karati et al. | IBE for Industrial IoT | IEEE |
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[83] | 2016 | S. Sankaran | IBE-Based IoT Security Framework | IEEE |
5.2. IBE for Smart Cities and Homes
5.3. IBE for Healthcare and Cloud Applications
5.4. IBE for Blockchain Privacy and Authentication
5.5. IBE for Keyword Search and Biometric Verification
6. Searchable Encryption
6.1. SE for Fog and Cloud Applications
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[104] | 2020 | K. Zhang et al. | Lightweight SE for Industrial IoT | IEEE |
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6.2. SE for Secure Data Sharing
6.3. SE for IoT Applications
6.4. SE for Blockchain Privacy
6.5. SE for Neural Networks and Geo-Referenced Data
7. Predicate Encryption
7.1. PE for Fog and Cloud Applications
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[184] | 2021 | Y.F. Tseng et al. | Efficient PE for IoT | IEEE |
[109] | 2018 | J. Sun et al. | Attribute Hiding PE for Cloud Computing | IEEE |
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[113] | 2016 | W. Liu et al. | Public-Index PE for Mobile Access | Springer |
[42] | 2013 | C-I Fan et al. | PE-Based Controlled Search in Cloud Storage | Elsevier |
7.2. PE for Social and Mobile Networks
7.3. PE for e-Health Networks and Authentication
8. Functional Encryption
8.1. FE for Data Sharing and Classification
8.2. FE for Machine Learning Applications
Ref. | Year | Author | Significance | Publisher |
[190] | 2015 | P. Ananth et al. | FE for Turing Machines | Springer |
[191] | 2015 | K. Wrona | Military Perspective on Securing the IoT | IEEE |
[123] | 2018 | O. Stan et al. | Tax Calculations Using FE | IEEE |
[124] | 2020 | Y-B Son et al. | Energy Trading using Blockchain and FE | MDPI |
[125] | 2019 | J-H Im et al. | Electricity Billing Using FE | MDPI |
[126] | 2020 | H. Cui et al. | Outsourcing FE Using Blockchain | IEEE |
[129] | 2015 | D. Sharma et al. | FE in IoT e-Health | Springer |
[117] | 2016 | H. Abdalla et al. | FE for Public Cloud Data Sharing | IEEE |
[118] | 2018 | D. Sharma et al. | Data Ordering with FE | IEEE |
[119] | 2017 | D. Ligier et al. | Private Data Classification Using FE | Springer |
[120] | 2019 | T. Marc et al. | Private ML Using FE | Springer |
[121] | 2019 | R. Xu et al. | Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning using FE | ACM |
[122] | 2019 | R. Xu et al. | Training NNs with Encrypted data | IEEE |
8.3. FE for Smart Cities
8.4. FE for Biometric Authentication, Healthcare and Cloud Applications
8.5. FE for Rights Managements and Searchable Encryption
9. Open Challenges and Research Trends
10. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Acronym | Description | Acronym | Description |
AA | Attribute Authority | KGC | Key Generation Center |
AABE | Attribute-Based Encryption | KP-ABE | Key-Policy ABE |
ABKS | Attribute-Based Encryption with Keyword Search | LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
ABS | Attribute-Based Signature | MAC | Message Authentication Code |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | MAP | Malware Analytic Provider |
ASPE | Asymmetric PE | MANETs | Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
CA | Certificate Authority | MBS | Macro Base Station |
CAA | Central Attribute Authority | CCA | Chosen Ciphertext Attack |
MFCC | Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients | MHSN | Mobile Healthcare Social Network |
CCA2 | Adaptive CCA | MiTM | Man in The Middle |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network | ML | Machine Learning |
CP-ABE | Ciphertext-Policy ABE | MQTT | Message Queue Telemetry Transport |
CPA | Chosen Plaintext Attack | MRPE | Multireceiver PE |
CSP | Cloud Service Provider | OPE | Order-Preserving Encryption |
CSS | Cloud Storage Service | OSNs | Online Social Networks |
D2D | Device to Device | PE | Predicate Encryption |
DABE | Decentralized ABE | PIPE | Public Index PE |
DBDH | Decisional Bilinear Diffie–Hellman | PEKS | Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search |
DBE | Distance-Based Encryption | PKG | Public Key Generator |
DO | Data Owner | NTT | Number Theoretic Transform |
DU | Data User | RLWE | Ring Learning with Errors |
DPE | Delegate PE | PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
DRM | Digital Rights Management | PoV | Proof of Vote |
ECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptography | PRES | Proxy Re-Encryption with Keyword Search |
EHRs | Electronic Health Records | QoP | Quality of Protection |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array | KGAs | Keyword Guessing Attacks |
GID | Global Identity | QoS | Quality of Service |
FE | Functional Encryption | SDE | Searchable Data Encryption |
FHE | Fully Homomorphic Encryption | SDN | Software Defined Networking |
FVM | Functional Virtual Machine | SE | Searchable Encryption |
HABE | Hierarchical ABE | SSE | Symmetric SE |
HE | Homomorphic Encryption | SPE | Symmetric PE |
IBBE | Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption | SMC | Secure Multi-Party Computation |
IBC | Identity-Based Cryptography | TMN | Tactical Mobile Network |
IBE | Identity-Based Encryption | TPE | Threshold PE |
IBSC | Identity-Based Signcryption | TTP | Trusted Third Party |
ICN | Information-Centric Networking | UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
IoT | Internet of Things | IPFE | Inner Product FE |
UMCM | User Management and Container Management | WSAN | Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network |
SOK | Sakai, Ohgishi and Kasahara | ROM | Read-Only Memory |
MQTT | Message Queue Telemetry Transport | MBDHE | Modified Bilinear Diffie- Hellman Exponent |
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ABE | Constrained IoT Sensor Devices [59,60,61] |
IoT Applications [62,63,64,65,66,67,68] | |
Fog and Cloud Applications [69,70,71] | |
Data Search and Sharing [72,73,74,75] | |
e-Health and Smart Cities [76,77,78] | |
IBE | IoT Applications [79,80,81,82,83,84] |
Smart Cities and Homes [85,86] | |
Healthcare and Cloud Applications [87,88,89] | |
Blockchain Privacy and Authentication [90,91] | |
Keyword Search and Biometric Verification [92,93] | |
SE | Fog and Cloud Applications [94,95,96,97,98] |
Secure Data Sharing [99,100] | |
IoT Sensor-Based Applications [101,102,103,104] | |
Blockchain Privacy [105,106] | |
Neural Networks and Geo-Referenced Data [107,108] | |
PE | Fog and Cloud Application [42,109,110,111,112] |
Social and Mobile Networks [113,114] | |
e-Health Networks and Authentication [115,116] | |
FE | Data Sharing and Classification [117,118,119] |
Machine Learning Applications [120,121,122] | |
Smart Cities [123,124,125,126,127] | |
Biometric Authentication, Healthcare and Cloud Applications [128,129,130] | |
Rights Managements and Searchable Encryption [131,132] |
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Shahzad, K.; Zia, T.; Qazi, E.-u.-H. A Review of Functional Encryption in IoT Applications. Sensors 2022, 22, 7567. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22197567
Shahzad K, Zia T, Qazi E-u-H. A Review of Functional Encryption in IoT Applications. Sensors. 2022; 22(19):7567. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22197567
Chicago/Turabian StyleShahzad, Khurram, Tanveer Zia, and Emad-ul-Haq Qazi. 2022. "A Review of Functional Encryption in IoT Applications" Sensors 22, no. 19: 7567. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22197567
APA StyleShahzad, K., Zia, T., & Qazi, E.-u.-H. (2022). A Review of Functional Encryption in IoT Applications. Sensors, 22(19), 7567. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22197567