1. Introduction
Each year, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause 3.9 million deaths in Europe, which account for 45% of all deaths. In 2015, more than 85 million people in Europe were living with CVD and, over the past 25 years, the absolute number of CVD cases has increased [
1]. Consequently, cardiac monitoring is important to evaluate cardiac system performance and to prevent or detect cardiovascular diseases.
Ballistocardiogram (BCG) and seismocardiogram (SCG) are non-invasive measurements of the recoil forces of the body in response to the ejection of blood from the heart and the movement of blood through the vasculature [
2]. The term seismocardiogram is generally used for local vibrations recordings when the accelerometer sensor is placed close to the heart at the apex or on the sternum. In contrast, a ballistocardiogram shows recordings of the overall body movement when the sensor is placed close to the subject. This is mostly placed on items which support the body, such as beds, chairs or weighing scales.
In the last few decades, technological advances have enabled the development of sensors such as micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) accelerometer sensors. These sensors have been used to create BCG and SCG measurement systems with better diagnostic capacity. The BCG technique, which fell into disuse following the development of the electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (ECHO) and magnetic resonance, seems to have re-emerged with new perspectives for its clinical use [
Recent hardware developments for SCG and BCG acquisition systems and the improved measurement methodologies reflect this reappearance process. The main advantages of BCG and SCG systems, such as a wearable SCG based on MEMS accelerometers [
3] or an ear-worn BCG device [
4], are its portable feature for continuous daily monitoring. Other approaches based on weighing scales [
7], which are domestic items that take advantage of the user’s longitudinal position, have also been presented. However, these impose some practical limitations with regards to long measurements and noise floor exposition. Chair-based systems have also been reported [
9]. These systems are more comfortable and reduce the involuntary movements of the subject during measurement. Moreover, wheelchair-based systems allow a daily cardiac monitoring of reduced mobility patients. Nevertheless, this technique shows a reduction in signal amplitude when compared to the other measurement systems previously introduced. A study reported in Reference [
10] explored BCG measurements in a car seat. The results were not conclusive since the BCG signal became undetectable whilst driving, due to the external acceleration distortions measured by the sensor. The placement of sensors onto beds which has also been explored, enables the evaluation of sleep stages and the detection of diseases in a non-clinical environment [
12]. This procedure does not require direct contact with the patient, which reduces involuntary disturbances during sleep and is therefore more advantageous than the electrocardiogram technique [
Echocardiogram and magnetic resonance exams are useful for sporadic diagnosis, assessment and monitoring. However, they are expensive exams requiring an equipped room in a hospital or clinical center and experienced operators to perform the exams.
Some studies have demonstrated that through BCG and SCG signals it is possible to estimate the respiratory frequency as well as the heart rate, showing correlations with other monitoring and clinically validated systems. Regarding BCG signals, it is possible to find in the literature correlations between the amplitude of BCG signals’ waves and the left ventricular function allowing estimation of the stroke volume and the cardiac output [
13]. In addition, when BCG is simultaneously measured with ECG, the delay between these signal waves shows correlations which enable the estimation of parameters such as the pre-ejection period (PEP) or pulse transit time (PTT) [
14]. However, SCG and BCG signals reveal an inter-subject vulnerably regarding body mass index, gender, and health conditions. For instance, patient movements or muscle related diseases can lead to a misunderstanding of SCG signal features [
The use of these signals to investigate heart rate variation (HRV) and blood pressure (BP) is also addressed in Reference [
2]. HRV measurements make it possible to evaluate sleep efficiency and the autonomic nervous system. Since a plausible assessment of these parameters requires long data acquisition periods, an examination based on BCG, due to the non-contact characteristics, gains relevance and can be an efficient substitute for ECG.
Recent literature shows growing confidence in the applicability of SCG over BCG in clinical practices [
19]. This has led to the development of new methods and algorithms to perform SCG waves recognition and peaks detection and their association with cardiac events. In References [
18] and [
20] SCG fiducial points are detected: The isovolumetric moment (IM), the aortic valve opening (AO), and the aortic valve closure (AC) which, when combined with ECG signals, can be used to estimate cardiac events such as systolic and diastolic time, PEP and left ventricle ejection time (LVET). In Reference [
17] a multi-channel SCG spectrum measurement system was proposed and new waves associated with cardiac events were detected.
Despite recent advances, and according to the review carried out in Reference [
2], BCG and SCG signals still do not denote conciseness in terms of their biological significance or clinical relevance, and the correlations made by most recent studies are conducted mainly from healthy subjects. In addition, reference values determining a healthy subject and correlating the distinction in BCG and SCG signals according to the body size or age are still unknown, as well as the relation between the results obtained from different measurement methodologies. It is also difficult to establish a specific correlation between different heart diseases and which signal disorders are induced into ballistocardiogram and seismocardiogram waves [
13]. Put simply, there is still room for improvements to be made on both hardware types to acquire BCG and SCG signals (better signal-to-noise ratio acquisition systems) and the corresponding clinical interpretations of the acquired data.
Typically, in these studies, commercial MEMS accelerometers are used for the SCG signal detection. These accelerometers present a measurement range of around ±1 g or ±2 g and a bandwidth of up to 1 kHz. The acquisition system resolution is limited by the noise performance of these accelerometers, with noise densities above 98 µg/
Advances in microtechnology and the development of innovative MEMS designs have enabled the creation of high-resolution accelerometers that achieve micro-g resolutions. A time-based MEMS accelerometer presented in Reference [
21] uses time measurement as the acceleration transduction mechanism, and as demonstrated, enables the measurement of micro-g signals with high-resolution (<3 µg/
). The main advantage of this approach is that time measurements can be very accurate compared to capacitive readout circuits used in conventional capacitive accelerometers. On the other hand, sensor resolution can be improved with better time measurement, and sensor bandwidth can be extended by decreasing pull-in time transition [
Most BCG and SCG signals’ energy are located in bands below 30 Hz and have amplitudes of around 10 mgp-p [
22]. For the typical commercial MEMS accelerometers used in the reported literature, this implies (for a bandwidth of 30 Hz and a noise density of 98 µg/
) a resolution of the acquisition system around 0.54 mg. This gives roughly a 5-bit resolution for the full acquisition system which strongly compromises the signal analysis. These conditions increase the opportunity of implementing an acquisition system for SCG (and BCG) signals that incorporates a MEMS accelerometer based on pull-in time measurement, extending its application to a more consistent study of the diagnostic capability of this technique.
In this work, an integrated and improved version of the accelerometer presented in Reference [
21] is used to evaluate its performance on a wireless SCG and BCG acquisition system. The full SCG analysis system that also includes an ECG synchronized signal acquisition, calculates several SCG parameters (based on the measured signals) that are compared to parameters and indexes calculated through an echocardiogram system performed at similar conditions as ECG and SCG acquisition. This procedure leads to an improvement (due to the much better signal-to-noise ratio and system resolution) on the SCG peaks recognition and a more consistent study of SCG technique and its diagnostic capability.
2. System Description
2.1. SCG and ECG Acquisition Device
The SCG and ECG acquisition system introduced in this work is a small system (40 × 40 × 20 mm
3) with wireless capabilities, and can be applied in different measurement contexts.
Figure 1 shows the measurement system block diagram and its main components. The core component is the time-based high-resolution accelerometer (
Figure 2b) that includes a differential actuation mechanism (as opposed to a single-ended approach used in Reference [
21]) and an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for accelerometer operation control. Three main subsystems can be identified: The acceleration sensor for the SCG signals measurement, which is composed of the silicon on insulator (SOI) microstructure, controlled by an ASIC. The ASIC controls the MEMS element through a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and a switch for the structure actuation; the ECG signal acquisition circuit is connected to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that allows the reading of a single lead ECG; and the Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) that performs the reading of the signals data, synchronization and transmission over the integrated Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral.
Figure 2a presents the full acquisition system and
Figure 2b shows a detailed image of the Silicon-on-Insulator MEMS and ASIC on a dual in line ceramic package (it should be noted that the DAC and switches are outside the ceramic package).
The SOI structure has parallel-plates for sensing and for actuation which are symmetrically placed in each direction, and it has very similar characteristics to the devices used in Reference [
21]. The ASIC (implementation details in Reference [
23]), is connected to the microstructure, and is responsible for the reading of inertial mass’ position and pull-in phenomenon detection and control of the external actuation system (DAC and switch). The ASIC also performs the pull-in time counting and triggers the interrupt signals to the microcontroller when time data are ready.
An ECG acquisition system is also integrated for data correlation and to provide the possibility to calculate more parameters. The ECG signal acquisition circuit is based on the AD8232 (from Analog Devices, Norwood, MA, USA) consisting of a fully integrated single-lead ECG front-end module. The microcontroller (a PSoC from Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, San José, CA, USA) receives the ASIC’s pull-in time data (through an I2C line) and the ECG signal (internal ADC readings) and sends it to a PC running the analysis software through BLE. The system can be powered from any 5 V source, such as a small battery.
2.2. The Analysis System
The real-time acquisition and analysis software for measured data evaluation has been developed using MATLAB. A simplified block diagram of the full acquisition system (hardware and software) is shown in
Figure 3.
Among other features, the software allows the creation of user profiles with personal information (gender, age, weight, height, among others) that can be correlated. It is also possible to create classifier groups (tagged by pathologies, for instance) to which each profile can be associated with. Consequently, exams performed using the acquisition system are linked to each specific user’s profile.
The acquisition device data is received over the BLE USB dongle connected to the computer and during each session, the synchronously acquired SCG and ECG signals are processed for real-time visualization. Simultaneously, the measured data are stored in their raw conditions, preventing information loss. This also allows the improvement of existing algorithms, or the creation of new algorithms for the session analysis.
Once the session is completed, the data are available to be processed.
Figure 4 shows a block diagram which summarizes the procedures for signals’ parameters calculations over the acquired ECG and SCG raw signals.
A zero-phase digital bandpass filter is applied to the ECG raw data, providing the ECG singular waves recognition. A peak detection algorithm is used to find the signal’s maximums, matching the ECG R-waves and estimating the heart rate value. The singular ECG waves are overlapped, and an ECG template wave is calculated based on the ensemble mean wave.
In turn, the SCG signal is filtered to dual specific bandwidth frequencies, (0.05–1 Hz) and (1–40 Hz). This allows signals related to breathing, and mechanical SCG waves to be distinguished. The maximums of both filtered signals are calculated using an algorithm based on peak detection, and are used to estimate breath rate (BR) and heart rate (HR) values. Similar to the ECG analysis, the SCG ensemble is computed and a template wave is calculated based on the ensemble’s average.
Considering the opportunity of estimating cardiac events through a synchronized measurement of ECG and SCG signals, (evidenced in the introduction) an analysis which combines these signals can also be performed. The ECG and SCG waves, interpolated to the equivalent sampling frequency, show a time lag that can be identified through the delay between R and AO peaks, due to their higher amplitude. Then, the previously estimated delay, applied to the ECG and SCG template waves, is used to estimate all the remaining signal peaks’ lags. This can be seen in Figure 11 which demonstrates part of the results of a preliminary study that is presented later.
To improve the SCG diagnostic capability, metrics extracted by an echocardiogram system can be inserted in the software and used to perform correlations. In case statistical analysis is required on a different platform (on an SPSS platform, for instance), all database content, such as user and session information, can be fully exported.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
A high-resolution wireless acquisition system for SCG and ECG signals was presented in this paper. The SCG signal was measured using a pull-in-time based accelerometer with a sensitivity of up to 0.164 µs/µg and a noise density below 6.5 µg/. These characteristics make this system suitable for SCG, or even BCG, measurement applications, with a good SNR and resolutions of up to 9 bits (a huge improvement when compared to previous systems used in the reported literature).
Software (analysis system) for data acquisition, visualization and processing was also developed. The software includes several capabilities such as user profile creation, group classification and real-time data visualization. Data extracted from an echocardiogram external exam can be also inserted for data correlation, and comparisons over the extracted parameters from the several measurement systems (ECG, SCG and ECHO) can be performed.
A preliminary clinical study of 22 subjects (some healthy and some with CVDs) in a clinical environment was performed to test the capability of the developed acquisition system (hardware and software). Data collected from an ECHO exam performed on the same subjects, were also included in the study. Comparisons between the measurement systems for heart rate measurement, left ventricular ejection time and stroke volume revealed promising results, causing the use of this system to be a more consistent study of the SCG technique.
Such a high-resolution acquisition system has several advantages. The system enhances the acquired data which might lead to the detection of new peaks or features that are related to cardiac events (features that, on the current systems, are masked by noise), bringing about added information that can be clinically relevant.
Future work will include increasing the number of subjects in the study to construct a more robust database for data analysis and comparisons. A larger number of healthy subjects allow a better estimation of the reference values for the cardiac events’ intervals and the definition of typical healthy SCG waves. Once these are defined, one can see if any of the reference values for the healthy subjects are changing for groups with pathologies. The correlation of the SCG signal with a biomarker echocardiogram sample frames, which are both synchronized by the ECG signal, can also be added to the analysis system, thereby improving the overall SCG analysis.