Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. An Overview on Machine Learning
2.1. Machine Learning Terminology and Definitions
2.2. Tasks of Learning
2.3. Analysis of Learning
2.4. Learning Models
2.4.1. Regression
2.4.2. Clustering
2.4.3. Bayesian Models
2.4.4. Instance Based Models
2.4.5. Decision Trees
2.4.6. Artificial Neural Networks
- An input layer where the data is fed into the system,
- One or more hidden layers where the learning takes place, and
- An output layer where the decision/prediction is given.
2.4.7. Support Vector Machines
2.4.8. Ensemble Learning
3. Review
3.1. Crop Management
3.1.1. Yield Prediction
3.1.2. Disease Detection
3.1.3. Weed Detection
3.1.4. Crop Quality
3.1.5. Species Recognition
3.2. Livestock Management
3.2.1. Animal Welfare
3.2.2. Livestock Production
3.3. Water Management
3.4. Soil Management
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Abbreviation | Model |
ANNs | artificial neural networks |
BM | bayesian models |
DL | deep learning |
DR | dimensionality reduction |
DT | decision trees |
EL | ensemble learning |
IBM | instance based models |
SVMs | support vector machines |
Abbreviation | Algorithm |
ANFIS | adaptive-neuro fuzzy inference systems |
Bagging | bootstrap aggregating |
BBN | bayesian belief network |
BN | bayesian network |
BPN | back-propagation network |
CART | classification and regression trees |
CHAID | chi-square automatic interaction detector |
CNNs | convolutional neural networks |
CP | counter propagation |
DBM | deep boltzmann machine |
DBN | deep belief network |
DNN | deep neural networks |
ELMs | extreme learning machines |
EM | expectation maximisation |
ENNs | ensemble neural networks |
GNB | gaussian naive bayes |
GRNN | generalized regression neural network |
KNN | k-nearest neighbor |
LDA | linear discriminant analysis |
LS-SVM | least squares-support vector machine |
LVQ | learning vector quantization |
LWL | locally weighted learning |
MARS | multivariate adaptive regression splines |
MLP | multi-layer perceptron |
MLR | multiple linear regression |
MOG | mixture of gaussians |
OLSR | ordinary least squares regression |
PCA | principal component analysis |
PLSR | partial least squares regression |
RBFN | radial basis function networks |
RF | random forest |
SaE-ELM | self adaptive evolutionary-extreme learning machine |
SKNs | supervised kohonen networks |
SOMs | self-organising maps |
SPA-SVM | successive projection algorithm-support vector machine |
SVR | support vector regression |
Abbreviation | Measure |
APE | average prediction error |
MABE | mean absolute bias error |
MAE | mean absolute error |
MAPE | mean absolute percentage error |
MPE | mean percentage error |
NS | nash-sutcliffe coefficient |
R | radius |
R2 | coefficient of determination |
RMSE | root mean squared error |
RMSEP | root mean square error of prediction |
RPD | relative percentage difference |
RRMSE | average relative root mean square error |
Abbreviation | |
AUS | aircraft unmanned system |
Cd | cadmium |
FBG | fiber bragg grating |
HSV | hue saturation value color space |
K | potassium |
MC | moisture content |
Mg | magnesium |
ML | machine learning |
NDVI | normalized difference vegetation index |
NIR | near infrared |
OC | organic carbon |
Rb | rubidium |
RGB | red green blue |
TN | total nitrogen |
UAV | unmanned aerial vehicle |
VIS-NIR | visible-near infrared |
Article | Crop | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[74] | Coffee | Forty-two (42) color features in digital images illustrating coffee fruits | Automatic count of coffee fruits on a coffee branch | SVM | Harvestable:
[75] | Cherry | Colored digital images depicting leaves, branches, cherry fruits, and the background | Detection of cherry branches with full foliage | BM/GNB | 89.6% accuracy |
[76] | Green citrus | Image features (form 20 × 20 pixels digital images of unripe green citrus fruits) such as coarseness, contrast, directionality, line-likeness, regularity, roughness, granularity, irregularity, brightness, smoothness, and fineness | Identification of the number of immature green citrus fruit under natural outdoor conditions | SVM | 80.4% accuracy |
[77] | Grass | Vegetation indices, spectral bands of red and NIR | Estimation of grassland biomass (kg dry matter/ha/day) for two managed grassland farms in Ireland; Moorepark and Grange | ANN/ANFIS | Moorepark: R2 = 0.85 RMSE = 11.07 Grange: R2 = 0.76 RMSE = 15.35 |
[78] | Wheat | Normalized values of on-line predicted soil parameters and the satellite NDVI | Wheat yield prediction within field variation | ANN/SNKs | 81.65% accuracy |
[79] | Tomato | High spatial resolution RGB images | Detection of tomatoes via RGB images captured by UAV | Clustering/EM | Recall: 0.6066 Precision: 0.9191 F-Measure: 0.7308 |
[80] | Rice | Agricultural, surface weather, and soil physico-chemical data with yield or development records | Rice development stage prediction and yield prediction | SVM | Middle-season rice: Tillering stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 126.8 Heading stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 96.4 Milk stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 109.4 Early rice: Tillering stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 88.3 Heading stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 68.0 Milk stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 36.4 Late rice: Tillering stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 89.2 Heading stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 69.7 Milk stage: RMSE (kg h−1 m2) = 46.5 |
[81] | General | Agriculture data: meteorological, environmental, economic, and harvest | Method for the accurate analysis for agricultural yield predictions | ANN/ENN and BPN based | 1.3% error rate |
Author | Crop | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[82] | Silybum marianum | Images with leaf spectra using a handheld visible and NIR spectrometer | Detection and discrimination between healthy Silybum marianum plants and those that are infected by smut fungus Microbotyum silybum | ANN/XY-Fusion | 95.16% accuracy |
[83] | Strawberry | Region index: ratio of major diameter to minor diameter; and color indexes: hue, saturation, and intensify | Classification of parasites and automatic detection of thrips | SVM | MPE = 2.25% |
[84] | Rice | Morphological and color traits from healthy and infected from Bakanae disease, rice seedlings, for cultivars Tainan 11 and Toyonishiki | Detection of Bakanae disease, Fusarium fujikuroi, in rice seedlings | SVM | 87.9% accuracy |
[85] | Wheat | Hyperspectral reflectance imaging data | Detection of nitrogen stressed, yellow rust infected and healthy winter wheat canopies | ANN/XY-Fusion | Nitrogen stressed: 99.63% accuracy Yellow rust: 99.83% accuracy Healthy: 97.27% accuracy |
[86] | Wheat | Spectral reflectance and fluorescence features | Detection of water stressed, Septoria tritici infected, and healthy winter wheat canopies | SVM/LS-SVM | Four scenarios:
[87] | Wheat | Spectral reflectance features | Detection of yellow rust infected and healthy winter wheat canopies | ANN/MLP | Yellow rust infected wheat: 99.4% accuracy Healthy: 98.9% accuracy |
[88] | Wheat | Data fusion of hyper-spectral reflection and multi-spectral fluorescence imaging | Detection of yellow rust infected and healthy winter wheat under field circumstances | ANN/SOM | Yellow rust infected wheat: 99.4% accuracy Healthy: 98.7% accuracy |
[89] | Wheat | Hyperspectral reflectance images | Identification and discrimination of yellow rust infected, nitrogen stressed, and healthy winter wheat in field conditions | ANN/SOM | Yellow rust infected wheat: 99.92% accuracy Nitrogen stressed: 100% accuracy Healthy: 99.39% accuracy |
[90] | Generilized approach for various crops (25 in total) | Simple leaves images of healthy and diseased plants | Detection and diagnosis of plant diseases | DNN/CNN | 99.53% accuracy |
Author | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[91] | Spectral bands of red, green, and NIR and texture layer | Detection and mapping of Silybum marianum | ANN/CP | 98.87% accuracy |
[92] | Spectral features from hyperspectral imaging | Recognition and discrimination of Zea mays and weed species | ANN/one-class SOM and Clustering/one-class MOG | Zea mays: SOM = 100% accuracy MOG = 100% accuracy Weed species: SOM = 53–94% accuracy MOG = 31–98% accuracy |
[93] | Camera images of grass and various weeds types | Reporting on performance of classification methods for grass vs. weed detection | SVN | 97.9% Again Rumex classification6 94.65% Urtica classification 95.1% for mixed weed and mixed weather conditions |
Author | Crop | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[94] | Cotton | Short wave infrared hyperspectral transmittance images depicting cotton along with botanical and non-botanical types of foreign matter | Detection and classification of common types of botanical and non-botanical foreign matter that are embedded inside the cotton lint | SVM | According to the optimal selected wavelengths, the classification accuracies are over 95% for the spectra and the images. |
[95] | Pears | Hyperspectral reflectance imaging | Identification and differentiation of Korla fragrant pears into deciduous-calyx or persistent-calyx categories | SVM/SPA-SVM | Deciduous-calyx pears: 93.3% accuracy Persistent-calyx pears: 96.7% accuracy |
[96] | Rice | Twenty (20) chemical components that were found in composition of rice samples with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry | Prediction and classification of geographical origin of a rice sample | EL/RF | 93.83% accuracy |
Author | Crop | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[97] | Legume | Vein leaf images of white and red beans as well as and soybean | Identification and classification of three legume species: soybean, and white and red bean | DL/CNN | White bean: 90.2% accuracy Red bean: 98.3% accuracy Soybean: 98.8% accuracy for five CNN layers |
Author | Animal Species | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[98] | Cattle | Features like grazing, ruminating, resting, and walking, which were recorded using collar systems with three-axis accelerometer and magnetometer | Classification of cattle behaviour | EL/Bagging with tree learner | 96% accuracy |
[99] | Calf | Data: chewing signals from dietary supplement, Tifton hay, ryegrass, rumination, and idleness. Signals were collected from optical FBG sensors | Identification and classification of chewing patterns in calves | DT/C4.5 | 94% accuracy |
[100] | Pigs | 3D motion data by using two depth cameras | Animal tracking and behavior annotation of the pigs to measure behavioral changes in pigs for welfare and health monitoring | BM: Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) | Animal tracking: mean multi-object tracking precision (MOTP) = 0.89 accuracy behavior annotation: standing: control R2 = 0.94, treatment R2 = 0.97 feeding: control R2 = 0.86, treatment R2 = 0.49 |
Author | Animal Species | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[101] | Cattle | Milk fatty acids | Prediction of rumen fermentation pattern from milk fatty acids | ANN/BPN | Acetate: RMSE = 2.65% Propionate: RMSE = 7.67% Butyrate: RMSE = 7.61% |
[102] | Hens | Six (6) features, which were created from mathematical models related to farm’s egg production line and collected over a period of seven (7) years. | Early detection and warning of problems in production curves of commercial hens eggs | SVM | 98% accuracy |
[103] | Bovine | Geometrical relationships of the trajectories of weights along the time | Estimation of cattle weight trajectories for future evolution with only one or a few weights. | SVM | Angus bulls from Indiana Beef Evaluation Program: weights 1, MAPE = 3.9 + −3.0% Bulls from Association of Breeder of Asturiana de los Valles: weights 1, MAPE = 5.3 + −4.4% Cow from Wokalup Selection Experiment in Western Australia: weights 1, MAPE = 9.3 + −6.7% |
[104] | Cattle | Zoometric measurements of the animals 2 to 222 days before the slaughter | Prediction of carcass weight for beef cattle 150 days before the slaughter day | SVM/SVR | Average MAPE = 4.27% |
[105] | Pigs | 1553 color images with pigs faces | Pigs face recognition | DNNs: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) | 96.7% Accuracy |
Author | Property | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[106] | Evapotranspiration | Data such as maximum, minimum, and mean temperature; relative humidity; solar radiation; and wind speed | Estimation of monthly mean reference evapotranspiration arid and semi-arid regions | Regression/MARS | MAE = 0.05 RMSE = 0.07 R = 0.9999 |
[107] | Evapotranspiration | Temperature data: maximum and minimum temperature, air temperature at 2 m height, mean relative humidity, wind speed at 10 m height, and sunshine duration | Estimation of daily evapotranspiration for two scenarios (six regional meteorological stations). Scenario A: Models trained and tested from local data of each Station (2). Scenario B: Models trained from pooled data from all stations |
[108] | Evapotranspiration | Locally maximum and minimum air temperature, extraterrestrial radiation, and extrinsic evapotranspiration | Estimation of weekly evapotranspiration based on data from two meteorological weather stations | ANN/ELM | Station A: RMSE = 0.43 mm d−1 Station B: RMSE = 0.33 mm d−1 |
[109] | Daily dew point temperature | Weather data such as average air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, vapor pressure, and horizontal global solar radiation | Prediction of daily dew point temperature | ANN/ELM | Region case A: MABE = 0.3240 °C RMSE = 0.5662 °C R = 0.9933 Region case B: MABE = 0.5203 °C RMSE = 0.6709 °C R = 0.9877 |
Author | Property | Observed Features | Functionality | Models/Algorithms | Results |
[110] | Soil drying | Precipitation and potential evapotranspiration data | Evaluation of soil drying for agricultural planning | IBM/KNN and ANN/BP | Both performed with 91–94% accuracy |
[111] | Soil condition | 140 soil samples from top soil layer of an arable field | Prediction of soil OC, MC, and TN | SVM/LS-SVM and Regression/Cubist | OC: RMSEP = 0.062% & RPD = 2.20 (LS-SVM) MC: RMSEP = 0.457% & RPD = 2.24 (LS-SVM) TN: RMSEP = 0.071% & RPD = 1.96 (Cubist) |
[112] | Soil temperature | Daily weather data: maximum, minimum, and average air temperature; global solar radiation; and atmospheric pressure. Data were collected for the period of 1996–2005 for Bandar Abbas and for the period of 1998–2004 for Kerman | Estimation of soil temperature for six (6) different depths 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 cm, in two different in climate conditions Iranian regions; Bandar Abbas and Kerman | ANN/SaE-ELM | Bandar Abbas station: MABE = 0.8046 to 1.5338 °C RMSE = 1.0958 to 1.9029 °C R = 0.9084 to 0.9893 Kerman station: MABE = 1.5415 to 2.3422 °C RMSE = 2.0017 to 2.9018 °C R = 0.8736 to 0.9831 depending on the depth |
[113] | Soil moisture | Dataset of forces acting on a chisel and speed | Estimation of soil moisture | ANN/MLP and RBF | MLP: RMSE = 1.27% R2 = 0.79 APE = 3.77% RBF: RMSE = 1.30% R2 = 0.80 APE = 3.75% |
ML Models Per Section | |||||||||
Model | Crop | Livestock | Water | Soil | |||||
Yield Prediction | Disease Detection | Weed Detection | Crop Quality | Species Recognition | Animal Welfare | Livestock Production | Water Management | Soil Management | |
Bayesian models | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Support vector machines | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | |||
Ensemble learning | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Artificial & Deep neural networks | 3 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 4 | ||
Regression | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Instance based models | 1 | ||||||||
Decision trees | 1 | ||||||||
Clustering | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Total | 8 | 9 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 7 |
Feature Collection | |||||||||
Feature Technique | Crop | Livestock | Water | Soil | |||||
Yield Prediction | Disease Detection | Weed Detection | Crop Quality | Species recognition | Animal Welfare | Livestock Production | Water Management | Soil Management | |
Digital images and color indexes | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
NIR | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
NDVI | 1 | ||||||||
Data records | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | ||
Spectral | 2 | 2 | |||||||
Hyperspectral | 4 | 1 | 2 | ||||||
Fluoresence | 2 |
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Liakos, K.G.; Busato, P.; Moshou, D.; Pearson, S.; Bochtis, D. Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review. Sensors 2018, 18, 2674.
Liakos KG, Busato P, Moshou D, Pearson S, Bochtis D. Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review. Sensors. 2018; 18(8):2674.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiakos, Konstantinos G., Patrizia Busato, Dimitrios Moshou, Simon Pearson, and Dionysis Bochtis. 2018. "Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review" Sensors 18, no. 8: 2674.
APA StyleLiakos, K. G., Busato, P., Moshou, D., Pearson, S., & Bochtis, D. (2018). Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review. Sensors, 18(8), 2674.