1. Introduction
Agricultural management in European mountain regions is a key strategy for preserving ecosystem stability and regional economies [
2]. Phenology is defined as “the study of the timing of recurring biological events, the causes of their timing regarding biotic and abiotic forces, and the interrelation among phases of the same or different species” [
3].Vegetation phenology is a relevant indicator of crop productivity and health. Phenological stage monitoring is therefore crucial in the decision-making process of the agricultural management [
4]. In mountainous regions, agricultural areas are generally of small size and the vegetation is characterized by a heterogeneous distribution. In addition, mountain crops are vulnerable to climate variability [
7]. Satellite imagery plays a unique and important role in monitoring crop and soil conditions for farm management [
10]. In the past years, most studies using satellite imagery for crop and natural vegetation monitoring have focused on the use of optical imagery. By exploiting the reflectance of visible and Near Infra-Red (NIR) radiation and the emittance of thermal Infra-Red (IR) radiation, canopy characteristics have been mapped over large areas [
11]. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) [
12] has been widely used to detect phenological phases [
18]. In this case, cloud contamination and topographic effects in mountain regions compromise data significantly in the optical domain [
Microwave wavelengths have important advantages over optical remote sensing for agricultural applications, because they pass through the atmosphere and clouds with negligible attenuation [
20]. This allows frequent measurements over the short growing season of mountain crops. Conversely, the radar signal can be difficult to interpret as the total radar backscatter is a complex sum of the backscatter from vegetation and soil. The radar beam can penetrate both the canopy and soil to a difficult-to-determine depth, making it complicated to determine if the signal is dominated by either vegetation or soil conditions [
Reliable ground measurements of crop growth stages and soil moisture throughout the growing season are therefore important to understand the relative influence of these factors on the microwave signal. Additionally, dense time series are necessary to understand the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signal behavior with regards to crops. From the first attempt to monitor rice crops [
23], relevant results were found by combining different SAR sensors [
24], incidence angles [
25], different polarizations [
31], and Interferometric SAR technique [
32]. A data fusion approach was developed using a dynamical framework based on particle filter (PF). This approach has shown that the incorporation of additional sources to the NDVI time series can improve the phenological monitoring. The inclusion of SAR images in particular increases the sensitivity to crop dynamical development and improves results in the process of estimating specific phenological states [
33]. Furthermore, the grassland mowing event detection were explored by applying coherence estimation on interferometric acquisitions [
34] and using radar polarimetry [
36]. Crop structure, dielectric properties of the canopy, soil roughness, and moisture influence the backscattering coefficients. Moreover, the crop structure and plant water content vary depending on phenological stages and crop condition. With multipolarization, it is possible to explore the sensitivity of waves to different orientation, shape and dielectric properties of elements in the scattering field [
37]. Both the HH and VV polarizations operating in C-band are sensitive to soil moisture variations, whereas the cross-polarized backscatter is primarily associated with volume scattering of vegetation [
38]. The different attenuation of VV and HH polarization is useful for discriminating crop types and the cross-polarized channel with a higher dynamic can improve the crop separability. Moreover, grassland and crop discrimination is achievable by using multitemporal SAR images [
39]. Also, for phenology and its parameters, the cross-polarized channel gives a higher contrast between high and low productivities [
40]. The trends in radar backscatter, measured on different dates, can be correlated with soil moisture content, since the effects of spatial roughness variations are smoothed [
41]. To reduce these factors, [
42] suggested that the ratio of backscatter measured on two close successive dates might be a simple and effective way to decouple the effect of vegetation and surface roughness from the effect of soil moisture changes, when volumetric scattering by the crop canopy is not dominant.
For robust retrieval methods, the temporal change of backscattering coefficients on mountain ecosystems still needs to be documented. Moreover, an integration of multisensor time series has to be evaluated on meadow phenology detection.
Within the Copernicus programme we now have the possibility to explore different sensors. Both Sentinel-1A and 1B satellites with their SAR sensors provide time series of medium and high resolution of C-band data [
43], simultaneously Sentinel-2A and 2B optical sensors acquire 13 spectral bands in the visible, the NIR, and the Short Wave IR (SWIR) [
44]. Combining the two Sentinel satellites with a revisiting time of six and five days, respectively, offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor crop in mountain regions.
In this study, we analyzed time series from the Sentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) together with proximal sensors to understand their temporal behavior for mountain meadow areas. The main objectives of this paper are: (1) to understand and quantify the impact on multi temporal SAR images of different grassland types and soil conditions in the perspective of data integration; (2) exploit the synergic use of SAR and optical data to retrieve maps of mountain phenology (start of the season and harvesting time).
With respect to the above presented studies, the novelties of this work are:
For the first time, S-1 and S-2 are evaluated in synergy in the phenological retrieval process. A multisensor methodology is presented and compared to establish a common and complementary approach for the detection of mountain phenology.
5. Discussion
Our investigation revealed that time series of Sentinel-1 C-band allows phenological dynamics detection in different vegetation land-cover types. As shown in previous studies [
59], VV and VH polarizations have a clear seasonal dynamic, with a peak that might correspond to the maximum of biomass production. It seems also possible to discriminate the signal of different vegetation classes. Moreover, the results achieved in the current study suggest that the backscatter of mountain meadows has a high dynamic range.
In pastures class, backscattering profiles are stable in VH polarization, while changing trend was observed in the VV channel. It might be possible that the contribution of bare soil and vegetation structure (short and thin leaves) for this class increases the sensitivity to variations in the water content of soil, instead of vegetation cover, as demonstrated in [
60]. Furthermore, at high altitudes, there are limitations on SAR
VH sensitivity: the presence of low biomass with narrow leaves might increase the absorption effect, causing a flat trend in the backscatter coefficients [
Conversely, the VH channel better describes meadow phenology. As previously demonstrated [
62], the correlation between
coefficients and NDVI is stronger in the VH channel in meadows areas, due to the volume scattering of vegetation. Similar results were found in [
63], where
VH sharply raises during the phase of green-up, it is stable during the vegetation reproduction, and decreases rapidly due to the harvest. The cross-correlation between S-1
VH backscatter and S-2 NDVI for the season 2016, shows a positive correlation for the selected areas. Moreover, the Pearson’s product-moment correlation between S-1 and the SRS ground sensor reveals that in areas where the cloud cover limits S-2 data acquisition, backscattering coefficients can support the phenological phase detection. Our analyses were limited to one year, 2016. Since, time series contain a combination of seasonal, gradual and abrupt changes [
64], a decomposition analysis should be applied to longer time series. A seasonal-trend analysis could therefore be useful in further studies when multiple years of Sentinel data will be available.
To derive useful quantitative information regarding the contribution of the vegetation to the SAR backscatter, we used the WCM. This semi-empirical model represents the power backscattered by the whole canopy as the incoherent sum of the contribution of the vegetation and soil [
65]. Including NDVI in the model allows understanding the vegetation contribution to the VH channel. As emphasized by [
66], in the VH channel, the vegetation contribution to the backscattering coefficient is higher than the soil component, when the vegetation is well developed [
The results of the comparison between the values predicted by the WCM and
VH time series show that the model is adequate to describe vegetation in mountainous areas. The statistical results are in line with previous studies for both Adjusted
and Root-Mean-Square Error [
69]. Moreover, the altitude does not seem to interfere with the simulation, giving a RMSE of 1.63 dB in an area at 2000 m a.s.l. Furthermore, through the analysis of
is more influenced by the vegetation growth than SWC. Hence, our results confirm that VH C-band SAR data combined with optical data may be applicable to estimate the vegetation phenology in mountain meadows.
To obtain the best mapping results, we evaluated different filter techniques, based on previous studies [
71]. It is important to underline that in the validation phase, there are significant limitations in comparing satellite sensors and ground observation [
72]. Whereas the NDVI is a direct measure of radiation absorption by the canopy [
19], PhenoCam visual analysis, has different sources of uncertainties, especially to track when the first leaves appear from the surrounding vegetation and the mixture of senescence leaf colors [
74]. For this reason, we evaluated the accuracy of our results through both the NDVI ground sensor (SRS) and PhenoCam images. The two results were in good agreement, with a mean of 1.5 day of difference for the SOS and 2 days for the senescence. Phenocams resulted essential to detect the harvesting time, by directly observing the mowing operations.
All four filters clearly describe the trend of the growing season in each area and none show better performance compared to the others. As expected, each filter applied to SRS NDVI time series approximates well the seasonal phenology, even though, despite BISE noise-reduction techniques, the mowing events interfere with the detection of the EOS.
The days of difference of S-1 with respect to the dates extracted from the PhenoCams and SRS sensor increase with the altitude of the areas. For the SOS, at 1500 m a.s.l., the distance between the field data and the SAR data is compatible with the time of acquisition of the satellite. Conversely, in the areas at 2000 m, the distance in days exceeds the temporal resolution of the SAR satellite. The same tendency is repeated for the EOS, where, however, the difference increases with respect to the ground data. The optical data follows the trend of the SAR, with fewer days of difference. In this context, the percent error ranges between −10% in the worst scenario and 8% in the best one for S-1 and ground sensors; −7% and 2% of error respectively, for S-2 and ground sensors. In this analysis we do not consider the SOS extracted from both S-1 and S-2 time series in the area domef 2000; this exception is determined by the fact that in this area:
a heavy snowfall in April, corresponding to the day of S-1 acquisition, caused a signal drop and consequently errors in filter modeling;
in the optical domain, during the period January–October 2016, only 13 images were cloud free in this area.
Although the results of S-1 are in most cases less accurate than those of S-2, we expect that applying our detection method on flat areas and/or with different vegetation cover and leaves structure, we could have consistent results among SAR and optical sensors. Furthermore, we think that by increasing the temporal resolution, with the S-1B and S-2B acquisitions, the accuracy in the phenology estimation process would increase for both sensors.
In the mapping process, since from our comparative test the filters perform equally well, to have an identical approach in the optical and microwaves domains, and for simplicity reason, we applied a Linear Filter to both the time series. In both maps the growing season follows an altitude-based gradient, with an early start of vegetation growth at valley floors, anticipated in the wider areas, which is gradually delayed at high altitudes and especially in narrow valleys. For the vegetation that is covered by snow several months during the year, i.e., above 2500 m a.s.l., the green-up starts between the end of May (DOY 147) and the start of August (DOY 210). The map obtained from the shows less sensitivities at high altitude, where the vegetation decreases in height and biomass. Furthermore, the presence of bare soil strongly influences the SAR signal. The optical map shows an earlier start at the bottom of the valleys (around DOY 60–70), compared to the SAR detection (around DOY 80–90) and emphasizes the green-up gradient going from low to high altitude. When we zoomed in the map, the S-1 backscatter gave a delay in the SOS of around 10 days in some areas. However, the S-1 backscatter seems to be more sensitive than the S-2 NDVI, diversifying more SOS periods. The comparison between the SOS maps of South Tyrol, obtained from S-1 and S-2, illustrates that SAR data can be used to detect the onset of the growing season in meadow areas. However, as demonstrated in the vegetation type analyses, the same procedure is not applicable to pasture areas. In this class the time series, with a flat trend, does not allow the phenology detection. A sensitivity analysis of VV channel and the ratio VV/VH needs to be further investigated to understand a possible contribution to phenology detection of pasture class. In addition, both maps should be validated at different altitude and on different vegetation cover types (i.e., forest classes).
In mountain regions, there is a transition from fertilized to unfertilized meadows and pastures. Grasslands located at low altitudes or in the valley are usually mowed several times during the growing season. With increasing elevation, agriculture is less intensive, and the mountain meadows are mown once a year and mostly grazed in autumn [
75]. Our areas of interest located at 1500 m a.s.l. are usually mowed twice a year, while those at 2000 m a.s.l. only once. Starting from the assumption that optical sensors well describe the radiation changes related to physiological conditions of plants, but they do not explain modification of the vegetation geometry [
33], we expected to obtain a better harvest time detection with SAR time series. However, the S-1 GRD products were missing for the season 2016 because of an onboard anomaly recorded between 8 June and 14 July [
47]. This led to errors in the definition of the first mowing event. In terms of percent error, the results of S-1 are less accurate compared to S-2, with a range of error between −11% to 11% in the areas at lower altitude. Conversely, when there is only one mowing, in August at high altitudes, S-1 data give promising results (percent error between −8% to 4%) as well as S-2 (percent error between −5% to 4%). In these areas the mowing maps follow, indeed, the same trend. This demonstrates that S-1A instrument unavailability caused errors in the first mowing detection. Concurrently, the result suggests that in the presence of time series without missing data, S-1 gives results similar to S-2, allowing to overcome the problems of cloud cover in optical images. Having consistent data is indeed decisive in the definition of a mowing event. Furthermore, the advances/delays in the harvesting time detection are derived by the averaging of the selected areas which include different time of mowing. An example is shown in
Figure 12 where in (a) at the top left we can see the start of mowing operations on DOY 220 and in (b) the end of them on DOY 235. Therefore, even in the case of mowing detection, using images from S-1B and S-2B, would improve our results.
Optical remote sensing provides a powerful tool to monitor phenology in mountain ecosystems and, our investigation has shown that SAR data might be effective in meadows phenology detection as well as complementary to the optical information. However, to test the applicability of the method on different vegetation classes more validation points are needed as well as a threshold’s optimization. We cannot expect to obtain the same results in microwave and optical domains, due to different physical mechanisms: the first based on the structure, roughness, dielectric constant, and slope/orientation of scattering surfaces [
76], and the second one on the reflectance properties of leaves, illumination angle, leaf orientation, and background [
77]. In this context, our approach aims at understanding the behavior of the backscattering coefficients in meadow areas to complement the optical data with SAR images to reduce missing information caused by clouds contamination and atmospheric effects in the optical domain.