Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam)
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Description of the Study Area
2.2. Data Used
2.2.1. Soil Sample Collection and Processing
2.2.2. Sentinel-1 SAR Data
2.3. Machine Learning Algorithms Used
2.3.1. Neural Networks
2.3.2. Gaussian Process
2.3.3. Support Vector Regression
2.3.4. Random Forests
3. Propose Methodology Used
3.1. Preprocessing of the Sentinel-1 SAR Data
3.2. Soil Salinity Geodatabase, the Training Set, and the Validation Set
3.3. Feature Selection
3.4. Model Configurating and Training
3.5. Performance Assessment
3.6. Final Trained Model and Generating Soil Salinity Maps
4. Results
4.1. Variable Importance Assessment
4.2. Model Training and Their Performances
4.3. Soil Salinity Map
5. Discussion
- Overall, it is still difficult to establish accurately relationships between the soil salinity and radar signals though several attempts have been carried out [22]. The result in this research showed that the direct correlation of each of the radar bands ( and ) to the soil salinity is low indicating that empirical model of soil salinity using single radar is not feasible and this finding is in agreement with Jiang, Rusuli, Amuti, and He [31]. Therefore, combination of various factors is suggested to derive more accuracy models. As a result, 16 texture features derived from the two bands, and were considered.
- Feature selection was carried out for the 18 input features using RF and the permutation-based MSE reduction value of them varies from 27.26 to 135.33. This indicates that the 18 input features offer certain predictive values to the soil salinity. Further tests were carried out by removing features with low permutation-based MSE reduction values, and then, checking if with the reducing the feature set, the performance of the five regression models may be improved; however, no performance improvement was found. Therefore, it could be concluded that all the incorporated features used for modeling are appropriate and suitable for soil salinity modeling with machine learning methods.
- Performance of the five regression models (the MLP-NN, the RBF-NN, the GP, the SVR, and the RF) used in this study continues confirming that soil salinity mapping is dependent on methods and techniques used [22,31]. Among the five models, the GP with RBF kernel function shows the most accuracy (r = 0.808, RMSE = 2.885, and MAE = 1.897). Although the RBF-NN model has lower MAE (1.586) and RMSE (2.732) compared to the GP model; however, correlation coefficient (r = 0.772) of the RBF-NN model is clear lower than that of the GP model. Therefore, GP is a powerful tool, which should be used for soil salinity mapping. The other three models (the MLP-NN, the SVR, and the RF) provide poorly prediction performance though they fit quit well with the training data, indicating that these models exist some degrees of over-fitting. This is because this research has a relatively small number of samples. In addition, both the training and validating set exist samples with extremely high EC values, which are difficult for these models to learn and predict.
- Evaluation of the predicted salinity values, which were obtained from the MLP-NN and the RBF-NN, reveals that the RBF-NN model has better prediction performance comparing to the MLP-NN. In RBF-NN model, the best setting achieved by using 18 as input neuron and 21 as number of clusters. In other side, the MLP-NN reach to EC map by incorporating 18 as input neuron and 6 as hidden neurons with the r = 0.624 and the lowest RMSE of 3.450 (when using all features). Nevertheless, both MLP-NN and RBF-NN provided poorly accuracy results in this research; therefore, newer neural network structures i.e., deep learning neural networks should be investigated.
- For the SVR model, this model had difficulties in learning with extremely high values of EC (three samples with EC values >12 in the training set). In other words, these samples caused a low degree-of-fit of the model. Consequently, the SVR model lacks sensitivities to samples with high EC values in the validating set. More specifically, three samples with EC values >7.9 were predicted as being below 4. In addition, the performance of the SVR model is influenced by its three parameters (C, σ, and nu) and although the grid search algorithm was used to determine the best values for the three parameters; however, it is difficult to conclude that these are the optimal values. Therefore, new machine learning optimization algorithms should be considered to find the optimized values for the three parameters.
- Regarding the RF model, although this model showed excellent goodness-of-fit, but it provided lowest prediction result. This is due to the natural limitation of this algorithm which usually predicted poor results then values in the validating set are outside those in the training sets that the RF was used to trained [76].
- Overall, the result in this research shows that the incorporating machine learning methods and the Sentinel-1 radar imagery for produce soil EC map with good accuracy is viable. Now, it is possible to estimate salinity for each 10 m × 10 m area at very short intervals of about 6 days. This represents the Radar remotely sensed data as a useful tool for land management studies and soil reclamation programs.
6. Conclusions
- Although the optical remote sensing images, i.e., Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2 have proven their efficiency in the soil salinity mapping on other areas; however, they are not suitable for the tropical province of Ben Tre due to cloud cover problems.
- Sentinel-1 SAR data, which are not affected by weather conditions, have enough capability to separate saline soils directly by using machine learning methods. It can be concluded that it is conceivable to map soil salinity at short intervals of about 6 days for each 10 m × 10 m area, using the potential of the Sentinel-1 satellite image data and the GP method. This confirms remote sensing as a powerful technology for salinity mapping.
- Texture features derived from the two bands, and and Random Forest with Permutation-based MSE reduction are useful for soil salinity modeling.
- Incorporating the potential of full polarized SAR images in different frequency bands (P, L, C, and X) and applying various target decomposition methods to SAR image data for generating salinity models is recommended for future studies.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Input Variable | Permutation-Based MSE Reduction | Number of Nodes Used in the RF Model | Variable Importance Ranked |
135.33 | 584 | 1 | |
133.32 | 677 | 2 | |
115.98 | 1089 | 3 | |
81.23 | 314 | 4 | |
53.39 | 591 | 5 | |
50.98 | 457 | 6 | |
49.29 | 347 | 7 | |
47.82 | 351 | 8 | |
44.48 | 349 | 9 | |
42.98 | 731 | 10 | |
42.04 | 294 | 11 | |
40.13 | 414 | 12 | |
39.70 | 343 | 13 | |
35.52 | 538 | 14 | |
33.08 | 346 | 15 | |
32.14 | 440 | 16 | |
27.33 | 611 | 17 | |
27.26 | 736 | 18 |
No | MLP-NN (IN × HN × OP) | Training Set | Validating Set | ||||
RMSE | MAE | r | RMSE | MAE | r | ||
1 | 18 × 1 × 1 | 3.925 | 2.998 | 0.848 | 4.226 | 3.077 | 0.523 |
2 | 18 × 2 × 1 | 3.919 | 2.994 | 0.848 | 4.214 | 3.074 | 0.525 |
3 | 18 × 3 × 1 | 3.923 | 3.008 | 0.847 | 4.207 | 3.068 | 0.526 |
4 | 18 × 4 × 1 | 3.704 | 2.864 | 0.845 | 3.846 | 2.929 | 0.553 |
5 | 18 × 5 × 1 | 3.724 | 2.893 | 0.841 | 3.792 | 2.892 | 0.56 |
6 | 18 × 6 × 1 | 3.744 | 2.936 | 0.839 | 3.450 | 2.646 | 0.624 |
7 | 18 × 7 × 1 | 3.775 | 2.969 | 0.838 | 3.484 | 2.687 | 0.620 |
8 | 18 × 8 × 1 | 4.246 | 3.457 | 0.831 | 4.103 | 3.45 | 0.354 |
9 | 18 × 9 × 1 | 3.910 | 3.002 | 0.846 | 4.147 | 3.036 | 0.532 |
10 | 18 × 10 × 1 | 4.567 | 3.736 | 0.834 | 4.286 | 3.372 | 0.513 |
11 | 18 × 11 × 1 | 4.563 | 3.699 | 0.837 | 4.332 | 3.363 | 0.504 |
12 | 18 × 12 × 1 | 4.413 | 3.840 | 0.818 | 4.030 | 3.579 | 0.558 |
13 | 18 × 14 × 1 | 4.637 | 3.821 | 0.829 | 4.354 | 3.439 | 0.507 |
14 | 18 × 16 × 1 | 4.030 | 3.219 | 0.836 | 3.891 | 3.162 | 0.562 |
15 | 18 × 18 × 1 | 4.618 | 3.825 | 0.833 | 4.388 | 3.561 | 0.481 |
16 | 18 × 20 × 1 | 4.581 | 3.823 | 0.830 | 4.327 | 3.620 | 0.479 |
17 | 18 × 22 × 1 | 2.413 | 1.829 | 0.904 | 4.643 | 3.615 | 0.320 |
18 | 18 × 24 × 1 | 2.206 | 1.519 | 0.913 | 4.427 | 3.079 | 0.565 |
19 | 18 × 26 × 1 | 2.251 | 1.592 | 0.912 | 4.079 | 3.019 | 0.558 |
20 | 18 × 28 × 1 | 2.512 | 1.878 | 0.901 | 4.423 | 3.052 | 0.542 |
21 | 18 × 30 × 1 | 2.211 | 1.523 | 0.912 | 4.070 | 2.862 | 0.551 |
No | RBF-NN (IN × CL × OP) | Training Set | Validating Set | ||||
RMSE | MAE | r | RMSE | MAE | r | ||
1 | 18 × 2 × 1 | 5.302 | 3.247 | 0.005 | 4.136 | 3.022 | 0.121 |
2 | 18 × 3 × 1 | 5.247 | 3.068 | 0.144 | 4.211 | 3.096 | −0.051 |
3 | 18 × 4 × 1 | 5.160 | 2.962 | 0.230 | 4.308 | 3.134 | 0.006 |
4 | 18 × 5 × 1 | 5.043 | 2.829 | 0.309 | 3.747 | 2.608 | 0.431 |
5 | 18 × 6 × 1 | 4.649 | 2.691 | 0.481 | 5.011 | 3.309 | −0.226 |
6 | 18 × 7 × 1 | 4.663 | 2.741 | 0.476 | 4.730 | 3.012 | −0.115 |
7 | 18 × 8 × 1 | 4.663 | 2.736 | 0.476 | 4.823 | 3.223 | −0.114 |
8 | 18 × 9 × 1 | 4.640 | 2.744 | 0.484 | 4.339 | 3.092 | 0.187 |
9 | 18 × 10 × 1 | 4.680 | 2.684 | 0.470 | 4.112 | 2.832 | 0.291 |
10 | 18 × 11 × 1 | 4.554 | 2.517 | 0.512 | 4.324 | 2.836 | 0.218 |
11 | 18 × 12 × 1 | 4.299 | 2.539 | 0.585 | 4.103 | 2.855 | 0.301 |
12 | 18 × 14 × 1 | 4.217 | 2.452 | 0.606 | 4.775 | 3.123 | 0.045 |
13 | 18 × 16 × 1 | 4.402 | 2.414 | 0.557 | 4.556 | 3.052 | 0.178 |
14 | 18 × 17 × 1 | 3.833 | 2.096 | 0.691 | 2.981 | 1.924 | 0.729 |
14 | 18 × 18 × 1 | 3.833 | 2.087 | 0.691 | 3.210 | 2.074 | 0.692 |
15 | 18 × 19 × 1 | 3.825 | 2.08 | 0.693 | 3.187 | 2.008 | 0.707 |
16 | 18 × 20 × 1 | 3.760 | 1.934 | 0.705 | 3.249 | 2.059 | 0.698 |
17 | 18 × 21 × 1 | 3.702 | 1.822 | 0.716 | 2.732 | 1.586 | 0.772 |
18 | 18 × 22 × 1 | 3.510 | 1.655 | 0.750 | 7.225 | 3.417 | 0.327 |
19 | 18 × 24 × 1 | 3.508 | 1.612 | 0.750 | 7.142 | 3.362 | 0.323 |
20 | 18 × 26 × 1 | 3.344 | 1.492 | 0.776 | 7.130 | 3.382 | 0.191 |
21 | 18 × 28 × 1 | 3.370 | 1.489 | 0.772 | 7.353 | 3.593 | 0.118 |
22 | 18 × 30 × 1 | 3.330 | 1.364 | 0.778 | 7.558 | 3.746 | 0.072 |
Soil Salinity Model | Training Set | Validation Set | ||||
RMSE | MAE | r | RMSE | MAE | r | |
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLP-NN) | 3.744 | 2.936 | 0.836 | 3.450 | 2.646 | 0.624 |
Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBF-NN) | 3.702 | 1.822 | 0.716 | 2.732 | 1.586 | 0.772 |
Gaussian Processes (GP) | 3.170 | 1.860 | 0.839 | 2.885 | 1.897 | 0.808 |
Support Vector Regression (SVR) | 4.784 | 1.868 | 0.685 | 3.946 | 2.091 | 0.664 |
Random Forests (RF) | 2.008 | 1.252 | 0.949 | 3.417 | 2.269 | 0.581 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Hoa, P.V.; Giang, N.V.; Binh, N.A.; Hai, L.V.H.; Pham, T.-D.; Hasanlou, M.; Tien Bui, D. Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam). Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 128.
Hoa PV, Giang NV, Binh NA, Hai LVH, Pham T-D, Hasanlou M, Tien Bui D. Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam). Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(2):128.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoa, Pham Viet, Nguyen Vu Giang, Nguyen An Binh, Le Vu Hong Hai, Tien-Dat Pham, Mahdi Hasanlou, and Dieu Tien Bui. 2019. "Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam)" Remote Sensing 11, no. 2: 128.
APA StyleHoa, P. V., Giang, N. V., Binh, N. A., Hai, L. V. H., Pham, T.-D., Hasanlou, M., & Tien Bui, D. (2019). Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam). Remote Sensing, 11(2), 128.