Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data
:1. Introduction
2. Study Sites and Data
2.1. Study Sites
2.2. Data
2.2.1. Landsat Collection 1
2.2.2. Landsat ARD
3. Methodologies
3.1. Reprojection of Landsat Collection 1 Data
3.2. Screening Clouds and Cloud Shadows
3.3. BRDF Correction
- is the view zenith angle,
- is the view-sun relative azimuth angle,
- is the solar zenith angle,
- is the normalized solar zenith angle,
- is the original reflectance (directional reflectance),
- is the BRDF-normalized reflectance (nadir-view reflectance),
- , , and are the parameters of the BRDF model [35],
- is the RossThick kernel [51],
- is the LiSparse-R kernel [51].
3.4. Topographic Correction
3.4.1. The SCS Model
- is the topography-corrected reflectance,
- is the solar azimuth angle,
- is the slope angle,is the aspect angle of the slope, and
- is the cosine of the local solar incidence angle () calculated by Equation (4).
3.4.2. The SCS+C Model
3.4.3. The IC Model
3.5. Assessment of Temporal Consistency
4. Results
4.1. Scenario 1: The Influence of Single- (ARD) vs. Double-resampling (Collection 1) on LTS
4.2. Scenario 2: The Influence of Improved Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection Algorithm
4.3. Scenario 3: The Influence of BRDF Correction
4.4. Scenario 4: The Influence of Topographic Correction
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Location Name | ARD Images | Collection 1 Images | ||
Horizontal/Vertical Tile | # of Landsats 4–5/7/8 | Path/Row Scene | # of Landsats 4–5/7/8 | |
Coastal Central California (CA) | 002/009 | 1283/1054/278 | 043/034 | 452/360/98 |
Eastern Florida Coast (FL) | 016/040 | 1151/964/240 | 016/040 | 434/329/91 |
North Colorado Rockies (NCO) | 034/032 | 1194/944/244 | 034/032 | 410/322/86 |
Vermont, New Hampshire (NH) | 013/029 | 818/625/171 | 013/029 | 286/206/50 |
Puget Lowlands, Washington (WA) | 047/027 | 971/752/245 | 047/027 | 263/177/56 |
Scenario Number | Input Data | Methods | |||
Reprojection | Cloud/Cloud Shadow | BRDF Correction | Topographic Correction | ||
1 | Collection 1 vs. ARD from the Same Path/Row | Single vs. Double | Fmask 3.3 | No | No |
2 | ARD from the Same Path/Row | Single | Fmask 3.3 vs. Fmask 4.0 | No | No |
3 | All ARD | Single | Fmask 3.3 | c-factor approach | No |
4 | All ARD | Single | Fmask 3.3 | No | SCS, SCS+C, and IC |
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Qiu, S.; Lin, Y.; Shang, R.; Zhang, J.; Ma, L.; Zhu, Z. Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 51.
Qiu S, Lin Y, Shang R, Zhang J, Ma L, Zhu Z. Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(1):51.
Chicago/Turabian StyleQiu, Shi, Yukun Lin, Rong Shang, Junxue Zhang, Lei Ma, and Zhe Zhu. 2019. "Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data" Remote Sensing 11, no. 1: 51.
APA StyleQiu, S., Lin, Y., Shang, R., Zhang, J., Ma, L., & Zhu, Z. (2019). Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data. Remote Sensing, 11(1), 51.