Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS
:1. Introduction
2. Datasets
2.1. Study Area
2.2. MODIS and MWI Match-Ups
2.3. Major Differences between MWI and MODIS
3. Methodology
3.1. Spectral Adjustment
3.2. TOA Reflectance Calculation
3.3. Atmospheric Correction of MWI
3.3.1. Rayleigh Scattering of MWI
3.3.2. Aerosol Scattering of MWI
3.3.3. Water-Leaving Reflectance of MWI
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Cross-Calibration Results
4.2. Validation Results
5. Discussion
5.1. Comparisons of Rayleigh-Corrected Reflectance of MWI, MODIS and GOCI
5.2. Comparisons of Remote Sensing Reflectance of MWI, MODIS and GOCI
5.3. Comparisons of the TSM Retrieved by MWI, MODIS and GOCI
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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TG-2/MWI | Aqua/MODIS | ||||||
Band a | Center Wavelength b | Spectral Range b | SNR c | Band | Center Wavelength | Spectral Range b | SNR d |
V1 | 413 | 403–423 | 390 | 8 | 413 | 405–420 | 880 |
V2 | 443 | 433–453 | 515 | 9 | 443 | 438–448 | 838 |
V3 | 490 | 480–500 | 557 | 10 | 488 | 483–493 | 802 |
V4 | 520 | 510–530 | 556 | 11 | 531 | 526–536 | 754 |
V5 | 565 | 555–575 | 555 | 12 | 551 | 546–556 | 750 |
V7 | 665 | 655–675 | 399 | 13 | 667 | 662–672 | 910 |
V8 | 682.5 | 677.5–687.5 | 273 | 14 | 678 | 673–683 | 1087 |
V9 | 750 | 740–760 | 302 | 15 | 748 | 743–753 | 586 |
V11 | 865 | 845–885 | 255 | 16 | 869 | 862–877 | 516 |
Swath Width | 300 km | 2330 km | |||||
Orbit Height | 386 km | 705 km |
Match-UPs Scenes | Acquisition Time (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM) | Solar Zenith Angle (°) | Sensor Zenith Angle (°) | Time Difference (minute) | |
Match-up 1 | MWI | 14/12/2016 01:25 a.m. | 39.08 | 22.05 | 70 |
MODIS | 14/12/2016 02:35 a.m. | 23.59 | 39.72 | ||
Match-up 2 | MWI | 16/12/2016 02:34 a.m. | 47.11 | 22.18 | 91 |
MODIS | 16/12/2016 04:05 a.m. | 24.56 | 39.73 | ||
Match-up 3 | MWI | 16/12/2016 14:50 p.m. | 45.08 | 22.12 | 45 |
MODIS | 16/12/2016 15:35 p.m. | 23.42 | 39.66 | ||
Match-up 4 | MWI | 16/12/2016 22:50 p.m. | 51.11 | 22.05 | 75 |
MODIS | 16/12/2016 21:35 p.m. | 27.13 | 39.71 | ||
Match-up 5 | MWI | 20/12/2016 21:55 p.m. | 44.06 | 22.06 | 45 |
MODIS | 20/12/2016 21:10 p.m. | 26.95 | 39.74 | ||
Match-up 6 | MWI | 20/12/2016 23:27 p.m. | 39.14 | 22.02 | 37 |
MODIS | 20/12/2016 22:50 p.m. | 26.17 | 39.73 |
Band. | V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 | V7 | V8 | V9 | V11 |
SBAF MWI | 1.0103 | 1.007 | 0.9772 | 1.0483 | 0.9360 | 1.0002 | 0.9979 | 0.9985 | 0.9999 |
Bands | Center Wavelength (nm) | Cross-Calibration Coefficients | Lab-Calibration Coefficients | R2 | N | ||
Gains | Offsets | Gains | Offsets | ||||
V1 | 413 | 0.002547 | 0.025956 | 0.002236 | −0.142702 | 0.995 | 223 |
V2 | 443 | 0.003427 | 0.012421 | 0.003204 | −0.210375 | 0.996 | 223 |
V3 | 490 | 0.002709 | −0.010821 | 0.002612 | −0.158392 | 0.993 | 223 |
V4 | 520 | 0.002550 | 0.003795 | 0.002438 | −0.138600 | 0.992 | 223 |
V5 | 565 | 0.002282 | −0.004806 | 0.002149 | −0.107429 | 0.986 | 210 |
V7 | 665 | 0.001847 | 0.008291 | 0.001903 | −0.081544 | 0.987 | 186 |
V8 | 682.5 | 0.001910 | 0.003291 | 0.001991 | −0.088102 | 0.988 | 185 |
V9 | 750 | 0.002468 | 0.076317 | 0.002206 | −0.097527 | 0.972 | 176 |
V11 | 865 | 0.001589 | 0.029219 | 0.001581 | −0.054165 | 0.978 | 162 |
Match-Ups Scenes | Acquisition Time (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM) | Solar Zenith Angle (°) | Sensor Zenith Angle (°) | Location (°N, °E) | Time Difference (minute) | |
1 | MWI | 13/10/2016 06:45 a.m. | 35.65 | 20.80 | (−19.03, 112.77) | 24 |
MODIS | 13/10/2016 06:21 a.m. | 36.24 | 39.74 | |||
2 | MWI | 04/12/2016 21:10 p.m. | 46.13 | 21.01 | (−33.64, −107.76) | 74 |
MODIS | 04/12/2016 22:24 p.m. | 28.85 | 39.74 | |||
3 | MWI | 14/12/2016 02:35 a.m. | 39.09 | 22.05 | (−16.99, 113.76) | 70 |
MODIS | 14/12/2016 01:25 a.m. | 23.60 | 39.71 | |||
4 | MWI | 14/12/2016 20:07 p.m. | 46.12 | 21.81 | (−39.50, −73.93) | 102 |
MODIS | 14/12/2016 18:25 p.m. | 34.82 | 39.79 | |||
5 | MWI | 15/12/2016 23:10 p.m. | 33.10 | 22.22 | (−29.92, 170.59) | 74 |
MODIS | 15/12/2016 21:56 p.m. | 27.00 | 39.70 |
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Zhou, Q.; Tian, L.; Li, J.; Song, Q.; Li, W. Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1803.
Zhou Q, Tian L, Li J, Song Q, Li W. Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(11):1803.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhou, Qu, Liqiao Tian, Jian Li, Qingjun Song, and Wenkai Li. 2018. "Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS" Remote Sensing 10, no. 11: 1803.
APA StyleZhou, Q., Tian, L., Li, J., Song, Q., & Li, W. (2018). Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS. Remote Sensing, 10(11), 1803.