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Research on Managed-Pressure Running Casing in Oil and Gas Wells with the Negative Pressure Window

College of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, China
National Engineering Research Center for Oil & Gas Drilling and Completion Technology, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, China
Engineering Technology Department of Western Drilling Company, Karamay 834000, China
Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield, Puyang 457000, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 26 June 2023 / Revised: 16 July 2023 / Accepted: 18 July 2023 / Published: 22 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Oil and Gas Well Engineering Measurement and Control)


The failure of managed-pressure running casing in oil and gas wells may lead to complex accidents such as overflow or leakage. The technique of using multi-density gradient drilling fluids in wellbores with negative pressure windows (NPWs) is often used to deal with this situation. Therefore, it is vital to analyze the dynamic slurry column structure and calculate the wellbore pressure during casing running. For this issue, the model of transient surge pressure is established during casing running. The calculation equation of the model is proposed, and the calculations of the wellbore pressure are carried out with the exploration of Well LT-X1, located in the Xinjiang oil field. A circulation scheme is designed as follows: Circulate 125 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.45 g/cm3 and 155 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.35 g/cm3 at a depth of 3560 m. From there, circulate 164 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.35 g/cm3 at a depth of 5900 m. Finally, at a depth of 7050 m, circulate 250 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.30 g/cm3. The casing running speeds and back-pressure values were designed as follows for the respective well sections: 0–1523 m: 0.160 m/s casing speed, 0 MPa back pressure; 1523–3560 m: 0.160 m/s casing speed, 1.641 MPa back pressure; 3560–5900 m: 0.145 m/s casing speed, 2.427 MPa back pressure; 5900–6674 m: 0.137 m/s casing speed, 4.041 MPa back pressure; 6674–7050 m: 0.124 m/s casing speed, 4.457 MPa back pressure. The results show that optimizing structure of the multi-density gradient drilling fluid with different densities and applying annular back pressure in stages, with the accurate calculation of wellbore pressure, can achieve the goals of leak-proofing and pressure-stabilization. It is concluded that this result may serve as the foundation for managed-pressure running casing technology.

1. Introduction

Complicated formation pressure systems, such as NPWs in oil and gas wells, are increasing, which may lead to complex accidents. Lost circulation and overflow in the wellbore are two typical accidents that occur when the wellbore pressure is beyond the scope of pore pressure and leakage pressure during the drilling operation [1,2,3]. To solve this problem, managed-pressure drilling (MPD) continues to rely on the back pressure applied by the surface high-pressure pump at the wellhead to precisely control the annular pressure profile, despite the noise pollution generated by the high-pressure pump [4]. After drilling to the predetermined depth with MPD technology, the next step is always to pull out of hole (POOH) and prepare the next construction called casing running. The calculation of wellbore pressure in the processes of pre-casing preparation, down-casing and drilling fluid circulation are important for developing the casing running plan reasonably and adjusting the back pressure in a timely manner.
Surge pressure, generated during the process of casing running, is an important part of wellbore pressure that is crucial for avoiding complex accidents in wellbores. In various working conditions, extensive studies have been conducted to analyze and gain a comprehensive understanding of surge pressure. The field studies aimed to examine the impact of fluid properties and wellbore geometry on surge and swab pressures [5,6,7,8,9]. The findings of these studies consistently indicate that both surge pressures exhibit a positive correlation with increasing tripping speeds and wellbore depths. These studies only investigated two types of surge pressures, both of which are positively correlated with an increase in tripping speeds and wellbore depths. More recent studies have further confirmed the strong impact of tripping speeds, wellbore geometry, flow regime, and fluid rheology on surge pressures [10,11,12,13,14,15,16].
However, the drilling industry greatly relies on surge models and simulators. At present, some models, including steady-state models and transient models, have been proposed to calculate the surge pressure during POOH and casing running processes. Before the 1970s, the models were mainly based on the theory of the steady-state method and usually considered the fluid in the wellbore as a Newtonian model [17,18,19,20]. Furthermore, more and more models were developed considering the Bingham model, power-law model and Roberston–Stiff model [21,22,23]. In recent years, the impact of stabilizer placement on the annular clearance has been taken into account in the prediction of the volatility stress model [24]. Meanwhile, the error of surge pressure calculation results reaches ±3% [25]. These models mainly analyze the influence of drilling fluid density, stabilizer quantity, annular clearance, and drill string eccentricity on the surge pressure. In summary, while surge models and simulators have made significant progress in predicting surge pressure during POOH and casing running processes, there are limitations in capturing the full complexity of fluid behavior and accurately accounting for all factors that influence surge pressure. Further research and advancements are needed to improve the accuracy and reliability of surge models in the drilling industry.
After mid-1970s, with the improvement of computer calculation capabilities, the transient method was applied in the calculation of surge pressure. Fluid compressibility, duct wall expansion, and fluid inertia were considered with the establishment of the surge pressure model [26]. The variation of maximum surge pressure and swabbing pressure at each depth within the wellbore with time were predicted proposed solving the transient surge pressure of each passage using the mixing implicit feature line method, which obtained the numerical solutions of transient surge pressure under various conditions [27]. To acquire the wellbore pressure and ground stress field in the near-wellbore section of deep-water drilling, some scholars proposed a method for analyzing wellbore stability based on the oscillation coupling of transient surge pressure [28]. Considering the liquid–solid two-phase medium, researchers studied the transient surge pressure during tripping operations with the use of the numerical simulation method [29]. Based on the transient method, the effect of overflow, drilling speed and acceleration were analyzed in the calculation of surge pressure [30,31]. Using spectrum analyses, it was found that high-pressure hoses are most susceptible at certain frequencies to deformation, and to the response and surge pressures of the fluid within. This can even lead to irreversible degradation changes in the internal structure of the hose [32]. However, it is important to note that despite the advancements and insights gained from these studies, there are limitations to consider. The basis of their model establishment is limited to a single-density fluid within the wellbore.
The above-established calculation models for the surge pressure are all based on homogeneous fluid within the wellbore and cannot be applied to drilling fluids with multiple density gradients that are usually used in wells with NPW. This paper presents the structure of the slurry column and surge pressure calculation models during the casing running process, considering the drilling fluids with multiple density gradients in the wellbore. Taking Well LT-X1 as an example, the pressure-managed technology for casing running under NPWs is developed.
The formation pressure data of Well LT-X1 are shown in Figure 1. At the depth of 5852 m, and 6152 m in the wellbore, the equivalent densities of pore pressure and leakage pressure are 2.49 g/cm3 and 2.52 g/cm3, 2.425 g/cm3 and 2.445 g/cm3, respectively. The leakage pressure at the depth of 6152 m is lower than the pore pressure at 5852 m, which is defined as the NPW. So, the reservoir pore pressure cannot be balanced by drilling fluid for which the density is equal to pore pressure. This will result in lost circulation at the bottom of the hole and kick (probably evolving to blowout) at the upper depth of the well. MPD technology was employed in this well at the key well sections with NPWs. After drilling, the drill rods are pulled out of hole, and the fluid in the wellbore will have a loss of circulation. Therefore, drilling fluids with multi-density gradient column structures are needed to balance the reservoir pore pressure.

2. Methodology

2.1. Model Description

As shown in Figure 2a, we assume there is an oil and gas well drilled to a depth of H, which has n sets of pressure systems with the depths of H1′, H2′, H3′, ……, Hn′ in an open-hole section, and the corresponding pore pressure and leakage pressure are (ρp1, ρf1), (ρp2, ρf2), (ρp3, ρf3), ……, (ρpn, ρfn), respectively. The density of drilling fluid in the wellbore is ρ0, since the leakage pressure ρf1 at the bottom hole is less than the pore pressure at the upper depth, and the design method of slurry column structures with multi-density gradients is adopted as follows.
To stabilize the upper formation and prevent leakage, a substitution is made by replacing a portion of the bottom-hole drilling fluid ρ0 with weighted drilling fluid ρ1 before commencing the tripping-out process.
After raising the drill pipe string to a specific height, the height of the weighted drilling fluid ρ1 is changed to h1. This adjustment is necessary to stabilize the upper formation and facilitate the circulation of the weighted drilling fluid ρ2, as shown in Figure 2b.
The design of the height hi of the tripped-out drill pipe string and the density of the weighted drilling fluid ρi is based on the specific pressure systems involved, as shown in Figure 2c.
The hydrostatic column pressure of the multi-density gradient drilling fluid in the wellbore plays contributes entirely to preventing leaks and ensuring pressure-stabilization after all the drill pipe strings are pulled out The density ρi and length hi of the multi-density gradient drilling fluids are designed as (ρ1, h1), (ρ2, h2), (ρ3, h3), ……, (ρm, hm), respectively, as shown in Figure 2d.
ρ o j j = k m ρ i g h i ρ p j

2.2. Model of Slurry Column Structure

In the construction process of this well, step-by-step casing running is employed, accompanied by the circulation of drilling fluids with different densities. Typically, the pipe string, comprising the casing string and the drill pipe string, is run into the well during the casing running procedure, as depicted in Figure 3. As the drilling pipe string is inserted, the fluid volume in the well is continuously drained by the pipe string. Furthermore, once the casing string reaches a certain depth, the drilling fluids in the well must be circulated and discharged using another drilling fluid from the wellhead. Calculating the slurry column structure in the wellbore during casing running poses particular challenges, especially in oil and gas wells with complex wellbore structures. In order to accurately calculate the slurry column structure in the wellbore during casing running, the following calculation methods are established.
Assume that the volumes of multi-density gradient drilling fluids in the wellbore from bottom to top are V0, V1, V2, ……, Vm, respectively. The lengths of the drill pipe string and the production casing used for cementing are denoted as LD and LC, respectively. The total well depth is given by the sum of LD and LC. The casing running process is divided into s stages, the casing running speeds in each stage are denoted as v1, v2, v3, ……, vs, respectively, and the corresponding well running depths are H1, H2, H3, ……, Hs, respectively, as shown in Figure 3.
Calculate the volume Vp of the drill pipe string and production casing in the well at any time and compare it with the sum of the volume Vf of the first k fluids (from top to bottom) in the wellbore, as shown in Equation (2). If Vp > Vf, the m, m − 1, m − 2, ……, k fluids will be replaced out of the wellbore; otherwise, k = k − 1, and repeat step (2).
V f = i = k m V i
The calculation process of the fluid slurry column structure in the annulus above the casing shoe is complex; it is shown in Figure 4.
where VSk−1 is the k − 1 residual fluid volume in the wellbore, m3; Va is the volume of the annulus above the casing shoe, m3; hk1 is the height of k − 1 fluid in the annulus, m; Hk1 is the top depth of k − 1 fluid, m; Vak is the sum of the volumes of ki − 1 fluids in the annulus, m3; Do is the outer diameter of the annulus, m; and Dh is the inner diameter of the annulus, m.
When casing is run into the well, it reaches a depth of Hp in the p stage. At this stage, drilling fluid with a density of ρcp is injected from the drill pipe string at the wellhead, filling both the drill pipe string and the annular space. Subsequently, casing continues to be run to a depth of Hp+1 in the p = p + 1 stage, and the process described in Equation (2) to (3) is repeated to calculate the slurry column structure in the wellbore during the casing running process.
The calculation of the wellbore fluid column pressure Ph when running casing to the depth of Hp can be formulated as:
P h H p = n = 0 k i ρ n g h n + j = k i k 1 ρ j g H j
where ρn is the density of the drilling fluid in the n-section of the upper annular space of the casing shoe, g/cm3; Hn is the length of the drilling fluid column of the n-section of the annular space, m; ρj is the density of drilling fluid in the lower j-section of the casing shoe, g/cm3; and Hj is the length of the drilling fluid column in the lower j-section of the casing shoe, m.
In situations where the drill pipe string does not fully enter the well, the ground equipment is unable to control the annular pressure. The wellbore pressure under such circumstances is the combination of the hydrostatic column pressure Ph and the surge pressure Po. The wellbore pressure P1 during casing running up to the depth of Hp can be formulated as:
P 1 = P o ( v p ) + P h H p
With the complete insertion of the drill pipe string into the well, back pressure can be applied to stabilize the formation. The wellbore pressure during this phase comprises three key elements: the hydrostatic column pressure Ph at the lower and upper ends of the casing shoe, the surge pressure Po induced by casing running, and the back pressure Pb exerted by ground equipment.
The wellbore pressure P1′ during casing running to the depth of Hp can be formulated as:
P 1 = P 0 ( v p ) + P h H p + P b
The algorithm of this model has been implemented in Visual Studio platform using the C# programming language to calculate the mid-column structure in the wellbore during the casing running process.

2.3. Model of Wellbore Pressure

During the casing running operation, the wellbore is divided into two parts: LD (above the casing shoe) and LC (below the casing shoe). This division allows for the analysis and calculation of the wellbore pressure. Furthermore, considering the specific working conditions of casing running operations, two stages of wellbore pressure-control models are developed. These models are utilized to calculate the wellbore pressure during both the casing running process and the circulating drilling fluid process.

2.3.1. Wellbore Pressure during Casing Running

When the DP non-completely enters into the well, the annular pressure cannot be managed by the ground equipment. The wellbore pressure at this time is P1. The speed of the lower casing within the safe density window range in this formation can be calculated using the following formula:
P 1 = P 0 ( v p ) + P h H p < P L e a k a g e
When the DP completely enters into the well, back pressure can be applied to stabilize the formation. In this case, the wellbore pressure at this time is P1′. Strict control of the wellbore pressure within the safe density window is required to ensure the safe lowering of the pressure control equipment into the well. The model analysis diagram is shown in Figure 5.
And the wellbore pressure calculation model is formulated as:
P 1 = P 0 ( v p ) + P h H p + P b < P L e a k a g e
By performing calculations of the hydrostatic column pressure and surge pressure, the correlation between wellbore pressure and casing running speed can be established. This analysis facilitates the determination of the appropriate casing running speed and back-pressure compensation values within the safe density window range.

2.3.2. Surge Pressure

In Formulas (4) and (5), the surge pressure Po(vp) plays a crucial role in calculating the wellbore pressure. To account for the pressure changes transmitted to the wellhead and bottom hole, the calculations of surge pressure utilize the transient-flow method based on unstable flow theory.
The normal pressure window casing assumes the presence of a single drilling fluid in the wellbore. However, under the normal pressure window (NPW), there are multiple types of drilling fluids present in the casing wellbore, making the calculation of the friction pressure drop more complex. An accurate calculation of friction pressure drop is crucial for modeling surge pressure. The model of the slurry column structure is based on the principles described in Section 2.2, and the friction pressure drop in the annular space is formulated as:
P f = j = k i k 1 4 K j H j D h y ( 2 n j + 1 3 n j 12 v D h y ) n
where Kj is the consistency coefficient of the jth fluid, Pa·sn; Hj is the return distance of the jth fluid, m; n is the liquidity index of the jth fluid; and Dhy is the hydraulic diameter of the annular space, m.
Governing Equation
Based on the principles of mass and momentum conservation, the governing equation for one-dimensional unstable flow in the wellbore can be derived as follows (9) and (10):
v p 0 z + p 0 t + ρ C 2 v z = 0 p 0 z + ρ v t + ρ v v z + p f = 0
C = 1 ρ ( α + β )
where Q is the flow rate of drilling fluid, L/s; p is the surge pressure, MPa; C is the propagation velocity of the pressure wave, m/s; A is the cross-sectional area of flow channel, m2; t is the casing decentralization time, s; Z is the ordinate value along casing, m; pf is the friction pressure drop, MPa; β is the expansion coefficient of the flow channel; α is the compression coefficient of drilling fluid; and ρ is the density of drilling fluid, g/cm3.
Grid Division
The characteristic curve method is employed to solve the system of governing equations. Firstly, the characteristic equation of the governing equations (Equation (9)) is established using the modified Lister method. Subsequently, the finite difference method is applied to solve the characteristic equation, yielding the solution for the governing equations.
The characteristic equation of governing equationsis formulated as Formula (11).
± d p 0 + ρ C d v + C p f d t = 0 d z d t = v ± C
The forward characteristic line, originating from point M with a slope of arctan ( 1 v + c ) intersects the backward characteristic line, originating from point N with a slope of arctan ( 1 v c ), at point T. In the case where the selected ∆z and ∆t are sufficiently small, the short line segments of the characteristic lines MT and NT can be approximated as straight lines, as shown in Figure 6.
On the lines MT and NT, the system of equations can be satisfied:
d p 0 + ρ C d v + C p f d t = 0 d p 0 + ρ C d v + C p f d t = 0
The finite difference representation of Equation (12) can be expressed as follows:
p T p M + ρ C ( v T v M ) + C Δ t p f M = 0 p T + p N + ρ C ( v T v N ) + C Δ t p f N = 0
If PM, QM, PfM, PN, QN, PfN are known, QT, PT can be obtained as follows:
Q T = p M p N + v ( v M + v N ) C Δ t ( p f M + p f N ) 2 ρ C
P T = p M + p N ρ C ( v M v N ) C Δ t ( p f M p f N ) 2
The instantaneous pressure PT and flow QT at any point in the flow channel at any time are obtained.
Boundary Conditions
During actual casing operations, the movement of the casing string within the wellbore induces fluid motion, which can be divided into two distinct flow paths: the annular flow path above the casing shoe and the open-hole flow path below the casing shoe. The surge pressure, resulting from the casing string movement, originates at the casing shoe and gradually attenuates towards both the wellbore and the bottom of the well. The wellhead boundary of the annular flow path is connected to the atmosphere, thereby maintaining a pressure of 0 MPa. At the junction point, which corresponds to the casing shoe, the pressures of both flow paths are equal. The fluid at the casing shoe is displaced by the casing string, causing the fluid within the annular flow path to ascend, while the fluid within the open-hole flow path at the well’s bottom descends. Neglecting the permeation of drilling fluid at the well’s bottom, the flow rate at the bottom boundary of the open-hole flow path is 0. The sum of the flow rates at the junction point, i.e., the casing shoe, equals the flow rate of casing string displacement. The junction point diagram is shown in Figure 7:
a. The pressure at the wellhead boundary of the annular channel is 0, and the flow rate can be calculated using the equations of the forward characteristic line:
p T = 0 Q T = p M   +   ρ C M v M     C M Δ t p f M ρ v M
b. The flow rate at the bottom-hole boundary of the bottom-hole channel is 0, and the pressure can be determined using the equations of the forward characteristic line.
Q T = 0 p T = p M + ρ C M A M Q M C M Δ t p f M
c. The displacement flow at the junction point, i.e., the casing shoe, is equal to the sum of the flow rates in the two channels. The equations be expressed as follows:
Q P = Q T 1 + Q T 2 p T = p N 1 + ρ C N 1 A N 1 ( Q T 1 Q N 1 ) + C N 1 Δ t p f N 1 p T = p N 2 + ρ C N 2 A N 2 ( Q T 2 Q N 2 ) + C N 2 Δ t p f N 2
By combining Equations (14) and (15), the pressure and flow rate at each position in the wellbore during the casing running process can be obtained by substituting the fixed-solution conditions.

2.3.3. Wellbore Pressure during Drilling Fluid Circulation

During the drilling fluid circulation process, the drilling fluid is injected from the casing and returns through the annular space. The wellbore pressure P2 during this process consists of the hydrostatic column pressure and the friction pressure drop Pf of the drilling fluids in the annular space with varying densities. The model analysis diagram is shown in Figure 8:
The formula for calculating the wellbore pressure during the circulating drilling fluid process is expressed as:
P 2 = P h H p + P f < P L e a k a g e
Taking the drilling fluid as a power-law fluid, the friction pressure drop in the annular space is formulated as:
P f = j = k i k 1 4 K j H j D h y ( 2 n j + 1 3 n j 12 v D h y ) n
where Kj is the consistency coefficient of the jth fluid, Pa·sn; Hj is the return distance of the jth fluid, m; n is the liquidity index of the jth fluid; Dh is the diameter of the annular space, m; Dco is the casing diameter, m; v is the mean flow rate, m/s; Dhy is the hydraulic diameter of the annular space, m; and Q is the displacement, L/s.
The mean flow rate is formulated as:
v = 4 Q π ( D h 2 D c o 2 )

3. Case Study

Well LT-X1 is an exploratory well located in the Xinjiang oil field, situated in the thrust belt of the Homatu anticline and Tugulu anticline in the southern margin of the Junggar Basin. The total depth of the well is 7050 m. To validate the reliability of the model established in this study, a case analysis is conducted on Well LT-X1. The formation pressure of the five layers starting from 5610 m in the open hole of this well is shown in Table 1. The last column of data is the density of drilling fluid circulating during the practical drilling process.
The MPD data indicated that the well had four leaky layers, with equivalent cycle densities (ECD) at depths of 6152 m, 6674 m, 6947 m and 7028 m of 2.445 g/cm3, 2.446 g/cm3, 2.432 g/cm3 and 2.432 g/cm3. It can be seen that the formation pressure of section 5610–5745 m and section 5745–6012 m is greater than the leakage pressure of 6672–6674 m, 6946–6947 m and 7026–7028 m, which are typical of NPW wells. The pressure system is complex, posing challenges in determining the casing running speed. By simulating the wellbore’s slurry column structure and the variation in wellbore pressure during casing running, a drilling fluid circulation scheme is developed for the casing running process, along with recommended casing velocities and pressure control values for different stages.

3.1. The Slurry Column Structure Inside the Wellbore after Drilling

Combined with the design model of the wellbore slurry column structure and the formation pressure system of each layer in the open hole of Well LT-X1, Table 2 shows the designed slurry column structure.

3.2. Casing Running Speed

When the casing is being run to a certain depth, drilling fluid circulation is required. Three different density-gradient drilling fluid circulation schemes were designed based on the calculation method of the slurry column structure in the wellbore during the casing running process and in combination with the formation pressure system, as shown in Table 3.
The wellbore pressure is calculated using the model described in Section 2.3.3 for the three proposed schemes, as illustrated in Figure 9. In scheme 1, the equivalent circulating density (ECD) in the section from 6500 to 7100 m exceeded the ECD of the leakage layers. In scheme 3, the ECD in the section from 5900 to 6600 m exceeded the leakage ECD. Scheme 2 had an ECD within the safe density window range, and thus the drilling fluid circulation plan for scheme 2 is selected.
Based on the formation pressure system, the density and volume of the circulating drilling fluid for scheme 2 can be calculated. Additionally, the corresponding annular back pressure Pb required during the circulation process is determined. The calculated values are summarized in Table 4:
According to the calculation model of wellbore pressure during casing running, three schemes of casing speed were designed, as shown in Table 5.
The wellbore pressure is calculated under the three schemes using the model described in Section 2.3.1, as depicted in Figure 10. Scheme 1 and scheme 2 were found to fall within the safe density window range. However, in scheme 3, the equivalent cycle density (ECD) in the section 6800–7050 m exceeded the ECD of the leakage layer. Running the casing at a low speed can lead to a slower construction progress and increased nonproductive time, thereby raising the overall well budget. Consequently, the casing speed of scheme 1 is selected for the operation.
Based on the calculation model for surge pressure and wellbore pressure, the surge pressure generated at each casing speed in scheme 1 and the corresponding annular back pressure required during casing running can be determined, as presented in Table 6.
The calculation results from Table 4 and Table 6 were successfully applied during the casing running operation of Well LT-X1, resulting in a smooth operation without any well leakage or overflow.

4. Discussion

The model studied in this paper still has limitations and uncertainties, which include:
Insufficient validation in practical applications: Although managed-pressure casing running technology under NPWs was developed for Well LT-X1, further validation is required to assess its applicability to other wells and different geological conditions.
Model accuracy and assumptions: The models established in the study may be based on certain assumptions and simplifications, which can impact the accuracy and applicability of the models. Therefore, when using these models for wellbore pressure calculations, it is important to evaluate the accuracy of the models and the assumptions they rely on and make adjustment or corrections as necessary.
Data availability and parameter selection: The accuracy and reliability of wellbore pressure calculation models are limited by the availability of data. In practical applications, there may be instances of missing or incomplete data, which can affect the accuracy of the calculated results. Additionally, the selection and estimation of parameters involved in the models can also impact the results, requiring careful consideration and reasonable estimation.
In conclusion, although the study achieved certain results under specific conditions, further research and practice are needed to overcome these limitations.

5. Conclusions

This paper, using Well LT-X1 as an example, simulated the casing running process and the changes in the slurry column structure of drilling fluids. A circulation scheme is designed as follows: Circulate 125 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.45 g/cm3 and 155 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.35 g/cm3 at a depth of 3560 m. From there, circulate 164 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.35 g/cm3 at a depth of 5900 m. Finally, at a depth of 7050 m, circulate 250 m3 of drilling fluid with a density of 2.30 g/cm3. The casing running speeds and back-pressure values were designed as follows for the respective well sections: 0–1523 m: 0.160 m/s casing speed, 0MPa back pressure; 1523–3560 m: 0.160 m/s casing speed, 1.641 MPa back pressure; 3560–5900 m: 0.145 m/s casing speed, 2.427 MPa back pressure; 5900–6674 m: 0.137 m/s casing speed, 4.041 MPa back pressure; 6674–7050 m: 0.124 m/s casing speed, 4.457 MPa back pressure. The results demonstrate that by optimizing the structure of multi-density gradient drilling fluid and applying annular back pressure in stages, along with the accurate calculation of wellbore pressure, the goals of leak-proofing and pressure stabilization can be achieved.
This study provides a foundation for managed-pressure running casing technology under NPWs. The established model for wellbore slurry column structures and wellbore pressure calculations under managed-pressure running casing serves as a theoretical basis for casing running technology under NPWs.

Author Contributions

Investigation, M.J.; Resources, Z.Z.; Writing—original draft, Y.M.; Writing—review & editing, H.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Engineering Technology Research Institute of PetroChina West Drilling Engineering grant number xzgcy2021-055.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data is unavailable due to privacy or ethical restrictions.


The authors wish to express their appreciation to the Engineering Technology Department of Western Drilling Company for their assistance with the experimental study and kindly supplying data.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. The formation pressure of Well LT-X1 with an NPW.
Figure 1. The formation pressure of Well LT-X1 with an NPW.
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Figure 2. Slurry column structure in the wellbore during tripping. Each drilling fluid density ρi and length hi are designed with the requirements of the formula (a) Before tripping; (b) Drilling fluid circulation after tripping; (c) Drill to a certain height; (d) Drilling completed.
Figure 2. Slurry column structure in the wellbore during tripping. Each drilling fluid density ρi and length hi are designed with the requirements of the formula (a) Before tripping; (b) Drilling fluid circulation after tripping; (c) Drill to a certain height; (d) Drilling completed.
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Figure 3. Casing running process diagram.
Figure 3. Casing running process diagram.
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Figure 4. Calculation flow chart of annular fluid slurry column structure during the casing running process.
Figure 4. Calculation flow chart of annular fluid slurry column structure during the casing running process.
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Figure 5. Schematic diagram of wellbore pressure model analysis during casing running.
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of wellbore pressure model analysis during casing running.
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Figure 6. Characteristic diagram.
Figure 6. Characteristic diagram.
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Figure 7. Junction point diagram.
Figure 7. Junction point diagram.
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Figure 8. Schematic diagram of wellbore pressure model analysis in the process of circulating drilling fluid.
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of wellbore pressure model analysis in the process of circulating drilling fluid.
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Figure 9. Changes of ECD under different circulating drilling fluid schemes.
Figure 9. Changes of ECD under different circulating drilling fluid schemes.
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Figure 10. ECD changes of different casing running speed schemes.
Figure 10. ECD changes of different casing running speed schemes.
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Table 1. Formation pressure of open-hole layers in Well LT-X1.
Table 1. Formation pressure of open-hole layers in Well LT-X1.
Serial NumberWell Section (m)LayerPressure CoefficientDrilling Fluid Density (g/cm3)
Table 2. Slurry column structure in wellbore after managed-pressure tripping.
Table 2. Slurry column structure in wellbore after managed-pressure tripping.
Well Depth Position (m)Length(m)Density (g/cm3)Fluid Column Pressure
Equivalent Density
Table 3. Circulating drilling fluid scheme at different depths of casing running.
Table 3. Circulating drilling fluid scheme at different depths of casing running.
Casing Depth (m)Scheme 1Scheme 2Scheme 3
35502.43 g/cm3 + 2.32 g/cm32.45 g/cm3 + 2.35 g/cm32.47 g/cm3 + 2.38 g/cm3
59002.32 g/cm32.35 g/cm32.38 g/cm3
70502.32 g/cm32.30 g/cm32.28 g/cm3
Table 4. Circulation drilling fluid density when running casing into different positions.
Table 4. Circulation drilling fluid density when running casing into different positions.
Casing Depth (m)Circulating Drilling Fluid Density (g/cm3)Volume (m3)Pressure Control Values (MPa)
Table 5. Casing speed scheme for casing into different well depth sections.
Table 5. Casing speed scheme for casing into different well depth sections.
Casing into the Well Depth Section (m)Scheme 1 (m/s)Scheme 2 (m/s)Scheme 3 (m/s)
Table 6. The surge pressure, casing running speed and back pressure.
Table 6. The surge pressure, casing running speed and back pressure.
Casing into the Well Section (m)Surge Pressure (MPa)Casing Speed (m/s)Back Pressure (MPa)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mei, Y.; Yang, H.; Zhang, Z.; Ji, M. Research on Managed-Pressure Running Casing in Oil and Gas Wells with the Negative Pressure Window. Processes 2023, 11, 2210.

AMA Style

Mei Y, Yang H, Zhang Z, Ji M. Research on Managed-Pressure Running Casing in Oil and Gas Wells with the Negative Pressure Window. Processes. 2023; 11(7):2210.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mei, Yuntao, Huanqiang Yang, Zhuo Zhang, and Mengjia Ji. 2023. "Research on Managed-Pressure Running Casing in Oil and Gas Wells with the Negative Pressure Window" Processes 11, no. 7: 2210.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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