The Dispersion-Strengthening Effect of TiN Nanoparticles Evoked by Ex Situ Nitridation of Gas-Atomized, NiCu-Based Alloy 400 in Fluidized Bed Reactor for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Gas Atomization
2.2. Fluidized Bed Reactor
- The chemical composition of the powder and the gas: reactive elements with preferably low free energy of formation result in a high number of NPs,
- The initial particle size distribution of the powders: the coarser the powder, the longer it takes for the internal NP formation to fully occur throughout the whole particle,
- Their shape, sphericity and density: highly spherical and dense particles allow for homogeneous gas penetration,
- The temperature applied to the chamber: high diffusion rates correlate with increasing temperature, while disintegration of the particles due to tremendous heat exposure must be avoided.
2.3. Laser Powder Bed Fusion
- Cubes (8 × 8 × 8 mm3) for optical density measurements (VDI 3405-2), hardness testing (DIN EN ISO 6507-1), and part characterization;
- Blocks (14 × 45 × 70 mm3) for subsequent machining of tensile, fatigue, and creep specimens:
- o
- o
- Cylinders (Ø 10 mm × 50 mm) for thermal diffusivity testing.
2.4. Testing and Characterization
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Pre-FBR: Inert Gas Atomization, Powder Post-Processing, and Powder Characterization
3.1.1. Atomization Process
3.1.2. Powder Post-Processing and Pre-FBR Powder Surface Characterization
3.1.3. Pre-FBR Powder Cross-Section Characterization
3.2. Post-FBR: Fluidized Bed Reactor and Powder Characterization
3.2.1. Post-FBR Powder Surface Characterization
3.2.2. Post-FBR Powder Cross-Section Characterization
3.2.3. Powder Cu Segregation and Nanoparticle Formation Mechanism
3.3. LPBF Parameter Optimization and Part Characterization
3.3.1. Laser Powder Bed Fusion Optimization
3.3.2. Pre- and Post-FBR Part EBSD Characterization
3.3.3. Pre- and Post-FBR Part EDS Characterization
3.3.4. Part Melt Pool Formation Mechanism
- Primary formation stage:Coarse α-TiN resulting from the atomization process (≙ pre-FBR powder state)
- Secondary formation stage:Fine β-TiN resulting from the FBR exposure (≙ post-FBR powder state)
- Tertiary formation stage:Increase in TiN (=remaining α/β-TiN from powders + γ-TiN formation within melt pool) resulting from the LPBF process (≙ post-FBR part state)
- Primary formation stage:Comparably coarse α-Al2O3 resulting from the LPBF process (≙ post-FBR part state)
3.4. Post-FBR Testing
3.4.1. Hardness and Tensile Testing
- RT: 624.4 MPa and 22.5%
- 400 °C: 577.2 MPa and 20.7%
- 550 °C: 457.4 MPa and 13.1%
- 650 °C: 321.8 MPa and 4.5%
- 750 °C: 237.4 MPa and 4.0%
3.4.2. Creep and Fatigue Testing
3.4.3. Thermal Diffusivity
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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In Situ Nitridation [9] | Pre-FBR Ex Situ Nitridation [This Work, Section 3.1 and Section 3.3] | Post-FBR Ex Situ Nitridation [This Work, Section 3.2, Section 3.3 and Section 3.4] | |
Atomization type | GARS (nitrogen) CCA | Shielding gas (argon) CCA | - |
Post-treatment | - | - | FBR (nitrogen) |
Targeted NPs in powder | TiN | None | TiN |
Targeted NPs in LPBF part | TiN | None | TiN |
In Situ Nitridation [9] | Pre-FBR Ex Situ Nitridation [This Work, Section 3.1 and Section 3.3] | Post-FBR Ex Situ Nitridation [This Work, Section 3.2, Section 3.3 and Section 3.4] | |
Atomization type | GARS (nitrogen) CCA | Shielding gas (argon) CCA | - |
Post treatment | - | - | FBR (nitrogen) |
Targeted NP in powder | TiN | None | TiN |
Detected NP in powder | TiN | TiN | TiN |
Appearance form | Monomodal | Monomodal | Bimodal |
Powder-TiN-NP diameter in [nm] | Fine: - Coarse: ~50–100 | Fine: - Coarse: ~50–100 | Fine: ~10 Coarse: ~50–100 |
NP share in powder in [%] | Surface: 0.12 Inside: 0.13 | Surface: 0.96 Inside: 0.22 | Surface: 1.80 Inside: 0.88 |
Bulk density in [g/cm3] | 4.62 | 4.3 | 4.7 |
Flowability in [s/50 g] | 14.0 | 14.5 | 15.2 |
Particle size distribution in [d10/d50/d90; µm] | 17.3/30.7/51.5 | 21.3/37.9/58.1 | 20.2/38.8/59.8 |
Targeted NP in LPBF part | TiN | None | TiN |
Detected NP in LPBF part | TiN, Al2O3 | TiN, Al2O3 | TiN, Al2O3 |
Appearance form | Monomodal | Monomodal | Bimodal |
Part-TiN-NP diameter in [nm] | Fine: - Coarse: ~50–100 | Fine: - Coarse: ~50–100 | Fine: ~10 Coarse: ~50–100 |
NP share in part in [%] | 3.88 | 0.12 | 6.53 |
Mean grain diameter in [µm] | 6.78 | 5.20 | 7.44 |
GND density in [1014/m2] | 3.58 | 4.73 | 4.86 |
Hardness in [HV10] | 207.4 | 178.8 | 202.0 |
Tensile properties | Enhanced σ and ε to unmodified material | - | Enhanced σ and ε to in situ version |
Creep properties | Longer tR to unmodified material | - | Longer tR to in situ version |
Fatigue properties | Higher Nf to unmodified material | - | Higher Nf to in situ version |
Thermal diffusivity | ≙ ex situ | - | ≙ in situ |
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Roth, J.-P.; Šulák, I.; Gálíková, M.; Duval, A.; Boissonnet, G.; Pedraza, F.; Krupp, U.; Jahns, K. The Dispersion-Strengthening Effect of TiN Nanoparticles Evoked by Ex Situ Nitridation of Gas-Atomized, NiCu-Based Alloy 400 in Fluidized Bed Reactor for Laser Powder Bed Fusion. J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 2024, 8, 223.
Roth J-P, Šulák I, Gálíková M, Duval A, Boissonnet G, Pedraza F, Krupp U, Jahns K. The Dispersion-Strengthening Effect of TiN Nanoparticles Evoked by Ex Situ Nitridation of Gas-Atomized, NiCu-Based Alloy 400 in Fluidized Bed Reactor for Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2024; 8(5):223.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoth, Jan-Philipp, Ivo Šulák, Markéta Gálíková, Antoine Duval, Germain Boissonnet, Fernando Pedraza, Ulrich Krupp, and Katrin Jahns. 2024. "The Dispersion-Strengthening Effect of TiN Nanoparticles Evoked by Ex Situ Nitridation of Gas-Atomized, NiCu-Based Alloy 400 in Fluidized Bed Reactor for Laser Powder Bed Fusion" Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 8, no. 5: 223.
APA StyleRoth, J.-P., Šulák, I., Gálíková, M., Duval, A., Boissonnet, G., Pedraza, F., Krupp, U., & Jahns, K. (2024). The Dispersion-Strengthening Effect of TiN Nanoparticles Evoked by Ex Situ Nitridation of Gas-Atomized, NiCu-Based Alloy 400 in Fluidized Bed Reactor for Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 8(5), 223.