Comparative Morphology of the Wing Base Structure Illuminates Higher-Level Phylogeny of Holometabola
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Examined Taxa
2.2. Terminology
2.3. Phylogenetic Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Comparative Morphology of the Wing Base Structures
3.1.1. Hymenoptera (Figure 2)
3.1.2. Amphiesmenoptera (Figure 3)
3.1.3. Antliophora (Figure 4)
3.1.4. Coleopterida (Figure 5)
3.1.5. Neuropterida (Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8)
3.2. Character Description of Wing Base Structures Used for Phylogenetic Analysis
3.2.1. Forewing
- Shape of ANWP: (0) not triangular, stripe-like, or tubular-like; (1) nearly acute triangular; (2) nearly obtuse triangular; (3) stripe-like; (4) tubular-like. State 1 appeared in Raphidioptera (Figure 8A,C), and state 2 appeared in Megaloptera (Figure 6A,C,E). In Hymenoptera, the tubular-like ANWP of the mesonotum is obviously different from that of other orders in Holometabola (Figure 2A,C,E). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Position of ANWP: (0) not anterior to Tg; (1) anterior to Tg. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Anterodistal projection of MNWP: (0) absent; (1) present. State 1 appeared exclusively in Trichoptera (Figure 3A), which might indicate a unique evolutionary characteristic of this order. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Shape of PNWP: (0) not as for state (1) or (2); (1) long and slender process, at least 2 times longer than wide; (2) vestigial and indistinct. State 1 appeared in Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Mecoptera, Coleoptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, and Raphidioptera (Figure 3A,C,E, Figure 4A, Figure 5A,C,D, Figure 7A,C, and Figure 8A,C). State 2 appeared in Xyelidae of Hymenoptera (Figure 2A), Diptera (Figure 4C–F), and Strepsiptera. (CI = 0.4, RI = 0.7).
- Relationship between Tg and other sclerites: (0) Tg does not cover any sclerite; (1) Tg covers BSc or more; (2) Tg is absent. State 1 appeared in some Hymenoptera and Trichoptera (Figure 2C,E). The tegula is absent in Coleoptera, a phenomenon that may be closely related to the unique elytra of the forewing. (CI = 0.667, RI = 0.857).
- Shape of Tg: (0) circular; (1) triangular; (2) rectangular; (3) absent. State 1 appeared in Lepidoptera. State 2 appeared in Mecoptera (Figure 4A). State 3 appeared in Coleoptera. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 1Ax: (0) individual sclerite; (1) fused to notum or absent. State 1 appeared in some Coleoptera, such as Cupedidae and Melolonthidae. (CI = 0.5, RI = 0.5).
- Shape of 1Ax: (0) not strongly swelling; (1) strongly swelling. State 1 appeared exclusively in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E), and it may be the autapomorphy of this order. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Change in width from neck to head of 1Ax: (0) unchanged; (1) widened apically in head, continuous; (2) thinned apically in head, continuous; (3) thinned in boundary, widened in head, discontinuous. State 1 appeared in Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 3A, Figure 6A,C,E, Figure 7A,C, and Figure 8A,C). State 2 appeared in Lepidoptera (Figure 3C,E). State 3 appeared in Mecoptera and Diptera (Figure 4A,C–F). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Anterodistal part of the body of 1Ax: (0) without projection; (1) with a projection. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E), which may be an autapomorphy of this order. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Interaction between BR and 2Ax: (0) BR not fused to 2Ax, membranous insertion present; (1) BR approximately as wide as 2Ax and fused to it; (2) BR approximately half as wide as 2Ax and fused to it; (3) BR connected to 2Ax by a narrow, sclerotized stripe. State 1 appeared in Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Mecoptera, and some Diptera (Figure 2A,C,E, Figure 3A,C,E, Figure 4A,C,D, Figure 6A,C,E, and Figure 7A,C). State 2 appeared in Raphidioptera (Figure 8A,C), and state 3 appeared in some Coleoptera. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Number of lobes of 3Ax: (0) 3; (1) 2. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Shape of 3Ax: (0) plate-like; (1) slender proximal lobe; (2) slender proximal and anterior or distal lobe; (3) stripe-like. State 1 appeared in Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Mecoptera, and Diptera (Figure 3A,C,E and Figure 4A,C–F). State 2 appeared in Raphidioptera (Figure 8A,C). State 3 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- BR and DMP: (0) separated; (1) fused to a plate; (2) absent. State 1 appeared in Lepidoptera (Figure 3C,E). State 2 appeared in Strepsiptera. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- DMP: (0) not strongly swelling; (1) strongly swelling; (2) absent. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E). In Strepsiptera, the DMP was absent. (CI = 0.667, RI = 0).
- DMP and PMP: (0) both sclerotized, but less than 1Ax; (1) both less sclerotized; (2) both as sclerotized as 1Ax; (3) DMP distinctly more sclerotized than PMP; (4) absent. State 1 appeared in Raphidioptera (Figure 6A,C). State 2 appeared in Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Mecoptera, and Diptera (Figure 3A,C,E and Figure 4A,C–F). State 3 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E). In Strepsiptera, the median plates were absent. (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- BA: (0) as large as or smaller than 3Ax; (1) 2 times larger than 3Ax. State 1 appeared in Mecoptera and Diptera (Figure 4A,C–F). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- Shape of BA: (0) different from 3Ax; (1) almost the same as 3Ax. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2A,C,E). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
3.2.2. Hindwing
- 26.
- ANWP configuration: (0) neither triangular nor stripe-like; (1) nearly triangular; (2) stripe-like, directed posteriorly; (3) stripe-like, directed anteriorly. State 1 appeared in some Raphidioptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 2B,D,F, Figure 5A,D, and Figure 8B,D). State 2 appeared in Neuroptera and Megaloptera. (Figure 6B,D,F and Figure 7B,D). (CI = 0.6, RI = 0.875).
- 27.
- 28.
- Shape of pPNWP: (0) absent; (1) neither U-shaped, triangular, or stripe-like; (2) triangular; (3) U-shaped; (4) present, stripe-like. State 1 appeared in Neuroptera and Megaloptera (Figure 6B,D,F and Figure 7B,D). State 2 appeared in Raphidioptera (Figure 8B,D). State 3 appeared in Mecoptera (Figure 4B). State 4 appeared in some Hymenoptera (Figure 2B). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 29.
- 30.
- Shape of PNWP: (0) shorter than twice its width; (1) roughly twice as long as its width; (2) roughly three times as long as its width; (3) vestigial. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2B,D,F). State 2 appeared in Coleoptera, Trichoptera, and Lepidoptera (Figure 3B,D,F and Figure 5A–D). State 3 appeared in Mecoptera, Diptera, and outgroups (Figure 4B and Figure 9A,B). (CI = 0.75, RI = 0.938).
- 31.
- 32.
- HP: (0) fused to end of the costal vein; (1) separated from the costal vein by a membrane; (2) either missing or fused to the costal vein in a manner that is difficult to distinguish. State 1 appeared in some Coleoptera, Mecoptera, and Neuroptera (Figure 4B, Figure 5A–C, and Figure 7B,D). State 2 appeared in Strepsiptera. (CI = 0.4, RI = 0.727).
- 33.
- Length ratio of 1Ax and metanotum: (0) notum more than 3.5 times longer; (1) notum 3–3.5 times longer; (2) notum 2.4–3 times longer; (3) notum 1.4–2.4 times longer. State 1 appeared in Raphidioptera and some Hymenoptera (Figure 2D,F and Figure 8B,D). State 2 appeared in outgroups, Trichoptera, and Lepidoptera (Figure 3B,D,F and Figure 9A,B). (CI = 0.6, RI = 0.818). State 3 appeared in Coleoptera (Figure 5A–D).
- 34.
- Neck of 1Ax: (0) narrower than head region, with a straight distal margin; (1) narrower than the head region, with a concave distal margin; (2) about as wide as the indistinct head region; (3) projection at the distal margin; (4) extremely short or absent. State 1 appeared in Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Mecoptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 3D,F, Figure 4B, Figure 5A–D, Figure 6B,D, and Figure 8B,D). State 2 appeared in some Diptera. State 3 appeared in some Neuroptera and Trichoptera (Figure 3B and Figure 7B,D). State 4 appeared in all Hymenoptera (Figure 2B,D,F), but in Tenthredinidae and Diprionidae, the head of 1Ax was present, differing from Beutel et al. [17] who reported the head of the hindwing 1Ax as absent. (CI = 0.667, RI = 0.750).
- 35.
- Neck of 1Ax: (0) present; (1) absent. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2B,D,F). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 36.
- Proximal lobe of the body of 1Ax: (0) distinctly longer than the distal lobe; (1) as long as the distal lobe; (2) shorter than the distal lobe. State 1 appeared in some Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, some Mecoptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 2B,D,F, Figure 4B, and Figure 5B–D). State 2 appeared in Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, and some Mecoptera (Figure 3B,D,F, Figure 6B,D,F, Figure 7B,D, and Figure 8B,D). (CI = 0.333, RI = 0.636).
- 37.
- Anterodistal part of the body of 1Ax: (0) without projection; (1) with a projection. State 1 appeared in some Megaloptera (Figure 6B,D). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 38.
- Angle between the neck and the body of 1Ax: (0) wider than 130°; (1) less than 130°; (2) neck absent. State 1 appeared in Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, some Diptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 3B,D,F, Figure 5A–D, Figure 6B,D, Figure 7B,D, and Figure 8B,D). (CI = 0.667, RI = 0.8).
- 39.
- Contact between 2Ax and 1Ax: (0) proximo-cranial part of 2Ax articulates with 1Ax, proximo-caudal part separated from 1Ax by a membrane; (1) proximo-caudal part of 2Ax articulates with 1Ax, proximo-cranial part separated from 1Ax by a membrane; (2) articulation formed by proximo-cranial and proximo-caudal parts, each separated from 1Ax by a narrow membranous area. State 1 appeared in Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, and some Mecoptera (Figure 2B,D,F, Figure 3B, Figure 5A–D, and Figure 6B,D). State 2 appeared in Lepidoptera (Figure 3D,F). (CI = 0.4, RI = 0.571).
- 40.
- Contact of 1Ax and 2Ax: (0) 1Ax does not cover 2Ax; (1) 1Ax covers 2Ax. (CI = 1, RI = 1). State 1 appeared in Coleoptera. (Figure 5B–D).
- 41.
- Shape of 2Ax: (0) not as in state (1) or state (2); (1) almost stripe-like but bends distally apically; (2) almost rectangular and does not bend. State 1 appeared in Neuroptera, Megaloptera, and Raphidioptera (Figure 6B,D,F, Figure 7B,D, and Figure 8B,D). State 2 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2B,D,F). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 42.
- Size of 2Ax: (0) larger than the distal lobe of the body of 1Ax; (1) approximately equal in length to the distal lobe of 1Ax’s body. State 1 appeared in Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, some Coleoptera, some Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 2B, Figure 3B,D, Figure 5B–D, Figure 6B,D, Figure 7B,D, and Figure 8B,D). (CI = 0.167, RI = 0.375).
- 43.
- Proximal part of 2Ax: (0) not extending under the body of 1Ax; (1) extending under the body of 1Ax. State 1 appeared in some Coleoptera (Figure 5B–D). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 44.
- Anterior part of 2Ax: (0) bends proximally; (1) bends distally. State 1 appeared in Megaloptera (Figure 6B,D,F). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 45.
- Contact between BR and 2Ax: (0) separated; (1) connected by a narrow, sclerotized stripe; (2) fused directly. State 1 appeared in some Coleoptera (Figure 5A,D). State 2 appeared in Neuroptera, Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, and Mecoptera (Figure 3B,D,F, Figure 4B, Figure 6B,D,F, Figure 7B,D, Figure 8B,D, and Figure 9A,B). (CI = 0.5, RI = 0.714).
- 46.
- 47.
- 3Ax: (0) lacking a detached sclerite; (1) featuring a separate sclerite located between 1Ax and 3Ax. State 1 appeared in Coleoptera (Figure 5A–D). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 48.
- 49.
- 50.
- Shape of 3Ax: (0) plate-like; (1) slender proximal lobe. State 1 appeared in Coleoptera (Figure 5A–D). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
- 51.
- 52.
- 53.
- Size of BA: (0) indistinguishable or not comparable; (1) smaller than 3Ax; (2) distinctly larger than 3Ax; (3) as large as 3Ax. State 1 appeared in Neuroptera, Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Coleoptera, and Strepsiptera (Figure 5A–D, Figure 6B,D, Figure 7B,D, and Figure 8B,D). State 2 appeared in Hymenoptera (Figure 2B,D,F). (CI = 1, RI = 1).
3.3. Phylogenetic Analyses
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Zhao, C.; Huang, M.; Yang, D.; Liu, X. Comparative Morphology of the Wing Base Structure Illuminates Higher-Level Phylogeny of Holometabola. Insects 2024, 15, 199.
Zhao C, Huang M, Yang D, Liu X. Comparative Morphology of the Wing Base Structure Illuminates Higher-Level Phylogeny of Holometabola. Insects. 2024; 15(3):199.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhao, Chenjing, Mengting Huang, Ding Yang, and Xingyue Liu. 2024. "Comparative Morphology of the Wing Base Structure Illuminates Higher-Level Phylogeny of Holometabola" Insects 15, no. 3: 199.
APA StyleZhao, C., Huang, M., Yang, D., & Liu, X. (2024). Comparative Morphology of the Wing Base Structure Illuminates Higher-Level Phylogeny of Holometabola. Insects, 15(3), 199.