The Physics of Preference: Unravelling Imprecision of Human Preferences through Magnetisation Dynamics
:1. Introduction
2. Study 1: Preference Reversals and Imprecision Intervals in the Laboratory
2.1. Empirical Data and Experimental Procedures
2.2. Magnetisation Reversal Model
2.3. Results
3. Study 2: Field Experiments
4. Discussion
5. Future Research
6. Conclusions
6.1. Implications on Literature
6.2. Implications on Practice and Policy
6.3. Implications on Interdisciplinary Research in Physics
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CDF | Cumulative distribution function |
CPT | Cumulative prospect theory |
EUT | Expected utility theory |
FDTD | Finite difference time-domain |
FM | Ferromagnetic Metal |
PR | Preference Reversal |
QDT | Quantum Decision Theory |
ST | Sure Thing |
STNO | Spin Transfer Torque Nano-Oscillator |
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Maksymov, I.S.; Pogrebna, G. The Physics of Preference: Unravelling Imprecision of Human Preferences through Magnetisation Dynamics. Information 2024, 15, 413.
Maksymov IS, Pogrebna G. The Physics of Preference: Unravelling Imprecision of Human Preferences through Magnetisation Dynamics. Information. 2024; 15(7):413.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMaksymov, Ivan S., and Ganna Pogrebna. 2024. "The Physics of Preference: Unravelling Imprecision of Human Preferences through Magnetisation Dynamics" Information 15, no. 7: 413.
APA StyleMaksymov, I. S., & Pogrebna, G. (2024). The Physics of Preference: Unravelling Imprecision of Human Preferences through Magnetisation Dynamics. Information, 15(7), 413.