Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Local Matching Methods
2.2. Global Matching Methods
3. Intersection Trajectory Segment Matching
3.1. Classification of Intersection Trajectory Point
- Type 1 (Inside point). The intersection trajectory point is located within the angle between the inbound road section and the outbound road section, such as point pk in Figure 2.
- Type 2 (Inbound-road-related point). The intersection trajectory point is located within the angle between the inbound road section and any other road section, except the outbound section, such as points ps and pi in Figure 2.
- Type 3 (Outbound-road-related point). The intersection trajectory point is located within the angle between the outbound road section and any other road section, except the inbound section, such as point pe in Figure 2.
- Type 4 (Outside point). The intersection trajectory point is located within the angle between the other two road sections, except the inbound and outbound sections, such as point pj in Figure 2.
3.2. Matching Rules
- Rule I: An inside point is matched using the shortest distance method.
- Rule II: An inbound-road-related point is matched to the inbound road section.
- Rule III: An outbound-road-related point is matched to the outbound road section.
- Rule IV: An outside point is matched to the intersection.
3.3. Abnormity Adjustment
- Rule V: The road segments matched by intersection trajectory points strictly follow the “inbound road section–intersection–outbound road section” sequence.
- IF ri = re AND ri+1 = o, THEN ri = o.
- IF ri = re AND ri+1 = rs, THEN ri = o, ri+1 = o.
- IF ri = o AND ri+1 = rs, THEN ri+1 = o.
- No adjustment is made in any other situation.
3.4. Intersection Trajectory Segment Matching Algorithm
Algorithm 1 The intersection trajectory segment matching algorithm (InterectTrajMatch) |
Input: Intersection trajectory points P = {pi|i = 1, …, n}, inbound road section rs, outbound road section re, intersection point o, intersection-related Road Sections R = {ri|i = 1, …, m} |
Output: The matched road section sequence RM = {rmi|i = 1, …, n} |
1: Initialize dlist as an empty list; //dlist is a list of candidate distances 2: Initialize rmlist as an empty list; //rmlist is a list of candidate matched road sections |
3: for i = 1 to n do //Traversing P |
4: for j = 1 to m do //Traversing R |
5: d = Distance(pi, rj); |
6: dlist.add(d); |
7: end for |
8: R.sort(dlist); //sort by distance value on dlist |
9: GetShortestTwoSections(R, ref r1, ref r2); //get two road sections with the shortest distance |
10: rm = MatchbyRule1234(r1, r2, re, rs, o); //find matched road section by rule I, II, III, IV |
11: rmlist.add(rm); |
12: end for |
13:RM = AdjustbyRule5(rmlist); //adjust match road section by rule V. |
14: return ; |
3.5. Matching of Inbound Road Section and Outbound Road Section
3.6. Error Radius ε
4. Segmented Trajectory Matching Method
Algorithm 2 Segmented trajectory matching algorithm |
Input: Trajectory points P = {pi|i = 1, …, n}, intersection points O = {oi|i = 1, …, m}, road sections R = {ri|i = 1, …, k}, error radius ε |
Output: The matched road section sequence RM |
1: Initialize plist as an empty list; //plist is a list of candidate intersection trajectory point 2: Initialize rrlist as an empty list; //rrlist is a list of candidate intersection-related road section 3: Initialize rmlist as an empty list; //rmlist is a list of candidate matched road section. |
4:rf = MatchFirstPoint(p1, R); //match first point by shortest distance method from all roads. |
5:RM.add(rf); |
6:rs = rf; //rs means inbound road section |
7: for i = 2 to n do //Traversing from |
8: oc = FindCurrentIntersectionPoint(rf, O); //oc is the intersection close to point pi |
9: if (Distance(pi, oc) ≤ ε) |
10: plist.add(pi); |
11: else |
12: rrlist = FindRelatedRoadSections (oc, R); //rrlist is oc-related road section sets |
13: if (plist.count > 0) |
14: re = MatchbyLookAhead(pi−1, rrlist); //match outbound point by Look Ahead method [8], re is the outbound road section |
15: rmlist = InterectTrajMatch(plist, rs, re, oc, rrlist); //Agorithm 1 |
16: RM.add(rmlist); |
17: plist.clear(); |
18: else |
19: re = MatchbyLookAhead(pi, rrlist); |
20: RM.add(re); |
21: end if |
22: rs = re; //current matched road section is next inbound section |
23: end if |
24: end for |
25: return RM |
5. Experiment and Results
5.1. Experimental Data and Scheme
5.2. Comparison of Intersection Matching Methods
5.3. Efficiency Analysis
5.4. Accuracy Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Number | Sampling Interval (s) | Number of Trajectory Points |
1 | 1 | 151,542 |
2 | 5 | 30,156 |
3 | 15 | 7141 |
Methods | Running Total Time (s) | ||
Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | |
this method, 60 m | 32.5 | 11.5 | 22.3 |
LCS, 95% | 348.5 | 99.5 | 67.8 |
decision domain HMM, 60 m | 454.6 | 120.6 | 96.4 |
Methods | All Trajectory Points Matching Accuracy | Intersection Trajectory Points Matching Accuracy | ||||
Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | |
this method, 60 m | 0.978 | 0.971 | 0.964 | 0.995 | 0.987 | 0.980 |
LCS, 95% | 0.952 | 0.958 | 0.963 | 0.857 | 0.869 | 0.894 |
decision domain HMM, 60 m | 0.972 | 0.969 | 0.965 | 0.992 | 0.985 | 0.977 |
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Liu, M.; Zhang, L.; Ge, J.; Long, Y.; Che, W. Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 31.
Liu M, Zhang L, Ge J, Long Y, Che W. Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(1):31.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Minshi, Ling Zhang, Junlian Ge, Yi Long, and Weitao Che. 2020. "Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9, no. 1: 31.
APA StyleLiu, M., Zhang, L., Ge, J., Long, Y., & Che, W. (2020). Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(1), 31.