Quantum Communication—Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Teleportation
1. Introduction: Quantum Teleportation—Meaning and Influence
2. The Discovery of Quantum Teleportation: History, Notes, and Stories
“It all started in August 1992, when I was attending the annual CRYPTO conference. Charlie Bennett gave me a paper that had appeared in Physical Review Letters one year earlier, saying ‘I think this will interest you’. Right he was! That was the paper by Asher Peres and William (Bill) K. Wootters [10] in which they considered the following problem: if two participants hold identical copies of an unknown quantum state , so that the state of their joint system is , how much information can they discover about if they are restricted to local quantum operations and classical communication (this is of course what became known later as LOCC)? In that paper, Peres and Wootters studied so-called ping-pong protocols in which more information can be obtained by increasing the number of interaction rounds, but they were unable to get quite as much information as if the two identical quantum states were in the same location, enabling the possibility of a joint measurement. Their paper left open the following question: can LOCC measurements provide as much information as joint measurements?
At the time, I had never met Peres or Wootters, and in fact I had never heard of them. I met them both a few months later by a pleasant coincidence, at the October 1992 Workshop on Physics and Computation held in Dallas. After discussing the paper with its authors, I invited Bill to come to Montréal to give a talk about it the following month. Somehow, I had a feeling this would be momentous, and therefore I invited Claude Crépeau (who was in Paris at the time) and Charlie Bennett to attend the talk at my expense. Richard Jozsa was in the audience as well because he was my research assistant at the time. After Bill explained the conundrum, Charlie raised his hand and asked an apparently inane question: ‘What difference would it make if the two participants shared an EPR pair?’ (that’s what we called entanglement in those days). Not surprisingly, Bill replied ‘I don’t know!’ and then went on with his talk. Immediately afterwards, we all moved to my office and brainstormed about Charlie’s question. By the next morning, the answer was clear: in the presence of entanglement, one party teleports to the other, who then performs the optimal joint measurement. It is fair to say that we were able to invent quantum teleportation within less than 24 hours because none of us was trying to achieve this obviously impossible task! Of course, we realized that this invention was far more important than the solution it offered to the problem at hand, but I don’t think any of us anticipated how important it would become. We quickly invited Asher to join the collaboration and, within eleven days, the paper was submitted to Physical Review Letters. The rest is history”.
“Once we had a version of the paper that we really liked, we noticed that it was just a little too long for the then strict limit of four pages imposed by Physical Review Letters. We could not find anything that we would be comfortable leaving out. That was when a devilish idea came to me. Given that the type is smaller in figure captions (8.5 points) than in the main text (9.5 points), why not squeeze in some content there? We relegated the proof that successful teleportation of one qubit requires the transmission of two classical bits to what became a 27-line caption for Figure 2 (see [1]), which saved exactly the required amount of space to fit the paper snuggly in four pages. Ironically, we ended up being the first paper of its issue, and the space needed for the journal header made us spill on a fifth page!”
When the teleportation paper was published (1993), I was an M.Sc. student in Tel Aviv University (Israel) in the group led by Yakir Aharonov, together with Sandu Popescu (who was a Ph.D. student at the time) and Lev Vaidman (who was a postdoctoral researcher). All three of us (Popescu, Vaidman, and I) were extremely excited about the teleportation paper: Popescu suggested a method [12] leading to the first experimental realization of quantum teleportation [13] (note that quantum teleportation was experimentally demonstrated in 1997–1998 by three research groups [13,14,15]); Vaidman suggested teleportation of continuous quantum variables [16], leading to a theoretical extension [17] and its experimental realization [15]; and I decided to start my Ph.D. with Asher Peres, who was one of the teleportation paper’s authors. Although I concentrated on quantum cryptography, I also gave a lot of thought to quantum teleportation: I presented teleportation as a special case of POVM (generalized measurements) in my first talk at an international conference [18,19,20], and I suggested how a classical variant of teleportation could look like (a concept I published years later [4]).
The quantum teleportation paper and its experimental realizations intrigued not only scientists, but also media reporters. When one of them asked Peres whether quantum teleportation teleports only a person’s body, or also the soul, Peres answered that it teleports only the soul [21]—a funny, thought-provoking reply from someone like Peres, who enjoyed describing himself as a devout atheist!
During my Ph.D. and postdoctoral research, I became acquainted with all six authors of the teleportation paper. I even asked them to autograph an original reprint of the paper—so I now own the only copy of the quantum teleportation paper signed by all six co-authors! (Admittedly, it was pretty hard to obtain this signed copy. Unfortunately, Gilles Brassard, who was the last co-author to sign, lost the copy signed by the five other co-authors in his office; later, he sent me an e-mail including the “good news”—that he found the signed copy of the teleportation paper—and the “bad news”—that he lost it again; finally, he found it again, signed it, and immediately mailed it from Canada to me in Israel, and I received it. Then, I lost it in my office… where I may find it again some day).
Subsequently, I had two opportunities to celebrate the quantum teleportation paper and honor some of its authors at my institution (Technion, Haifa, Israel): when I organized the QUBIT 2003 conference, celebrating 10 years of quantum teleportation, with Asher Peres as the guest of honor [22]; and when I organized the QUBIT 2018 conference, celebrating the Wolf Prize of Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard, with both of them as the keynote speakers [23].
“In the 1990’s they [Bennett and Brassard], together with four colleagues, invented quantum teleportation which allows the communication of quantum information over classical channels, also a task previously believed to be impossible. Two decades after their proposal, quantum teleportation has now been demonstrated over distances exceeding 1000 kilometers and is clearly destined to play a major role in future secure communications”. [24]
3. The Papers in This Special Issue
Conflicts of Interest
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Liss, R.; Mor, T. Quantum Communication—Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Teleportation. Entropy 2020, 22, 628. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22060628
Liss R, Mor T. Quantum Communication—Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Teleportation. Entropy. 2020; 22(6):628. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22060628
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiss, Rotem, and Tal Mor. 2020. "Quantum Communication—Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Teleportation" Entropy 22, no. 6: 628. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22060628
APA StyleLiss, R., & Mor, T. (2020). Quantum Communication—Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Teleportation. Entropy, 22(6), 628. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22060628