Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics
:1. Introduction
2. Radiation Dosage of CBCT in Orthodontics
3. Limitations and Liability Associated with the Use of CBCT in Orthodontics
4. Justifying the Use of CBCT in Orthodontics According to Established Guidelines
5. Benefits and Evidence-Based Indications of CBCT in Orthodontics
6. Following the ALARA and ALADAIP Principles
7. Case Series
- Evaluation of impacted teeth, a common indication of CBCT in orthodontics. The advantages of CBCT include assessment of the tooth location and position, the stage of development, and status of adjacent teeth. CBCT is justified in these cases, because CBCT has the capability of evaluating the impacted teeth and adjacent structures more accurately than 2D conventional imaging. The benefit–risk ratio is favorable, especially if the CBCT volume is collimated to the impacted tooth. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 show an example of impacted maxillary canines, and their proximity to the maxillary lateral incisors. Figure 1 shows an intraoral photograph. The benefit of CBCT acquisition in this case includes the ability to visualize the canines and the lateral incisors in three dimensions, which can be visualized in Figure 2 and Figure 3. In this case, the maxillary right lateral incisor exhibited external root resorption, a finding that would be difficult to see on a conventional 2D panoramic radiograph. Figure 4 shows a Maximum Intensity Projection of a panoramic view derived from the CBCT volume. This unique view is free of magnification, distortion, ghost images, and overlaps frequently seen in conventional 2D panoramic radiography.
- Evaluation of buccal and lingual cortical plates: Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7 show a case in which the mandibular lateral incisors are positioned lingual to the central incisors. Both mandibular lateral incisors are adjacent to each other. Figure 5 shows and intraoral occlusal photos with retained deciduous mandibular lateral incisors. There was no way to evaluate the buccal and lingual cortical plates through conventional 2D panoramic, periapical or occlusal radiographs. Therefore, CBCT was acquired and collimated to the area of teeth in order to assess the relationship of the four mandibular incisors to the labial and lingual cortical plates as well as to the adjacent teeth. As Figure 6 and Figure 7 display, CBCT shows that all permanent mandibular incisors are sound. It is important to note that thin buccal and lingual cortical plates may not be seen via CBCT—this does not denote that they are not present. In other words, CBCT images may not show a clinically present thin buccal and lingual cortical plates. In this case, the diagnostic information obtained from CBCT is far more significant than the information obtained from any other radiographic imaging technique.
- TMJ and facial asymmetry evaluation. Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10 show a case in which a whole head CBCT was acquired initially due to the presence of facial asymmetry and history of temporomandibular disorders. Figure 8 shows an intraoral photograph with a unilateral posterior crossbite on the right side, a mandibular midline shift to the right side, and an anterior crossbite on the right lateral incisors. Figure 9 shows cross-sectional views of the TMJ, with a very mild flattening of the joints. Figure 10 shows volume rendering of the CBCT volume, demonstrating lack of symmetry of the face, unilateral posterior crossbite observed on the right side involving premolars and molars, and ectopic canines. The benefits of CBCT imaging in this case are the evaluation the TMJ, visualization of the crossbite on the right side via the volume rendering view, and the ability to perform any isometric measurements, if needed.
- Assessment of proposed sites of temporary anchorage device (TAD). Figure 11, Figure 12, Figure 13 and Figure 14 show correction of the Class II molar relationship using a temporary anchorage device. Figure 11 shows a pre-treatment intraoral photograph of the right side. The Class II molar relationship can be observed. Figure 12 shows coronal, sagittal and axial views, as well as a volume rendering of CBCT that was acquired in order to assess the site of the temporary anchorage device. Figure 13 shows an intraoral photograph of the right side, in which the TAD was placed mesial to the maxillary first molar, and a power chain was attached from this TAD to a hook placed distal to the lateral incisor. Figure 14 shows a post-treatment intraoral photograph showing improvement of the Class II molar relationship after removal of all orthodontic appliances.
- Oropharyngeal airway assessment. In the past, airway assessment was made using conventional 2D cephalometric radiographs. However, the airway is a three-dimensional structure; it is thus best imaged by a three-dimensional imaging technique. The benefit of CBCT in airway studies is the ability to measure the volume size and evaluate the airway in three dimensions. This is valuable for diagnosis and treatment planning in several cases, especially orthognathic surgery cases. Using CBCT volume, it is possible to measure oropharyngeal airway volume and area. Figure 15 shows a measurement of oropharyngeal airway volume and area via Dolphin 3D Imaging software version 11.95 (Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA, USA).
- Assessment of an ankylosed and submerged primary tooth. Due to limitations of panoramic radiography, objects located outside of the focal trough may not be well visualized. In addition, it may be difficult in some cases to visualize objects that are located within the focal trough. Figure 16 presents an example of a conventional 2D panoramic radiograph in which it was impossible to visualize an ankylosed and submerged primary maxillary left second molar for a child who was 11 years of age. There are two findings that can be seen on the conventional panoramic radiograph: a transposition between the maxillary right canine and first premolar, and a missing maxillary left first premolar. However, the impacted primary molar in the upper left quadrant is not depicted on the conventional panoramic radiograph in Figure 16. After acquisition of CBCT, which was made on the same day the 2D panoramic radiograph was taken, it was possible to see the primary tooth. Figure 17 shows a panoramic view derived from the CBCT volume which shows the ankylosed and submerged primary maxillary left second molar. This tooth can also be seen in the CBCT volume rendering in Figure 18. Interestingly, the patient had another CBCT scan taken approximately three years earlier when the child was 8 years of age. The earlier scan explained the etiology for the problems in the upper left quadrant. The earlier CBCT, displayed in Figure 19, shows that the primary maxillary left second molar was fully erupted and present in the mouth. After the primary tooth became ankylosed, it gradually became severely infraoccluded and then became completely submerged. Meanwhile, the adjacent permanent maxillary left first molar drifted mesially due to lack of space mesial to the tooth, and at the same time the ankylosed primary molar obstructed the eruption of its succedaneous premolar.
- Assessment of an impacted maxillary canine located superior to a first premolar. Occasionally, transposed or impacted teeth are seen in unusual positions which require accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Figure 20 presents a 2D conventional panoramic radiograph in which the permanent maxillary right canine can be seen in an unusual position. CBCT was prescribed in order to assess the location of the canine, its relationship to adjacent structures, and the status of the first premolar root. Figure 21 shows CBCT views of the impacted canine and its close proximity to the root of the first premolar. In addition, external root resorption on the first premolar can be visualized. An oral and maxillofacial pathologist evaluated the pericoronal radiolucency adjacent to the crown of the canine, ruled out cystic transformation, and confirmed that it was a hyperplastic follicle. Because the apex of the canine is distal to the apex of the first premolar, coupled with the unusual position of the canine, the orthodontist decided in this case to first extract the primary maxillary right canine, mesially move the maxillary right first premolar to the site of the canine, and then simply extrude the canine via orthodontic traction and place it in the site of the first premolar.
- Assessment of a horizontally impacted maxillary canine. Figure 22, Figure 23 and Figure 24 show a case in which the permanent maxillary right canine was impacted in a horizontal position. As Figure 22 shows, the conventional 2D panoramic radiograph does not depict the accurate position of the maxillary right canine. On the other hand, it shows some information about the location and status of development of the permanent maxillary left canine. For instance, extraction of the primary maxillary left canine could be followed by orthodontic traction of the succedaneous tooth. However, this would not be realistic for the right canine. As Figure 23 and Figure 24 show, the right canine is impacted in a horizontal position. The apex of this canine is in close proximity to the right nasal fossa. An attempt to bring this tooth into alignment would carry significant risks. For example, the tooth may be ankylosed, its movement may damage adjacent teeth or structures, it may become devitalized or infected, and most importantly, it can result in a significantly prolonged orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic movement of this canine would likely be ruled out by most orthodontists. The patient’s parents can either choose to extract this tooth or monitor it long term. A referral to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can be valuable in order to discuss options for management of this impacted tooth. The CBCT volume can be of significant value for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon for locating and evaluating the tooth accurately, after which the surgeon can present to the patient’s parents the risks and benefits of extracting the tooth versus leaving it and monitoring its status long term.
- Assessment of an impacted maxillary premolar. Figure 25 and Figure 26 show a case in which the permanent maxillary right second premolar was rotated and impacted in an unusual position. As Figure 25 shows, it is impossible to accurately evaluate the position of the impacted premolar from the conventional 2D panoramic radiograph. Three-dimensional evaluation of the impacted tooth is necessary. To visualize the tooth in three dimensions, CBCT was acquired. Figure 26 shows a coronal, sagittal, and axial views of the impacted premolar, as well as a volume rending. It can be noted that the impacted premolar is rotated in a pattern in which the buccal cusp is in the vicinity of the first premolar and the lingual cusp is in the vicinity of the first molar. In addition, the impacted tooth is in a palatal position. The orthodontic treatment plan included leveling and aligning, followed by opening space for this tooth and then bringing it to the dental arch via orthodontic traction. CBCT images provided in Figure 26 are valuable for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan, and would also be valuable for the surgeon who will perform the surgical exposure of the tooth and bonding of a gold chain which will be used to extrude the impacted premolar.
- Assessment of an impacted canine with close proximity to the lateral incisor. Figure 27 shows photographs and a panoramic radiograph of a case in which there is an impacted permanent maxillary right canine in an unfavorable position, a missing mandibular left second premolar and uncoordinated dental midlines. The relationship of the impacted canine to the adjacent lateral incisor cannot be determined from the conventional 2D radiograph. Therefore, CBCT was acquired. Figure 28 shows CBCT images, including coronal, sagittal, axial views, and volume rendering, which demonstrated close proximity of the impacted canine to the lateral incisor, and an area of bone loss buccal to the crown of the impacted canine. Before acquisition of CBCT, the tentative treatment plan was to extract the maxillary right first premolar and bring the canine to the dental arch. However, due to the findings presented by CBCT, the treatment plan was altered in favor of extracting the impacted canine, a clinical decision that was strongly favored by the patient. In this case, the first premolar would substitute for the canine. The maxillary left first premolar and mandibular right first premolar were also extracted. Therefore, each quadrant would have one missing tooth by end of treatment. Orthodontic post-treatment photographs are presented in Figure 29. Figure 30 shows a post-treatment 2D panoramic radiograph. CBCT was neither necessary nor indicated at completion of orthodontic treatment, and therefore only a conventional 2D panoramic radiograph was taken.
8. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
CBCT | cone-beam computed tomography |
FOV | field of view |
µSv | microSieverts |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
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Imaging Technique | Range of Effective Dose (µSv) Reported in the Literature |
Panoramic radiography | 6–38 |
Cephalometric radiography | 2–10 |
CBCT | 5.3–1025 |
Medical head CT | 1000–2000 |
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Abdelkarim, A. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics. Dent. J. 2019, 7, 89.
Abdelkarim A. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics. Dentistry Journal. 2019; 7(3):89.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbdelkarim, Ahmad. 2019. "Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics" Dentistry Journal 7, no. 3: 89.
APA StyleAbdelkarim, A. (2019). Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics. Dentistry Journal, 7(3), 89.