Natural vs. Synthetic Zeolites
:1. What Are Zeolites?
- Low density and large volume of free spaces;
- The existence of channels and chambers of strictly defined dimensions (shape-selectivity);
- High degree of hydration and the presence of so-called "zeolite water";
- High degree of crystallinity;
- Possibility of sorption of molecules and ions;
- Ion exchange capacity;
- Catalytic properties.
2. Natural Zeolites
Application Examples
3. Synthetic Zeolites
3.1. Substrates and Products
3.2. Synthesis Methods
3.3. Zolitization Products
3.4. Benefits of Synthetic Zeolite
4. Summary
- Accurate analysis of used raw material composition;
- Selection of appropriate parameters of zeolite synthesis;
- Comprehensive structural characterization of zeolites;
- Potential modification of zeolites to improve their properties;
- Zeolite granulation;
- Assessment of ion exchange and sorption potential;
- Behavior and mechanisms in zeolite-catalyzed reactions.
Conflicts of Interest
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Król, M. Natural vs. Synthetic Zeolites. Crystals 2020, 10, 622.
Król M. Natural vs. Synthetic Zeolites. Crystals. 2020; 10(7):622.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKról, Magdalena. 2020. "Natural vs. Synthetic Zeolites" Crystals 10, no. 7: 622.
APA StyleKról, M. (2020). Natural vs. Synthetic Zeolites. Crystals, 10(7), 622.