From Sampling to Sequencing: A Liquid Biopsy Pre-Analytic Workflow to Maximize Multi-Layer Genomic Information from a Single Tube
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Impact of Liquid Biopsy Collection Tubes on Plasma cfDNA Yield and Purity
2.2. Impact of Liquid Biopsy Collection Tubes on Cerebrospinal Fluid cfDNA Yield and Purity
2.3. Comparative Analysis of Different cfNA Isolation Kits
2.4. Evaluation of DNA Quantification Methods for Low-Concentration Samples
2.5. Enrichment of cfDNA by Size Selection
2.6. Performance of cfNA in Downstream Analyses
3. Discussion
3.1. Liquid Biopsy Preservation Tubes
3.2. cfNA Isolation Kits
3.3. Quality Control for cfNA Analyses
3.4. cfDNA Size Selection
3.5. Functional Readout
3.6. Limitations of the Study
4. Material and Methods
4.1. Blood Preservation Tubes
4.1.1. Plasma Isolation
4.1.2. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
4.1.3. Cell Culture Supernatant
4.2. Isolation Kits
4.2.1. cfDNA Isolation Kits
4.2.2. Combined cfNA Isolation Kits
4.3. Quantification
4.4. Size Selection
4.5. ddPCR
4.6. Methylation Analysis by EPIC-Array
4.7. lcWGS
4.8. Copy-Number Profiling
4.9. Statistical Analysis
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BA | Bioanalyzer |
bp | Base pairs |
cfDNA | Cell-free DNA |
cfNA | Cell-free nucleic acids |
cfRNA | Cell-free RNA |
CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
CNV | Copy number variation |
ctDNA | Circulating tumor DNA |
ctRNA | Circulating tumor RNA |
ddPCR | Droplet digital PCR |
EDTA | K3EDTA S-monovettes |
gDNA | Genomic DNA |
lcWGS | Low-coverage whole-genome sequencing |
Norgen | cf-DNA/cf-RNA Preservative Tubes Norgen |
NucleoSnap | NucleoSnap cfDNA kit |
NucleoSpin | NucleoSpin miRNA Plasma kit |
PAX | PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tube IVD |
PBS | Phosphate-buffered saline |
QB | QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit |
QME | QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Mini Kit |
QNA | QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit |
RT | Room temperature |
SOP | Standard operating procedure |
Streck | Cell-Free DNA BCT Streck |
tSNE | T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding |
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cfNA Preservation | Volume | Storage Conditions | Additive | Centrifugation Conditions | ||||
Norgen | DNA, RNA | 8.4 mL | 30 d at RT | Osmotic cell stabilization | 20 min | 500× g | RT | |
PAX | DNA, RNA | 10 mL | 14 d at RT | 28 d at 4 °C | Biological apoptosis prevention | 15 min | 1900× g | RT |
Streck | DNA | 10 mL | 14 d at RT | Chemical crosslinking | 15 min | 1600× g | RT | |
EDTA | DNA, RNA | 9 mL | 1 h at 4 °C | 10 min | 1900× g | 4 °C |
DNA Assay | Fusion Assay | RNA Assay | ||||
Target | RPP30 | ETV6-NTRK3 | GAPDH | |||
Amplicon Size | 67 bp | 75 bp | 123 bp | |||
Forward Primer Sequence | RPP30 Copy Number Determination Assay (Bio-Rad) | 5’CCTGAAGAGCACGCCAT’3 | 5’GGTGTGAACCATGAGAAGTATGA’3 | |||
Cycling Conditions | 95 °C for 10 min | 50 °C for 60 min | 50 °C for 60 min | |||
95 °C for 10 min | 95 °C for 10 min | |||||
94 °C for 30 s | 40 cycles | 94 °C for 30 s | 40 cycles | 94 °C for 30 s | 40 cycles | |
60 °C for 1 min | 54 °C for 1 min | 54 °C for 1 min | ||||
98 °C for 10 min | 98 °C for 10 min | 98 °C for 10 min | ||||
4 °C ∞ | 4 °C ∞ | 4 °C ∞ |
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Maass, K.K.; Schad, P.S.; Finster, A.M.E.; Puranachot, P.; Rosing, F.; Wedig, T.; Schwarz, N.; Stumpf, N.; Pfister, S.M.; Pajtler, K.W. From Sampling to Sequencing: A Liquid Biopsy Pre-Analytic Workflow to Maximize Multi-Layer Genomic Information from a Single Tube. Cancers 2021, 13, 3002.
Maass KK, Schad PS, Finster AME, Puranachot P, Rosing F, Wedig T, Schwarz N, Stumpf N, Pfister SM, Pajtler KW. From Sampling to Sequencing: A Liquid Biopsy Pre-Analytic Workflow to Maximize Multi-Layer Genomic Information from a Single Tube. Cancers. 2021; 13(12):3002.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMaass, Kendra K., Paulina S. Schad, Agnes M. E. Finster, Pitithat Puranachot, Fabian Rosing, Tatjana Wedig, Nathalie Schwarz, Natalie Stumpf, Stefan M. Pfister, and Kristian W. Pajtler. 2021. "From Sampling to Sequencing: A Liquid Biopsy Pre-Analytic Workflow to Maximize Multi-Layer Genomic Information from a Single Tube" Cancers 13, no. 12: 3002.
APA StyleMaass, K. K., Schad, P. S., Finster, A. M. E., Puranachot, P., Rosing, F., Wedig, T., Schwarz, N., Stumpf, N., Pfister, S. M., & Pajtler, K. W. (2021). From Sampling to Sequencing: A Liquid Biopsy Pre-Analytic Workflow to Maximize Multi-Layer Genomic Information from a Single Tube. Cancers, 13(12), 3002.