Medical Mycology Journal
Online ISSN : 2186-165X
Print ISSN : 2185-6486
ISSN-L : 2185-6486
Original Articles
Comprehensive Analysis of the Fungal Microbiota of the Human External Auditory Canal Using Pyrosequencing
The External Auditory Canal Exhibits Low Fungal Species Diversity
Otomi ChoTakashi Sugita
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 58 巻 1 号 p. E1-E4


We previously reported that the Malassezia microbiota of the external auditory canal were composed principally of Malassezia slooffiae and Malassezia restricta. In the present study, the fungal microbiota of the external auditory canal were comprehensively analyzed by pyrosequencing on an FLX-454 platform. Of 17 samples tested, the fungal microbiota of 14 samples were composed of > 90% Malassezia species; either M. slooffiae or M. restricta was abundant in individual samples. The external auditory canal exhibits a lower fungal diversity than do other bodily sites.

© 2017 The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology