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Research on the Performance Assessment of CMF Design Curriculum Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation: Taking the CMF Design of Passenger Interface of High-Speed Train Dining Car as an Example
Jun Du, Ning Dai, Fangyu Li, Tianjiao Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang
The purpose of this study is to integrate the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method into the design scheme evaluation of art and design students and explore the method to improve the course work assessment. On the basis of determining the objectives of curriculum cultivation, the research group proposed a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of a curriculum design scheme. Taking CMF design of the passenger interface of a high-speed train as an example, the study attempts to improve the previous issues of difficulty in determining the weights of course design evaluation methods and inaccurate evaluation results. The evaluation index system is established according to the characteristics of CMF curriculum design and the need for teaching reform. The application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to CMF design coursework assessment is an innovative attempt for the course teaching reform of art design majors, which has important popularization and application value.
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