In the context of Globalization, the “World Economy” is going through a full scale changing process, while adapting to the newly imposed conditions. The “New Economy” has been developing new standards in the need to overcome the barriers in crossing the line from small business to large organizations, both in management and informational systems. Databases are essential tools for obtaining information, vital in the decision making process. In monolith organizations, managing and retrieving information through queries does not represent a challenge anymore; however larger structures deal with difficulties due to data distribution, autonomy and heterogeneity. The latter need adequate data processing and decision making systems, capable of offering essential information rapidly and cost efficient. By integration in the new structure of preexistent systems, the communication between and within the organization must ensure the premises of economic growth and profit increase. Web services represent the next stage of evolution for e-business – the visualization of systems from the perspective that “everything is a service”, manipulation and dynamic discovery by using messaging through a network. To ensure efficient and rapid communication, the present tendency is to provide mobile solutions, available with the latest technology, capable of ensuring similar functionalities as the classic applications. Their main advantages are mobility, remote access, and the growth of the market segment of each organization. The goal of the paper is achievement of interoperability in heterogeneous systems, by taking the necessary steps to get the integration. The basic idea was developing a useful and economically efficient application that comes in support of small companies by offering the possibility of participating in a larger organizational structure and of maximizing their profits by doing so.
The main objectives that were set are: facilitating data integration and communication in a hotel virtual organization, extracting data in the organization, information retrieval at lower costs – premises for economic growth and profit increase – as well as remote access by using mobile devices. Ensuring interactivity with the user through a user friendly interface and facilitating the decision making process by offering several possible solutions were amongst our main goals. The system was built upon the principle of separating the interface from the implementation; the user does not need to know details about the used technologies, location of the data sources or the means of transmitting information, his only task being that of searching for keywords and taking the best decision, according to his needs.