Connections between relative entropy of entanglement and geometric
measure of entanglement
T.-C. Wei, M. Ericsson, P.M. Goldbart, and W.J. Munro
As two of the most important entanglement measures---the
entanglement of formation and the entanglement of distillation---have so
far been limited to bipartite settings, the study of other entanglement
measures for multipartite systems appears necessary. Here, connections
between two other entanglement measures---the relative entropy of
entanglement and the geometric measure of entanglement---are
investigated. It is found that for arbitrary pure states the latter
gives rise to a lower bound on the former. For certain pure states, some
bipartite and some multipartite, this lower bound is saturated, and thus
their relative entropy of entanglement can be found analytically in
terms of their known geometric measure of entanglement. For certain
mixed states, upper bounds on the relative entropy of entanglement are
also established. Numerical evidence strongly suggests that these upper
bounds are tight, i.e., they are actually the relative entropy of
Key words:
entanglement, relative entropy, geometric measure, maximal overlap |