reversible quantum design of sig-magnitude to two's complement
Orts, G. Ortega, and E.M. Garzon
Despite the great interest that the scientific community
has in quantum computing, the scarcity and high cost of resources
prevent to advance in this field. Specifically, qubits are
very expensive to build, causing the few available quantum computers are
tremendously limited in their number of qubits and
delaying their progress. This work presents new reversible circuits that
optimize the necessary resources for the conversion of a sign binary
number into two's complement of N digits.
The benefits of our work are two: on the one hand, the proposed two's
complement converters are fault tolerant circuits and also are more
efficient in terms of resources (essentially, quantum cost, number of qubits,
and T-count) than the described in the literature. On the other hand,
valuable information about available converters and, what is more,
quantum adders, is summarized in tables for interested researchers. The
converters have been measured using robust metrics and have been
compared with the state-of-the-art circuits. The code to build them in a
real quantum computer is given.
key words:
Quantum Computing,
Quantum circuits, Reversible circuit, Two's complement, Sign-magnitude
representation to two's complement converter |