FakeTables: Using GANs to Generate Functional Dependency Preserving Tables with Bounded Real Data

FakeTables: Using GANs to Generate Functional Dependency Preserving Tables with Bounded Real Data

Haipeng Chen, Sushil Jajodia, Jing Liu, Noseong Park, Vadim Sokolov, V. S. Subrahmanian

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

In many cases, an organization wishes to release some data, but is restricted in the amount of data to be released due to legal, privacy and other concerns. For instance, the US Census Bureau releases only 1% of its table of records every year, along with statistics about the entire table. However, the machine learning (ML) models trained on the released sub-table are usually sub-optimal. In this paper, our goal is to find a way to augment the sub-table by generating a synthetic table from the released sub-table, under the constraints that the generated synthetic table (i) has similar statistics as the entire table, and (ii) preserves the functional dependencies of the released sub-table. We propose a novel generative adversarial network framework called ITS-GAN, where both the generator and the discriminator are specifically designed to satisfy these two constraints. By evaluating the augmentation performance of ITS-GAN on two representative datasets, the US Census Bureau data and US Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) data, we show that ITS-GAN yields high quality classification results, and significantly outperforms various state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches.
Machine Learning: Deep Learning
Machine Learning: Learning Generative Models
Machine Learning Applications: Applications of Supervised Learning