IBM Scenario Planning Advisor: Plan Recognition as AI Planning in Practice
IBM Scenario Planning Advisor: Plan Recognition as AI Planning in Practice
Shirin Sohrabi, Michael Katz, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Octavian Udrea, Mark D. Feblowitz
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Demos. Pages 5865-5867.
We present the IBM Research Scenario Planning Advisor (SPA), a decision support system that allows users to generate diverse alternate scenarios of the future and enhance their ability to imagine the different possible outcomes, including unlikely but potentially impactful futures. The system includes tooling for experts to intuitively encode their domain knowledge, and uses AI Planning to reason about this knowledge and the current state of the world, including news and social media, when generating scenarios.
Planning and Scheduling: Activity and Plan Recognition
Planning and Scheduling: Applications of Planning