Proceedings Papers
Education and Training in Data Handling and Analysis at the Interface Between e-Infrastructure and Reseachers
Much effort and concentration has been put into devising training regimes for a number of different technologies in distributed and high-performance computing (Jandric, Artacho, Hopkins, & Fergusson, 2008; Fergusson, D., Romano, van der Meer, & Atkinson, 2008). On the whole, however, these have tended to concentrate on the computational aspects of research tasks rather than the data-related aspects. There have been a number of reasons for this including the immaturity and extra complexity of the data field, the more discipline-specific aspects of data usage compared to computational patterns, and the focus of providers on the “easier” problem of providing distributed computation resources (Fergusson, 2006).
Submitted on Apr 16, 2015
Published on Jul 30, 2013
Peer Reviewed