Open Access

The Compound F2-index and the Compound H-index as Extension of the f2 and h-indexes from a Dynamic Perspective

   | Jul 03, 2020

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Elaboration of an indicator to include the dynamic aspect of citations in bibliometric indexes.


A new bibliometric methodology—the f2-index—is applied at the career level and at the level of the recent 5 years to analyze the dynamic aspect of bibliometrics. The method is applied, as an illustration, to the field of corporate governance.


The compound F2-index as an extension of the f2-index recognizes past achievements but also values new research work with potential. The method is extended to the h-index and the h2-index. An activity index is defined as the ratio between the recent h’-index to the career h-index.

Research limitations

The compound F2 and H-indexes are PAC, probably approximately correct, and depend on the selection and database.

Practical implications

The F2- and H compound indexes allow identifying the rising stars of a field from a dynamic perspective. The activity ratio highlights the contribution of younger researchers.


The new methodology demonstrates the underestimated dynamic capacity of bibliometric research.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Project Management, Databases and Data Mining