First steps towards a dynamical model for forest fire behaviour in Argentinian landscapes




Forest Fire Simulation, Reaction-Diffusion-Convection Model, Graphic Processing Units


We developed a Reaction Diffusion Convection (RDC) model for forest fire propagation coupled to a visualization platform with several functionalities requested by local firefighters. The dynamical model aims to understand the key mechanisms driving fire propagation in the Patagonian region. We'll show in this work the first tests considering combustion and diffusion in artificial landscapes. The simulator, developed in CUDA/OpenGL, integrates several layers including topography, weather, and fuel data. It allows to visualize the fire propagation and also to interact with the user in simulation time.
The Fire Weather Index (FWI), extensively used in Argentina to support operative preventive measures for forest fires management, was also coupled to our visualization platform. This additional functionality allows the user to visualize on the landscape the fire risks, that are closely related to FWI, for Northwest Patagonian forests in Argentina.


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How to Cite

Denham, M., Laneri, K., Zimmerman, V. ., & Waidelich, S. (2020). First steps towards a dynamical model for forest fire behaviour in Argentinian landscapes. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(2), e09.



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