Computer Science and Information Systems 2011 Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages: 1317-1329
Full text ( 417 KB)
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A case study on REST-style architecture for cyber-physical systems: Restful smart gateway
Li Qiang (Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China + Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Qin Weijun (Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Han Bing (School of Software and Microelectronics, Beijing, Beijing, China)
Wang Ruicong (School of Software and Microelectronics, Beijing, Beijing, China)
Sun Limin (Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Due to several key factors, Cyber-physical systems (CPS) pose great
challenges in software system design, which are dynamic composition,
heterogeneous, adaptation and uncertain in environmental factors. In this
paper we present our research on the development of REST-style architecture
for CPS. We propose a path towards solving requirements of CPS architecture
through Restful principles. By using this architectural style, we have built
a prototyping system called the restful smart gateway, which seamlessly
integrates conceptual and physical resources into the Web and scale better.
Some experiments on the smart gateway are given to illustrate its
Keywords: cyber-physical systems, REST, architecture, smart gateway, wireless sensor network