Test for a large amount of entanglement, using few measurements

Rui Chao1, Ben W. Reichardt1, Chris Sutherland1, and Thomas Vidick2

1University of Southern California
2California Institute of Technology

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Bell-inequality violations establish that two systems share some quantum entanglement. We give a simple test to certify that two systems share an asymptotically large amount of entanglement, $n$ EPR states. The test is efficient: unlike earlier tests that play many games, in sequence or in parallel, our test requires only one or two CHSH games. One system is directed to play a CHSH game on a random specified qubit $i$, and the other is told to play games on qubits $\{i,j\}$, without knowing which index is $i$.
The test is robust: a success probability within $\delta$ of optimal guarantees distance $O(n^{5/2} \sqrt{\delta})$ from $n$ EPR states. However, the test does not tolerate constant $\delta$; it breaks down for $\delta = \tilde\Omega (1/\sqrt{n})$. We give an adversarial strategy that succeeds within delta of the optimum probability using only $\tilde O(\delta^{-2})$ EPR states.

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► References

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[9] Zhengfeng Ji, Debbie Leung, and Thomas Vidick, "A three-player coherent state embezzlement game", Quantum 4, 349 (2020).

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[13] Rui Chao, Ben W. Reichardt, Chris Sutherland, and Thomas Vidick, "Overlapping qubits", arXiv:1701.01062, (2017).

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[17] Rui Chao and Ben W. Reichardt, "Quantum dimension test using the uncertainty principle", arXiv:2002.12432, (2020).

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