PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 431 - 8th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries (DISCRETE2022) - Astroparticle Physics and cosmology
CPT and unitarity constraints for higher-order CP asymmetries at finite temperature
P. Maták*, T. Blažek and V. Zaujec
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Pre-published on: January 31, 2024
Published on: February 01, 2024
We use an unconventional diagrammatic approach to formulate $CPT$ and unitarity constraints for higher-order $CP$ asymmetries entering the source term in the Boltzmann equation. Usually, the reaction rate asymmetries in these constraints are computed within the classical kinetic theory, using zero-temperature quantum field theory to describe particles' interactions. We approximate the rates, otherwise obtained within the closed-time-path formalism, in terms of diagrams drawn on a cylindrical surface and their holomorphic cuts. The resulting equilibrium asymmetry constraints incorporate thermal-mass effects and allow tracking the cancellations of reaction rate asymmetries computed with quantum statistics. We use the top Yukawa corrections to the asymmetries in the seesaw type-I leptogenesis as an example. The contribution is primarily based on Ref. [1].
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.431.0027
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