Journal of Information Processing
Online ISSN : 1882-6652
ISSN-L : 1882-6652
A Method for Recognizing Postures and Gestures Using Foot Pressure Sensors
Ayumi OhnishiTsutomu TeradaMasahiko Tsukamoto
Author information

2019 Volume 27 Pages 348-358


In this paper, we propose a method for recognizing postures and gestures by using foot pressure sensors, and we investigate optimal positions for pressure sensors on soles from the viewpoint of motion recognition accuracy. In experiments, the recognition accuracies of 22 kinds of daily postures and gestures were evaluated from foot-pressure sensor values. Furthermore, the optimum measurement points for high recognition accuracy were examined by evaluating combinations of two foot pressure measurement areas on a round-robin basis. As a result, when selecting the optimum two points for each user, the recognition accuracy was about 94.5% on average. The recognition accuracy of the averaged combinations of the best two combinations for all subjects was classified with an accuracy of about 91.9% on average. As a result of an evaluation to raise versatility, the average recognition accuracy in a three-point evaluation was 98.4%, which was almost the same with the recognition accuracy when using all 105 points. In anticipation of the applicability of this research result, two types of pressure sensing shoes were developed.

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© 2019 by the Information Processing Society of Japan
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