Increasing organizational investment in technology for training and learning underscores how important it is for researchers to understand and investigate technology-mediated learning (TML). However, the limited empirical data in this area fails to provide a consistent and comprehensive picture of the TML phenomena. A critical aspect missing from existing research is the focus on the learning process. In this paper, we articulate a theoretical model, based on Adaptive Structuration Theory, for TML that explicitly configures elements of the learning process, including team, technology, and learning technique structures. Existing TML research from the information systems (IS) and education literatures is summarized and research gaps are identified. The paper not only helps to explain inconsistencies in previous research, but also develops specific propositions for future research. The propositions stated in the paper represent the theoretical relationships among the constructs in the TML model. The model provides a vehicle for researchers, both in IS and education, to summarize and integrate existing research and theories and to guide future research in this important area.
Recommended Citation
gupta, Saurabh and Bostrom, Robert P.
"Technology-Mediated Learning: A Comprehensive Theoretical Model,"
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10(9), .
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00207
Available at:
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