![Communications of the Association for Information Systems](/https/aisel.aisnet.org/assets/md5images/7ae5a9f0db7e1b11ff05eacd8344aab6.png)
The subject of this article is how to deal with discovering you have been plagiarized. . Each of the following challenges is explained: getting perspective on what may be a stressful and drawn-out process, proving that plagiarism occurred, gathering evidence to establish that you are the true author, dealing with (or not dealing with) the offender, working with your dean or department head to trigger formal and informal complaint mechanisms at the offender's institution, and dealing with the editors involved.
Recommended Citation
AIS Research Conduct Committee. (2004). Guidelines for a Victim:Dealing with Plagiarism. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 13, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01303
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