Serious Games to support Reflection in the HealthCare Sector


  • Lucia Pannese
  • Dalia Morosini imaginary srl



serious games, reflection, learning by reflection


This paper describes two serious games designed for care homes and hospitals to support reflection in learning in the frame of the MIRROR project. The games aim to empower and engage employees to reflect on past work performances and personal learning experiences in order to learn in ‘real-time’ and to creatively solve pressing problems. The games, designed for new nurses and carers, were tested with more than 200 users with different methods (quantitative and qualitative). Results collected so far seem to underline how the various gaming characteristics and supports offered by the Virtual Tutor (within the games) create favorable conditions so as to allow learners to adopt a reflective attitude towards their own past/present acts and experiences.

Author Biography

  • Dalia Morosini, imaginary srl
    graduated with honors in 2010 in Developmental and Communication Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan, Chartered Psychologists since 2012, now i'm working as project manager in several european research projects (MIRROR, PEGASO


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How to Cite

Serious Games to support Reflection in the HealthCare Sector. (2014). International Journal of Serious Games, 1(3).