2020 Volume E103.D Issue 7 Pages 1647-1659
Since the owner's data might be leaked from the centralized server storage, the distributed storage schemes with the server storage have been investigated. To ensure the owner's data in those schemes, they use Reed Solomon code. However, those schemes occur the burden of data capacity since the parity data are increased by how much the disconnected data can be restored. Moreover, the calculation time for the restoration will be higher since many parity data are needed to restore the disconnected data. In order to reduce the burden of data capacity and the calculation time, we proposed the server-based distributed storage using Secret Sharing with AES-256 for lightweight safety restoration. Although we use Secret Sharing, the owner's data will be safely kept in the distributed storage since all of the divided data are divided into two pieces with the AES-256 and stored in the peer storage and the server storage. Even though the server storage keeps the divided data, the server and the peer storages might know the pair of divided data via Secret Sharing, the owner's data are secure in the proposed scheme from the inner attack of Secret Sharing. Furthermore, the owner's data can be restored by a few parity data. The evaluations show that our proposed scheme is improved for lightweight, stability, and safety.