Verification of University Student and Graduate Data using Blockchain Technology


  • Yassynzhan Shakan al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Bolatzhan Kumalakov Atyrau Oil and Gas University, 45A Baimukhanov str., Atyrau, Kazakhstan
  • Galimkair Mutanov al-farabi kazakh national university
  • Zhanl Mamykova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Yerlan Kistaubayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Blockchain, smart contract, academic records, verification


Blockchain is a reliable and innovative technology that harnesses education and training through digital technologies. Nonetheless, it has been still an issue keeping track of student/graduate academic achievement and blockchain access rights management. Detailed information about academic performance within a certain period (semester) is not present in the official education documents. Furthermore, academic achievement documents issued by institutions are not secured against unauthorized changes due to the involvement of intermediaries. Therefore, verification of official educational documents has become a pressing issue owing to the recent development of digital technologies. However, effective tools to accelerate the verification are rare as the process takes time. This study provides a prototype of the UniverCert platform based on a consortium version of the decentralized, open-source Ethereum blockchain technology. The proposed platform is based on a globally distributed peer-to-peer network that allows educational institutions to partner with the blockchain network, track student data, verify academic performance, and share documents with other stakeholders. The UniverCert platform was developed on a consortium blockchain architecture to address the problems universities face in storing and securing student data. The system provides a solution to facilitate students’ registration, verification, and authenticity of educational documents.


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