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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 29, 2016

Computation of spatio-temporal parameters in level walking using a single inertial system in lean and obese adolescents

  • Veronica Cimolin EMAIL logo , Paolo Capodaglio , Nicola Cau , Manuela Galli , Cristina Santovito , Alessandra Patrizi , Gabriella Tringali and Alessandro Sartorio


In recent years, the availability of low-cost equipment capable of recording kinematic data during walking has facilitated the outdoor assessment of gait parameters, thus overcoming the limitations of three-dimensional instrumented gait analysis (3D-GA). The aim of this study is twofold: firstly, to investigate whether a single sensor on the lower trunk could provide valid spatio-temporal parameters in level walking in normal-weight and obese adolescents compared to instrumented gait analysis (GA); secondly, to investigate whether the inertial sensor is capable of capturing the spatio-temporal features of obese adolescent gait. These were assessed in 10 obese and 8 non-obese adolescents using both a single inertial sensor on the lower trunk and an optoelectronic system. The parameters obtained were not statistically different in either normal-weight or obese participants between the two methods. Obese adolescents walked with longer stance and double support phase compared to normal-weight participants. The results showed that the inertial system is a valid means of evaluating spatio-temporal parameters in obese individuals.


The authors would like to acknowledge Eng. Lea Caramma for her valuable contribution.


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Received: 2015-9-15
Accepted: 2016-10-27
Published Online: 2016-11-29
Published in Print: 2017-10-26

©2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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