Due to the increasing integration of different disciplines, the complexity in the development of mechatronic production systems is growing. To address this issue, a multi-disciplinary design approach has been proposed, which follows the model-based systems engineering (MBSE) architecture and integrates the interdisciplinary modeling approach SysML4Mechatronics. In this article, the applicability of this approach in the machine and plant manufacturing domain is demonstrated using five use cases. These use cases are derived from industry and are demonstrated in a lab-sized production plant. The results of the application show that the approach can completely fulfil the proposed industrial requirements, namely interdisciplinary modeling, comprehensibility of system modeling, reusability of the modeling components, coupling different engineering models and checking data consistency.
Aufgrund der zunehmenden Integration verschiedener Disziplinen nimmt die Komplexität in der Entwicklung von mechatronischen Produktionssystemen zu. Um dieser Anforderung gerecht zu werden, wurde ein multidisziplinärer Designansatz vorgeschlagen, der auf der Architektur des Model-Based Systems Engineerings (MBSE) basiert und den interdisziplinären Modellierungsansatz SysML4Mechatronics integriert. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Anwendbarkeit dieses Ansatzes im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau anhand von fünf Anwendungsfällen vorgestellt. Diese Anwendungsfälle orientieren sich an einer industriellen Entwicklungsumgebung und werden auf den Demonstrator einer Produktionsanlage angewandt. Das Ergebnis der Umsetzung der Anwendungsfälle zeigt, dass der Entwicklungsprozess die vorgestellten, industriellen Anforderungen dieser Domäne vollständig erfüllt. Dazu gehören Anforderungen zur interdisziplinären Modellierung, zur Verständlichkeit der Systemmodellierung, zur Wiederverwendbarkeit der Modellierungskomponenten, zur Kopplung verschiedener Engineering Modelle und zum Inkonsistenzmanagement.
About the authors

Huaxia Li, M. Sc., graduated in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2016. She is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems at TUM and a member of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 768. Her main research interests are the model-based, cross-disciplinary development of mechatronic systems.

Minjie Zou, M. Sc., graduated in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2016. She is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems at TUM and a member of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 768. Her research interests include applying knowledge-based systems to verify and optimize the interdisciplinary development of automation engineering projects.

Georg Hogrefe, M. Sc. studied mechanical engineering with focus on automation and information systems at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He graduated as Master of Science in 2018. During his master’s thesis he did research on tools for the industrial integration of Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in plant engineering.

Dr.-Ing. Daria Ryashentseva graduated in Automation of technological processes and production from the Southern Federal University, Russian Federation in 2010. She completed her PhD at the Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg in 2016. She is a Postdoc at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems at TUM and manages coordination office of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 768. Her research interests include model-based design as well as distributed and intelligent control systems.

Michael Sollfrank, M. Sc., graduated in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2016. He is a research assist ant at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems at TUM and a member of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 768. His current research interests include the model-based engineering especially model-tool coupling. Other research interests are related to industrial communication.

Gennadiy Koltun, Dipl.-Ing., graduated in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) in 2016. He is a research assistant at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems at TUM and a member of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 768. His main research interests are systems engineering and model of distributed and reliable embedded systems.

Prof. Dr.-Ing Birgit Vogel-Heuser graduated in electrical engineering and received the Ph. D. in mechanical engineering from the RWTH Aachen in 1991. She worked for nearly ten years in industrial automation in the machine and plant manufacturing industry. She is the head of the Institute of Automation and Information Systems at TUM and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 768. Her research work is focused on system and software development, especially the modeling of distributed, intelligent and embedded systems.
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