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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter 2024

Sterbende Städte

Zur Kriegsgegenwart in Stephan Hermlins Zwölf Balladen von den Großen Städten (1945)

From the book Stadt − Krieg − Literatur

  • Nikolas Immer

Zur Kriegsgegenwart in Stephan Hermlins Zwölf Balladen von den Großen Städten (1945)



In Zwölf Balladen von den Großen Städten, Stephan Hermlin evokes the effects of war on urban space. These poems, most of which were written during the author’s exile in Switzerland, address both the pre-war and post-war periods. They focus not only on the precariousness of city dwellers’ lives, but the cities themselves become representative figures embodying the suffering caused by war. In the context of this cycle, Hermlin reflects on the possibility and necessity of new beginnings in language and poetry, most notably in his Ballade von den alten und den neuen Worten.

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