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Kybernetika 55 no. 5, 802-808, 2019

A note on discriminating Poisson processes from other point processes with stationary inter arrival times

Gusztáv Morvai and Benjamin WeissDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2019-5-0802


We give a universal discrimination procedure for determining if a sample point drawn from an ergodic and stationary simple point process on the line with finite intensity comes from a homogeneous Poisson process with an unknown parameter. Presented with the sample on the interval [0,t] the discrimination procedure gt, which is a function of the finite subsets of [0,t], will almost surely eventually stabilize on either POISSON or NOTPOISSON with the first alternative occurring if and only if the process is indeed homogeneous Poisson. The procedure is based on a universal discrimination procedure for the independence of a discrete time series based on the observation of a sequence of outputs of this time series.


Point processes




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