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Active Stateful PCE With Hitless LDPC Code Adaptation [Invited]

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The path computation element (PCE) architecture was originally proposed with a stateless condition, i.e., considering only network reserved resources during constraint-based path computations. More recently, a stateful architecture was introduced to additionally maintain the state of computed and established label switch paths (LSPs). Furthermore, the PCE architecture evolved to active functionality, enabling the PCE to directly issue recommendations to the network. In this study, we present and discuss several use cases where the active stateful architecture can provide some benefits. They include impairment-aware path computations in the context of multirate optical networks, recovery solutions, global defragmentation, and dynamic LSP adaptations. The latter use case is then specifically demonstrated in a network testbed including a flexigrid optical network operated with a multicarrier 1 Tb/s transmission with coherent detection. Novel advanced digital signal processing (DSP) monitoring functionalities are introduced and experimentally demonstrated. These monitoring functionalities are utilized to trigger a new hitless dynamic adaptation technique operating on the applied low-density parity check (LDPC) transmitted coding. The technique has been successfully demonstrated to increase transmission robustness upon impairment degradation, such that no traffic disruption is experienced. Moreover, to accommodate the LSP coding adaptation, network reconfiguration has been performed, successfully driven by the PCE thanks to the active functionality.

© 2014 Optical Society of America

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