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Automated fiber switch with path verification enabled by an AI-powered multi-task mobile robot

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As the capacity of optical transport networks undergoes significant growth, there is an ongoing discussion on how to effectively leverage both spectral and spatial degrees of freedom to scale future network capacity. This paper presents an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered multi-task robot comprising a collaborative robotic arm and a mobile robotic base designed for optical network automation. The robot demonstrates the capability of direct fiber switching, establishing static fiber links that consume zero power and have minimal insertion loss from fiber connectors. As a precautionary measure before physically switching fiber cables, the robot performs path verification by detecting robot-driven events using real-time coherent receivers, aiming to avoid accidental unplugging. Additionally, the robot showcases its mobility by efficiently navigating between different network racks and rooms while executing various tasks. Implementing the automation of network operations using robots has the potential to reduce both capital and operational expenditures.

© 2024 Optica Publishing Group

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