计算机科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 239-244.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.12.043

• 人工智能 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 空军工程大学防空反导学院 西安710051,空军工程大学防空反导学院 西安710051
  • 出版日期:2018-12-01 发布日期:2018-12-01
  • 基金资助:

Decision-theoretic Rough Set Model Based on Weighted Multi-cost

CHEN Yu-jin and LI Xu-wu   

  • Online:2018-12-01 Published:2018-12-01

摘要: 经典决策粗糙集模型仅仅依据单个代价矩阵进行风险决策,没有考虑到风险代价的多样性和复杂性。为了弥补现有模型的不足,首先,从加权投票机制的角度引入基于多重代价融合的风险分析方法 ,提出一种基于加权代价的决策粗糙集方法。然后,研究基于加权代价的决策粗糙集 模型与其他模型的性质和关系,分析它们之间的度量和代价关系 。最后,通过UCI数据集验证该方法的有效性和鲁棒性。

关键词: 决策粗糙集,多重代价,权重,度量

Abstract: Classical decision-theoretic rough set was proposed based on only one cost matrix,which dose not take the diversity and complexity of cost into account.To make up for the shortcomings, a risk analysis method based on multi-cost fusion was introduced and a decision-theoretic rough set method based on weighted multi-cost was proposed. Futher-more,the properties and the relations of these kinds of rough sets were discussed.The measure and cost relations of them were analyzed.Finally,the validity and robustness of the method were verified by UCI dataset.

Key words: Decision-theoretic rough set,Multi-cost,Weight,Measurement

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