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Modelling and Comparative Performance Analysis of a Time-Reversed UWB System


The effects of multipath propagation lead to a significant decrease in system performance in most of the proposed ultra-wideband communication systems. A time-reversed system utilises the multipath channel impulse response to decrease receiver complexity, through a prefiltering at the transmitter. This paper discusses the modelling and comparative performance of a UWB system utilising time-reversed communications. System equations are presented, together with a semianalytical formulation on the level of intersymbol interference and multiuser interference. The standardised IEEE 802.15.3a channel model is applied, and the estimated error performance is compared through simulation with the performance of both time-hopped time-reversed and RAKE-based UWB systems.



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Popovski, K., Wysocki, B.J. & Wysocki, T.A. Modelling and Comparative Performance Analysis of a Time-Reversed UWB System. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 071610 (2007).

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