9 March 2010 Navigated tracking of skin lesion progression with optical spectroscopy
Alexandru Duliu, Tobias Lasser, Thomas Wendler, Asad Safi, Sibylle Ziegler, Nassir Navab
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Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) is a cancer type externally characterized by alterations in the coloring of skin. Optical spectroscopy has been proposed for quantification of minimal changes in skin offering itself as an interesting tool for monitoring of CTCL in real-time. However, in order to be used in a valid way, measurements on the lesions have to be taken at the same position and with the same orientation in each session. Combining hand-held optical spectroscopy devices with tracking and acquiring synchronously spectral information with position and orientation, we introduce a novel computer-assisted scheme for valid spectral quantification of disease progression. We further present an implementation for an augmented reality guidance system that allows to find a point previously analyzed with an accuracy of 0.8[mm] and 5.0[deg] (vs. 1.6[mm] and 6.6[deg] without guidance). The intuitive guidance, as well as the preliminary results shows that the presented approach has great potential towards innovative computer-assistance methods for quantification of disease progression.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexandru Duliu, Tobias Lasser, Thomas Wendler, Asad Safi, Sibylle Ziegler, and Nassir Navab "Navigated tracking of skin lesion progression with optical spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 7624, Medical Imaging 2010: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 76243P (9 March 2010);
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Optical tracking

Optical spectroscopy

Augmented reality



Imaging systems

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